Java | 877 lines | 563 code | 150 blank | 164 comment | 191 complexity | 183cbdca75a5f90805d9fc174ff468c5 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): BSD-3-Clause
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Copyright 2012, The Infinit.e Open Source Project.
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- ******************************************************************************/
- package com.ikanow.infinit.e.harvest.enrichment.legacy.alchemyapi;
- import java.io.PrintStream;
- import java.net.UnknownHostException;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- import java.util.LinkedList;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.Set;
- import java.util.regex.Matcher;
- import java.util.regex.Pattern;
- import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
- import com.mongodb.DBCollection;
- import com.mongodb.DBCursor;
- import com.mongodb.DBObject;
- import com.mongodb.MongoException;
- import com.google.gson.Gson;
- import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.store.MongoDbManager;
- import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.store.document.DocumentPojo;
- import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.store.document.EntityPojo;
- //______________________________________________________________________________________
- public class AlchemyEntityPersonCleanser {
- // Stats:
- private int _nDeduplications = 0;
- public int getDeduplications() { return _nDeduplications; }
- private int _nOneWordAssignments = 0;
- public int getOneWordAssignments() { return _nOneWordAssignments; }
- private int _nOneWordConversions = 0; // (a subset of the above)
- public int getOneWordConversions() { return _nOneWordConversions; }
- private int _nOneWordDeletions = 0;
- public int getOneWordDeletions() { return _nOneWordDeletions; }
- private int _nDocusModified = 0;
- public int getDocusModified() { return _nDocusModified; }
- private int _nDocusProcessed = 0;
- public int getDocusProcessed() { return _nDocusProcessed; }
- // Debug:
- private int _nDebugLevel = 0;
- public void setDebugLevel(int nDebugLevel) { //1==replacements, 2=feeds/candidate entities, 3=entities, 4=decomposition
- _nDebugLevel = nDebugLevel;
- }
- //______________________________________________________________________________________
- // Processing code
- //______________________________________________________________________________________
- // Top level logic
- // For running remotely
- // For cleaning local feeds, just call cleansePeopleInDocu(feed)
- // Host/Port - obvious
- // HexSlice - sub-samples somewhat efficiently, on last specified digits of _id
- // userQuery - lets the calling function decide what data to run on (probably for debugging)
- // nLimit - the max number of entries returned (for debugging)
- // bAlterDB - writes the results back to the DB (else it's just for debugging)
- public void doProcessing(int nSkip, BasicDBObject userQuery, int nLimit, boolean bAlterDB)
- throws NumberFormatException, UnknownHostException, MongoException
- {
- // Initialization (regexes and stuff)
- this.initialize();
- // Launch MongoDB query
- BasicDBObject query = userQuery;
- if (null == query) {
- new BasicDBObject();
- }
- // Just get the entity list out to save a few CPU cycles
- BasicDBObject outFields = new BasicDBObject();
- outFields.append(DocumentPojo.entities_, 1);
- outFields.append(DocumentPojo.url_, 1); // (help with debugging)
- outFields.append(DocumentPojo.title_, 1); // (help with debugging)
- DBCursor dbc = null;
- if (nLimit > 0) {
- dbc = docsDB.find(query, outFields).limit(nLimit).skip(nSkip);
- }
- else { // Everything!
- dbc = docsDB.find(query, outFields).skip(nSkip);
- }
- // Create POJO array of documents (definitely not the most efficient, but
- // will make integration with the harvester easier)
- List<DocumentPojo> docus = DocumentPojo.listFromDb(dbc, DocumentPojo.listType());
- // Loop over array and invoke the cleansing function for each one
- for (DocumentPojo docu: docus) {
- if (this.cleansePeopleInDocu(docu)) {
- this._nDocusModified++;
- if (bAlterDB) {
- BasicDBObject inner0 = new BasicDBObject(DocumentPojo.entities_,
- (DBObject)com.mongodb.util.JSON.parse(new Gson().toJson(docu.getEntities())));
- BasicDBObject inner1 = new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.set_, inner0);
- // Overwrite the existing entities list with the new one
- docsDB.update(new BasicDBObject(DocumentPojo._id_, docu.getId()), inner1, false, true);
- // (need the multi-update in case _id isn't the shard key - documentation claims this is not necessary but 2.4.6/shell still enforces it)
- }//TESTED: checked on "Feed: Japan's Three Elections / 4c92863751cc2e59d612000b / 30"
- }
- this._nDocusProcessed++;
- }
- }
- //________________________________________________
- // Initialization variables
- static final private String _namePrefixes =
- "(?:(?:ms|miss|mrs|mr|master|rev|reverand|fr|father|dr|doctor|atty|prof|professor|hon|" +
- "pres|president|gov|governor|coach|ofc|supt|rep|representative|sen|senator|amb|ambassador|" +
- "pm|p\\.m|prime minister|judge|chief judge|" +
- "pvt|private|cpl|corporal|sgt|sargent|seargant|maj|major|cpt|captain|cmdr|command|lt|lieutenant|" +
- "lt col|lieutenant colonel|gen|general)\\.?\\s+)?";
- static final private String _weakPrefixes = "^\\s*(?:ms|miss|mrs|mr)\\.?\\s+";
- private Pattern _weakPrefixPattern = null;
- private Pattern _namePattern = null;
- private Pattern _nickNamePattern = null;
- //private Map<String, Set<String> > _nicknameListHash = new HashMap<String, Set<String> >();
- private DBCollection docsDB = null;
- //________________________________________________
- // Initialization code
- // Call with null/null to act on local objects vs fetching them from the DB
- public void initialize() throws NumberFormatException, UnknownHostException, MongoException {
- // MongoDB
- docsDB = MongoDbManager.getDocument().getMetadata();
- // Regex
- // (prefix) (first-name) [various names or nicknames] (last-name) \(disambiguation\)
- _namePattern = Pattern.compile(_namePrefixes +
- "(?:([^\\s()]+)\\s+)?" + // first-name, ws (capture)
- "((?:(?:(?:\\\"(?:[^\"]+)\\\")|(?:(?:[^\\s()]+)))\\s+)*)?" + // nick-names OR middle-names (capture the whole thing)
- "(?:([^\\s()]+[^\\s(),.;:])[,.;:]?\\s*)" + // last-name, ws (capture) - also remove closing punct
- "(?:\\((?:[^)]+)\\)?)?\\s*" // disambiguation
- );
- //TESTED: seen all of these clauses work
- // (note this "fails" with jr|jr.|iii etc - needs to be sorted out in the decomp fn below)
- _nickNamePattern = Pattern.compile("(?:(?:(?:\\\"([^\"]+)\\\")|(?:([^\\s()]+)))\\s+)");
- // (individual components within nick name)
- _weakPrefixPattern = Pattern.compile(_weakPrefixes);
- }
- //________________________________________________
- // Utility class used in processing function below
- static private class EntityInfo {
- EntityPojo entity = null;
- String firstName = "";
- String lastName = "";
- Set<String> middleOrNickNames = new HashSet<String>();
- //________________________________________________
- // Constructor - where most of the processing logic occurs, using the regexes defined above
- // One word case:
- EntityInfo(EntityPojo e) {
- this.entity = e;
- this.firstName = null; // (slightly hacky way of differentiating between one word and weak prefix cases...)
- this.lastName = e.getActual_name().toLowerCase();
- }
- // Complex case:
- EntityInfo(EntityPojo e, Matcher m, Pattern p) {
- this.entity = e;
- int nCount = m.groupCount();
- if (nCount > 0) {
- this.firstName = m.group(1);
- if (null == this.firstName) {
- this.firstName = "";
- }
- if (nCount > 1) {
- boolean bNeedNewLastName = false;
- this.lastName = m.group(nCount);
- if (null == this.lastName) {
- this.lastName = "";
- }
- if (this.lastName.matches("jr.?|[ivx]+.?")) {
- bNeedNewLastName = true;
- this.lastName = null;
- }
- LinkedList<String> lNicks = null;
- for (int i = 2; i < nCount; ++i) { // Should only be 1: the set of middle names
- String middleOrNick = m.group(i);
- if (null != middleOrNick) { // Have to decompose further, sigh
- lNicks = new LinkedList<String>();
- Matcher mN = p.matcher(middleOrNick);
- while (mN.find()) {
- String sNick = mN.group(1);
- if (null != sNick) {
- lNicks.add(sNick);
- }//TESTED: see below
- sNick = mN.group(2);
- if (null != sNick) {
- lNicks.add(sNick);
- }//TESTED: see below
- if (bNeedNewLastName) {
- this.lastName = sNick;
- }//TESTED: "julian clifton lewis jr."
- }
- }//TESTED: got "g. j. siegle, g. d. stetten", "drs. ghassan k. abou-alfa"
- // Also: teodore "ted" kaczynski, rep. anh "joseph" cao/person, spc. jason dean "j.d." hunt/person
- if (bNeedNewLastName && (null != this.lastName)) {
- lNicks.removeLast();
- } ///TESTED: "julian clifton lewis jr.", "charles allen, iii/person"
- } // (end loop over (1) un-decomposed set of middle names)
- for (String middleOrNick: lNicks) { // Loop over decomposed nicknames
- if (middleOrNick.endsWith(".")) { // Remove abbreviations from nickname
- middleOrNick = middleOrNick.substring(0, middleOrNick.length() - 1);
- if (0 == middleOrNick.length()) {
- middleOrNick = null;
- }
- }//TESTED: with "George W. Bush" etc
- if (null != middleOrNick) {
- this.middleOrNickNames.add(middleOrNick);
- }
- }// (end loop over decomposed middle names)
- if (null == this.lastName) {
- if (!this.firstName.isEmpty()) {
- this.lastName = this.firstName;
- this.firstName = "";
- }
- else {
- this.lastName = "Junior"; // (not expecting to see this ever)
- }
- }//TESTED: john chakwin jr./person
- if (bNeedNewLastName) {
- this.lastName = this.lastName.replaceFirst("[.,;:]+$", "");
- if (0 == this.lastName.length()) {
- this.lastName = "Junior"; // (not expecting to see this ever)
- }
- }//TESTED " martin luther king, jr./person", "charles allen, iii/person"
- } //(end if several names)
- } //(end if any names)
- }//TESTED: seen all these clauses work
- //________________________________________________
- // More utility
- private static List<EntityInfo> loadStringInfoMap(String s, Map<String, List<EntityInfo>> m) {
- List<EntityInfo> l = m.get(s);
- if (null == l) {
- l = new LinkedList<EntityInfo>();
- }
- m.put(s, l);
- return l;
- }
- public void loadEntityInfoIntoMap(Map<String, List<EntityInfo>> m) {
- if (!this.firstName.isEmpty()) {
- loadStringInfoMap(this.firstName, m).add(this);
- }
- if (!this.lastName.isEmpty()) {
- loadStringInfoMap(this.lastName, m).add(this);
- }
- for (String s: this.middleOrNickNames) {
- loadStringInfoMap(s, m).add(this);
- }
- }
- // Yet more utility:
- private boolean contains(String sName) {
- // We'll say true if info not interesting:
- if (this.firstName.isEmpty() && this.middleOrNickNames.isEmpty()) {
- return true;
- }
- return this.firstName.equals(sName) || this.lastName.equals(sName) ||
- this.middleOrNickNames.contains(sName);
- // More utility:
- public static void assimilate(EntityPojo changingToEnt, EntityPojo toChangeEnt) {
- changingToEnt.setFrequency(changingToEnt.getFrequency() + toChangeEnt.getFrequency());
- double dRelToDel = toChangeEnt.getRelevance();
- double dRelToInc = changingToEnt.getRelevance();
- dRelToInc = dRelToInc + 0.5*(1.0 - dRelToInc)*dRelToDel;
- // 0.5* just to dampen the effect
- changingToEnt.setRelevance(dRelToInc);
- }//TESTED: manually
- // Debug/Utility
- void print(PrintStream out) {
- out.print("Decomposition: " + this.firstName);
- for (String sName: this.middleOrNickNames) {
- out.print(" / ");
- out.print(sName);
- }
- out.print(" : " + this.middleOrNickNames.size());
- out.print(" | ");
- out.print(this.lastName);
- out.println();
- }
- };
- //________________________________________________
- // Inner loop processing logic
- // This gets quite involved ... get your code reading boots on...
- public boolean cleansePeopleInDocu(DocumentPojo doc) {
- boolean bChangedAnything = false;
- //Debug
- if (_nDebugLevel >= 2) {
- System.out.println("+++++++ Doc: " + doc.getTitle() + " / " + doc.getId() + " / " + doc.getEntities().size());
- }
- List<EntityInfo> oneWordEntities = new LinkedList<EntityInfo>();
- List<EntityInfo> decentQualityEntities = new LinkedList<EntityInfo>();
- Map<String, List<EntityInfo>> possibleMatches = new HashMap<String, List<EntityInfo>>();
- Map<String, List<EntityInfo>> qualityPossibleMatches = new HashMap<String, List<EntityInfo>>();
- Map<String, List<EntityInfo>> weakPrefixMatches = new HashMap<String, List<EntityInfo>>();
- Map<String, Set<EntityPojo>> possibleWhoMatches = new HashMap<String, Set<EntityPojo>>();
- // 1] First time through the array, extract the various components of the disambiguous and actual names
- if (null != doc.getEntities()) for (EntityPojo ent: doc.getEntities()) {
- // People: decompose names
- if (ent.getType().toLowerCase().equals("person")) {
- //Debug
- if (_nDebugLevel >= 3) {
- System.out.println("Entity1: " + ent.getIndex() + " - "+ ent.getActual_name() + " / " + ent.getDisambiguatedName());
- }
- if (ent.getActual_name().contains(" ")) { // else is definitely a "bad" entity
- boolean bNastyWeakPrefixCase = false;
- // Look for "Mr Whatever" mapped to something other than "Mr Whatever" (and other weak prefixes)
- if (!ent.getActual_name().equals(ent.getDisambiguatedName())) {
- String sActName = ent.getActual_name().toLowerCase();
- Matcher weakPrefixNameMatcher = _weakPrefixPattern.matcher(sActName);
- if (weakPrefixNameMatcher.find()) { // Starts with a weak prefix - problem candidate
- // Decompose the rest of the name to clarify
- Matcher actualNameMatcher = _namePattern.matcher(ent.getActual_name().toLowerCase());
- EntityInfo actualNameMatches = null;
- if (actualNameMatcher.matches()) {
- actualNameMatches = new EntityInfo(ent, actualNameMatcher, this._nickNamePattern);
- }
- if (null != actualNameMatches) {
- if (actualNameMatches.firstName.isEmpty() && actualNameMatches.middleOrNickNames.isEmpty()) {
- bNastyWeakPrefixCase = true;
- // Treat like a single word:
- oneWordEntities.add(actualNameMatches);
- //Debug
- if (_nDebugLevel >= 2) {
- System.out.println("Entity1.1: " + ent.getIndex() + " - "+ ent.getActual_name() + " / " + ent.getDisambiguatedName());
- if (null != actualNameMatches) actualNameMatches.print(System.out);
- }
- }
- }
- }//TESTED: "Mr. Gates / Bill Gates", "MR. GIBBS: / MR. GIBBS: " (etc), "Mr. James Snyder / James Snyder, Jr."
- //(also "Mr. B / Brandon Miller (lacrosse)", fails to match)
- }
- // Decompose dis name
- Matcher disNameMatcher = _namePattern.matcher(ent.getDisambiguatedName().toLowerCase());
- EntityInfo disNameMatches = null;
- if (disNameMatcher.matches()) {
- disNameMatches = new EntityInfo(ent, disNameMatcher, this._nickNamePattern);
- if (!bNastyWeakPrefixCase) {
- // Only save dis name for later matching - it's the most reliable
- disNameMatches.loadEntityInfoIntoMap(possibleMatches);
- // If the entity has a first and last name, then it's a candidate
- // for overwriting other entries
- if (!disNameMatches.firstName.isEmpty() && !disNameMatches.lastName.isEmpty()) {
- disNameMatches.loadEntityInfoIntoMap(qualityPossibleMatches);
- }
- decentQualityEntities.add(disNameMatches);
- } // end if not nasty weak prefix case
- else { // Save in a map to fix annoying 1-word case
- disNameMatches.loadEntityInfoIntoMap(weakPrefixMatches);
- }
- }
- // Some debug code:
- if (_nDebugLevel >= 4) {
- if (null != disNameMatches) disNameMatches.print(System.out);
- }
- }
- else {
- // Put this somewhere to be analyzed further
- oneWordEntities.add(new EntityInfo(ent));
- }
- }//TESTED: all these clauses
- else if (EntityPojo.Dimension.Who == ent.getDimension()) { // Others, see below
- // People can get confused with companies, so we'll allow some simple matching to occur
- String sWhoName = ent.getDisambiguatedName().toLowerCase();
- String sDecomposedWho[] = sWhoName.split("\\s+");
- for (String sWho: sDecomposedWho) {
- sWho = sWho.replaceFirst("[.;:,]+$", "");
- if (sWho.length() >= 3) { // Min allowed length, I think
- Set<EntityPojo> le = possibleWhoMatches.get(sWho);
- if (null == le) {
- le = new HashSet<EntityPojo>();
- possibleWhoMatches.put(sWho, le);
- }
- le.add(ent);
- }
- }//TESTED: by eye, pretty simple code
- if (_nDebugLevel >= 3) {
- System.out.println("Entity2: " + ent.getIndex() + " - "+ ent.getActual_name() + " / " + ent.getDisambiguatedName() + ": " + sDecomposedWho.length);
- }
- }//TESTED: see above
- } // (end first loop over entities)
- // 2.1] Loop over all the decent entries - are these possible duplicates?
- Map<EntityInfo, EntityInfo> changeDuplicateFromToMap = new HashMap<EntityInfo, EntityInfo>();
- for (EntityInfo info: decentQualityEntities) {
- if ((null != info.entity.getSemanticLinks()) && !info.entity.getSemanticLinks().isEmpty()) {
- continue; // (see below, "this" will always win out)
- } // TESTED (naoto kan, PM of Japan)
- List<EntityInfo> l1stName = qualityPossibleMatches.get(info.firstName);
- List<EntityInfo> lSurName = qualityPossibleMatches.get(info.lastName);
- Set<EntityInfo> candidateSet = new HashSet<EntityInfo>();
- Set<String> candidateFirstNames = new HashSet<String>();
- Set<String> candidateLastNames = new HashSet<String>();
- // Add the current entity being investigated:
- candidateSet.add(info);
- if (!info.firstName.isEmpty()) {
- candidateFirstNames.add(info.firstName);
- }
- candidateLastNames.add(info.lastName);
- if (null != l1stName) {
- for (EntityInfo possDup: l1stName) {
- if (possDup == info) continue;
- if (info.lastName.equals(possDup.lastName)
- ||
- (info.firstName.equals(possDup.firstName)
- && (info.contains(possDup.lastName)
- || possDup.contains(info.lastName)))
- )
- {
- // A] First name is somewhere in the possDup, and last names match - pretty good...
- // B] First names match, they both contain each others last names
- candidateSet.add(possDup);
- candidateLastNames.add(possDup.lastName);
- if (!possDup.firstName.isEmpty() && info.middleOrNickNames.isEmpty()) {
- candidateFirstNames.add(possDup.firstName);
- }
- } //TESTED: [A] "kim cocklin" vs "kim r. cocklin" - no failures seen
- // [B] "julian lewis" vs "julan clifton lewis BLAH", lots of others
- }
- } // (end matching 1st names)
- if (null != lSurName) {
- for (EntityInfo possDup: lSurName) {
- if (possDup == info) continue;
- if ((info.firstName.equals(possDup.firstName))
- ||
- (info.firstName.isEmpty() && info.lastName.equals(possDup.lastName)))
- {
- // A] Last name is somewhere in the possDup, and first names match - pretty good...
- // B] we have no first name and our last names match
- candidateSet.add(possDup);
- candidateLastNames.add(possDup.lastName);
- if (!possDup.firstName.isEmpty() && info.middleOrNickNames.isEmpty()) {
- candidateFirstNames.add(possDup.firstName);
- }
- } //TESTED: seen [A] ("frances k oldham" vs "frances oldham kelsey"), [B] (Dr Lang vs Daniel Lang) - also no false positives
- }
- } // (end matching last names)
- // 2.2] Now check out candidates...
- // Rule will be: if there's more than one "first name" or "last name" available
- // (Taking into account that a firstname can be last (no other names)
- // and a firstname can appear as a middle name (eg unknown prefix)), then do nothing (too much risk of getting things wrong)
- // Otherwise pick an entry with linkdata
- // Otherwise pick the highest relevance that has both first+last name
- if (candidateSet.size() > 1) { // (ie more than just "info")
- // Debug info
- if (_nDebugLevel >= 2) {
- {System.out.println("*** Candidates for " + info.entity.getIndex() + ": " + candidateFirstNames.size() + ", " + candidateLastNames.size());
- for (EntityInfo candidate: candidateSet) {
- System.out.println("...... Candidate: " + candidate.entity.getIndex());
- }}
- }
- boolean bTooConfusedToContinue = false;
- // In both these cases, allow multiple first/last names but only if
- // the 1st/last name is a nickname in every non-trivial case *bar one*
- // (ie we allow one non-matching name)
- if (candidateLastNames.size() > 1) {
- int nNonMatchingNames = 0;
- for (String sLastName: candidateLastNames) {
- for (EntityInfo possDup: candidateSet) {
- if (!possDup.contains(sLastName)) {
- nNonMatchingNames++;
- if (nNonMatchingNames > 1) {
- bTooConfusedToContinue = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (bTooConfusedToContinue) {
- break;
- }
- } // (end loop over candidate first names)
- }//TESTED: "frances oldham kelsey" vs "frances kathleen oldham", works because
- // of only 1 non-matching name; for failure cases see identical code below
- //FAILURE: julian lewis/person VS julian clifton lewis jr.
- if (candidateFirstNames.size() > 1) {
- int nNonMatchingNames = 0;
- for (String s1stName: candidateFirstNames) {
- for (EntityInfo possDup: candidateSet) {
- if (!possDup.contains(s1stName)) {
- nNonMatchingNames++;
- if (nNonMatchingNames > 1) {
- bTooConfusedToContinue = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (bTooConfusedToContinue) {
- break;
- }
- } // (end loop over candidate first names)
- } //TESTED: "dr lang" vs "daniel lang" and "david lang"
- if (!bTooConfusedToContinue) {
- EntityInfo chosenDup = null;
- double highestRel = 0.0;
- boolean bLinkedEntityFound = false;
- for (EntityInfo possDup: candidateSet) {
- if (possDup == info) continue; // Don't consider myself until later
- if ((null != possDup.entity.getSemanticLinks()) && !possDup.entity.getSemanticLinks().isEmpty()) {
- if (!bLinkedEntityFound) highestRel = 0.0;
- bLinkedEntityFound = true;
- }
- else if (bLinkedEntityFound) {
- continue; // (not allowed to compare unlinked vs linked)
- }
- double rel = possDup.entity.getRelevance();
- if (rel > highestRel) {
- highestRel = rel;
- chosenDup = possDup;
- }
- }//TESTED: seen highest rel in linked and unlinked cases
- if (!bLinkedEntityFound && !info.firstName.isEmpty()) {
- double rel = info.entity.getRelevance();
- if (rel > highestRel) {
- // Compare myself vs best unlinked
- if (_nDebugLevel >= 2) {
- System.out.println("KEEP " + info.entity.getIndex() + " OVER " + chosenDup.entity.getIndex());
- }
- chosenDup = null;
- }
- }//TESTED: eg "REPLACE dr. gish/person WITH dr. robert g. gish/person: 0.322918, false"/KEEP dr. robert g. gish/person OVER robert g. gish/person
- if (null != chosenDup) { // Need to change the entity...
- //(make it recursive to handle a->b, b->c, ie a,b->c (only hop once: so if a->b,b->c,c->a, just do a,b->c)
- if (_nDebugLevel >= 1) {
- System.out.println("REPLACE " + info.entity.getIndex() + " WITH " + chosenDup.entity.getIndex() + ": " + chosenDup.entity.getRelevance() + ", " + bLinkedEntityFound);
- }
- changeDuplicateFromToMap.put(info, chosenDup);
- }
- }//TESTED: (see non-trivial clauses above)
- //else System.out.println("Too confused......");
- } // end there are duplication candidates
- } // end loop over entities I'm checking for duplication
- // 2.3] Finally, actually make the duplication changes:
- for (Map.Entry<EntityInfo, EntityInfo> changePair: changeDuplicateFromToMap.entrySet()) {
- EntityInfo toChange = changePair.getKey();
- EntityInfo changingTo = changePair.getValue();
- // Handle "1-hop" recursion as discussed above
- if (null == (changingTo = changeDuplicateFromToMap.get(changingTo))) {
- changingTo = changePair.getValue(); // (change back again)
- }
- // Make the change:
- EntityPojo toChangeEnt = toChange.entity;
- EntityPojo changingToEnt = changingTo.entity;
- // Preferred option, improve stats of "change to" and then delete "to change"
- EntityInfo.assimilate(changingToEnt, toChangeEnt);
- toChange.entity = changingTo.entity; // (need to support 1-word replacement below)
- doc.getEntities().remove(toChangeEnt);
- //TESTED: 1-hop and dedup-and-1-word-replace
- // Other option: swap the important fields over - the problem with
- // this is that you get multiple entities with the same name
- // so we'll not go with that
- // toChangeEnt.getGazateer_index() = changingToEnt.getGazateer_index();
- // toChangeEnt.getDisambiguous_name() = changingToEnt.getDisambiguous_name();
- // toChangeEnt.linkdata = changingToEnt.linkdata;
- // Leave the stats alone ... it's all a little bit confusing
- this._nDeduplications++;
- bChangedAnything = true;
- }//TESTED: "HOPPING: miss oldham/person TO frances oldham kelsey/person TO frances oldham kelsey/person"
- // 3.1] The easiest case is one-word person entities, whether they've been
- // mapped to an actual dis-name or not....
- // If the one-word actual name maps to the first name, surname, nickname of a
- // "well qualified" entity (ie reasonable quality actual name)
- // (and there's only option, ie ignore "chao" vs "albert chao" and "anne chao")
- for (EntityInfo entInfo: oneWordEntities) {
- EntityPojo ent = entInfo.entity;
- List<EntityInfo> l = possibleMatches.get(entInfo.lastName);
- if (null != l) {
- // Debug:
- if (_nDebugLevel >= 2) {
- System.out.println("Candidate matches for " + ent.getActual_name() + " / " + ent.getDisambiguatedName() + ": ");
- }
- String disName = null;
- EntityInfo changeTo = null;
- boolean bMultipleDisNames = false;
- // (If there are multiple dis names, but one of them is mine, then I'm good to go
- // else I'm going to delete the one-word entity...)
- for (EntityInfo info: l) {
- // Debug:
- if (_nDebugLevel >= 2) {
- System.out.println("\tEntity3: " + info.entity.getIndex() + " - "+ info.entity.getActual_name() + " / " + info.entity.getDisambiguatedName()
- + ": " + info.entity.getRelevance() + " / " + info.entity.getFrequency() + " / " + info.entity.getTotalfrequency());
- }
- if (ent.getDisambiguatedName().equals(info.entity.getDisambiguatedName())) {
- // Found my man - dis name match between Alchemy and a candidate
- changeTo = info;
- bMultipleDisNames = true; // (Make debug printing easier)
- break;
- } //TESTED: (Couldn't actually find an example of this, but it's simple enough!)
- if (null == disName) {
- disName = info.entity.getDisambiguatedName();
- changeTo = info;
- }
- else if (!bMultipleDisNames) {
- if (!disName.equals(info.entity.getDisambiguatedName())) {
- bMultipleDisNames = true;
- changeTo = null; // Not going to be able to assign a better version
- }
- }
- } // end loop over 1-word candidates
- if (null != changeTo) {
- //Debug code
- if (_nDebugLevel >= 1) {
- System.out.println("1REPLACE/" + bMultipleDisNames + ": "+ ent.getActual_name() + " WITH " + changeTo.entity.getIndex() + " - "+ changeTo.entity.getActual_name() + " / " + changeTo.entity.getDisambiguatedName()
- + ": " + changeTo.entity.getRelevance() + " / " + changeTo.entity.getFrequency() + " / " + changeTo.entity.getTotalfrequency());
- }
- // Preferred option, improve stats of "change to" and then delete "to change"
- EntityInfo.assimilate(changeTo.entity, ent);
- doc.getEntities().remove(ent);
- // Other option: swap the important fields over - the problem with
- // this is that you get multiple entities with the same name
- // so we'll not go with that
- // ent.getGazateer_index() = changeTo.entity.getGazateer_index();
- // ent.getDisambiguous_name() = changeTo.entity.getDisambiguous_name();
- // ent.linkdata = changeTo.entity.linkdata;
- // Leave the stats alone ... it's all a little bit confusing
- this._nOneWordAssignments++;
- bChangedAnything = true;
- }
- else if (null == changeTo) { // Expensive, but hopefully don't need to do that often
- //Debug
- if (_nDebugLevel >= 1) {
- System.out.println("DELETE " + ent.getActual_name() + " " + ent.getDisambiguatedName());
- }
- this._nOneWordDeletions++;
- doc.getEntities().remove(ent);
- bChangedAnything = true;
- }
- }//TESTED: various cases, changed and unchanged
- else { // No candidate matches, compare against other "who"s
- //Debug:
- if (_nDebugLevel >= 2) {
- System.out.println("No person candidate matches for " + ent.getActual_name());
- }
- // 3.2] also need to compare against companies ie other "who's" (if no people matches)
- String gazIndex = null;
- EntityPojo changeTo = null;
- Set<EntityPojo> possWhoSet = null;
- if (null == entInfo.firstName) { // Won't try to replace weak prefix entities with company names, obviously
- String stripActualName = ent.getActual_name().replaceAll("[;;.,]+$", "");
- possWhoSet = possibleWhoMatches.get(stripActualName.toLowerCase());
- if (null != possWhoSet) {
- // Check there's only 1 candidate, else nothing to be done
- for (EntityPojo possWho: possWhoSet) {
- //Debug
- if (_nDebugLevel >= 2) {
- System.out.println("Candidate company match: " + possWho.getIndex());
- }
- if (null == gazIndex) {
- gazIndex = possWho.getIndex();
- changeTo = possWho;
- }
- else if (!gazIndex.equals(possWho.getIndex())) {
- gazIndex = null;
- break;
- }
- }
- }//TESTED: "gala/person" vs "buckyball discovery gala/organization"
- //TESTED: multiple companies case: "Sinclair" vs "Sinclair Technologies Inc" and "Sinclair Holdings Inc"
- } //(end if a one-word vs weak prefix)
- if (null != gazIndex) { // Convert
- //Debug code
- if (_nDebugLevel >= 1) {
- System.out.println("COREPLACE " + ent.getActual_name() + " WITH "+ changeTo.getActual_name() + " / " + changeTo.getDisambiguatedName()
- + ": " + changeTo.getRelevance() + " / " + changeTo.getFrequency() + " / " + changeTo.getTotalfrequency());
- }
- // Preferred option, improve stats of "change to" and then delete "to change"
- EntityInfo.assimilate(changeTo, ent);
- doc.getEntities().remove(ent);
- // Other option: swap the important fields over - the problem with
- // this is that you get multiple entities with the same name
- // so we'll not go with that
- // ent.getGazateer_index() = changeTo.getGazateer_index();
- // ent.getDisambiguous_name() = changeTo.getDisambiguous_name();
- // ent.type = changeTo.type;
- // ent.linkdata = changeTo.linkdata;
- // Leave the stats alone ... it's all a little bit confusing
- this._nOneWordAssignments++;
- this._nOneWordConversions++;
- bChangedAnything = true;
- }//TESTED: cut and paste of code from above, with type added
- else { // No candidate names or companies... (or too many companies)
- // Either stick with Alchemy's suggestion, if there is one
- // Or delete (always do this if many candidate companies)
- boolean bDelete = true;
- if ((null == possWhoSet) && !ent.getDisambiguatedName().matches("[^ -]*")) {
- bDelete = false;
- // Extra bit of logic needed:
- List<EntityInfo> lTmp = weakPrefixMatches.get(entInfo.lastName);
- // (Do I match a name from the weak prefix set, if so then delete me after all)
- if (null != lTmp) {
- if (lTmp.size() > 1) {
- bDelete = true;
- }
- else {
- EntityInfo tmpEntInfo = lTmp.get(0);
- if (tmpEntInfo.entity != entInfo.entity) {
- bDelete = true;
- }
- }
- }//TESTED: "Mrs. Obama / Barack Obama" (obv wrong but the logic is right!)
- //TESTED Ghodrat-ol-Ein
- }
- if (bDelete) {
- // Multiple possible companies OR no Alchemy suggestion
- // Expensive, but hopefully don't need to do that often
- this._nOneWordDeletions++;
- doc.getEntities().remove(ent);
- bChangedAnything = true;
- //Debug
- if (_nDebugLevel >= 1) {
- System.out.println("DELETE " + ent.getActual_name() + " " + ent.getDisambiguatedName());
- }
- } //TESTED: " Mrs. Clinton / Hillary Rodham Clinton" and "Hillary Edmund Hillary"
- else { // Leave Alchemy suggestion, nothing to do
- //Debug
- if (_nDebugLevel >= 2) {
- System.out.println("DON'T DELETE " + ent.getActual_name() + " " + ent.getDisambiguatedName());
- }
- }
- }//TESTED: by eye (eg deleted "Sinclair" in above "multiple companies case", "John" no mappingl didn't delete "Hitler")
- }// end if people candidates or other who candidates
- //TESTED: see above clauses
- } // end loop over 1 word entries
- return bChangedAnything;
- }
- } // end class AlchemyEntityPersonCleaner