Java | 469 lines | 346 code | 58 blank | 65 comment | 14 complexity | 337ef9a1f3ba4255e685710ee1c6bb52 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): BSD-3-Clause
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Copyright 2012 The Infinit.e Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- ******************************************************************************/
- package com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.api;
- import java.lang.reflect.Type;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import java.util.Set;
- import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
- import org.elasticsearch.common.text.Text;
- import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder;
- import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
- import com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive;
- import com.google.gson.JsonSerializationContext;
- import com.google.gson.JsonSerializer;
- import com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken;
- import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.api.knowledge.GeoAggregationPojo;
- import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.api.knowledge.StatisticsPojo;
- import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.index.ElasticSearchManager;
- import com.mongodb.BasicDBList;
- import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
- // Annotations example for Jackson (used for json writing to ensure root element is proper name)
- //@@JsonTypeName( value = "response" )
- // Annotations example (used for xml writing to ensure root element is proper name)
- @XmlRootElement( name = "response" )
- public class ResponsePojo extends BaseApiPojo
- {
- // (some grovelling to avoid class def errors in earlier versions)
- static private Integer _esVersion = null;
- static private Class<?> _esTextClass = null;
- @Override
- public GsonBuilder extendBuilder(GsonBuilder gb) {
- if (null == _esVersion) {
- // (some grovelling to avoid class def errors in earlier versions)
- _esVersion = ElasticSearchManager.getVersion();
- }
- if (_esVersion >= 100) {
- if (null == _esTextClass) {
- try {
- _esTextClass = Class.forName("org.elasticsearch.common.text.Text");
- }
- catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- return gb;
- }
- }
- gb = gb.registerTypeAdapter(_esTextClass, new TextSerializer());
- }
- return gb;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////
- // Mapping handler (the ResponsePojo is a slightly special case because it can contain
- // either ApiPojos or DbPojos in its "generic" data field
- public String toApi() {
- try {
- return toApi(this, _mapper);
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- data = null;
- if (null == response) {
- response = new ResponseObject();
- }
- //e.printStackTrace();
- response.message = "Error serializing response: " + e.getMessage();
- return toApi(this, null);
- }
- public static String toApi(ResponsePojo s) {
- try {
- return toApi(s, s.getMapper());
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- s.setData((String)null, null);
- s.getResponse().setMessage("Error serializing response: " + e.getMessage());
- return toApi(s, s.getMapper());
- }
- public ResponsePojoApiMap getMapper() {
- return _mapper;
- }
- private transient ResponsePojoApiMap _mapper = null;
- //////////////////////////////////////////
- // Analogous code for the fromApi case
- // (dummy just needed to differentiate from BaseApiPojo calls, though is also more consistent)
- // For single objects derived from BaseApiPojo
- public static ResponsePojo fromApi(String s, Class<ResponsePojo> dummy, Class<? extends BaseApiPojo> type)
- {
- return new ResponsePojoApiMap(type).extendBuilder(ResponsePojo.getDefaultBuilder()).create().fromJson(s, ResponsePojo.class);
- }
- // Special cases: leaves the "data" array as a JsonElement to be de-serialized by the user
- // A quick explanation of why this is, because it's quite important:
- // 1) ResponsePojo has data as type Object (ie because it resuses it for all sorts of different objects
- // (query: List<BasicDBObject>, some share stuff: String or List<String>, other cases: XxxPojo)
- // 2) so if I just used the default fromApi GSON would break while trying to deserialize anything into an object
- // 3) as a result I "override" fromApi() so that it just copies the raw JsonElement into data
- // 4) the client code can (/must!) then use the type specific deserializer on the data (or can just access it directly as a JsonElement)
- public static<S extends BaseApiPojo> S fromApi(String s, Class<S> type) {
- return new ResponsePojoApiMap(type).extendBuilder(ResponsePojo.getDefaultBuilder()).create().fromJson(s, type);
- }
- // For lists of objects derived from BaseApiPojo
- public static <S extends BaseApiPojo, L extends Collection<S>> ResponsePojo listFromApi(String s, Class<ResponsePojo> dummy, TypeToken<L> listType)
- {
- return new ResponsePojoApiMap(listType).extendBuilder(ResponsePojo.getDefaultBuilder()).create().fromJson(s, ResponsePojo.class);
- }
- // For other single objects (need to specify a mapper, thought it can be null)
- public static <T> ResponsePojo fromApi(String s, Class<ResponsePojo> dummy, Class<T> type, BasePojoApiMap<T> mapper)
- {
- ResponsePojo rp = new ResponsePojoApiMap(type, mapper).extendBuilder(ResponsePojo.getDefaultBuilder()).create().fromJson(s, ResponsePojo.class);
- rp._mapper = new ResponsePojoApiMap(mapper); // (ensures toApi(fromApi(x))==x)
- return rp;
- }
- // For lists of objects not derived from BaseApiPojo
- public static <T, L extends Collection<T>> ResponsePojo listFromApi(String s, Class<ResponsePojo> dummy, TypeToken<L> listType, BasePojoApiMap<T> mapper)
- {
- ResponsePojo rp = new ResponsePojoApiMap(listType, mapper).extendBuilder(ResponsePojo.getDefaultBuilder()).create().fromJson(s, ResponsePojo.class);
- rp._mapper = new ResponsePojoApiMap(mapper); // (ensures toApi(fromApi(x))==x)
- return rp;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////
- // General API response
- static public class ResponseObject {
- private String action = null;
- private boolean success = false;
- private String message = null;
- private long time = 0;
- public ResponseObject()
- {
- }
- public ResponseObject(String _action, boolean _success, String _message)
- {
- action = _action;
- success = _success;
- message = _message;
- }
- public void setTime(long _time){
- this.time = _time;
- }
- public long getTime(){
- return time;
- }
- public void setAction(String action) {
- this.action = action;
- }
- public String getAction() {
- return action;
- }
- public void setSuccess(boolean success) {
- this.success = success;
- }
- public boolean isSuccess() {
- return success;
- }
- public void setMessage(String message) {
- this.message = message;
- }
- public String getMessage() {
- return message;
- }
- }
- // Status
- private ResponseObject response = null; // (misc)
- // Documents or Misc return data
- private Object data = null; // (documents - list of HashMap objects)
- //////////////////////////////////////////
- // Query API response specific
- // Query Summary
- private StatisticsPojo stats = null; // (stats - beta+ no longer contains scoring info - just average score and number found (>= number returned))
- // Another view of documents:
- private Object eventsTimeline = null; // Standalone events - list of HashMap objects
- // Arbitrary facets
- private Object facets = null; // (for raw access to facets)
- // Temporal aggregation
- private Object times = null; // Time ranges over the entire query - list of (term,count) pairs
- private Long timeInterval = null; // (The interval range, in ms)
- // Geo aggreation
- private Set<GeoAggregationPojo> geo = null; // Geo heatmap - list of (lat/long,count) triples
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- private Integer maxGeoCount = null; // (The highest count in the geo - like time, useful shortcut)
- // Metadata aggregation
- private Object entities = null; // Just the entities
- private Object events = null; // Just the events (well qualified events, except facts, see below)
- private Object facts = null; // Just the facts (well qualified events that are generic relations)
- private Object summaries = null; // Just the summaries (badly qualified events)
- // Source aggregation
- private Object sources = null; // List of source titles
- private Object sourceMetaTags = null; // List of source tags
- private Object sourceMetaTypes = null; // List of source types
- // Moments
- private Object moments = null; // Momentum (documents aggregated over time into summaries of docs/entities/geospatial/events)
- private Long momentInterval = null; // (The moment interval)
- private Object other = null; // (in case we thing of other sutff!)
- //////////////////////////////////////////
- // Constructors
- public ResponsePojo()
- {
- }
- public ResponsePojo(ResponseObject _response)
- {
- response = _response;
- }
- public <T extends BaseApiPojo>ResponsePojo(ResponseObject response, T data)
- {
- this.setData(data);
- this.response = response;
- }
- public <T extends BaseApiPojo>ResponsePojo(ResponseObject response, Collection<T> data)
- {
- this.setData(data);
- this.response = response;
- }
- public <T> ResponsePojo(ResponseObject response, T data, BasePojoApiMap<T> apiMap)
- {
- this.setData(data, apiMap);
- this.response = response;
- }
- public <T> ResponsePojo(ResponseObject response, Collection<T> data, BasePojoApiMap<T> apiMap)
- {
- this.setData(data, apiMap);
- this.response = response;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////
- // Getters and setters
- public void setStats(StatisticsPojo stats) {
- this.stats = stats;
- }
- public StatisticsPojo getStats() {
- return stats;
- }
- public void setResponse(ResponseObject response) {
- this.response = response;
- }
- public ResponseObject getResponse() {
- return response;
- }
- public <T extends BaseApiPojo> void setData(T data) {
- this.data = data;
- }
- public <T extends BaseApiPojo> void setData(Collection<T> data) {
- this.data = data;
- }
- public <T> void setData(T data, BasePojoApiMap<T> apiMap) {
- if (null != apiMap) {
- _mapper = new ResponsePojoApiMap(apiMap);
- }
- this.data = data;
- }
- public <T> void setData(Collection<T> data, BasePojoApiMap<T> apiMap) {
- if (null != apiMap) {
- _mapper = new ResponsePojoApiMap(apiMap);
- }
- this.data = data;
- }
- public Object getData() {
- return data;
- }
- public void setEventsTimeline(Object events) {
- this.eventsTimeline = events;
- }
- public Object getEventsTimeline() {
- return eventsTimeline;
- }
- public void setFacets(Object facets) {
- this.facets = facets;
- }
- public Object getFacets() {
- return facets;
- }
- public Object getTimes() {
- return times;
- }
- public Long getTimeInterval() {
- return this.timeInterval;
- }
- public Object getGeo() {
- return geo;
- }
- public Object getEntities() {
- return entities;
- }
- public Object getEvents() {
- return events;
- }
- public Object getFacts() {
- return facts;
- }
- public Object getSummaries() {
- return summaries;
- }
- public Object getMoments() {
- return moments;
- }
- public Long getMomentInterval() {
- return momentInterval;
- }
- public void setTimes(Object times, long interval) {
- this.times = times;
- this.timeInterval = interval;
- }
- public void setGeo(Set<GeoAggregationPojo> geo, int nMaxCount, int nMinCount) {
- this.geo = geo;
- this.maxGeoCount = nMaxCount;
- }
- public void setEntities(Object entities) {
- this.entities = entities;
- }
- public void setEvents(Object events) {
- this.events = events;
- }
- public void setFacts(Object facts) {
- this.facts = facts;
- }
- public void setSummaries(Object summaries) {
- this.summaries = summaries;
- }
- public void setMoments(Object moments, Long interval) {
- this.moments = moments;
- this.momentInterval = interval;
- }
- public Object getSources() {
- return sources;
- }
- public Object getSourceMetaTags() {
- return sourceMetaTags;
- }
- public Object getSourceMetaTypes() {
- return sourceMetaTypes;
- }
- public void setSources(Object sources) {
- this.sources = sources;
- }
- public void setSourceMetaTags(Object sourceMetaTags) {
- this.sourceMetaTags = sourceMetaTags;
- }
- public void setSourceMetaTypes(Object sourceMetaTypes) {
- this.sourceMetaTypes = sourceMetaTypes;
- }
- public Object getOther() {
- return other;
- }
- public void setOther(Object other) {
- this.other = other;
- }
- //////////////////////// FROM DB CODE
- public static ResponsePojo fromDb(BasicDBObject bson) {
- BasicDBObject bson2 = new BasicDBObject();
- bson2.put("stats", bson.get("stats"));
- bson2.put("response", bson.get("response"));
- ResponsePojo rp = ResponsePojo.fromApi(bson2.toString(), ResponsePojo.class);
- // Now all the elements!
- Object evtTimeline=null, facets=null, times=null, entities=null, events=null,
- facts=null, summaries=null, sources=null, sourceMetaTags=null, sourceMetaTypes=null, moments=null, other=null;
- evtTimeline = bson.get("eventsTimeline");
- facets = bson.get("facets");
- times = bson.get("times");
- entities = bson.get("entities");
- events = bson.get("events");
- facts = bson.get("facts");
- summaries = bson.get("summaries");
- sources = bson.get("sources");
- sourceMetaTags = bson.get("sourceMetatags");
- sourceMetaTypes = bson.get("sourceMetaTypes");
- moments = bson.get("moments");
- other = bson.get("other");
- rp.setEventsTimeline(evtTimeline);
- rp.setFacets(facets);
- rp.setTimes(times, rp.getTimeInterval()==null?0:rp.getTimeInterval());
- rp.setEntities(entities);
- rp.setEvents(events);
- rp.setFacts(facts);
- rp.setSummaries(summaries);
- rp.setSources(sources);
- rp.setSourceMetaTags(sourceMetaTags);
- rp.setSourceMetaTypes(sourceMetaTypes);
- rp.setMoments(moments, rp.getMomentInterval());
- rp.setOther(other);
- // The main data object is discarded in the original fromApi() call, so put it back now
- Object docData = bson.get("data");
- if (null != docData) {
- rp.setData((BasicDBList)docData, (BasePojoApiMap<BasicDBList>)null);
- }
- else { // (ensure there's always an empty list)
- rp.setData(new ArrayList<BasicDBObject>(0), (BasePojoApiMap<BasicDBObject>)null);
- }
- return rp;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Serializer to handle facets which use Strings (0.19-) or Text (1.0)
- // (Don't do this in the BaseApiPojo since that can be called from Hadoop which
- // doesn't know internally about elasticsearch - yet!)
- // Just convert elasticsearch text objects to strings
- protected static class TextSerializer implements JsonSerializer<Text>
- {
- @Override
- public JsonElement serialize(Text text, Type typeOfT, JsonSerializationContext context)
- {
- return new JsonPrimitive(text.toString());
- }
- }
- }