Python | 277 lines | 200 code | 27 blank | 50 comment | 24 complexity | 20a31952ebacd6a825491622789d9b1d MD5 | raw file
- # Copyright 2007,2008,2009 Everyblock LLC
- #
- # This file is part of everyblock
- #
- # everyblock is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # everyblock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
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- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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- #
- """
- Screen scraper for California liquor-license data.
- http://www.abc.ca.gov/datport/SubscrMenu.asp
- """
- from ebdata.retrieval.scrapers.base import ScraperBroken
- from ebdata.retrieval.scrapers.list_detail import SkipRecord
- from ebdata.retrieval.scrapers.newsitem_list_detail import NewsItemListDetailScraper
- from ebpub.db.models import NewsItem
- from ebpub.utils.dates import parse_date
- import re
- 'la': 1993,
- 'sf': 3800,
- 'sanjose': 4313,
- }
- license_types_re = re.compile(r'(?si)<b>\d\) License Type:</b> (?P<license_type>.*?)</td></tr><tr><td><b>\s*License Type Status:</b> (?P<license_type_status>.*?)</td></tr><tr><td><b>\s*Status Date: </b> (?P<status_date>.*?) <b>\s*Term: (?P<term>.*?)</td></tr><tr><td><b>\s*Original Issue Date: </b> (?P<original_issue_date>.*?) <b>\s*Expiration Date: </b> (?P<expiration_date>.*?) </tr><tr><td><b>\s*Master: </b> (?P<master>.*?)\s*<b>\s*Duplicate: </b> (?P<duplicate>.*?) <b>\s*Fee Code: </b> (?P<fee_code>.*?)</td></tr>')
- detail_url = lambda page_id: 'http://www.abc.ca.gov/datport/LQSdata.asp?ID=%s' % page_id
- class LiquorLicenseScraper(NewsItemListDetailScraper):
- """
- A base class that encapsulates how to scrape California liquor licenses.
- Do not instantiate this class directly; use one of the subclasses.
- """
- schema_slugs = ('liquor-licenses',)
- has_detail = True
- parse_detail_re = re.compile(r'(?si)License Number: </b>.*? <b>\s*Status: </b>(?P<status>.*?)</td></tr><tr><td><b>Primary Owner: </b>(?P<primary_owner>.*?)</td></tr><td><b>ABC Office of Application: </b>(?P<office_of_application>.*?)</td></tr></tr><tr><td bgcolor=#260066 class=header><font color=white> <b>Business Name </font></b></td></tr>(?P<business_name>.*?)<tr><td bgcolor=#260066 class=header><font color=white> <b>Business Address </font></b></td><td bgcolor=#260066 class=header></td></tr><tr><td><b>Address: </b>(?P<address>.*?)<b>Census Tract: </b>(?P<census_tract>.*?)</td></tr><tr><td><b>City: </b>(?P<city>.*?) <b>County: </b>(?P<county>.*?)</td></tr><tr><td><b>State: </b>(?P<state>.*?) <b>Zip Code: </b>(?P<zipcode>.*?)</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=#260066 class=header><font color=white> <b>Licensee Information </font></b></td></tr><tr><td><b>Licensee: </b>.*?</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=#260066 class=header><font color=white> <B>License Types </font></b></td></tr><tr><td>(?P<license_types>.*?)<tr><td bgcolor=#260066 class=header><font color=white> <b>Current Disciplinary Action </font>')
- def parse_list(self, page):
- page = page.replace(' ', ' ')
- # First, get the report date by looking for "Report as of XXXX".
- m = re.search(r'(?i)report as of (\w+ \d\d?, \d\d\d\d)</U>', page)
- if not m:
- raise ScraperBroken('Could not find "Report as of" in page')
- report_date = parse_date(m.group(1), '%B %d, %Y')
- # Determine the headers by looking at the <th> tags, and clean them up
- # to match our style for keys in the list_record dictionary (lower
- # case, underscores instead of spaces).
- headers = [h.lower() for h in re.findall('(?i)<th[^>]*>(?:<a[^>]+>)?\s*(.*?)\s*(?:</a>)?</th>', page)]
- headers = [h.replace('<br>', ' ') for h in headers]
- headers = [re.sub(r'[^a-z]', ' ', h) for h in headers]
- headers = [re.sub(r'\s+', '_', h.strip()) for h in headers]
- # Dynamically construct a regex based on the number of headers.
- # Note that this assumes that at most *one* of the headers has an
- # empty name; if more than one header has an empty name, this regex
- # will have multiple named groups with the same name, which will cause
- # an error.
- pattern = '(?si)<tr valign=top class=report_column>%s</tr>'% '\s*'.join(['\s*<td[^>]*>\s*(?:<center>)?\s*(?P<%s>.*?)\s*(?:</center>)?\s*</td[^>]*>\s*' % (h or 'number') for h in headers])
- for record in re.finditer(pattern, page):
- yield dict(record.groupdict(), report_date=report_date)
- def clean_list_record(self, record):
- try:
- license_number = record.pop('license_num')
- except KeyError:
- license_number = record.pop('license_number')
- m = re.search(r'(?i)<a href=.*?LQSdata\.asp\?ID=(\d+)>\s*(\d+)\s*</a>', license_number)
- if not m:
- raise ScraperBroken('License number link not found in %r' % license_number)
- record['place_id'], record['license_number'] = m.groups()
- return record
- def get_detail(self, record):
- url = detail_url(record['place_id'])
- return self.get_html(url)
- def parse_detail(self, page, list_record):
- # They use a ton of s for some reason, so convert them to spaces
- # to make the parse_detail_re regex more readable.
- page = page.replace(' ', ' ')
- return NewsItemListDetailScraper.parse_detail(self, page, list_record)
- def clean_detail_record(self, record):
- if 'No Active DBA found' in record['business_name']:
- record['business_name'] = ''
- else:
- m = re.search(r'(?si)<tr><td><b>Doing Business As: </b>(.*?)</td></tr>', record['business_name'])
- if not m:
- raise ScraperBroken('Got unknown business_name value %r' % record['business_name'])
- record['business_name'] = m.group(1)
- record['address'] = record['address'].strip()
- # There can be multiple license types, so this requires further parsing
- # to create a list.
- license_types = []
- for m in license_types_re.finditer(record['license_types']):
- d = m.groupdict()
- d['status_date'] = parse_date(d['status_date'], '%d-%b-%Y')
- if not d['status_date']:
- # Skip license types that don't have a status date, because
- # a NewsItem is required to have an item_date, and we don't
- # care about licenses that don't have a change date.
- continue
- d['original_issue_date'] = parse_date(d['original_issue_date'], '%d-%b-%Y')
- d['expiration_date'] = parse_date(d['expiration_date'], '%d-%b-%Y')
- d['term'] = d['term'].replace('</B>', '').strip()
- license_types.append(d)
- record['license_types'] = license_types
- return record
- def existing_record(self, record):
- # We don't have enough information from the list_record to determine
- # whether this record exists.
- return None
- def detail_required(self, list_record, old_record):
- # Always download the detail page.
- return True
- def save(self, old_record, list_record, detail_record):
- # Each status change only applies to a single license type (e.g.
- # "Winegrower"). The list page says which license type we're interested
- # in, but only the detail page has the description, so we have to use
- # one to look up the other.
- try:
- license = [t for t in detail_record['license_types'] if t['license_type'][:2] == list_record['type']][0]
- except IndexError:
- raise ScraperBroken('License type %r not found on detail page' % list_record['type'])
- license_type = self.get_or_create_lookup('type', license['license_type'][5:], list_record['type'])
- status = self.get_or_create_lookup('status', license['license_type_status'], license['license_type_status'])
- if not list_record.has_key('action'):
- list_record['action'] = '' # Status changes do not have actions
- action = self.get_or_create_lookup('action', list_record['action'], list_record['action'])
- if self.record_type.code == 'STATUS_CHANGE':
- old_status = self.get_or_create_lookup('old_status', list_record['status_from'], list_record['status_from'])
- new_status = self.get_or_create_lookup('new_status', list_record['status_to'], list_record['status_to'])
- else:
- # New licesnses and new application have no old status.
- old_status = self.get_or_create_lookup('old_status', 'None', 'NONE')
- new_status = self.get_or_create_lookup('new_status', list_record['status'], list_record['status'])
- try:
- qs = NewsItem.objects.filter(schema__id=self.schema.id, item_date=list_record['report_date'])
- qs = qs.by_attribute(self.schema_fields['page_id'], list_record['place_id'])
- qs = qs.by_attribute(self.schema_fields['type'], license_type.id)
- if self.record_type.code == 'STATUS_CHANGE':
- qs = qs.by_attribute(self.schema_fields['old_status'], old_status.id)
- qs = qs.by_attribute(self.schema_fields['new_status'], new_status.id)
- else:
- qs = qs.by_attribute(self.schema_fields['action'], action.id)
- old_record = qs[0]
- except IndexError:
- pass
- else:
- return # No need to save again, if this record already exists.
- title = '%s for %s' % (self.record_type.name, detail_record['business_name'] or detail_record['primary_owner'])
- attributes = {
- 'page_id': list_record['place_id'],
- 'address': detail_record['address'],
- 'business_name': detail_record['business_name'],
- 'original_issue_date': license['original_issue_date'],
- 'expiration_date': license['expiration_date'],
- 'type': license_type.id,
- 'status': status.id,
- 'license_number': list_record['license_number'],
- 'primary_owner': detail_record['primary_owner'],
- 'action': action.id,
- 'record_type': self.record_type.id,
- 'old_status': old_status.id,
- 'new_status': new_status.id,
- }
- self.create_newsitem(
- attributes,
- title=title,
- url=detail_url(list_record['place_id']),
- item_date=license['status_date'],
- location_name=detail_record['address'],
- )
- class NewIssuedLicenseScraper(LiquorLicenseScraper):
- def __init__(self, geo_code):
- # geo_code is a numeric code describing the part of California we're
- # interested in. For all the choices, see page three of this PDF:
- # http://www.abc.ca.gov/datport/ABC_Data_Layout.PDF
- LiquorLicenseScraper.__init__(self)
- self.geo_code = str(geo_code)
- self.record_type = self.get_or_create_lookup('record_type', 'New license issued', 'ISSUED')
- def list_pages(self):
- yield self.get_html('http://www.abc.ca.gov/datport/SubscrOption.asp', {'SUBCRIT': 'p_DlyIssApp'})
- def clean_list_record(self, record):
- if record['geo_code'] != self.geo_code:
- raise SkipRecord
- record = LiquorLicenseScraper.clean_list_record(self, record)
- record['type'], record['dup'] = record.pop('type_dup').split('/')
- record['expir_date'] = parse_date(record['expir_date'], '%m/%d/%Y')
- return record
- class NewApplicationScraper(LiquorLicenseScraper):
- def __init__(self, geo_code):
- LiquorLicenseScraper.__init__(self)
- self.geo_code = str(geo_code)
- self.record_type = self.get_or_create_lookup('record_type', 'New application', 'APPLICATION')
- def list_pages(self):
- yield self.get_html('http://www.abc.ca.gov/datport/SubscrOption.asp', {'SUBCRIT': 'p_DlyNuApp'})
- def clean_list_record(self, record):
- if record['geo_code'] != self.geo_code:
- raise SkipRecord
- record = LiquorLicenseScraper.clean_list_record(self, record)
- record['type'], record['dup'] = record.pop('type_dup').split('/')
- return record
- class StatusChangeScraper(LiquorLicenseScraper):
- def __init__(self, geo_code):
- LiquorLicenseScraper.__init__(self)
- self.geo_code = str(geo_code)
- self.record_type = self.get_or_create_lookup('record_type', 'Status change', 'STATUS_CHANGE')
- def list_pages(self):
- yield self.get_html('http://www.abc.ca.gov/datport/SubscrOption.asp', {'SUBCRIT': 'p_DlyStat'})
- def clean_list_record(self, record):
- if record['geo_code'] != self.geo_code:
- raise SkipRecord
- record = LiquorLicenseScraper.clean_list_record(self, record)
- record['type'], record['dup'] = record.pop('type_dup').split('/')
- record['status_from'], record['status_to'] = record.pop('status_changed_from_to').split(' / ')
- record['transfer_info_from'], record['transfer_info_to'] = record.pop('transfer_info_from_to').split('/')
- record['orig_iss_date'] = parse_date(record['orig_iss_date'], '%m/%d/%Y')
- record['expir_date'] = parse_date(record['expir_date'], '%m/%d/%Y')
- return record
- def update_newest(geo_code):
- # San Francisco is geo_code 3800. San Jose is 4313. LA is 1933.
- # You can get the geo_code for a city by looking here:
- # http://www.abc.ca.gov/datport/SubDlyNuRep.asp
- s = NewIssuedLicenseScraper(geo_code)
- s.update()
- s = NewApplicationScraper(geo_code)
- s.update()
- s = StatusChangeScraper(geo_code)
- s.update()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- import sys
- from ebdata.retrieval import log_debug
- try:
- geocode = GEOCODES[sys.argv[1]]
- except (KeyError, IndexError):
- print "Usage: retrieval.py %s" % '|'.join(GEOCODES.keys())
- sys.exit(0)
- update_newest(int(geocode))