ActionScript | 521 lines | 383 code | 63 blank | 75 comment | 49 complexity | daa230d41157966776b03be39c819117 MD5 | raw file
- package b2_ludus
- {
- import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2PolygonShape;
- import Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2;
- import Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body;
- import Box2D.Dynamics.b2BodyDef;
- import Box2D.Dynamics.b2FixtureDef;
- import Box2D.Dynamics.b2World;
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.MovieClip;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.TimerEvent;
- import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import flash.utils.Timer;
- /**
- * @author Ludus Team
- */
- //this class is on charge of creating the tank.
- public class b2_tank extends Sprite
- {
- private var globals:b2_globals = new b2_globals();
- private var world:b2_world;
- private var xpos:Number;
- private var ypos:Number;
- private var track_xpos:Number;
- private var track_ypos:Number;
- //bodies
- private var _tank:b2Body;
- private var _rightWheel:b2Body;
- private var _leftWheel:b2Body;
- private var _bullet:b2Body;
- //mcs
- private var _tank_mc:MovieClip;
- private var _rightWheel_mc:Sprite;
- private var _leftWheel_mc:Sprite;
- private var _bullet_mc:Sprite;
- //shooting variables
- private var _shootCannonRight:Boolean = true;
- private var _shootCannonLeft:Boolean = false;
- private var bullet_ready:Boolean = true;
- private var bullet_on_stage:Boolean = false;
- private var bullet_damage:int = 25;
- private var cant_bullet_shoot:int = 0;
- private var myTimer:Timer;
- private var bulletforce:b2Vec2;
- private var bulletSpeed:Number = 20;
- private var charingTime:int = 5;
- private var _cant_bullet:int = 10;
- private var _shootRLRight:Boolean = true;
- private var _shootRLLeft:Boolean = false;
- private var launchPos:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(0, 0);
- private var launchForce:b2Vec2;
- private var rocket_ready:Boolean = true;
- private var rocket_on_stage:Boolean = false;
- private var rocket_damage:int = 15;
- private var cant_rocket_shoot:int = 0;
- private var cant_rocket:int = 5;
- //tank information
- private var controlPanel:b2_controlPanel;
- private var healthbar:b2_healthbar;
- private var type:String;
- private var _life:int = 100;
- public function b2_tank(type:int = 0){
- //hit_tank = new b2_contact();
- if(type == 1){
- //red tank
- this.type = "red";
- _tank_mc = new redTank_mc();
- _rightWheel_mc = new redWheel_mc();
- _leftWheel_mc = new redWheel_mc();
- _bullet_mc = new redBullet_mc();
- controlPanel = new b2_controlPanel(0xff3636);
- controlPanel.x = 200;
- controlPanel.y = 5;
- healthbar = new b2_healthbar();
- }else if(type == 2){
- //blue tank
- this.type = "blue";
- _tank_mc = new blueTank_mc();
- _rightWheel_mc = new blueWheel_mc();
- _leftWheel_mc = new blueWheel_mc();
- _bullet_mc = new blueBullet_mc();
- controlPanel = new b2_controlPanel(0x36bfff);
- controlPanel.x = 285;
- controlPanel.y = 5;
- healthbar = new b2_healthbar();
- }
- //drop shadow
- /*
- var dropShadow:DropShadowFilter = new DropShadowFilter();
- dropShadow.distance = 20;
- dropShadow.angle = 10;
- dropShadow.color = 0x000000;
- dropShadow.alpha = 1;
- dropShadow.blurX = 1.75;
- dropShadow.blurY = 1.75;
- dropShadow.strength = 0.35;
- dropShadow.quality = 15;
- dropShadow.inner = false;
- dropShadow.knockout = false;
- dropShadow.hideObject = false;
- tank_mc.filters = new Array(dropShadow);
- */
- //addChild(cannon_mc);
- //addChild(rl_mc);
- addChild(rightWheel_mc);
- addChild(leftWheel_mc);
- addChild(tank_mc);
- addChild(controlPanel);
- addChild(healthbar);
- }
- public function createTank(world:b2_world, xpos:Number, ypos:Number, track_xpos:Number, track_ypos:Number):void{
- this.world = world;
- this.xpos = xpos;
- this.ypos = ypos;
- this.track_xpos = track_xpos;
- this.track_ypos = track_ypos;
- //create the tank body
- create_tankBody();
- //create the right wheel
- create_rightWheel();
- //create the left wheel
- create_leftWheel();
- //create the tracks
- create_Track();
- }
- //create the tank body
- private function create_tankBody():void{
- //body definition
- var body_def:b2BodyDef = new b2BodyDef();
- body_def.position.Set(xpos / globals.WORLD_SCALE, ypos / globals.WORLD_SCALE);
- body_def.type = b2Body.b2_dynamicBody;
- //vertex upper body
- var p1:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(-16 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 3 / globals.WORLD_SCALE);
- var p2:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(-13 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, -10 / globals.WORLD_SCALE);
- var p3:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(13 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, -10 / globals.WORLD_SCALE);
- var p4:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(16 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 3 / globals.WORLD_SCALE);
- var vertices:Array = [p1, p2, p3, p4];
- //upper body shape
- var upperBody_shape:b2PolygonShape = new b2PolygonShape();
- upperBody_shape.SetAsArray(vertices);
- //upper body fixture
- var upperBody_fix:b2FixtureDef = new b2FixtureDef();
- upperBody_fix.shape = upperBody_shape;
- upperBody_fix.density = 1;
- //upper body shape coordinates
- var p5:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(-25 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 3 / globals.WORLD_SCALE);
- var p6:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(25 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 3 / globals.WORLD_SCALE);
- var p7:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(25 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 6 / globals.WORLD_SCALE);
- var p8:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(-25 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 6 / globals.WORLD_SCALE);
- var vertices2:Array = [p5, p6, p7, p8];
- //botton body shape
- var bottonBody_shape:b2PolygonShape = new b2PolygonShape();
- bottonBody_shape.SetAsArray(vertices2);
- //botton body fixture
- var bottonBody_fix:b2FixtureDef = new b2FixtureDef();
- bottonBody_fix.shape = bottonBody_shape;
- bottonBody_fix.density = 1;
- //finish tank body
- _tank = world.CreateBody(body_def);
- _tank.CreateFixture(upperBody_fix);
- _tank.CreateFixture(bottonBody_fix);
- _tank.SetUserData(type);
- }
- //create the right wheel
- private function create_rightWheel():void{
- _rightWheel = new b2_wheel().createWheel(world, tank,
- tank.GetPosition().x + (15 / globals.WORLD_SCALE),
- tank.GetPosition().y + (20 / globals.WORLD_SCALE),
- (7.5 / globals.WORLD_SCALE), type);
- }
- //create the left wheel
- private function create_leftWheel():void{
- _leftWheel = new b2_wheel().createWheel(world, tank,
- tank.GetPosition().x - (15 / globals.WORLD_SCALE),
- tank.GetPosition().y + (20 / globals.WORLD_SCALE),
- (7.5 / globals.WORLD_SCALE), type);
- }
- //create the tracks
- private function create_Track():void{
- var tracks:b2_tracks = new b2_tracks(world, tank, 5, 1.5, 25, 16, 1, 2, 0, track_xpos, track_ypos, type);
- }
- //update the tank, cannon and wheels movies clips
- public function update_mc():void{
- tank_mc.x = tank.GetPosition().x * globals.WORLD_SCALE;
- tank_mc.y = tank.GetPosition().y * globals.WORLD_SCALE;
- tank_mc.rotationZ = (tank.GetAngle() / (Math.PI / 180));
- rightWheel_mc.x = rightWheel.GetPosition().x * globals.WORLD_SCALE;
- rightWheel_mc.y = rightWheel.GetPosition().y * globals.WORLD_SCALE;
- rightWheel_mc.rotationZ = (rightWheel.GetAngle() / (Math.PI / 180));
- leftWheel_mc.x = leftWheel.GetPosition().x * globals.WORLD_SCALE;
- leftWheel_mc.y = leftWheel.GetPosition().y * globals.WORLD_SCALE;
- leftWheel_mc.rotationZ = (leftWheel.GetAngle() / (Math.PI / 180));
- healthbar.x = tank_mc.x - 30;
- healthbar.y = tank_mc.y - 25;
- if(bullet_on_stage){
- _bullet_mc.x = _bullet.GetPosition().x * globals.WORLD_SCALE;
- _bullet_mc.y = _bullet.GetPosition().y * globals.WORLD_SCALE;
- }
- }
- //rotate the tank cannon
- public function rotateCannon_Left():void{
- if(tank_mc.getChildByName("cannon_mc").rotation >= -170){
- tank_mc.getChildByName("cannon_mc").rotation --;
- if(tank_mc.getChildByName("cannon_mc").rotation < -90 && tank_mc.getChildByName("cannon_mc").rotation >= -170){
- _shootCannonLeft = true;
- _shootCannonRight = false;
- }
- }
- }
- public function rotateCannon_Right():void{
- if(tank_mc.getChildByName("cannon_mc").rotation <= -10){
- tank_mc.getChildByName("cannon_mc").rotation ++;
- if(tank_mc.getChildByName("cannon_mc").rotation > -90 && tank_mc.getChildByName("cannon_mc").rotation <= -10){
- _shootCannonLeft = false;
- _shootCannonRight = true;
- }
- }
- }
- //rotate the tanks rocket launcher
- public function rotateRL_Left():void{
- if(tank_mc.getChildByName("rl_mc").rotation >= -140){
- tank_mc.getChildByName("rl_mc").rotation --;
- if(tank_mc.getChildByName("rl_mc").rotation < -90 && tank_mc.getChildByName("rl_mc").rotation >= -140){
- _shootRLLeft = true;
- _shootRLRight = false;
- }
- }
- }
- public function rotateRL_Right():void{
- if(tank_mc.getChildByName("rl_mc").rotation <= -40){
- tank_mc.getChildByName("rl_mc").rotation ++;
- if(tank_mc.getChildByName("rl_mc").rotation > -90 && tank_mc.getChildByName("rl_mc").rotation <= -40){
- _shootRLLeft = false;
- _shootRLRight = true;
- }
- }
- }
- //moving tank
- public function moveRight():void{
- leftWheel.ApplyTorque(5);
- rightWheel.ApplyTorque(5);
- }
- public function moveLeft():void{
- leftWheel.ApplyTorque(-5);
- rightWheel.ApplyTorque(-5);
- }
- //Shooting bullets
- public function shootBullet():void{
- if(_shootCannonRight && bullet_ready){
- //add commnad to shoot cannon right
- if(cant_bullet_shoot == 0 && cant_bullet != 0){
- rightWheel.ApplyImpulse(new b2Vec2(0, -2), rightWheel.GetWorldCenter());
- //create bullet
- _bullet = new b2_bullet().createBullet(world, getShootingPos().x / globals.WORLD_SCALE, getShootingPos().y / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 4 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, true, true, false, 0.25, 0, 0);
- _bullet.ApplyImpulse(new b2Vec2(bulletSpeed, getCannon_AntiGravity()), _bullet.GetWorldCenter());
- cant_bullet_shoot++;
- cant_bullet --;
- addChild(_bullet_mc);
- bullet_on_stage = true;
- time();
- controlPanel.setBullets(cant_bullet);
- controlPanel.turn_red();
- }
- }else if(_shootCannonLeft && bullet_ready){
- //add command to shoot cannon left
- if(cant_bullet_shoot == 0 && cant_bullet != 0){
- leftWheel.ApplyImpulse(new b2Vec2(0, -2), leftWheel.GetWorldCenter());
- //create bullet
- _bullet = new b2_bullet().createBullet(world, getShootingPos().x / globals.WORLD_SCALE, getShootingPos().y / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 4 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, true, true, false, 0.25, 0, 0);
- _bullet.ApplyImpulse(new b2Vec2(-bulletSpeed, getCannon_AntiGravity()), _bullet.GetWorldCenter());
- cant_bullet_shoot++;
- cant_bullet --;
- addChild(_bullet_mc);
- bullet_on_stage = true;
- time();
- controlPanel.setBullets(cant_bullet);
- controlPanel.turn_red();
- }
- }
- }
- //shooting missils
- public function shootMissil():void{
- if(_shootRLRight && rocket_ready){
- if(cant_rocket_shoot == 0 && cant_rocket != 0){
- rightWheel.ApplyImpulse(new b2Vec2(0, -1), rightWheel.GetWorldCenter());
- var box1:b2Body = new b2_rocket().createRocket(world, getLaunchPos1().x / globals.WORLD_SCALE, getLaunchPos1().y / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 3 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 3 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, true, 1, 0, 0);
- var box2:b2Body = new b2_rocket().createRocket(world, getLaunchPos2().x / globals.WORLD_SCALE, getLaunchPos2().y / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 3 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 3 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, true, 1, 0, 0);
- var box3:b2Body = new b2_rocket().createRocket(world, getLaunchPos3().x / globals.WORLD_SCALE, getLaunchPos3().y / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 3 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 3 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, true, 1, 0, 0);
- //first number = rocket force ,, second number antigravity
- launchForce = new b2Vec2(20, (getRL_AntiGravity() - 5));
- box1.ApplyForce(launchForce, box1.GetWorldCenter());
- launchForce = new b2Vec2(19, (getRL_AntiGravity() - 3));
- box2.ApplyForce(launchForce, box2.GetWorldCenter());
- launchForce = new b2Vec2(18, (getRL_AntiGravity() - 1));
- box3.ApplyForce(launchForce, box3.GetWorldCenter());
- }
- }else if(_shootRLLeft && rocket_ready){
- if(cant_rocket_shoot == 0 && cant_rocket != 0){
- rightWheel.ApplyImpulse(new b2Vec2(0, 1), rightWheel.GetWorldCenter());
- var box1:b2Body = new b2_rocket().createRocket(world, getLaunchPos1().x / globals.WORLD_SCALE, getLaunchPos1().y / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 3 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 3 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, true, 1, 0, 0);
- var box2:b2Body = new b2_rocket().createRocket(world, getLaunchPos2().x / globals.WORLD_SCALE, getLaunchPos2().y / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 3 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 3 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, true, 1, 0, 0);
- var box3:b2Body = new b2_rocket().createRocket(world, getLaunchPos3().x / globals.WORLD_SCALE, getLaunchPos3().y / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 3 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, 3 / globals.WORLD_SCALE, true, 1, 0, 0);
- //first number = rocket force ,, second number antigravity
- launchForce = new b2Vec2(-18, (getRL_AntiGravity() - 1));
- box1.ApplyForce(launchForce, box1.GetWorldCenter());
- launchForce = new b2Vec2(-19, (getRL_AntiGravity() - 3));
- box2.ApplyForce(launchForce, box2.GetWorldCenter());
- launchForce = new b2Vec2(-20, (getRL_AntiGravity() - 5));
- box3.ApplyForce(launchForce, box3.GetWorldCenter());
- }
- }
- }
- //add damage to tank
- public function reduce_life():void{
- _life = life - bullet_damage;
- controlPanel.setHealth(life);
- healthbar.update(_life);
- }
- //charging timer
- private function time():void{
- myTimer = new Timer(1000, charingTime);
- myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerListener);
- myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, timerDone);
- myTimer.start();
- }
- private function timerListener (e:TimerEvent):void{
- bullet_ready = false;
- }
- private function timerDone(e:TimerEvent):void{
- myTimer.stop();
- bullet_ready = true;
- controlPanel.turn_green();
- cant_bullet_shoot = 0;
- }
- //this methods sets the anti-gravity for the bullet when shooting
- public function getCannon_AntiGravity():Number{
- var num:Number = 0.30;
- var force:Number;
- var angle:Number = tank_mc.getChildByName("cannon_mc").rotation + 180;
- force = (angle * -num);
- if(angle > 90){
- angle = tank_mc.getChildByName("cannon_mc").rotation;
- force = (angle * num);
- }
- return force;
- }
- //cannon shooting position
- public function getShootingPos():b2Vec2{
- var hip:Number= 30;
- var targetMc:DisplayObject = tank_mc.getChildByName("cannon_mc");
- var pt:Point = new Point(targetMc.x, targetMc.y);
- pt = targetMc.parent.localToGlobal(pt);
- launchPos.x = (Math.cos(getCannonRad()) * hip) + pt.x;
- launchPos.y = (Math.sin(getCannonRad()) * hip) + pt.y;
- return launchPos;
- }
- //this methods sets the anti-gravity for the rocket
- public function getRL_AntiGravity():Number{
- var num:Number = 0.30;
- var force:Number;
- var angle:Number = tank_mc.getChildByName("rl_mc").rotation + 180;
- force = (angle * -num);
- if(angle > 90){
- angle = tank_mc.getChildByName("rl_mc").rotation;
- force = (angle * num);
- }
- return force;
- }
- //getting the launching position 1
- public function getLaunchPos1():b2Vec2{
- var hip:Number= 30;
- var targetMc:DisplayObject = tank_mc.getChildByName("rl_mc");
- var pt:Point = new Point(targetMc.x, targetMc.y);
- pt = targetMc.parent.localToGlobal(pt);
- launchPos.x = (Math.cos(getRLRad() - 0.6) * hip) + pt.x;
- launchPos.y = (Math.sin(getRLRad() - 0.6) * hip) + pt.y;
- return launchPos;
- }
- //getting the launching position 2
- public function getLaunchPos2():b2Vec2{
- var hip:Number= 30;
- var targetMc:DisplayObject = tank_mc.getChildByName("rl_mc");
- var pt:Point = new Point(targetMc.x, targetMc.y);
- pt = targetMc.parent.localToGlobal(pt);
- launchPos.x = (Math.cos(getRLRad() - 0.2) * hip) + pt.x;
- launchPos.y = (Math.sin(getRLRad() - 0.2) * hip) + pt.y;
- return launchPos;
- }
- //getting the launching position 3
- public function getLaunchPos3():b2Vec2{
- var hip:Number= 30;
- var targetMc:DisplayObject = tank_mc.getChildByName("rl_mc");
- var pt:Point = new Point(targetMc.x, targetMc.y);
- pt = targetMc.parent.localToGlobal(pt);
- launchPos.x = (Math.cos(getRLRad() + 0.20) * hip) + pt.x;
- launchPos.y = (Math.sin(getRLRad() + 0.20) * hip) + pt.y;
- return launchPos;
- }
- //get the cannon angle on radians
- private function getCannonRad():Number{
- var rads:Number = getCannon360() * Math.PI / 180;
- return rads;
- }
- //get the cannon angle on 360 degrees
- private function getCannon360():Number{
- var num:Number;
- if( tank_mc.getChildByName("cannon_mc").rotation >= 0 && tank_mc.getChildByName("cannon_mc").rotation <= 180){
- num = tank_mc.getChildByName("cannon_mc").rotation;
- }else if ( tank_mc.getChildByName("cannon_mc").rotation < 0){
- num = 360 + tank_mc.getChildByName("cannon_mc").rotation;
- }
- return num;
- }
- //get the cannon rotation on angles
- private function getCannonDeg():Number{
- var num:Number = getCannonRad() * 180 / Math.PI;
- return num;
- }
- //get the RL angle on radians
- private function getRLRad():Number{
- var rads:Number = getRL360() * Math.PI / 180;
- return rads;
- }
- //get the RL angle on 360 degrees
- private function getRL360():Number{
- var num:Number;
- if( tank_mc.getChildByName("rl_mc").rotation >= 0 && tank_mc.getChildByName("rl_mc").rotation <= 180){
- num = tank_mc.getChildByName("rl_mc").rotation;
- }else if ( tank_mc.getChildByName("rl_mc").rotation < 0){
- num = 360 + tank_mc.getChildByName("rl_mc").rotation;
- }
- return num;
- }
- //get the RL rotation on angles
- private function getRLDeg():Number{
- var num:Number = getRLRad() * 180 / Math.PI;
- return num;
- }
- //getters b2bodies
- public function get tank():b2Body{return _tank;}
- public function get rightWheel():b2Body{return _rightWheel;}
- public function get leftWheel():b2Body{return _leftWheel;}
- public function get shootCannonRight():Boolean{return _shootCannonRight;}
- public function get shootCannonLeft():Boolean{return _shootCannonLeft;}
- //getters mcs
- public function get tank_mc():MovieClip{return _tank_mc;}
- public function get rightWheel_mc():Sprite{return _rightWheel_mc;}
- public function get leftWheel_mc():Sprite{return _leftWheel_mc;}
- //getters properties
- public function get life():int{return _life;}
- public function get cant_bullet():int{return _cant_bullet;}
- //setter properties
- public function set life(value:int):void{_life = value;}
- public function set cant_bullet(value:int):void{_cant_bullet = value;}
- }
- }