ActionScript | 583 lines | 213 code | 75 blank | 295 comment | 34 complexity | 9bb16fe55946dc020e7520520fe072a6 MD5 | raw file
- /**
- * /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- *
- * Important usage information:
- *
- * The flash user controls are a bit difficult to handle at runtime. If you hit
- * the play button once, playback will start after some time. Hitting the pause
- * or toggle pause button then, will result in slowly stopping the movie. That
- * means playback will continue for a couple of seconds (but pause internally).
- *
- * Pressing the resume or toggle pause button again, will then make the movie
- * go back a couple of frames (where you pressed pause initially) and resume
- * playback from there. So everything works as expected, except for the fact
- * that the visual playback does not stopp instantly. So there is always some
- * delay if you hit one of the buttons. - Keep this in mind.
- *
- * Furthermore playback speed increases after pausing, due to some buffering issues.
- *
- * /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- */
- package
- {
- // Imports
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import flash.events.NetStatusEvent;
- import flash.media.Video;
- import flash.net.NetConnection;
- import flash.net.NetStream;
- import flash.display.*;
- // Own imports
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.text.TextField;
- // We cannot use MX extensions on Linux
- // import mx.controls.Alert;
- // import mx.core.UIComponent;
- // import mx.events.FlexEvent;
- public class applicationCode extends Sprite
- {
- /**
- * Communication Systems for Multimedia Applications Exercises (KMA2011)
- * Exercise 6
- * Summer Term 2011
- *
- * Bashar Altakrouri | Ambient Computing Group | Institute of Telematics | University of Luebeck | www.itm.uni-luebeck.de | altakrouri@itm.uni-luebeck.de
- *
- * The aim of this exercise is to be familiar with the basic streaming for recorded videos via flex and red5 applications.
- * This is a full client/server example to illustrate the follow
- * - Server side streaming of locally stored video files on the server.
- * - Client side to play streams broadcasted by the server.
- * - Network and playback events and listeners
- * - Flex GUI controls
- *
- * TODO
- * 1. Follow the instructions below and complete the exercise
- * 2. Complete and run both Flex and Red5 projects
- *
- * Hint:
- * - Read the sections marked: !!! LAB EXERCISE !!!
- * - Complete the sections marked: *** YOUR CODE HERE ***
- * - Have fun!
- *
- * Note: This project is intentionally incomplete and should be finished by the student.
- * To help guide your work, this project includes a partial structure along with
- * embedded comments, hints and links. An accompanying in-class presentation
- * will provide the background information and instructions necessary to
- * complete this exercise.
- *
- * - AS3 GUI controls: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/fl/controls/package-detail.html
- * - AS3 reference: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/package-summary.html
- */
- /**
- ************************************* !!! LAB EXERCISE !!! *************************************
- * This exercise consists of three parts:
- * 1. be familiar with red5 applications
- * 1.1. start/stop red5 server.
- * 1.2. deploy and run red5 applications
- * 1.3. debug red5 messages via the Console
- * 1.4. file structure for red5 applications
- * 1.5. basic configuration and property files for red5 applications "WEB-INF" contents
- *
- * 2. be familiar with simple flex applications
- * 2.1. file structure for flex applications i.e. ".as" and ".mxml"
- * 2.2. deploy flex applications
- *
- * 3. complete the exercise following the comments and hints to
- *
- * **(On the server-side/red5 application - "myStreamPublisher")**
- * 3.1. review the "myStreamPublisher" application basic file and class strcture.
- * 3.2. create a folder called "streams" under "WebContent" and add the sample ".flv" video files to the "streams" folder.
- * - Hints:
- * - The name of the video files will assemble the names of the streams broadcasted by the server.
- *
- * **(On the client-side/flex application - "myStreamPublisherClient")**
- * 3.3. complete "onCreationComplete" method.
- * 3.4. complete all call back methods as follows:
- * - complete the "onConnectionNetStatus" method to alert the user with network status
- * - complete the "onClickPlayBtn", "onClickPauseBtn", "onClickResumeBtn", and "onClickTogglePauseBtn" methods
- * 3.5. complete the "setupVideo" method to setup the stage to play the incomming streams from the server
- * 3.6. complete the "ns_onMetaData' method
- *
- * 4. Homework: Create your interactive TV streaming channel by using your gained knowledge from exercises "5" and "6", as follow:
- * - your application is a simple platform to view video streams and share live comments about them.
- * - build a new red5 project called "shareMyVideoView" and flex client called "shareMyVideoViewClient"
- * - the user can connect and disconnect to the streaming server at any time
- * - allow the user to choose and play any of 3 video streams
- * - Allow basic user functionality i.e. clearing the comment section, play, pause and close video stream
- * - the user can send share live comments about the played stream with other viewers
- * - Messages are seen by all connected users.
- * - categorize the comments based on the stream using color-coding.
- * - the user can set his/her name
- * - present the viewer information about the played stream i.e. duration, framerate, hight, with, video codec, and video data rate.
- * - make sure you have the right GUI "graphical user interface" for your client application
- * - feel free to add any important / cool feature
- *
- * */
- // network properties
- private var connection: NetConnection;
- private var inStream: NetStream;
- private var videoURL: String = "KMA_sample_video2.flv"; // Video name with or without extension (if *.flv)
- // device properties
- // video properties
- private var inVideo: Video;
- // wrapper flex components
- // you cannot add video directly to flex ui you have to have a wrapper
- // private var inVideoWrapper: UIComponent;
- public function applicationCode()
- {
- // ===================================================================================
- // *** YOUR CODE HERE ***
- var tf:TextField = new TextField();
- tf.text = "Constructor of applicationCode was called.";
- tf.width = 400;
- addChild(tf);
- onCreationComplete();
- // ===================================================================================
- }
- /*
- Called right after loading the flash container on the page. This is the first method to be called.
- Here goes all the instantiations and configurations of your client
- */
- public function onCreationComplete() : void {
- /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * !!! LAB EXERCISE !!!
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * TODO 3.3:
- * - establish the connection with the server-side application "myStreamPublisher" using the RTMP protocol
- * - add an event listner to listen to all NetStatusEvents
- * - review the "myStreamPublisherClient.mxml". You are provided with a number of play control buttons but you can
- * have your own if you like.
- * - add event listners to your play control buttons (play, pause, resume, and togglePause)
- * Hints:
- * - to add event listener use "addEventListener" method. You will need "MouseEvent.CLICK" and "NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS"
- * - you have been provided with 4 button callback methods called onClickPlayBtn, onClickPauseBtn, onClickResumeBtn,
- * and onClickTogglePauseBtn
- */
- // ===================================================================================
- // *** YOUR CODE HERE ***
- var tf:TextField = new TextField();
- tf.text = "Event onCreationComplete was called.";
- tf.width = 400;
- tf.y = 10;
- addChild(tf);
- // Establish the connection with the server-side application (using the RTMP protocol)
- connection = new NetConnection();
- connection.connect("rtmp://localhost/Assignment6");
- connection.client = this;
- connection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onConnectionNetStatus);
- // Create user interface
- drawPlayButton();
- drawPauseButton();
- drawResumeButton();
- drawTogglePauseButton();
- // ===================================================================================
- }
- //callback method for network status events
- public function onConnectionNetStatus(event:NetStatusEvent) : void {
- /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * !!! LAB EXERCISE !!!
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * TODO 3.4: complete "onConnectionNetStatus" method
- * - Alert the user on successful conection or unsuccessful connection
- * - on successfull connection call the "setupVideo()" method.
- * - add a streaming status label to your interface to show the current playing status of the stream
- * (video playing, paused, resumed, and stream not found)
- * - add a general network status label to show the latest network event status to the user at all times.
- * Hints:
- * - use Alert.show("your message", "Information");
- * - a successful connection will have the following code "NetConnection.Connect.Success"
- * - network status code is returned in event.info.code object
- * - for playing and pauseing status review the "code property", see the following reference
- * - reference: http://www.adobe.com/livedocs/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/flash/events/NetStatusEvent.html#info
- */
- // ===================================================================================
- // *** YOUR CODE HERE ***
- // Connection status
- var conStatusLabel:TextField = new TextField();
- conStatusLabel.width = 400;
- conStatusLabel.y = 20;
- addChild(conStatusLabel);
- if (event.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Success")
- {
- conStatusLabel.text = "Successful connection.";
- setupVideo(); // Setup video on successful connection
- }
- else if (event.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Failed")
- {
- conStatusLabel.text = "Unsuccessful connection.";
- }
- // Streaming status
- var strStatusLabel:TextField = new TextField();
- if (event.info.code == "NetStream.Play.Start")
- {
- strStatusLabel.text = "Playback has started.";
- }
- else if (event.info.code == "NetStream.Play.Stop")
- {
- strStatusLabel.text = "Playback has stopped.";
- }
- else if (event.info.code == "NetStream.Play.Failed")
- {
- strStatusLabel.text = "Playback failed.";
- }
- else if (event.info.code == "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound")
- {
- strStatusLabel.text = "Stream could not be found.";
- }
- else if (event.info.code == "NetStream.Pause.Notify")
- {
- strStatusLabel.text = "Stream is paused.";
- }
- else if (event.info.code == "NetStream.Unpause.Notify")
- {
- strStatusLabel.text = "Stream is resumed.";
- }
- strStatusLabel.width = 400;
- strStatusLabel.y = 30;
- addChild(strStatusLabel);
- // General network connection status
- var genStatusLabel:TextField = new TextField();
- if (event.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Success")
- {
- genStatusLabel.text = "Connection opened."
- }
- else if (event.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Failed")
- {
- genStatusLabel.text = "Connection failed.";
- }
- else if (event.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected")
- {
- genStatusLabel.text = "Connection rejected.";
- }
- else if (event.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Closed")
- {
- genStatusLabel.text = "Connection closed.";
- }
- genStatusLabel.width = 400;
- genStatusLabel.y = 40;
- addChild(genStatusLabel);
- // ===================================================================================
- }
- // "setupVideo" method to setup the stage to play the incomming streams from the server
- private function setupVideo():void{
- /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * !!! LAB EXERCISE !!!
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * TODO 3.5: complete "setupVideo" method
- * - setup the input stream "inStream" using NetStream(connection)
- * - add an event listener to the "inStream"
- * - setup the incommping video "inVideo" using Video()
- * - attach the stream to the video using the "attachNetStream" method
- * - add the video as a child to the UIComponent "inVideoWrapper" by initialising
- * the "inVideoWrapper" using "UIComponent()"
- * then attach the video as a child, then add the wapper to the interface stage using
- * "this.addElement()" method
- */
- // ===================================================================================
- // *** YOUR CODE HERE ***
- var tf:TextField = new TextField();
- tf.text = "Method setupVideo was called.";
- tf.width = 400;
- tf.y = 80;
- addChild(tf);
- inStream = new NetStream(connection);
- inStream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onConnectionNetStatus);
- inVideo = new Video();
- inVideo.attachNetStream(inStream);
- this.addChild(inVideo); // No video container here, we add to Sprite directly
- // ===================================================================================
- }
- // UI controls listeners
- // call this method on Play button click
- private function onClickPlayBtn(event:MouseEvent):void
- {
- /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * !!! LAB EXERCISE !!!
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * TODO 3.4: complete "onClickPlayBtn" method
- * - set "inStream" buffer time
- * - play the sample stream in the "streams" folder in your servier-side application
- * Hints:
- * - when you play a live or recorded stream, you must set a buffer time for the stream to play correctly.
- * The buffer time must be at least .1 seconds, but it can be higher. Add the following line to your code
- * (ns is the name of the NetStream object)
- * - review closely the bufferTime property, mainly the differences between the recorded and live streaming buffers.
- * - "bufferTime" property specifies how long to buffer messages before starting to display the stream. 0.1 is the
- * default value. To play a server-side playlist, set bufferTime to at least 1 second. If you experience playback
- * issues, increase the length of bufferTime. Recorded content To avoid distortion when streaming pre-recorded
- * (not live) content, do not set the value of Netstream.bufferTime to 0.1
- * - to play video files on Flash Media Server, specify the name of the stream without a file extension
- * (for example, bolero). To play MP3 files, use mp3: before the stream name. To play the ID3 tags of MP3
- * files, use id3: before the stream name.
- * - review play(), close(), pause(), and resume() "NetStream" methods
- * - to play and resume video smoothly on red5, you might need to test with different buffer time to
- * optain best results. Try (0, 0.1, 5, and 30) and find out what is best?
- */
- // ===================================================================================
- // *** YOUR CODE HERE ***
- inStream.bufferTime = 30; // set stream buffer to 30 seconds
- inStream.play(videoURL);
- // Call event handler, if metadata is sent on stream
- inStream.client = {};
- inStream.client.onMetaData = ns_onMetaData;
- // ===================================================================================
- }
- // call this method on Pause button click
- private function onClickPauseBtn(event:MouseEvent):void
- {
- /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * !!! LAB EXERCISE !!!
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * TODO 3.4: complete "onClickPauseBtn" method
- * - pause the incomming stream
- * Hints:
- * - Calling the pausing method does nothing if the video is already paused.
- */
- // ===================================================================================
- // *** YOUR CODE HERE ***
- inStream.pause();
- // ===================================================================================
- }
- // call this method on Resume button click
- private function onClickResumeBtn(event:MouseEvent):void
- {
- /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * !!! LAB EXERCISE !!!
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * TODO 3.4: complete "onClickResumeBtn" method
- * - resume the incomming stream
- * Hints:
- * - Calling the resume method if the video is already playing, calling this method does nothing.
- */
- // ===================================================================================
- // *** YOUR CODE HERE ***
- inStream.resume();
- // ===================================================================================
- }
- // call this method on TogglePause button click
- private function onClickTogglePauseBtn(event:MouseEvent):void
- {
- /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * !!! LAB EXERCISE !!!
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * TODO 3.4: complete "onClickTogglePauseBtn" method
- * - resume/pause the incomming stream
- * Hints:
- * - Use "togglePause" method
- * - The first time you call this method, it pauses play; the next time, it resumes play.
- * You could use this method to let users pause or resume playback by pressing a single button.
- */
- // ===================================================================================
- // *** YOUR CODE HERE ***
- inStream.togglePause();
- // ===================================================================================
- }
- /*Establishes a listener to respond when Flash Player receives descriptive information embedded in the video being played.
- For information about video file formats supported by Flash Media Server, see the www.adobe.com/go/learn_fms_fileformats_en.
- onMetaData is actually a property of the NetStream.client object. The property is listed in the Events section because it
- responds to a data event, either when streaming media using Flash Media Server or during FLV file playback. For more
- information, see the NetStream class description and the NetStream.client property. You cannot use the addEventListener()
- method, or any other EventDispatcher methods, to listen for or process onMetaData as an event. Define a single callback
- function and attach it to one of the following objects:
- The object that the client property of a NetStream instance references.
- An instance of a NetStream subclass. NetStream is a sealed class, which means that properties or methods cannot be added
- to a NetStream object at runtime. You can create a subclass of NetStream and define your event handler in the subclass.
- You can also make the subclass dynamic and add the event handler function to an instance of the subclass.
- */
- private function ns_onMetaData(item:Object):void {
- /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * !!! LAB EXERCISE !!!
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * TODO 3.6: complete "ns_onMetaData" method.
- * - resize the video control based on the stream video size
- * - center the video instance of the the stage.
- * - create info panel to display all relevent information about the played stream to the user
- * i.e. duration, framerate, hight, with, video codec, and video data rate.
- * Hints:
- * - review http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=Working_with_Video_17.html
- * - you will need to use the "stage" specially both properties "stageWidth" and "stageHeight"
- */
- // ===================================================================================
- // *** YOUR CODE HERE ***
- // Resize video to fit metadata from info object (item)
- inVideo.width = item["width"];
- inVideo.height = item["height"];
- // Center video control on user interface
- inVideo.x = this.x / 2;
- inVideo.y = this.y / 2;
- // Build string out of metadata
- var metaDataString:String;
- var key:String;
- for (key in item)
- {
- metaDataString += key + ": " + item[key] + ", ";
- }
- var tf:TextField = new TextField();
- tf.text = metaDataString;
- tf.width = 400;
- tf.height = 30; // Cannot press buttons below otherwise!!!
- tf.y = 270; // Display string below video
- addChild(tf);
- // ===================================================================================
- }
- // Helper method to draw play button
- private function drawPlayButton():void {
- var textLabel:TextField = new TextField();
- var button:Sprite = new Sprite();
- // Draw button
- button.graphics.clear();
- button.graphics.beginFill(0xD4D4D4); // grey color
- button.graphics.drawRoundRect(0, 320, 80, 25, 10, 10); // x, y, width, height, ellipseW, ellipseH
- button.graphics.endFill();
- // Create label
- textLabel.text = "Play";
- textLabel.x = 10;
- textLabel.y = 320;
- textLabel.selectable = false;
- // Add label to button and button to Sprite
- button.addChild(textLabel);
- addChild(button);
- // Add listener for click event
- button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onClickPlayBtn);
- }
- // Helper method to draw pause button
- private function drawPauseButton():void {
- var textLabel:TextField = new TextField();
- var button:Sprite = new Sprite();
- // Draw button
- button.graphics.clear();
- button.graphics.beginFill(0xD4D4D4); // grey color
- button.graphics.drawRoundRect(100, 320, 80, 25, 10, 10); // x, y, width, height, ellipseW, ellipseH
- button.graphics.endFill();
- // Create label
- textLabel.text = "Pause";
- textLabel.x = 110;
- textLabel.y = 320;
- textLabel.selectable = false;
- // Add label to button and button to Sprite
- button.addChild(textLabel);
- addChild(button);
- // Add listener for click event
- button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onClickPauseBtn);
- }
- // Helper method to draw resume button
- private function drawResumeButton():void {
- var textLabel:TextField = new TextField();
- var button:Sprite = new Sprite();
- // Draw button
- button.graphics.clear();
- button.graphics.beginFill(0xD4D4D4); // grey color
- button.graphics.drawRoundRect(200, 320, 80, 25, 10, 10); // x, y, width, height, ellipseW, ellipseH
- button.graphics.endFill();
- // Create label
- textLabel.text = "Resume";
- textLabel.x = 210;
- textLabel.y = 320;
- textLabel.selectable = false;
- // Add label to button and button to Sprite
- button.addChild(textLabel);
- addChild(button);
- // Add listener for click event
- button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onClickResumeBtn);
- }
- // Helper method to draw toggle pause button
- private function drawTogglePauseButton():void {
- var textLabel:TextField = new TextField();
- var button:Sprite = new Sprite();
- // Draw button
- button.graphics.clear();
- button.graphics.beginFill(0xD4D4D4); // grey color
- button.graphics.drawRoundRect(300, 320, 80, 25, 10, 10); // x, y, width, height, ellipseW, ellipseH
- button.graphics.endFill();
- // Create label
- textLabel.text = "Toggle pause";
- textLabel.x = 310;
- textLabel.y = 320;
- textLabel.selectable = false;
- // Add label to button and button to Sprite
- button.addChild(textLabel);
- addChild(button);
- // Add listener for click event
- button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onClickTogglePauseBtn);
- }
- }
- }