C++ | 861 lines | 651 code | 166 blank | 44 comment | 157 complexity | c0f77420163ea37a1eaff8cce4192b8a MD5 | raw file
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include "cv.h"
- #include "highgui.h"
- #include "cvcam.h"
- #include "RPSGame.h"
- #include <string>
- #include <iostream>
- const int DiffThreshold = 40;
- const double mhiDuration = 1500.0;
- const double ProcentOfPoints = 0.25;
- int BufferSize = 10;
- const int MaxBufferSize = 25;
- const int AuthenticFrameThreshold = 100;
- bool TimeToStopCapture = false;
- enum Modes
- {
- Undefined, Intro, MoveSelection, MoveShowing, Settings
- };
- enum Buttons
- {
- NoButton, Start, Exit, RockButton, PaperButton, ScissorsButton, SettingsButton,
- InfoButton, SpeedButton, ResolutionButton
- };
- enum Resolutions
- {
- r640, r800, r1024
- };
- void UpdateMHIImages(IplImage *pMHI, IplImage *pGrayMHI, IplImage *pImage, IplImage *pLastImage)
- {
- IplImage *pGrayImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(pImage->width, pImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
- IplImage *pGrayImageLast = cvCreateImage(cvSize(pImage->width, pImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
- IplImage *pTempDifference = cvCreateImage( cvSize(pImage->width, pImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
- cvCvtColor( pImage, pGrayImage, CV_BGR2GRAY );
- cvCvtColor( pLastImage, pGrayImageLast, CV_BGR2GRAY );
- cvAbsDiff( pGrayImage, pGrayImageLast, pTempDifference );
- cvFlip( pTempDifference, pTempDifference , 0 );
- //cvFlip( pGrayImageLast, pGrayImageLast , -1 );
- cvThreshold( pTempDifference, pTempDifference, DiffThreshold, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY );
- double timestamp = static_cast<double>(clock());
- cvUpdateMotionHistory( pTempDifference, pMHI, timestamp, mhiDuration );
- for (int i = 0; i < pGrayMHI->imageSize; i++)
- {
- if (pMHI->imageData[i*4] || pMHI->imageData[i*4+1] || pMHI->imageData[i*4+2] || pMHI->imageData[i*4+3])
- {
- pGrayMHI->imageData[i] = static_cast<char>(255);
- }
- else
- {
- pGrayMHI->imageData[i] = 0;
- };
- };
- if (pGrayImage != 0)
- {
- cvReleaseImage(&pGrayImage);
- };
- if (pGrayImageLast != 0)
- {
- cvReleaseImage(&pGrayImageLast);
- };
- if (pTempDifference != 0)
- {
- cvReleaseImage(&pTempDifference);
- };
- };
- Buttons GetButton(IplImage *pGrayMHI, Modes Mode, int SubImageWidth, int SubImageHeight, int HStepLength, int VStepLength, IplImage *pImage)
- {
- CvRect RectROI;
- bool bStart;
- bool bExit;
- bool bSettings;
- bool bRock;
- bool bPaper;
- bool bScissors;
- bool bInfo;
- bool bSpeed;
- bool bResolution;
- if (Mode == Intro)
- {
- //Check sequentially start and exit button
- //start
- RectROI = cvRect(HStepLength, /*pGrayMHI->height - SubImageHeight - VStepLength*/SubImageHeight + VStepLength, SubImageWidth, SubImageHeight);
- cvSetImageROI(pGrayMHI, RectROI);
- bStart = cvCountNonZero(pGrayMHI) >= ProcentOfPoints*SubImageWidth*SubImageHeight;
- cvResetImageROI(pGrayMHI);
- //settings
- RectROI = cvRect(HStepLength*2 + SubImageWidth, /*pGrayMHI->height - SubImageHeight - VStepLength*/ SubImageHeight + VStepLength, SubImageWidth, SubImageHeight);
- cvSetImageROI(pGrayMHI, RectROI);
- bSettings = cvCountNonZero(pGrayMHI) >= ProcentOfPoints*SubImageWidth*SubImageHeight;
- cvResetImageROI(pGrayMHI);
- //exit
- RectROI = cvRect(HStepLength*3 + SubImageWidth*2, /*pGrayMHI->height - SubImageHeight - VStepLength*/ SubImageHeight + VStepLength, SubImageWidth, SubImageHeight);
- cvSetImageROI(pGrayMHI, RectROI);
- bExit = cvCountNonZero(pGrayMHI) >= ProcentOfPoints*SubImageWidth*SubImageHeight;
- cvResetImageROI(pGrayMHI);
- if (bStart && !bExit && !bSettings)
- {
- return Start;
- };
- if (bExit && !bStart &&!bSettings)
- {
- return Exit;
- };
- if (bSettings && !bExit && !bStart)
- {
- return SettingsButton;
- };
- };
- if (Mode == MoveSelection)
- {
- //Check r, p, s, exit
- //Rock
- RectROI = cvRect(HStepLength, /*pGrayMHI->height - SubImageHeight - VStepLength*/SubImageHeight + VStepLength, SubImageWidth, SubImageHeight);
- cvSetImageROI(pGrayMHI, RectROI);
- bRock = cvCountNonZero(pGrayMHI) >= ProcentOfPoints*SubImageWidth*SubImageHeight;
- cvResetImageROI(pGrayMHI);
- //Paper
- RectROI = cvRect(HStepLength*2 + SubImageWidth, /*pGrayMHI->height - SubImageHeight - VStepLength*/SubImageHeight + VStepLength, SubImageWidth, SubImageHeight);
- cvSetImageROI(pGrayMHI, RectROI);
- bPaper = cvCountNonZero(pGrayMHI) >= ProcentOfPoints*SubImageWidth*SubImageHeight;
- cvResetImageROI(pGrayMHI);
- //Scissors
- RectROI = cvRect(HStepLength*3 + SubImageWidth*2, /*pGrayMHI->height - SubImageHeight - VStepLength*/SubImageHeight + VStepLength, SubImageWidth, SubImageHeight);
- cvSetImageROI(pGrayMHI, RectROI);
- bScissors = cvCountNonZero(pGrayMHI) >= ProcentOfPoints*SubImageWidth*SubImageHeight;
- cvResetImageROI(pGrayMHI);
- //Exit
- RectROI = cvRect(HStepLength*4 + SubImageWidth*3, /*pGrayMHI->height - SubImageHeight - VStepLength*/SubImageHeight + VStepLength, SubImageWidth, SubImageHeight);
- cvSetImageROI(pGrayMHI, RectROI);
- bExit = cvCountNonZero(pGrayMHI) >= ProcentOfPoints*SubImageWidth*SubImageHeight;
- cvResetImageROI(pGrayMHI);
- if (bRock && !bPaper && !bScissors && !bExit)
- {
- return RockButton;
- };
- if (!bRock && bPaper && !bScissors && !bExit)
- {
- return PaperButton;
- };
- if (!bRock && !bPaper && bScissors && !bExit)
- {
- return ScissorsButton;
- };
- if (!bRock && !bPaper && !bScissors && bExit)
- {
- return Exit;
- };
- };
- if (Mode == Settings)
- {
- //Info
- RectROI = cvRect(HStepLength, /*pGrayMHI->height - SubImageHeight - VStepLength*/SubImageHeight + VStepLength, SubImageWidth, SubImageHeight);
- cvSetImageROI(pGrayMHI, RectROI);
- bInfo = cvCountNonZero(pGrayMHI) >= ProcentOfPoints*SubImageWidth*SubImageHeight;
- cvResetImageROI(pGrayMHI);
- //Resolution
- RectROI = cvRect(HStepLength*2 + SubImageWidth, /*pGrayMHI->height - SubImageHeight - VStepLength*/SubImageHeight + VStepLength, SubImageWidth, SubImageHeight);
- cvSetImageROI(pGrayMHI, RectROI);
- bResolution = cvCountNonZero(pGrayMHI) >= ProcentOfPoints*SubImageWidth*SubImageHeight;
- cvResetImageROI(pGrayMHI);
- //Response
- RectROI = cvRect(HStepLength*3 + SubImageWidth*2, /*pGrayMHI->height - SubImageHeight - VStepLength*/SubImageHeight + VStepLength, SubImageWidth, SubImageHeight);
- cvSetImageROI(pGrayMHI, RectROI);
- bSpeed = cvCountNonZero(pGrayMHI) >= ProcentOfPoints*SubImageWidth*SubImageHeight;
- cvResetImageROI(pGrayMHI);
- //Exit
- RectROI = cvRect(HStepLength*4 + SubImageWidth*3, /*pGrayMHI->height - SubImageHeight - VStepLength*/SubImageHeight + VStepLength, SubImageWidth, SubImageHeight);
- cvSetImageROI(pGrayMHI, RectROI);
- bExit = cvCountNonZero(pGrayMHI) >= ProcentOfPoints*SubImageWidth*SubImageHeight;
- cvResetImageROI(pGrayMHI);
- if (bInfo && !bResolution && !bSpeed && !bExit)
- {
- return InfoButton;
- };
- if (!bInfo && bResolution && !bSpeed && !bExit)
- {
- return ResolutionButton;
- };
- if (!bInfo && !bResolution && bSpeed && !bExit)
- {
- return SpeedButton;
- };
- if (!bInfo && !bResolution && !bSpeed && bExit)
- {
- return Exit;
- };
- };
- return NoButton;
- };
- void Process(CvCapture* pCapture)
- {
- int ComputerWon = 0;
- int HumanWon = 0;
- Modes Mode = Intro;
- IplImage *pRock = cvLoadImage( "..\\rps\\pix\\rock.bmp", 1 );
- IplImage *pPaper = cvLoadImage( "..\\rps\\pix\\paper.bmp", 1);
- IplImage *pScissors = cvLoadImage( "..\\rps\\pix\\scissors.bmp", 1);
- IplImage *pExit = cvLoadImage( "..\\rps\\pix\\exit.bmp", 1);
- IplImage *pStart = cvLoadImage( "..\\rps\\pix\\start.bmp", 1 );
- IplImage *pSettings = cvLoadImage( "..\\rps\\pix\\settings.bmp", 1 );
- IplImage *pInfo = cvLoadImage( "..\\rps\\pix\\info.bmp", 1);
- IplImage *pResolution = cvLoadImage( "..\\rps\\pix\\resolution.bmp", 1 );
- IplImage *pSpeed = cvLoadImage( "..\\rps\\pix\\speed.bmp", 1 );
- cvFlip( pRock, NULL, 0);
- cvFlip( pPaper, NULL, 0);
- cvFlip( pScissors, NULL, 0);
- cvFlip( pExit, NULL, 0);
- cvFlip( pStart, NULL, 0);
- cvFlip( pSettings, NULL, 0);
- cvFlip( pInfo, NULL, 0);
- cvFlip( pResolution, NULL, 0);
- cvFlip( pSpeed, NULL, 0);
- //Sizes of the full image
- int Width = 0;
- int Height = 0;
- //Sizes of button for the case of mode = MoveSelection
- int WidthButtonSelection;
- int HeightButtonSelection;
- int StepLengthSelection;
- int StepLengthIntro;
- //MHI images: pBlackWhiteMHI is black and white MHI for internal purposes
- IplImage * pBlackWhiteMHI = 0;
- //MHI image
- IplImage * pMHI = 0;
- IplImage *pLastImage = 0;
- Modes *BufferModes = new Modes[MaxBufferSize];
- Buttons *BufferButtons = new Buttons[MaxBufferSize];
- int LastIndex = -1;
- for (int index = 0; index < MaxBufferSize; index++)
- {
- BufferModes[index] = Undefined;
- BufferButtons[index] = NoButton;
- };
- int FrameCounter = 0;
- int FrameToSave = 0;
- RPSMove ComputerMove;
- RPSMove HumanMove;
- //Current distribution
- float fPaper;
- float fRock;
- float fScissors;
- SetRandomDistribution();
- bool NeedToShowDistribution = false;
- Resolutions Resolution = r640;
- bool RecreateImages = false;
- //Set the current distribution
- GetCurrentDistribution(fRock, fPaper, fScissors);
- CvFont font;
- cvInitFont( &font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX , 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 3);
- while (!TimeToStopCapture)
- {
- IplImage* pImage2;
- IplImage* pImage;
- if( !cvGrabFrame( pCapture ))
- {
- TimeToStopCapture = true;
- continue;
- };
- pImage2 = cvRetrieveFrame( pCapture );
- switch (Resolution)
- {
- case r640:
- pImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize( 640,480 ), pImage2->depth, pImage2->nChannels );
- break;
- case r800:
- pImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize( 800,600 ), pImage2->depth, pImage2->nChannels );
- break;
- case r1024:
- pImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize( 1024,768 ), pImage2->depth, pImage2->nChannels );
- break;
- default:
- pImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize( 640,480 ), pImage2->depth, pImage2->nChannels );
- break;
- };
- pImage->origin = 1;
- cvResize(pImage2, pImage);
- //cvResize(pImage, pImage);
- cvFlip(pImage, 0, 1);
- if (!pMHI)
- {
- Width = pImage->width;
- Height = pImage->height;
- WidthButtonSelection = pRock->width;
- HeightButtonSelection = pRock->height;
- StepLengthSelection = (Width - 4*WidthButtonSelection) / 5;
- StepLengthIntro = (Width - 3*WidthButtonSelection) / 4;
- pMHI = cvCreateImage( cvSize( Width,Height ), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );
- cvZero( pMHI );
- pBlackWhiteMHI = cvCreateImage( cvSize( Width,Height ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
- cvZero( pBlackWhiteMHI );
- pLastImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize( Width,Height ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
- cvZero( pLastImage );
- };
- UpdateMHIImages(pMHI, pBlackWhiteMHI, pImage, pLastImage);
- cvCopy(pImage, pLastImage);
- CvRect RectROI;
- if (FrameCounter >= AuthenticFrameThreshold)
- {
- char buffer[256];
- switch (Mode)
- {
- case Intro:
- //Show start and exit on the top of the screen
- //Start
- RectROI = cvRect(StepLengthIntro, Height - StepLengthSelection/2 - HeightButtonSelection, WidthButtonSelection, HeightButtonSelection);
- cvSetImageROI(pImage, RectROI);
- cvCopy( pStart, pImage );
- cvResetImageROI(pImage);
- //Settings
- RectROI = cvRect(StepLengthIntro*2 + WidthButtonSelection, Height - StepLengthSelection/2 - HeightButtonSelection, WidthButtonSelection, HeightButtonSelection);
- cvSetImageROI(pImage, RectROI);
- cvCopy( pSettings, pImage );
- cvResetImageROI(pImage);
- //Exit
- RectROI = cvRect(StepLengthIntro*3 + WidthButtonSelection*2, Height - StepLengthSelection/2 - HeightButtonSelection, WidthButtonSelection, HeightButtonSelection);
- cvSetImageROI(pImage, RectROI);
- cvCopy( pExit, pImage );
- cvResetImageROI(pImage);
- break;
- case Settings:
- //Info
- RectROI = cvRect(StepLengthSelection, Height - StepLengthSelection/2 - HeightButtonSelection, WidthButtonSelection, HeightButtonSelection);
- cvSetImageROI(pImage, RectROI);
- cvCopy( pInfo, pImage );
- cvResetImageROI(pImage);
- //Resolution
- RectROI = cvRect(StepLengthSelection*2 + WidthButtonSelection, Height - StepLengthSelection/2 - HeightButtonSelection, WidthButtonSelection, HeightButtonSelection);
- cvSetImageROI(pImage, RectROI);
- cvCopy( pResolution, pImage );
- cvResetImageROI(pImage);
- //Speed
- RectROI = cvRect(StepLengthSelection*3 + WidthButtonSelection*2, Height - StepLengthSelection/2 - HeightButtonSelection, WidthButtonSelection, HeightButtonSelection);
- cvSetImageROI(pImage, RectROI);
- cvCopy( pSpeed, pImage );
- cvResetImageROI(pImage);
- //Exit
- RectROI = cvRect(StepLengthSelection*4 + WidthButtonSelection*3, Height - StepLengthSelection/2 - HeightButtonSelection, WidthButtonSelection, HeightButtonSelection);
- cvSetImageROI(pImage, RectROI);
- cvCopy( pExit, pImage );
- cvResetImageROI(pImage);
- //Show text information about selected options
- if (true)
- {
- sprintf(buffer, "Show distribution: %s", (NeedToShowDistribution)?("yes"):("no"));
- std::string ShowDistribution = buffer;
- switch (Resolution)
- {
- case r640:
- sprintf(buffer, "Resolution: 640*480" );
- break;
- case r800:
- sprintf(buffer, "Resolution: 800*600" );
- break;
- case r1024:
- sprintf(buffer, "Resolution: 1024*768" );
- break;
- default:
- sprintf(buffer, "Resolution: 640*480" );
- break;
- };
- std::string Resolution = buffer;
- sprintf(buffer, "Motion duration (response): %i", BufferSize);
- std::string MotionDuration = buffer;
- cvPutText( pImage, ShowDistribution.c_str(), cvPoint(StepLengthSelection, Height - StepLengthSelection/2 - HeightButtonSelection*3+60), &font, CV_RGB(255,255,255) );
- cvPutText( pImage, Resolution.c_str(), cvPoint(StepLengthSelection, Height - StepLengthSelection/2 - HeightButtonSelection*3+30), &font, CV_RGB(255,255,255) );
- cvPutText( pImage, MotionDuration.c_str(), cvPoint(StepLengthSelection, Height - StepLengthSelection/2 - HeightButtonSelection*3), &font, CV_RGB(255,255,255) );
- };
- break;
- case MoveSelection:
- case MoveShowing:
- //Show r, p, s on the top of the screen
- //Rock
- RectROI = cvRect(StepLengthSelection, Height - StepLengthSelection/2 - HeightButtonSelection, WidthButtonSelection, HeightButtonSelection);
- cvSetImageROI(pImage, RectROI);
- cvCopy( pRock, pImage );
- cvResetImageROI(pImage);
- //Paper
- RectROI = cvRect(StepLengthSelection*2 + WidthButtonSelection, Height - StepLengthSelection/2 - HeightButtonSelection, WidthButtonSelection, HeightButtonSelection);
- cvSetImageROI(pImage, RectROI);
- cvCopy( pPaper, pImage );
- cvResetImageROI(pImage);
- //Scissors
- RectROI = cvRect(StepLengthSelection*3 + WidthButtonSelection*2, Height - StepLengthSelection/2 - HeightButtonSelection, WidthButtonSelection, HeightButtonSelection);
- cvSetImageROI(pImage, RectROI);
- cvCopy( pScissors, pImage );
- cvResetImageROI(pImage);
- //Exit
- RectROI = cvRect(StepLengthSelection*4 + WidthButtonSelection*3, Height - StepLengthSelection/2 - HeightButtonSelection, WidthButtonSelection, HeightButtonSelection);
- cvSetImageROI(pImage, RectROI);
- cvCopy( pExit, pImage );
- cvResetImageROI(pImage);
- if ((Mode == MoveSelection)&&(NeedToShowDistribution))
- {
- sprintf(buffer, "Rock: %.3f", fRock);
- std::string RockStr = buffer;
- sprintf(buffer, "Paper: %.3f", fPaper);
- std::string PaperStr = buffer;
- sprintf(buffer, "Scissors: %.3f", fScissors);
- std::string ScissorsStr = buffer;
- //Show probability distribution
- cvPutText( pImage, RockStr.c_str(), cvPoint(StepLengthSelection, Height - StepLengthSelection/2 - HeightButtonSelection*3), &font, CV_RGB(255,255,255) );
- cvPutText( pImage, PaperStr.c_str(), cvPoint(StepLengthSelection, Height - StepLengthSelection/2 - HeightButtonSelection*3+30), &font, CV_RGB(255,255,255) );
- cvPutText( pImage, ScissorsStr.c_str(), cvPoint(StepLengthSelection, Height - StepLengthSelection/2 - HeightButtonSelection*3+60), &font, CV_RGB(255,255,255) );
- };
- if (Mode == MoveShowing)
- {
- //Show selected moves on the screen
- IplImage *pComputerMove;
- IplImage *pHumanMove;
- switch (ComputerMove)
- {
- case Rock:
- pComputerMove = pRock;
- break;
- case Paper:
- pComputerMove = pPaper;
- break;
- case Scissors:
- pComputerMove = pScissors;
- break;
- };
- switch (HumanMove)
- {
- case Rock:
- pHumanMove = pRock;
- break;
- case Paper:
- pHumanMove = pPaper;
- break;
- case Scissors:
- pHumanMove = pScissors;
- break;
- };
- //Human's move
- RectROI = cvRect(StepLengthSelection*2 + WidthButtonSelection, Height - StepLengthSelection/2 - HeightButtonSelection*3, WidthButtonSelection, HeightButtonSelection);
- cvSetImageROI(pImage, RectROI);
- cvCopy( pHumanMove, pImage );
- cvResetImageROI(pImage);
- //Computer's move
- RectROI = cvRect(StepLengthSelection*3 + WidthButtonSelection*2, Height - StepLengthSelection/2 - HeightButtonSelection*3, WidthButtonSelection, HeightButtonSelection);
- cvSetImageROI(pImage, RectROI);
- cvCopy( pComputerMove, pImage );
- cvResetImageROI(pImage);
- if (FrameCounter - FrameToSave > BufferSize*2)
- {
- Mode = MoveSelection;
- //Set the current distribution
- GetCurrentDistribution(fRock, fPaper, fScissors);
- };
- };
- //Show the score
- char buffer[256];
- std::string HumanStr = "Human: ";
- itoa(HumanWon, buffer, 10);
- HumanStr += buffer;
- std::string ComputerStr = "Computer: ";
- itoa(ComputerWon, buffer, 10);
- ComputerStr += buffer;
- cvPutText( pImage, HumanStr.c_str(), cvPoint(StepLengthSelection, 30), &font, CV_RGB(255,255,255) );
- cvPutText( pImage, ComputerStr.c_str(), cvPoint(StepLengthSelection*3 + WidthButtonSelection*2, 30), &font, CV_RGB(255,255,255) );
- break;
- };
- };
- Buttons CurrentButton = GetButton(pBlackWhiteMHI, Mode, WidthButtonSelection, HeightButtonSelection,
- (Mode == Intro)?(StepLengthIntro):(StepLengthSelection), StepLengthSelection/2, pImage);
- bool InfoAuthentic = true;
- if (FrameCounter < AuthenticFrameThreshold)
- {
- InfoAuthentic = false;
- };
- for (int index = 0; (index < BufferSize)&&(InfoAuthentic); index ++)
- {
- if (BufferModes[index] != Mode)
- {
- InfoAuthentic = false;
- };
- if (BufferButtons[index] != CurrentButton)
- {
- InfoAuthentic = false;
- };
- };
- if (Mode == Intro)
- {
- if ((CurrentButton == Start) && InfoAuthentic)
- {
- Mode = MoveSelection;
- };
- if ((CurrentButton == SettingsButton) && InfoAuthentic)
- {
- Mode = Settings;
- };
- if ((CurrentButton == Exit) && InfoAuthentic)
- {
- TimeToStopCapture = true;
- };
- }
- else
- {
- if (Mode == MoveSelection)
- {
- if ((CurrentButton == Exit) && InfoAuthentic)
- {
- Mode = Intro;
- ComputerWon = 0;
- HumanWon = 0;
- SetRandomDistribution();
- GetCurrentDistribution(fRock, fPaper, fScissors);
- cvZero(pMHI);
- };
- if ((CurrentButton == RockButton) && InfoAuthentic)
- {
- HumanMove = Rock;
- };
- if ((CurrentButton == PaperButton) && InfoAuthentic)
- {
- HumanMove = Paper;
- };
- if ((CurrentButton == ScissorsButton) && InfoAuthentic)
- {
- HumanMove = Scissors;
- };
- if (((CurrentButton == RockButton)||(CurrentButton == PaperButton)
- ||(CurrentButton == ScissorsButton)) && InfoAuthentic)
- {
- Mode = MoveShowing;
- ComputerMove = GetNextMove(HumanMove);
- FrameToSave = FrameCounter;
- //Who won?
- if ((ComputerMove == HumanMove+1) || ((ComputerMove == Rock)&&(HumanMove == Scissors)))
- {
- ComputerWon++;
- };
- if ((HumanMove == ComputerMove+1) || ((HumanMove == Rock)&&(ComputerMove == Scissors)))
- {
- HumanWon++;
- };
- };
- }
- else
- if (Mode == Settings)
- {
- if ((CurrentButton == Exit) && InfoAuthentic)
- {
- Mode = Intro;
- ComputerWon = 0;
- HumanWon = 0;
- SetRandomDistribution();
- GetCurrentDistribution(fRock, fPaper, fScissors);
- cvZero(pMHI);
- RecreateImages = true;
- };
- if ((CurrentButton == InfoButton) && InfoAuthentic)
- {
- NeedToShowDistribution = !NeedToShowDistribution;
- RecreateImages = true;
- };
- if ((CurrentButton == SpeedButton) && InfoAuthentic)
- {
- BufferSize = (BufferSize-1+5)%MaxBufferSize + 1;
- cvZero(pMHI);
- RecreateImages = true;
- };
- if ((CurrentButton == ResolutionButton) && InfoAuthentic)
- {
- switch (Resolution)
- {
- case r640:
- Resolution = r800;
- break;
- case r800:
- Resolution = r1024;
- break;
- case r1024:
- Resolution = r640;
- break;
- };
- RecreateImages = true;
- };
- };
- };
- cvShowImage("RPS Game", pImage);
- //cvShowImage("RPS Game 2", pBlackWhiteMHI);
- LastIndex = (LastIndex + 1)%BufferSize;
- BufferModes[LastIndex] = Mode;
- BufferButtons[LastIndex] = CurrentButton;
- FrameCounter++;
- if (pImage)
- {
- cvReleaseImage( &pImage );
- };
- if (RecreateImages)
- {
- if (pMHI)
- {
- cvReleaseImage( &pMHI );
- pMHI = 0;
- };
- if (pBlackWhiteMHI)
- {
- cvReleaseImage( &pBlackWhiteMHI );
- pBlackWhiteMHI = 0;
- };
- if (pLastImage)
- {
- cvReleaseImage( &pLastImage);
- pLastImage = 0;
- };
- RecreateImages = false;
- };
- cvWaitKey(1);
- };
- if (pRock)
- {
- cvReleaseImage( &pRock );
- };
- if (pPaper)
- {
- cvReleaseImage( &pPaper );
- };
- if (pScissors)
- {
- cvReleaseImage( &pScissors );
- };
- if (pExit)
- {
- cvReleaseImage( &pExit );
- };
- if (pStart)
- {
- cvReleaseImage( &pStart );
- };
- if (pMHI)
- {
- cvReleaseImage( &pMHI );
- };
- if (pBlackWhiteMHI)
- {
- cvReleaseImage( &pBlackWhiteMHI );
- };
- if (pLastImage)
- {
- cvReleaseImage( &pLastImage );
- };
- if (BufferModes)
- {
- delete[] BufferModes;
- };
- if (BufferButtons)
- {
- delete[] BufferButtons;
- };
- if (pInfo)
- {
- cvReleaseImage( &pInfo);
- };
- if (pResolution)
- {
- cvReleaseImage(&pResolution);
- };
- if (pSpeed)
- {
- cvReleaseImage(&pSpeed);
- };
- };
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- std::cout << "List of connected cameras:\n";
- int ncams = cvcamGetCamerasCount();
- int camera;
- for (camera = 0; camera < ncams; camera++)
- {
- CameraDescription CDesrp;
- cvcamGetProperty(camera, CVCAM_DESCRIPTION, &CDesrp);
- std::cout << camera << ". " <<CDesrp.DeviceDescription << "\n";
- };
- std::cout << "\nDefault camera is 0. \nIf you want to use another camera please run \nthe application with parameter \"camera index\".\n";
- std::cout << "\nTo exit the application please select exit icon\nin the visual menu.\n";
- std::cout << "\nThe application works correct when a folder \n..\\RPS\\pix exists.\n";
- int NumberOfCamera = 0;
- if (argc == 2)
- {
- NumberOfCamera = atoi(argv[1]);
- };
- cvNamedWindow( "RPS Game", 1 );
- //cvNamedWindow( "RPS Game 2", 1 );
- CvCapture* pCapture = cvCaptureFromCAM(NumberOfCamera);
- cvSetCaptureProperty(pCapture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 640 );
- cvSetCaptureProperty(pCapture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 480);
- Process(pCapture);
- if (pCapture)
- {
- cvReleaseCapture(&pCapture);
- };
- return 0;
- };