C++ | 163 lines | 91 code | 9 blank | 63 comment | 9 complexity | 39681a7ed56e8e393b6f5184192ceb11 MD5 | raw file
- // sift.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
- //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include <cxcore.h>
- #include <cv.h>
- #include <highgui.h>
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- /*IplImage *image = cvLoadImage("blue.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
- if(image)
- {
- cvNamedWindow("Image");
- cvShowImage("image",image);
- cvSaveImage("save.jpg",image);
- cvWaitKey();
- cvDestroyWindow("Image");
- int nl= image->height; // number of lines
- int nc= image->width * image->nChannels; // total number of element per line
- int step= image->widthStep; // effective width
- // get the pointer to the image buffer
- unsigned char *data= reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(image->imageData);
- int ct=0;double xmean=0.0;double ymean=0.0;
- for (int i=1; i<nl; i++) {
- for (int j=0; j<nc; j+= image->nChannels) {
- // process each pixel ---------------------
- //data[j]= data[j]/div * div + div/2;
- //data[j+1]= data[j+1]/div * div + div/2;
- //data[j+2]= data[j+2]/div * div + div/2;
- if((int)data[j]>1.2*(int)data[j+1]&&(int)data[j]>1.2*(int)data[j+2])
- {
- printf("%d %d %d \n",(int)data[j],(int)data[j+1],(int)data[j+2]);
- //getchar();
- ct++;
- xmean += (double)j/3.0;
- ymean += (double)i;
- data[j]=data[j+1]=data[j+2]=0;
- }
- // end of pixel processing ----------------
- } // end of line
- data+= step; // next line
- }
- if (ct>0) {
- xmean /= (double)ct;
- ymean /= (double)ct;
- }
- printf("current value of ct %d \n",ct);
- if (ct>(image->width/20)*(image->height/20))
- {
- printf("Best guess at blue target: %f %f \n", xmean, ymean); //%g %g\n",xMean, yMean);
- }
- cvSaveImage("save.pgm",image);
- getchar();
- cvReleaseImage(&image);
- }*/
- system("siftWin32.exe <blue1.pgm >tmp1.txt");
- IplImage *image1 = cvLoadImage("blue1.pgm");
- FILE* fp1=fopen("tmp1.txt","rb");
- float *arr1x; float *arr1y; int *arr2;float scale,ori;int temp1, temp2;
- //while(fp1!=NULL)
- {
- fscanf(fp1,"%d %d \n",&temp1, &temp2);
- printf("%d %d \n",temp1,temp2);
- //getchar();
- arr1x=(float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*temp1);
- arr1y=(float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*temp1);
- arr2=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*temp2*temp1);
- for(int i2=1;i2<=temp1;i2++)
- {
- printf("temp1 %d \n",i2);
- fscanf(fp1,"%f %f %f %f \n", &arr1x[i2-1], &arr1y[i2-1], &scale,&ori);
- printf("%f %f %f %f \n", arr1x[i2-1], arr1y[i2-1], scale,ori);
- //getchar();
- for(int i3=1;i3<=temp2;i3++)
- {
- fscanf(fp1,"%d ", &arr2[(i2-1)*temp2+(i3-1)]);
- printf("%d ", arr2[(i2-1)*temp2+(i3-1)]);
- }fscanf(fp1,"\n");printf("\n");
- cvCircle(image1,cvPoint((int)arr1x[i2-1],(int)arr1y[i2-1]),3,cvScalar(0,255,255,255),1);
- //getchar();
- }
- }
- cvSaveImage("save_first.jpg",image1);
- cvReleaseImage(&image1);
- printf("first one finished \n");
- fclose(fp1);
- system("siftWin32.exe <blue2.pgm >tmp2.txt");
- FILE* fp1new=fopen("tmp2.txt","rb");
- float *arr1xnew; float *arr1ynew; int *arr2new;float scalenew,orinew;int temp1new, temp2new;
- //while(fp1new!=NULL)
- {
- fscanf(fp1new,"%d %d \n",&temp1new, &temp2new);
- printf("%d %d \n",temp1new,temp2new);
- //getchar();
- arr1xnew=(float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*temp1new);
- arr1ynew=(float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*temp1new);
- arr2new=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*temp2new*temp1new);
- for(int i2new=1;i2new<=temp1new;i2new++)
- {
- fscanf(fp1new,"%f %f %f %f \n", &arr1xnew[i2new-1], &arr1ynew[i2new-1], &scalenew,&orinew);
- printf("%f %f %f %f \n", arr1xnew[i2new-1], arr1ynew[i2new-1], scalenew,orinew);
- //getchar();
- for(int i3new=1;i3new<=temp2new;i3new++)
- {
- fscanf(fp1new,"%d ", &arr2new[(i2new-1)*temp2new+(i3new-1)]);
- printf("%d ", arr2new[(i2new-1)*temp2new+(i3new-1)]);
- }fscanf(fp1new,"\n");printf("\n");
- //getchar();
- }
- }
- //matching
- IplImage *imagematch = cvLoadImage("blue2.pgm");
- float *bestmatchx = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*temp1);
- float *bestmatchy = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*temp1);
- for (int i4=1;i4<=temp1;i4++)
- {
- float bestval = 1000000.0;
- for(int i5=1;i5<=temp1new;i5++)
- {
- double value=0.0;
- for(int i6=1;i6<=temp2new;i6++)
- {
- double temp = arr2[(i4-1)*temp2+(i6-1)]-arr2new[(i5-1)*temp2new+(i6-1)];
- value+= temp*temp;
- }
- value = sqrt(value)/temp2new;
- if (value < bestval)
- {
- bestval=value;
- bestmatchx[i4-1]=arr1xnew[i5-1];
- bestmatchy[i4-1]=arr1ynew[i5-1];
- }
- }
- cvCircle(imagematch,cvPoint((int)bestmatchx[i4-1],(int)bestmatchy[i4-1]),3,cvScalar(0,255,255,255),1);
- }
- double xmean = 0.0; double ymean = 0.0;
- for(int i7=1;i7<=temp1;i7++)
- {
- xmean += bestmatchx[i7-1];
- ymean += bestmatchy[i7-1];
- }
- xmean = xmean/temp1;
- ymean = ymean/temp1;
- printf("%lf %lf",xmean,ymean);
- getchar();
- cvSaveImage("savematch.jpg",imagematch);
- cvReleaseImage(&imagematch);
- return 0;
- }