Python | 386 lines | 168 code | 44 blank | 174 comment | 22 complexity | ca3f850441b590fb0f44b0288500d4a7 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # $Id:$
- import sys as _sys
- from pyglet import gl
- from pyglet.gl import gl_info
- from pyglet.gl import glu_info
- class Config(object):
- '''Graphics configuration.
- A Config stores the preferences for OpenGL attributes such as the
- number of auxilliary buffers, size of the colour and depth buffers,
- double buffering, stencilling, multi- and super-sampling, and so on.
- Different platforms support a different set of attributes, so these
- are set with a string key and a value which is integer or boolean.
- :Ivariables:
- `double_buffer` : bool
- Specify the presence of a back-buffer for every color buffer.
- `stereo` : bool
- Specify the presence of separate left and right buffer sets.
- `buffer_size` : int
- Total bits per sample per color buffer.
- `aux_buffers` : int
- The number of auxilliary color buffers.
- `sample_buffers` : int
- The number of multisample buffers.
- `samples` : int
- The number of samples per pixel, or 0 if there are no multisample
- buffers.
- `red_size` : int
- Bits per sample per buffer devoted to the red component.
- `green_size` : int
- Bits per sample per buffer devoted to the green component.
- `blue_size` : int
- Bits per sample per buffer devoted to the blue component.
- `alpha_size` : int
- Bits per sample per buffer devoted to the alpha component.
- `depth_size` : int
- Bits per sample in the depth buffer.
- `stencil_size` : int
- Bits per sample in the stencil buffer.
- `accum_red_size` : int
- Bits per pixel devoted to the red component in the accumulation
- buffer.
- `accum_green_size` : int
- Bits per pixel devoted to the green component in the accumulation
- buffer.
- `accum_blue_size` : int
- Bits per pixel devoted to the blue component in the accumulation
- buffer.
- `accum_alpha_size` : int
- Bits per pixel devoted to the alpha component in the accumulation
- buffer.
- '''
- _attribute_names = [
- 'double_buffer',
- 'stereo',
- 'buffer_size',
- 'aux_buffers',
- 'sample_buffers',
- 'samples',
- 'red_size',
- 'green_size',
- 'blue_size',
- 'alpha_size',
- 'depth_size',
- 'stencil_size',
- 'accum_red_size',
- 'accum_green_size',
- 'accum_blue_size',
- 'accum_alpha_size',
- 'major_version',
- 'minor_version',
- 'forward_compatible',
- 'debug'
- ]
- major_version = None
- minor_version = None
- forward_compatible = None
- debug = None
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- '''Create a template config with the given attributes.
- Specify attributes as keyword arguments, for example::
- template = Config(double_buffer=True)
- '''
- for name in self._attribute_names:
- if name in kwargs:
- setattr(self, name, kwargs[name])
- else:
- setattr(self, name, None)
- def _requires_gl_3(self):
- if self.major_version is not None and self.major_version >= 3:
- return True
- if self.forward_compatible or self.debug:
- return True
- return False
- def get_gl_attributes(self):
- '''Return a list of attributes set on this config.
- :rtype: list of tuple (name, value)
- :return: All attributes, with unset attributes having a value of
- ``None``.
- '''
- return [(name, getattr(self, name)) for name in self._attribute_names]
- def match(self, canvas):
- '''Return a list of matching complete configs for the given canvas.
- :since: pyglet 1.2
- :Parameters:
- `canvas` : `Canvas`
- Display to host contexts created from the config.
- :rtype: list of `CanvasConfig`
- '''
- raise NotImplementedError('abstract')
- def create_context(self, share):
- '''Create a GL context that satisifies this configuration.
- :deprecated: Use `CanvasConfig.create_context`.
- :Parameters:
- `share` : `Context`
- If not None, a context with which to share objects with.
- :rtype: `Context`
- :return: The new context.
- '''
- raise gl.ConfigException(
- 'This config cannot be used to create contexts. '
- 'Use Config.match to created a CanvasConfig')
- def is_complete(self):
- '''Determine if this config is complete and able to create a context.
- Configs created directly are not complete, they can only serve
- as templates for retrieving a supported config from the system.
- For example, `pyglet.window.Screen.get_matching_configs` returns
- complete configs.
- :deprecated: Use ``isinstance(config, CanvasConfig)``.
- :rtype: bool
- :return: True if the config is complete and can create a context.
- '''
- return isinstance(self, CanvasConfig)
- def __repr__(self):
- import pprint
- return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__,
- pprint.pformat(self.get_gl_attributes()))
- class CanvasConfig(Config):
- '''OpenGL configuration for a particular canvas.
- Use `Config.match` to obtain an instance of this class.
- :since: pyglet 1.2
- :Ivariables:
- `canvas` : `Canvas`
- The canvas this config is valid on.
- '''
- def __init__(self, canvas, base_config):
- self.canvas = canvas
- self.major_version = base_config.major_version
- self.minor_version = base_config.minor_version
- self.forward_compatible = base_config.forward_compatible
- self.debug = base_config.debug
- def compatible(self, canvas):
- raise NotImplementedError('abstract')
- def create_context(self, share):
- '''Create a GL context that satisifies this configuration.
- :Parameters:
- `share` : `Context`
- If not None, a context with which to share objects with.
- :rtype: `Context`
- :return: The new context.
- '''
- raise NotImplementedError('abstract')
- def is_complete(self):
- return True
- class ObjectSpace(object):
- def __init__(self):
- # Textures and buffers scheduled for deletion the next time this
- # object space is active.
- self._doomed_textures = []
- self._doomed_buffers = []
- class Context(object):
- '''OpenGL context for drawing.
- Use `CanvasConfig.create_context` to create a context.
- :Ivariables:
- `object_space` : `ObjectSpace`
- An object which is shared between all contexts that share
- GL objects.
- '''
- #: Context share behaviour indicating that objects should not be
- #: shared with existing contexts.
- #: Context share behaviour indicating that objects are shared with
- #: the most recently created context (the default).
- # Used for error checking, True if currently within a glBegin/End block.
- # Ignored if error checking is disabled.
- _gl_begin = False
- # gl_info.GLInfo instance, filled in on first set_current
- _info = None
- # List of (attr, check) for each driver/device-specific workaround that is
- # implemented. The `attr` attribute on this context is set to the result
- # of evaluating `check(gl_info)` the first time this context is used.
- _workaround_checks = [
- # GDI Generic renderer on Windows does not implement
- # GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH correctly.
- ('_workaround_unpack_row_length',
- lambda info: info.get_renderer() == 'GDI Generic'),
- # Reportedly segfaults in text_input.py example with
- # "ATI Radeon X1600 OpenGL Engine"
- # glGenBuffers not exported by
- # "ATI Radeon X1270 x86/MMX/3DNow!/SSE2"
- # glGenBuffers not exported by
- # "Intel 965/963 Graphics Media Accelerator"
- ('_workaround_vbo',
- lambda info: (info.get_renderer().startswith('ATI Radeon X')
- or info.get_renderer() ==
- 'Intel 965/963 Graphics Media Accelerator')),
- # Some ATI cards on OS X start drawing from a VBO before it's written
- # to. In these cases pyglet needs to call glFinish() to flush the
- # pipeline after updating a buffer but before rendering.
- ('_workaround_vbo_finish',
- lambda info: ('ATI' in info.get_renderer() and
- info.have_version(1, 5) and
- _sys.platform == 'darwin')),
- ]
- def __init__(self, config, context_share=None):
- self.config = config
- self.context_share = context_share
- self.canvas = None
- if context_share:
- self.object_space = context_share.object_space
- else:
- self.object_space = ObjectSpace()
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%s()' % self.__class__.__name__
- def attach(self, canvas):
- if self.canvas is not None:
- self.detach()
- if not self.config.compatible(canvas):
- raise RuntimeError('Cannot attach %r to %r' % (canvas, self))
- self.canvas = canvas
- def detach(self):
- self.canvas = None
- def set_current(self):
- if not self.canvas:
- raise RuntimeError('Canvas has not been attached')
- # XXX not per-thread
- gl.current_context = self
- # XXX
- gl_info.set_active_context()
- glu_info.set_active_context()
- # Implement workarounds
- if not self._info:
- self._info = gl_info.GLInfo()
- self._info.set_active_context()
- for attr, check in self._workaround_checks:
- setattr(self, attr, check(self._info))
- # Release textures on this context scheduled for deletion
- if self.object_space._doomed_textures:
- textures = self.object_space._doomed_textures
- textures = (gl.GLuint * len(textures))(*textures)
- gl.glDeleteTextures(len(textures), textures)
- self.object_space._doomed_textures = []
- # Release buffers on this context scheduled for deletion
- if self.object_space._doomed_buffers:
- buffers = self.object_space._doomed_buffers
- buffers = (gl.GLuint * len(buffers))(*buffers)
- gl.glDeleteBuffers(len(buffers), buffers)
- self.object_space._doomed_buffers = []
- def destroy(self):
- '''Release the context.
- The context will not be useable after being destroyed. Each platform
- has its own convention for releasing the context and the buffer(s)
- that depend on it in the correct order; this should never be called
- by an application.
- '''
- self.detach()
- if gl.current_context is self:
- gl.current_context = None
- gl_info.remove_active_context()
- # Switch back to shadow context.
- if gl._shadow_window is not None:
- gl._shadow_window.switch_to()
- def delete_texture(self, texture_id):
- '''Safely delete a texture belonging to this context.
- Usually, the texture is released immediately using
- ``glDeleteTextures``, however if another context that does not share
- this context's object space is currently active, the deletion will
- be deferred until an appropriate context is activated.
- :Parameters:
- `texture_id` : int
- The OpenGL name of the texture to delete.
- '''
- if self.object_space is gl.current_context.object_space:
- id = gl.GLuint(texture_id)
- gl.glDeleteTextures(1, id)
- else:
- self.object_space._doomed_textures.append(texture_id)
- def delete_buffer(self, buffer_id):
- '''Safely delete a buffer object belonging to this context.
- This method behaves similarly to `delete_texture`, though for
- ``glDeleteBuffers`` instead of ``glDeleteTextures``.
- :Parameters:
- `buffer_id` : int
- The OpenGL name of the buffer to delete.
- :since: pyglet 1.1
- '''
- if self.object_space is gl.current_context.object_space and False:
- id = gl.GLuint(buffer_id)
- gl.glDeleteBuffers(1, id)
- else:
- self.object_space._doomed_buffers.append(buffer_id)
- def get_info(self):
- '''Get the OpenGL information for this context.
- :since: pyglet 1.2
- :rtype: `GLInfo`
- '''
- return self._info