Perl | 426 lines | 183 code | 50 blank | 193 comment | 36 complexity | c9b9c3b6038e2fa62d0e9ff8cdec29ca MD5 | raw file
- # /=====================================================================\ #
- # | LaTeXML::Token, LaTeXML::Tokens | #
- # | Representation of Token(s) | #
- # |=====================================================================| #
- # | Part of LaTeXML: | #
- # | Public domain software, produced as part of work done by the | #
- # | United States Government & not subject to copyright in the US. | #
- # |---------------------------------------------------------------------| #
- # | Bruce Miller <bruce.miller@nist.gov> #_# | #
- # | http://dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML/ (o o) | #
- # \=========================================================ooo==U==ooo=/ #
- #**********************************************************************
- # A Token represented as a pair: [string,catcode]
- # string is a character or control sequence.
- # Yes, a bit inefficient, but code is clearer...
- #**********************************************************************
- package LaTeXML::Token;
- use strict;
- use LaTeXML::Global;
- use LaTeXML::Object;
- our @ISA = qw(LaTeXML::Object);
- #======================================================================
- # See LaTeXML::Global for constructors.
- #======================================================================
- # Categories of Category codes.
- # For Tokens with these catcodes, only the catcode is relevant for comparison.
- # (if they even make it to a stage where they get compared)
- our @primitive_catcode = (1,1,1,1,
- 1,1,1,1,
- 1,0,1,0,
- 0,0,0,0,
- 0,1);
- my @standardchar=("\\",'{','}','$',
- '&',"\n",'#','^',
- '_',undef,undef,undef,
- undef,undef,'%',undef);
- our @CC_NAME=qw(Escape Begin End Math Align EOL Parameter Superscript Subscript
- Ignore Space Letter Other Active Comment Invalid
- ControlSequence NotExpanded);
- );
- #======================================================================
- # Accessors.
- sub isaToken { 1; }
- # Get the CS Name of the token. This is the name that definitions will be
- # stored under; It's the same for various `different' BEGIN tokens, eg.
- sub getCSName {
- my($token)=@_;
- my $cc = $$token[1];
- ($primitive_catcode[$cc] ? $CC_NAME[$cc] : $$token[0]); }
- # Return the string or character part of the token
- sub getString { $_[0]->[0]; }
- # Return the character code of character part of the token, or 256 if it is a control sequence
- sub getCharcode{ ($_[0]->[1] == CC_CS ? 256 : ord($_[0]->[0])); }
- # Return the catcode of the token.
- sub getCatcode { $_[0]->[1]; }
- sub getDefinition {
- my $defn = $STATE->lookupMeaning($_[0]);
- (defined $defn && $defn->isaDefinition ? $defn : undef); }
- # Defined so a Token or Tokens can be used interchangeably.
- sub unlist { ($_[0]); }
- sub getLocator { ''; }
- #======================================================================
- # Note that this converts the string to a more `user readable' form using `standard' chars for catcodes.
- # We'll need to be careful about using string instead of untex for internal purposes where the
- # actual character is needed.
- sub untex {
- my($self)=@_;
- ($standardchar[$$self[1]] || $$self[0]); }
- sub toString { $_[0]->[0]; }
- # Convenience, for a CS token.
- # Return the expansion (Tokens) that would invoke it with the given args.
- sub invocation {
- my($self,@args)=@_;
- $self->getDefinition->invocation(@args); }
- #======================================================================
- # Methods for overloaded ops.
- # Compare two tokens; They are equal if they both have same catcode,
- # and either the catcode is one of the primitive ones, or thier strings
- # are equal.
- sub equals {
- my($a,$b)=@_;
- (defined $b
- && (ref $a) eq (ref $b))
- && ($$a[1] eq $$b[1])
- && ($primitive_catcode[$$a[1]] || ($$a[0] eq $$b[0])); }
- # Primarily for error reporting.
- sub stringify {
- my($self)=@_;
- $CC_SHORT_NAME[$$self[1]].'['.$$self[0].']'; }
- #**********************************************************************
- # LaTeXML::Tokens
- # A blessed reference to a list of LaTeXML::Token's
- # It implements the core API of Mouth, as if pre-tokenized.
- #**********************************************************************
- package LaTeXML::Tokens;
- use strict;
- use LaTeXML::Global;
- use LaTeXML::Object;
- our @ISA = qw(LaTeXML::Object);
- sub new {
- my($class,@tokens)=@_;
- bless [@tokens],$class; }
- # Return a list of the tokens making up this Tokens
- sub unlist { @{$_[0]}; }
- # Return a shallow copy of the Tokens
- sub clone {
- my($self)=@_;
- bless [@$self], ref $self; }
- sub toString { join('',map($_->toString, @{$_[0]})); }
- # Return a string containing the TeX form of the Tokens
- sub untex {
- my($self)=@_;
- my $string = '';
- my $prevmac=0;
- foreach my $token (@$self){
- next if $token->getCatcode == CC_COMMENT;
- my $s = $token->untex();
- $string .= ' ' if $prevmac && ($s =~ /^\w/);
- $string .= $s;
- $prevmac = ($s =~ /^\\/) if $s; }
- $string; }
- # Methods for overloaded ops.
- sub equals {
- my($a,$b)=@_;
- return 0 unless defined $b && (ref $a) eq (ref $b);
- my @a = @$a;
- my @b = @$b;
- while(@a && @b && ($a[0]->equals($b[0]))){
- shift(@a); shift(@b); }
- return !(@a || @b); }
- sub stringify {
- my($self)=@_;
- "Tokens[".join(',',map($_->toString,@$self))."]"; }
- #======================================================================
- # The following implements the Mouth API, so that a Token list can
- # act as a pre-tokenized source of tokens.
- sub finish {}
- sub hasMoreInput {
- my($self)=@_;
- scalar(@$self); }
- sub readToken {
- my($self)=@_;
- return unless @$self;
- shift(@$self); }
- sub getLocator { ''; }
- #**********************************************************************
- package LaTeXML::Number;
- use LaTeXML::Global;
- use LaTeXML::Object;
- our @ISA = qw(LaTeXML::Object);
- use strict;
- sub new {
- my($class,$number)=@_;
- bless [$number||"0"],$class; }
- sub valueOf { $_[0]->[0]; }
- sub toString { $_[0]->[0]; }
- sub untex { $_[0]->toString.'\relax'; }
- sub unlist { $_[0]; }
- sub negate { (ref $_[0])->new(- $_[0]->valueOf); }
- sub add { (ref $_[0])->new($_[0]->valueOf + $_[1]->valueOf); }
- # arg 2 is a number
- sub multiply { (ref $_[0])->new($_[0]->valueOf * $_[1]); }
- sub stringify { "Number[".$_[0]->[0]."]"; }
- #**********************************************************************
- package LaTeXML::Dimension;
- use LaTeXML::Global;
- our @ISA=qw(LaTeXML::Number);
- use strict;
- sub new {
- my($class,$sp)=@_;
- $sp = "0" unless $sp;
- if($sp =~ /^(\d*\.?\d*)([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z])$/){ # Dimensions given.
- $sp = $1 * $STATE->convertUnit($2); }
- bless [$sp||"0"],$class; }
- sub toString { ($_[0]->[0]/65536).'pt'; }
- sub stringify { "Dimension[".$_[0]->[0]."]"; }
- #**********************************************************************
- package LaTeXML::MuDimension;
- use LaTeXML::Global;
- our @ISA=qw(LaTeXML::Dimension);
- sub stringify { "MuDimension[".$_[0]->[0]."]"; }
- #**********************************************************************
- package LaTeXML::Glue;
- use LaTeXML::Global;
- our @ISA=qw(LaTeXML::Dimension);
- use strict;
- our %fillcode=(fil=>1,fill=>2,filll=>3);
- our @FILL=('','fil','fill','filll');
- sub new {
- my($class,$sp,$plus,$pfill,$minus,$mfill)=@_;
- if((!defined $plus) && (!defined $pfill) && (!defined $minus) && (!defined $mfill)){
- if($sp =~ /^(\d*\.?\d*)$/){}
- elsif($sp =~ /^(\d*\.?\d*)(\w\w)(\s+plus(\d*\.?\d*)(fil|fill|filll|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z))(\s+minus(\d*\.?\d*)(fil|fill|filll|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]))?$/){
- my($f,$u,$p,$pu,$m,$mu)=($1,$2,$4,$5,$7,$8);
- $sp = $f * $STATE->convertUnit($u);
- if(!$pu){}
- elsif($fillcode{$pu}){ $plus=$p; $pfill=$pu; }
- else { $plus = $p * $STATE->convertUnit($pu); $pfill=0; }
- if(!$mu){}
- elsif($fillcode{$mu}){ $minus=$m; $mfill=$mu; }
- else { $minus = $m * $STATE->convertUnit($mu); $mfill=0; }
- }}
- bless [$sp||"0",$plus||"0",$pfill||0,$minus||"0",$mfill||0],$class; }
- #sub getStretch { $_[0]->[1]; }
- #sub getShrink { $_[0]->[2]; }
- sub toString {
- my($self)=@_;
- my ($sp,$plus,$pfill,$minus,$mfill)=@$self;
- my $string = ($sp/65536)."pt";
- $string .= ' plus '. ($pfill ? $plus .$FILL[$pfill] : ($plus/65536) .'pt') if $plus != 0;
- $string .= ' minus '.($mfill ? $minus.$FILL[$mfill] : ($minus/65536).'pt') if $minus != 0;
- $string; }
- sub negate {
- my($pts,$p,$pf,$m,$mf)=@{$_[0]};
- (ref $_[0])->new(-$pts,-$p,$pf,-$m,$mf); }
- sub add {
- my($self,$other)=@_;
- my($pts,$p,$pf,$m,$mf)=@$self;
- if(ref $other eq 'LaTeXML::Glue'){
- my($pts2,$p2,$pf2,$m2,$mf2)=@$other;
- $pts += $pts2;
- if($pf == $pf2){ $p+=$p2; }
- elsif($pf < $pf2){ $p=$p2; $pf=$pf2; }
- if($mf == $mf2){ $m+=$m2; }
- elsif($mf < $mf2){ $m=$m2; $mf=$mf2; }
- (ref $_[0])->new($pts,$p,$pf,$m,$mf); }
- else {
- (ref $_[0])->new($pts+$other->valueOf,$p,$pf,$m,$mf); }}
- sub multiply {
- my($self,$other)=@_;
- my($pts,$p,$pf,$m,$mf)=@$self;
- (ref $_[0])->new($pts*$other,$p*$other,$pf,$m*$other,$mf); }
- sub stringify { "Glue[".join(',',@{$_[0]})."]"; }
- #**********************************************************************
- package LaTeXML::MuGlue;
- use LaTeXML::Global;
- our @ISA=qw(LaTeXML::Glue);
- sub stringify { "MuGlue[".join(',',@{$_[0]})."]"; }
- #**********************************************************************
- 1;
- __END__
- =pod
- =head1 NAME
- C<LaTeXML::Token>, C<LaTeXML::Tokens>, C<LaTeXML::Number>, C<LaTeXML::Dimension>, etc. -- representation
- of tokens and related objects.
- This module defines Tokens (C<LaTeXML::Token>, C<LaTeXML::Tokens>)
- and other things (C<LaTeXML::Number>, C<LaTeXML::Dimension>, C<LaTeXML::MuDimension>,
- C<LaTeXML::Glue> and C<LaTeXML::MuGlue>) that get created during tokenization
- and expansion.
- A C<LaTeXML::Token> represents a TeX token which is a pair of a character or string and
- a category code. A C<LaTeXML::Tokens> is a list of tokens (and also implements the API
- of a L<LaTeXML::Mouth> so that tokens can be read from a list).
- The other classes (C<LaTeXML::Number>, C<LaTeXML::Dimension>, C<LaTeXML::MuDimension>,
- C<LaTeXML::Glue> and C<LaTeXML::MuGlue>) represent various core TeX data types that
- are parsed from tokens by the C<LaTeXML::Gullet>.
- =head2 Common methods
- The following methods apply to all objects.
- =over 4
- =item C<< @tokens = $object->unlist; >>
- Return a list of the tokens making up this C<$object>.
- =item C<< $string = $object->toString; >>
- Return a string representing C<$object>.
- =item C<< $string = $object->untex; >>
- Return the TeX form of C<$object>, suitable (hopefully) for processing by TeX.
- =back
- =head2 Token methods
- The following methods are specific to C<LaTeXML::Token>.
- =over 4
- =item C<< $string = $token->getCSName; >>
- Return the string or character part of the C<$token>; for the special category
- codes, returns the standard string (eg. C<T_BEGIN->getCSName> returns "{").
- =item C<< $string = $token->getString; >>
- Return the string or character part of the C<$token>.
- =item C<< $code = $token->getCharcode; >>
- Return the character code of the character part of the C<$token>, or 256 if it is a control sequence.
- =item C<< $code = $token->getCatcode; >>
- Return the catcode of the C<$token>.
- =item C<< $defn = $token->getDefinition; >>
- Return the current definition associated with C<$token> in C<$STATE>, or
- undef if none.
- =item C<< $tokens = $token->invocation(@args); >>
- Return the L<LaTeXML::Tokens> representing the invocation of C<$token> acting
- on the arguments in C<@args>. C<$token> must have a associated definition.
- =back
- =head2 Tokens methods
- The following methods are specific to C<LaTeXML::Tokens>.
- =over 4
- =item C<< $tokenscopy = $tokens->clone; >>
- Return a shallow copy of the $tokens. This is useful before reading from a C<LaTeXML::Tokens>.
- =item C<< $token = $tokens->readToken; >>
- Returns (and remove) the next token from $tokens. This is part of the public API of L<LaTeXML::Mouth>
- so that a C<LaTeXML::Tokens> can serve as a L<LaTeXML::Mouth>.
- =back
- =head2 Numerics methods
- These methods apply to the various numeric objects
- (C<LaTeXML::Number>, C<LaTeXML::Dimension>, C<LaTeXML::MuDimension>,
- C<LaTeXML::Glue> and C<LaTeXML::MuGlue>)
- =over 4
- =item C<< $n = $object->valueOf; >>
- Return the value in scaled points (ignoring shrink and stretch, if any).
- =item C<< $n = $object->negate; >>
- Return an object representing the negative of the C<$object>.
- =item C<< $n = $object->add($other); >>
- Return an object representing the sum of C<$object> and C<$other>
- =item C<< $n = $object->multiply($n); >>
- Return an object representing the product of C<$object> and C<$n> (a regular number).
- =back
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Bruce Miller <bruce.miller@nist.gov>
- =head1 COPYRIGHT
- Public domain software, produced as part of work done by the
- United States Government & not subject to copyright in the US.
- =cut