Python | 265 lines | 209 code | 21 blank | 35 comment | 4 complexity | a8a884f37e6d39a7208a3fbf1ad83c1e MD5 | raw file
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- ##############################################################################
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2013 Vifib SARL and Contributors.
- # All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
- # programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
- # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
- # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
- # guarantees and support are strongly advised to contract a Free Software
- # Service Company
- #
- # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
- # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- #
- ##############################################################################
- import os
- import pkg_resources
- import re
- import subprocess
- import sys
- from slapos.cli.command import must_be_root
- from slapos.format import FormatConfig
- from slapos.cli.config import ConfigCommand
- from slapos.grid.slapgrid import create_slapgrid_object
- from slapos.grid.utils import updateFile, createPrivateDirectory
- from slapos.grid.svcbackend import launchSupervisord
- from slapos.util import bytes2str
- DEFAULT_COMPUTER_ID = 'local_computer'
- class ConfigureLocalCommand(ConfigCommand):
- """
- Configure a slapos node, from scratch to ready-to-use, using slapproxy.
- """
- def get_parser(self, prog_name):
- ap = super(self.__class__, self).get_parser(prog_name)
- ap.add_argument('--interface-name',
- default='lo',
- help='Primary network interface. IP of Partitions '
- 'will be added to it'
- ' (default: %(default)s)')
- ap.add_argument('--partition-number',
- default=20,
- type=int,
- help='Number of partitions to create in the SlapOS Node'
- ' (default: %(default)s)')
- ap.add_argument('--ipv4-local-network',
- default='',
- help='Subnetwork used to assign local IPv4 addresses. '
- 'It should be a not used network in order to'
- ' avoid conflicts (default: %(default)s)')
- ap.add_argument('--daemon-listen-ip',
- default='',
- help='Listening IP of the "slapproxy" daemon'
- ' (default: %(default)s)')
- ap.add_argument('--daemon-listen-port',
- default='8080',
- help='Listening port of the "slapproxy" daemon'
- ' (default: %(default)s)')
- ap.add_argument('--slapos-instance-root',
- default='/srv/slapgrid',
- help='Target location of the SlapOS configuration'
- ' directory (default: %(default)s)')
- ap.add_argument('--slapos-software-root',
- default='/opt/slapgrid',
- help='Target location of the SlapOS configuration'
- ' directory (default: %(default)s)')
- ap.add_argument('--slapos-buildout-directory',
- default='/opt/slapos',
- help='Target location of the SlapOS configuration'
- ' directory (default: %(default)s)')
- ap.add_argument('--slapos-configuration-directory',
- default='/etc/opt/slapos',
- help='Target location of the SlapOS configuration'
- ' directory (default: %(default)s)')
- return ap
- @must_be_root
- def take_action(self, args):
- try:
- return_code = do_configure(args, self.fetch_config, self.app.log)
- except SystemExit as err:
- return_code = err
- sys.exit(return_code)
- def _createConfigurationDirectory(target_directory):
- target_directory = os.path.normpath(target_directory)
- if not os.path.exists(target_directory):
- os.makedirs(target_directory)
- def _replaceParameterValue(original_content, to_replace):
- """
- Replace in a .ini-like file the value of all parameters specified in
- to_replace by their value.
- """
- for key, value in to_replace:
- original_content = re.sub('%s\s+=.*' % key, '%s = %s' % (key, value),
- original_content)
- return original_content
- def _generateSlaposNodeConfigurationFile(slapos_node_config_path, args):
- template_arg_list = (__name__, '../../slapos.cfg.example')
- slapos_node_configuration_template = \
- bytes2str(pkg_resources.resource_string(*template_arg_list))
- master_url = 'http://%s:%s' % (args.daemon_listen_ip, args.daemon_listen_port)
- slapos_home = args.slapos_buildout_directory
- to_replace = [
- ('computer_id', DEFAULT_COMPUTER_ID),
- ('master_url', master_url),
- ('interface_name', args.interface_name),
- ('ipv4_local_network', args.ipv4_local_network),
- ('partition_amount', args.partition_number),
- ('instance_root', args.slapos_instance_root),
- ('software_root', args.slapos_software_root),
- ('computer_xml', '%s/slapos.xml' % slapos_home),
- ('log_file', '%s/log/slapos-node-format.log' % slapos_home)
- ]
- slapos_node_configuration_content = _replaceParameterValue(
- slapos_node_configuration_template, to_replace)
- slapos_node_configuration_content = re.sub(
- '(key_file|cert_file|certificate_repository_path).*=.*\n',
- '', slapos_node_configuration_content)
- with open(slapos_node_config_path, 'w') as fout:
- fout.write(slapos_node_configuration_content)
- def _generateSlaposProxyConfigurationFile(conf):
- template_arg_list = (__name__, '../../slapos-proxy.cfg.example')
- slapos_proxy_configuration_template = \
- bytes2str(pkg_resources.resource_string(*template_arg_list))
- slapos_proxy_configuration_path = os.path.join(
- conf.slapos_configuration_directory, 'slapos-proxy.cfg')
- listening_ip, listening_port = \
- conf.daemon_listen_ip, conf.daemon_listen_port
- to_replace = [
- ('host', listening_ip),
- ('port', listening_port),
- ('master_url', 'http://%s:%s/' % (listening_ip, listening_port)),
- ('computer_id', DEFAULT_COMPUTER_ID),
- ('instance_root', conf.instance_root),
- ('software_root', conf.software_root)
- ]
- slapos_proxy_configuration_content = _replaceParameterValue(
- slapos_proxy_configuration_template, to_replace)
- with open(slapos_proxy_configuration_path, 'w') as fout:
- fout.write(slapos_proxy_configuration_content)
- return slapos_proxy_configuration_path
- def _addProxyToSupervisor(conf):
- """
- Create a supervisord configuration file containing informations to run
- slapproxy as daemon
- """
- program_partition_template = """\
- [program:slapproxy]
- directory=%(slapos_buildout_directory)s
- command=%(program_command)s
- process_name=slapproxy
- autostart=true
- autorestart=true
- startsecs=0
- startretries=0
- exitcodes=0
- stopsignal=TERM
- stopwaitsecs=60
- user=0
- group=0
- serverurl=AUTO
- redirect_stderr=true
- stdout_logfile=%(log_file)s
- stdout_logfile_maxbytes=100KB
- stdout_logfile_backups=1
- stderr_logfile=%(log_file)s
- stderr_logfile_maxbytes=100KB
- stderr_logfile_backups=1
- """ % {'log_file': '%s/log/slapos-proxy.log' % conf.slapos_buildout_directory,
- 'slapos_buildout_directory': conf.slapos_buildout_directory,
- 'program_command': '%s/bin/slapos proxy start --cfg %s' % \
- (conf.slapos_buildout_directory, conf.proxy_configuration_file)}
- supervisord_conf_folder_path = os.path.join(conf.instance_root,
- 'etc', 'supervisord.conf.d')
- _createConfigurationDirectory(supervisord_conf_folder_path)
- updateFile(
- os.path.join(supervisord_conf_folder_path, 'slapproxy.conf'),
- program_partition_template)
- def _runFormat(slapos_directory):
- """
- Launch slapos node format.
- """
- subprocess.Popen(
- ["%s/bin/slapos" % slapos_directory,
- "node", "format", "--now"]).communicate()
- def do_configure(args, fetch_config_func, logger):
- """
- Generate configuration files,
- Create the instance path by running slapformat (but will crash),
- Add proxy to supervisor,
- Run supervisor, which will run the proxy,
- Run format, which will finish correctly.
- """
- slapos_node_config_path = os.path.join(
- args.slapos_configuration_directory, 'slapos.cfg')
- if os.path.exists(slapos_node_config_path):
- logger.error('A SlapOS configuration directory already exist at'
- ' %s. Aborting.' % slapos_node_config_path)
- raise SystemExit(1)
- if not getattr(args, 'cfg', None):
- args.cfg = slapos_node_config_path
- _createConfigurationDirectory(args.slapos_configuration_directory)
- _generateSlaposNodeConfigurationFile(slapos_node_config_path, args)
- configp = fetch_config_func(args)
- conf = FormatConfig(logger=logger)
- conf.mergeConfig(args, configp)
- # The First thing we have to do here is to generate slapproxy conf
- # for supervisord, then supervisord certainly start slapproxy.
- proxy_configuration_file = _generateSlaposProxyConfigurationFile(conf)
- conf.proxy_configuration_file = proxy_configuration_file
- _addProxyToSupervisor(conf)
- # Do the rest
- slapgrid = create_slapgrid_object(conf.__dict__, logger)
- createPrivateDirectory(os.path.join(conf.slapos_buildout_directory, 'log'))
- _runFormat(conf.slapos_buildout_directory)
- slapgrid.checkEnvironmentAndCreateStructure()
- home_folder_path = os.environ['HOME']
- createPrivateDirectory("%s/.slapos" % home_folder_path)
- slapos_client_cfg_path = '%s/.slapos/slapos-client.cfg' % home_folder_path
- if not os.path.exists(slapos_client_cfg_path):
- os.symlink(slapos_node_config_path, slapos_client_cfg_path)
- launchSupervisord(instance_root=conf.instance_root, logger=logger)
- _runFormat(conf.slapos_buildout_directory)
- return 0