Python | 399 lines | 308 code | 53 blank | 38 comment | 47 complexity | aafaf5e6d762b39cd41739cea68f1e93 MD5 | raw file
- """
- Third-party application inclusion support.
- """
- from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
- from email.utils import parsedate
- from time import mktime
- from random import SystemRandom
- import re
- from django.conf import settings
- from django.core.cache import cache
- from django.core.urlresolvers import (
- Resolver404, resolve, reverse, NoReverseMatch)
- from django.db import models
- from django.db.models import signals
- from django.http import HttpResponse
- from django.utils.functional import curry as partial, lazy, wraps
- from django.utils.http import http_date
- from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
- from django.utils.translation import get_language, ugettext_lazy as _
- from feincms.admin.item_editor import ItemEditorForm
- from feincms.contrib.fields import JSONField
- from feincms.translations import short_language_code
- from feincms.utils import get_object
- def cycle_app_reverse_cache(*args, **kwargs):
- """Does not really empty the cache; instead it adds a random element to the
- cache key generation which guarantees that the cache does not yet contain
- values for all newly generated keys"""
- cache.set('app_reverse_cache_generation', str(SystemRandom().random()))
- # Set the app_reverse_cache_generation value once per startup (at least).
- # This protects us against offline modifications of the database.
- cycle_app_reverse_cache()
- def app_reverse(viewname, urlconf=None, args=None, kwargs=None, prefix=None,
- *vargs, **vkwargs):
- """
- Reverse URLs from application contents
- Works almost like Django's own reverse() method except that it resolves
- URLs from application contents. The second argument, ``urlconf``, has to
- correspond to the URLconf parameter passed in the ``APPLICATIONS`` list
- to ``Page.create_content_type``::
- app_reverse('mymodel-detail', 'myapp.urls', args=...)
- or
- app_reverse('mymodel-detail', 'myapp.urls', kwargs=...)
- The second argument may also be a request object if you want to reverse
- an URL belonging to the current application content.
- """
- # First parameter might be a request instead of an urlconf path, so
- # we'll try to be helpful and extract the current urlconf from it
- extra_context = getattr(urlconf, '_feincms_extra_context', {})
- appconfig = extra_context.get('app_config', {})
- urlconf = appconfig.get('urlconf_path', urlconf)
- cache_generation = cache.get('app_reverse_cache_generation')
- if cache_generation is None:
- # This might never happen. Still, better be safe than sorry.
- cycle_app_reverse_cache()
- cache_generation = cache.get('app_reverse_cache_generation')
- cache_key = '%s-%s-%s-%s' % (
- urlconf,
- get_language(),
- getattr(settings, 'SITE_ID', 0),
- cache_generation)
- url_prefix = cache.get(cache_key)
- if url_prefix is None:
- appcontent_class = ApplicationContent._feincms_content_models[0]
- content = appcontent_class.closest_match(urlconf)
- if content is not None:
- if urlconf in appcontent_class.ALL_APPS_CONFIG:
- # We have an overridden URLconf
- app_config = appcontent_class.ALL_APPS_CONFIG[urlconf]
- urlconf = app_config['config'].get('urls', urlconf)
- prefix = content.parent.get_absolute_url()
- prefix += '/' if prefix[-1] != '/' else ''
- url_prefix = (urlconf, prefix)
- cache.set(cache_key, url_prefix)
- if url_prefix:
- # vargs and vkwargs are used to send through additional parameters
- # which are uninteresting to us (such as current_app)
- return reverse(
- viewname,
- url_prefix[0],
- args=args,
- kwargs=kwargs,
- prefix=url_prefix[1],
- *vargs, **vkwargs)
- raise NoReverseMatch("Unable to find ApplicationContent for %r" % urlconf)
- #: Lazy version of ``app_reverse``
- app_reverse_lazy = lazy(app_reverse, str)
- def permalink(func):
- """
- Decorator that calls app_reverse()
- Use this instead of standard django.db.models.permalink if you want to
- integrate the model through ApplicationContent. The wrapped function
- must return 4 instead of 3 arguments::
- class MyModel(models.Model):
- @appmodels.permalink
- def get_absolute_url(self):
- return ('myapp.urls', 'model_detail', (), {'slug': self.slug})
- """
- def inner(*args, **kwargs):
- return app_reverse(*func(*args, **kwargs))
- return wraps(func)(inner)
- APPLICATIONCONTENT_RE = re.compile(r'^([^/]+)/([^/]+)$')
- class ApplicationContent(models.Model):
- #: parameters is used to serialize instance-specific data which will be
- # provided to the view code. This allows customization (e.g. "Embed
- # MyBlogApp for blog <slug>")
- parameters = JSONField(null=True, editable=False)
- class Meta:
- abstract = True
- verbose_name = _('application content')
- verbose_name_plural = _('application contents')
- @classmethod
- def initialize_type(cls, APPLICATIONS):
- for i in APPLICATIONS:
- if not 2 <= len(i) <= 3:
- raise ValueError(
- "APPLICATIONS must be provided with tuples containing at"
- " least two parameters (urls, name) and an optional extra"
- " config dict")
- urls, name = i[0:2]
- if len(i) == 3:
- app_conf = i[2]
- if not isinstance(app_conf, dict):
- raise ValueError(
- "The third parameter of an APPLICATIONS entry must be"
- " a dict or the name of one!")
- else:
- app_conf = {}
- cls.ALL_APPS_CONFIG[urls] = {
- "urls": urls,
- "name": name,
- "config": app_conf
- }
- cls.add_to_class(
- 'urlconf_path',
- models.CharField(_('application'), max_length=100, choices=[
- (c['urls'], c['name']) for c in cls.ALL_APPS_CONFIG.values()])
- )
- class ApplicationContentItemEditorForm(ItemEditorForm):
- app_config = {}
- custom_fields = {}
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(ApplicationContentItemEditorForm, self).__init__(
- *args, **kwargs)
- instance = kwargs.get("instance", None)
- if instance:
- try:
- # TODO use urlconf_path from POST if set
- # urlconf_path = request.POST.get('...urlconf_path',
- # instance.urlconf_path)
- self.app_config = cls.ALL_APPS_CONFIG[
- instance.urlconf_path]['config']
- except KeyError:
- self.app_config = {}
- self.custom_fields = {}
- admin_fields = self.app_config.get('admin_fields', {})
- if isinstance(admin_fields, dict):
- self.custom_fields.update(admin_fields)
- else:
- get_fields = get_object(admin_fields)
- self.custom_fields.update(
- get_fields(self, *args, **kwargs))
- for k, v in self.custom_fields.items():
- self.fields[k] = v
- def save(self, commit=True, *args, **kwargs):
- # Django ModelForms return the model instance from save. We'll
- # call save with commit=False first to do any necessary work &
- # get the model so we can set .parameters to the values of our
- # custom fields before calling save(commit=True)
- m = super(ApplicationContentItemEditorForm, self).save(
- commit=False, *args, **kwargs)
- m.parameters = dict(
- (k, self.cleaned_data[k])
- for k in self.custom_fields if k in self.cleaned_data)
- if commit:
- m.save(**kwargs)
- return m
- # This provides hooks for us to customize the admin interface for
- # embedded instances:
- cls.feincms_item_editor_form = ApplicationContentItemEditorForm
- # Clobber the app_reverse cache when saving application contents
- # and/or pages
- page_class = cls.parent.field.rel.to
- signals.post_save.connect(cycle_app_reverse_cache, sender=cls)
- signals.post_delete.connect(cycle_app_reverse_cache, sender=cls)
- signals.post_save.connect(cycle_app_reverse_cache, sender=page_class)
- signals.post_delete.connect(cycle_app_reverse_cache, sender=page_class)
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(ApplicationContent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.app_config = self.ALL_APPS_CONFIG.get(
- self.urlconf_path, {}).get('config', {})
- def process(self, request, **kw):
- page_url = self.parent.get_absolute_url()
- # Provide a way for appcontent items to customize URL processing by
- # altering the perceived path of the page:
- if "path_mapper" in self.app_config:
- path_mapper = get_object(self.app_config["path_mapper"])
- path, page_url = path_mapper(
- request.path,
- page_url,
- appcontent_parameters=self.parameters
- )
- else:
- path = request._feincms_extra_context['extra_path']
- # Resolve the module holding the application urls.
- urlconf_path = self.app_config.get('urls', self.urlconf_path)
- try:
- fn, args, kwargs = resolve(path, urlconf_path)
- except (ValueError, Resolver404):
- raise Resolver404(str('Not found (resolving %r in %r failed)') % (
- path, urlconf_path))
- # Variables from the ApplicationContent parameters are added to request
- # so we can expose them to our templates via the appcontent_parameters
- # context_processor
- request._feincms_extra_context.update(self.parameters)
- # Save the application configuration for reuse elsewhere
- request._feincms_extra_context.update({
- 'app_config': dict(
- self.app_config,
- urlconf_path=self.urlconf_path,
- ),
- })
- view_wrapper = self.app_config.get("view_wrapper", None)
- if view_wrapper:
- fn = partial(
- get_object(view_wrapper),
- view=fn,
- appcontent_parameters=self.parameters
- )
- output = fn(request, *args, **kwargs)
- if isinstance(output, HttpResponse):
- if self.send_directly(request, output):
- return output
- elif output.status_code == 200:
- # If the response supports deferred rendering, render the
- # response right now. We do not handle template response
- # middleware.
- if hasattr(output, 'render') and callable(output.render):
- output.render()
- self.rendered_result = mark_safe(
- output.content.decode('utf-8'))
- self.rendered_headers = {}
- # Copy relevant headers for later perusal
- for h in ('Cache-Control', 'Last-Modified', 'Expires'):
- if h in output:
- self.rendered_headers.setdefault(
- h, []).append(output[h])
- elif isinstance(output, tuple) and 'view' in kw:
- kw['view'].template_name = output[0]
- kw['view'].request._feincms_extra_context.update(output[1])
- else:
- self.rendered_result = mark_safe(output)
- return True # successful
- def send_directly(self, request, response):
- mimetype = response.get('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
- if ';' in mimetype:
- mimetype = mimetype.split(';')[0]
- mimetype = mimetype.strip()
- return (response.status_code != 200
- or request.is_ajax()
- or getattr(response, 'standalone', False)
- or mimetype not in ('text/html', 'text/plain'))
- def render(self, **kwargs):
- return getattr(self, 'rendered_result', '')
- def finalize(self, request, response):
- headers = getattr(self, 'rendered_headers', None)
- if headers:
- self._update_response_headers(request, response, headers)
- def _update_response_headers(self, request, response, headers):
- """
- Combine all headers that were set by the different content types
- We are interested in Cache-Control, Last-Modified, Expires
- """
- # Ideally, for the Cache-Control header, we'd want to do some
- # intelligent combining, but that's hard. Let's just collect and unique
- # them and let the client worry about that.
- cc_headers = set(('must-revalidate',))
- for x in (cc.split(",") for cc in headers.get('Cache-Control', ())):
- cc_headers |= set((s.strip() for s in x))
- if len(cc_headers):
- response['Cache-Control'] = ", ".join(cc_headers)
- else: # Default value
- response['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, must-revalidate'
- # Check all Last-Modified headers, choose the latest one
- lm_list = [parsedate(x) for x in headers.get('Last-Modified', ())]
- if len(lm_list) > 0:
- response['Last-Modified'] = http_date(mktime(max(lm_list)))
- # Check all Expires headers, choose the earliest one
- lm_list = [parsedate(x) for x in headers.get('Expires', ())]
- if len(lm_list) > 0:
- response['Expires'] = http_date(mktime(min(lm_list)))
- @classmethod
- def closest_match(cls, urlconf_path):
- page_class = cls.parent.field.rel.to
- contents = cls.objects.filter(
- parent__in=page_class.objects.active(),
- urlconf_path=urlconf_path,
- ).order_by('pk').select_related('parent')
- if len(contents) > 1:
- try:
- current = short_language_code(get_language())
- return [
- content for content in contents if
- short_language_code(content.parent.language) == current
- ][0]
- except (AttributeError, IndexError):
- pass
- try:
- return contents[0]
- except IndexError:
- pass
- return None