Python | 242 lines | 162 code | 48 blank | 32 comment | 29 complexity | 2ed1023832a9f5a50ee7c925f994387c MD5 | raw file
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- import functools
- import logging
- import posixpath
- import six
- from threading import Lock
- import rb
- from django.utils.functional import SimpleLazyObject
- from pkg_resources import resource_string
- from redis.client import Script, StrictRedis
- from redis.connection import ConnectionPool
- from redis.exceptions import ConnectionError, BusyLoadingError
- from rediscluster import StrictRedisCluster
- from sentry import options
- from sentry.exceptions import InvalidConfiguration
- from sentry.utils import warnings
- from sentry.utils.warnings import DeprecatedSettingWarning
- from sentry.utils.versioning import Version, check_versions
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- _pool_cache = {}
- _pool_lock = Lock()
- def _shared_pool(**opts):
- if "host" in opts:
- key = "%s:%s/%s" % (opts["host"], opts["port"], opts["db"])
- else:
- key = "%s/%s" % (opts["path"], opts["db"])
- pool = _pool_cache.get(key)
- if pool is not None:
- return pool
- with _pool_lock:
- pool = _pool_cache.get(key)
- if pool is not None:
- return pool
- pool = ConnectionPool(**opts)
- _pool_cache[key] = pool
- return pool
- _make_rb_cluster = functools.partial(rb.Cluster, pool_cls=_shared_pool)
- def make_rb_cluster(*args, **kwargs):
- # This uses the standard library `warnings`, since this is provided for
- # plugin compatibility but isn't actionable by the system administrator.
- import warnings
- warnings.warn(
- "Direct Redis cluster construction is deprecated, please use named clusters. "
- "Direct cluster construction will be removed in Sentry 8.5.",
- DeprecationWarning,
- )
- return _make_rb_cluster(*args, **kwargs)
- class _RBCluster(object):
- def supports(self, config):
- return not config.get("is_redis_cluster", False)
- def factory(self, **config):
- # rb expects a dict of { host, port } dicts where the key is the host
- # ID. Coerce the configuration into the correct format if necessary.
- hosts = config["hosts"]
- hosts = {k: v for k, v in enumerate(hosts)} if isinstance(hosts, list) else hosts
- config["hosts"] = hosts
- return _make_rb_cluster(**config)
- def __str__(self):
- return "Redis Blaster Cluster"
- class RetryingStrictRedisCluster(StrictRedisCluster):
- """
- Execute a command with cluster reinitialization retry logic.
- Should a cluster respond with a ConnectionError or BusyLoadingError the
- cluster nodes list will be reinitialized and the command will be executed
- again with the most up to date view of the world.
- """
- def execute_command(self, *args, **kwargs):
- try:
- return super(self.__class__, self).execute_command(*args, **kwargs)
- except (
- ConnectionError,
- BusyLoadingError,
- KeyError, # see: https://github.com/Grokzen/redis-py-cluster/issues/287
- ):
- self.connection_pool.nodes.reset()
- return super(self.__class__, self).execute_command(*args, **kwargs)
- class _RedisCluster(object):
- def supports(self, config):
- # _RedisCluster supports two configurations:
- # * Explicitly configured with is_redis_cluster. This mode is for real redis-cluster.
- # * No is_redis_cluster, but only 1 host. This represents a singular node Redis running
- # in non-cluster mode.
- return config.get("is_redis_cluster", False) or len(config.get("hosts")) == 1
- def factory(self, **config):
- # StrictRedisCluster expects a list of { host, port } dicts. Coerce the
- # configuration into the correct format if necessary.
- hosts = config.get("hosts")
- hosts = hosts.values() if isinstance(hosts, dict) else hosts
- # Redis cluster does not wait to attempt to connect. We'd prefer to not
- # make TCP connections on boot. Wrap the client in a lazy proxy object.
- def cluster_factory():
- if config.get("is_redis_cluster", False):
- return RetryingStrictRedisCluster(
- startup_nodes=hosts, decode_responses=True, skip_full_coverage_check=True
- )
- else:
- host = hosts[0].copy()
- host["decode_responses"] = True
- return StrictRedis(**host)
- return SimpleLazyObject(cluster_factory)
- def __str__(self):
- return "Redis Cluster"
- class ClusterManager(object):
- def __init__(self, options_manager, cluster_type=_RBCluster):
- self.__clusters = {}
- self.__options_manager = options_manager
- self.__cluster_type = cluster_type()
- def get(self, key):
- cluster = self.__clusters.get(key)
- if cluster:
- return cluster
- # TODO: This would probably be safer with a lock, but I'm not sure
- # that it's necessary.
- configuration = self.__options_manager.get("redis.clusters").get(key)
- if configuration is None:
- raise KeyError(u"Invalid cluster name: {}".format(key))
- if not self.__cluster_type.supports(configuration):
- raise KeyError(u"Invalid cluster type, expected: {}".format(self.__cluster_type))
- cluster = self.__clusters[key] = self.__cluster_type.factory(**configuration)
- return cluster
- # TODO(epurkhiser): When migration of all rb cluster to true redis clusters has
- # completed, remove the rb ``clusters`` module variable and rename
- # redis_clusters to clusters.
- clusters = ClusterManager(options.default_manager)
- redis_clusters = ClusterManager(options.default_manager, _RedisCluster)
- def get_cluster_from_options(setting, options, cluster_manager=clusters):
- cluster_option_name = "cluster"
- default_cluster_name = "default"
- cluster_constructor_option_names = frozenset(("hosts",))
- options = options.copy()
- cluster_options = {
- key: options.pop(key)
- for key in set(options.keys()).intersection(cluster_constructor_option_names)
- }
- if cluster_options:
- if cluster_option_name in options:
- raise InvalidConfiguration(
- u"Cannot provide both named cluster ({!r}) and cluster configuration ({}) options.".format(
- cluster_option_name, ", ".join(map(repr, cluster_constructor_option_names))
- )
- )
- else:
- warnings.warn(
- DeprecatedSettingWarning(
- u"{} parameter of {}".format(
- ", ".join(map(repr, cluster_constructor_option_names)), setting
- ),
- u'{}["{}"]'.format(setting, cluster_option_name),
- removed_in_version="8.5",
- ),
- stacklevel=2,
- )
- cluster = rb.Cluster(pool_cls=_shared_pool, **cluster_options)
- else:
- cluster = cluster_manager.get(options.pop(cluster_option_name, default_cluster_name))
- return cluster, options
- def check_cluster_versions(cluster, required, recommended=None, label=None):
- try:
- with cluster.all() as client:
- results = client.info()
- except Exception as e:
- # Any connection issues should be caught here.
- raise InvalidConfiguration(six.text_type(e))
- versions = {}
- for id, info in results.value.items():
- host = cluster.hosts[id]
- # NOTE: This assumes there is no routing magic going on here, and
- # all requests to this host are being served by the same database.
- key = u"{host}:{port}".format(host=host.host, port=host.port)
- versions[key] = Version(map(int, info["redis_version"].split(".", 3)))
- check_versions(
- "Redis" if label is None else "Redis (%s)" % (label,), versions, required, recommended
- )
- def load_script(path):
- script = Script(None, resource_string("sentry", posixpath.join("scripts", path)))
- # This changes the argument order of the ``Script.__call__`` method to
- # encourage using the script with a specific Redis client, rather
- # than implicitly using the first client that the script was registered
- # with. (This can prevent lots of bizarre behavior when dealing with
- # clusters of Redis servers.)
- def call_script(client, keys, args):
- u"""
- Executes {!r} as a Lua script on a Redis server.
- Takes the client to execute the script on as the first argument,
- followed by the values that will be provided as ``KEYS`` and ``ARGV``
- to the script as two sequence arguments.
- """.format(
- path
- )
- return script(keys, args, client)
- return call_script