Python | 331 lines | 227 code | 34 blank | 70 comment | 59 complexity | c6a47b36853b51bde90e1ac93688b5af MD5 | raw file
- # Copyright 2007,2008,2009,2011 Everyblock LLC, OpenPlans, and contributors
- #
- # This file is part of ebpub
- #
- # ebpub is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # ebpub is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with ebpub. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- #
- from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
- from django.db.models import Q
- from ebpub.geocoder.parser.parsing import normalize, parse, ParsingError
- from ebpub.geocoder.models import GeocoderCache
- from ebpub.streets.models import Block, StreetMisspelling, Intersection
- import re
- block_re = re.compile(r'^(\d+)[-\s]+(?:blk|block)\s+(?:of\s+)?(.*)$', re.IGNORECASE)
- intersection_re = re.compile(r'(?<=.) (?:and|\&|at|near|@|around|towards?|off|/|(?:just )?(?:north|south|east|west) of|(?:just )?past) (?=.)', re.IGNORECASE)
- # segment_re = re.compile(r'^.{1,40}?\b(?:between .{1,40}? and|from .{1,40}? to) .{1,40}?$', re.IGNORECASE) # TODO
- class GeocodingException(Exception):
- pass
- class AmbiguousResult(GeocodingException):
- def __init__(self, choices, message=None):
- self.choices = choices
- if message is None:
- message = "Address DB returned %s results" % len(choices)
- self.message = message
- def __str__(self):
- return self.message
- class DoesNotExist(GeocodingException):
- pass
- class UnparseableLocation(GeocodingException):
- pass
- class InvalidBlockButValidStreet(GeocodingException):
- def __init__(self, block_number, street_name, block_list):
- self.block_number = block_number
- self.street_name = street_name
- self.block_list = block_list
- class Address(dict):
- "A simple container class for representing a single street address."
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self._cache_hit = False
- @property
- def latitude(self):
- if self["point"]:
- return self["point"].y
- lat = latitude
- @property
- def longitude(self):
- if self["point"]:
- return self["point"].x
- lng = longitude
- def __unicode__(self):
- return u", ".join([self[k] for k in ["address", "city", "state", "zip"]])
- @classmethod
- def from_cache(cls, cached):
- """
- Builds an Address object from a GeocoderCache result object.
- """
- fields = {
- 'address': cached.address,
- 'city': cached.city,
- 'state': cached.state,
- 'zip': cached.zip,
- 'point': cached.location,
- 'intersection_id': cached.intersection_id,
- }
- try:
- block_obj = cached.block
- except ObjectDoesNotExist:
- fields.update({'block': None})
- else:
- fields.update({'block': block_obj})
- try:
- intersection_obj = cached.intersection
- except ObjectDoesNotExist:
- fields.update({'intersection': None})
- else:
- fields.update({'intersection': intersection_obj})
- obj = cls(fields)
- obj._cache_hit = True
- return obj
- class Geocoder(object):
- """
- Generic Geocoder class.
- Subclasses must override the following attribute:
- _do_geocode(self, location_string)
- Actually performs the geocoding. The base class implementation of
- geocode() calls this behind the scenes.
- """
- def __init__(self, use_cache=True):
- self.use_cache = use_cache
- def geocode(self, location):
- """
- Geocodes the given location, handling caching behind the scenes.
- """
- location = normalize(location)
- result, cache_hit = None, False
- # Get the result (an Address instance), either from the cache or by
- # calling _do_geocode().
- if self.use_cache:
- try:
- cached = GeocoderCache.objects.filter(normalized_location=location)[0]
- except IndexError:
- pass
- else:
- result = Address.from_cache(cached)
- cache_hit = True
- if result is None:
- try:
- result = self._do_geocode(location)
- except AmbiguousResult, e:
- # If multiple results were found, check whether they have the
- # same point. If they all have the same point, don't raise the
- # AmbiguousResult exception -- just return the first one.
- #
- # An edge case is if result['point'] is None. This could happen
- # if the geocoder found locations, not points. In that case,
- # just raise the AmbiguousResult.
- result = e.choices[0]
- if result['point'] is None:
- raise
- for i in e.choices[1:]:
- if i['point'] != result['point']:
- raise
- # Save the result to the cache if it wasn't in there already.
- if not cache_hit and self.use_cache:
- GeocoderCache.populate(location, result)
- return result
- class AddressGeocoder(Geocoder):
- def _do_geocode(self, location_string):
- # Parse the address.
- try:
- locations = parse(location_string)
- except ParsingError, e:
- raise
- all_results = []
- for loc in locations:
- loc_results = self._db_lookup(loc)
- # If none were found, maybe the street was misspelled. Check that.
- if not loc_results and loc['street']:
- try:
- misspelling = StreetMisspelling.objects.get(incorrect=loc['street'])
- loc['street'] = misspelling.correct
- except StreetMisspelling.DoesNotExist:
- pass
- else:
- loc_results = self._db_lookup(loc)
- # Next, try removing the street suffix, in case an incorrect
- # one was given.
- if not loc_results and loc['suffix']:
- loc_results = self._db_lookup(dict(loc, suffix=None))
- # Next, try looking for the street, in case the street
- # exists but the address doesn't.
- if not loc_results and loc['number']:
- kwargs = {'street': loc['street']}
- sided_filters = []
- if loc['city']:
- city_filter = Q(left_city=loc['city']) | Q(right_city=loc['city'])
- sided_filters.append(city_filter)
- b_list = Block.objects.filter(*sided_filters, **kwargs).order_by('predir', 'from_num', 'to_num')
- if b_list:
- raise InvalidBlockButValidStreet(loc['number'], b_list[0].street_pretty_name, b_list)
- all_results.extend(loc_results)
- if not all_results:
- raise DoesNotExist("Geocoder db couldn't find this location: %r" % location_string)
- elif len(all_results) == 1:
- return all_results[0]
- else:
- raise AmbiguousResult(all_results)
- def _db_lookup(self, location):
- """
- Given a location dict as returned by parse(), looks up the address in
- the DB. Always returns a list of Address dictionaries (or an empty list
- if no results are found).
- """
- if not location['number']:
- return []
- # Query the blocks database.
- try:
- blocks = Block.objects.search(
- street=location['street'],
- number=location['number'],
- predir=location['pre_dir'],
- suffix=location['suffix'],
- postdir=location['post_dir'],
- city=location['city'],
- state=location['state'],
- zipcode=location['zip'],
- )
- except:
- # TODO: replace with Block-specific exception?
- raise
- return [self._build_result(location, block, geocoded_pt) for block, geocoded_pt in blocks]
- def _build_result(self, location, block, geocoded_pt):
- return Address({
- 'address': unicode(" ".join([str(s) for s in [location['number'], block.predir, block.street_pretty_name, block.postdir] if s])),
- 'city': block.city.title(),
- 'state': block.state,
- 'zip': block.zip,
- 'block': block,
- 'intersection_id': None,
- 'point': geocoded_pt,
- 'url': block.url(),
- 'wkt': str(block.location),
- })
- class BlockGeocoder(AddressGeocoder):
- def _do_geocode(self, location_string):
- m = block_re.search(location_string)
- if not m:
- raise ParsingError("BlockGeocoder somehow got an address it can't parse: %r" % location_string)
- new_location_string = ' '.join(m.groups())
- return AddressGeocoder._do_geocode(self, new_location_string)
- class IntersectionGeocoder(Geocoder):
- def _do_geocode(self, location_string):
- sides = intersection_re.split(location_string)
- if len(sides) != 2:
- raise ParsingError("Couldn't parse intersection: %r" % location_string)
- # Parse each side of the intersection to a list of possibilities.
- # Let the ParseError exception propagate, if it's raised.
- left_side = parse(sides[0])
- right_side = parse(sides[1])
- all_results = []
- seen_intersections = set()
- for street_a in left_side:
- street_a['street'] = StreetMisspelling.objects.make_correction(street_a['street'])
- for street_b in right_side:
- street_b['street'] = StreetMisspelling.objects.make_correction(street_b['street'])
- for result in self._db_lookup(street_a, street_b):
- if result["intersection_id"] not in seen_intersections:
- seen_intersections.add(result["intersection_id"])
- all_results.append(result)
- if not all_results:
- raise DoesNotExist("Geocoder db couldn't find this intersection: %r" % location_string)
- elif len(all_results) == 1:
- return all_results.pop()
- else:
- raise AmbiguousResult(list(all_results), "Intersections DB returned %s results" % len(all_results))
- def _db_lookup(self, street_a, street_b):
- try:
- intersections = Intersection.objects.search(
- predir_a=street_a["pre_dir"],
- street_a=street_a["street"],
- suffix_a=street_a["suffix"],
- postdir_a=street_a["post_dir"],
- predir_b=street_b["pre_dir"],
- street_b=street_b["street"],
- suffix_b=street_b["suffix"],
- postdir_b=street_b["post_dir"]
- )
- except Exception, e:
- raise DoesNotExist("Intersection db query failed: %r" % e)
- return [self._build_result(i) for i in intersections]
- def _build_result(self, intersection):
- return Address({
- 'address': intersection.pretty_name,
- 'city': intersection.city,
- 'state': intersection.state,
- 'zip': intersection.zip,
- 'intersection_id': intersection.id,
- 'intersection': intersection,
- 'block': None,
- 'point': intersection.location,
- 'url': intersection.url(),
- 'wkt': str(intersection.location),
- })
- #
- # class SegmentGeocoder(Geocoder):
- # def _do_geocode(self, location_string):
- # bits = segment_re.findall(location_string)
- # g = IntersectionGeocoder()
- # try:
- # point1 = g.geocode('%s and %s' % (bits[0], bits[1]))
- # point2 = g.geocode('%s and %s' % (bits[0], bits[2]))
- # except DoesNotExist, e:
- # raise DoesNotExist("Segment query failed: %r" % e)
- # # TODO: Make a line from the two points, and return that.
- class SmartGeocoder(Geocoder):
- def _do_geocode(self, location_string):
- if intersection_re.search(location_string):
- geocoder = IntersectionGeocoder()
- elif block_re.search(location_string):
- geocoder = BlockGeocoder()
- else:
- geocoder = AddressGeocoder()
- return geocoder._do_geocode(location_string)