Scala | 124 lines | 85 code | 27 blank | 12 comment | 4 complexity | 01905cced03f14e3fdcc9a4ab8c88253 MD5 | raw file
- package models
- import _root_.util.OrganizationConfigurationHandler
- import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
- import core.{ ItemType, SystemField }
- import org.bson.types.ObjectId
- import HubMongoContext._
- import com.novus.salat.dao.SalatDAO
- import java.util.Date
- import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
- /**
- * A generic MetadataItem. The source data is meant to be kept as raw XML documents, for one or multiple versioned schemas.
- *
- * @author Manuel Bernhardt <bernhardt.manuel@gmail.com>
- */
- case class MetadataItem(modified: Date = new Date(),
- collection: String,
- itemType: String,
- itemId: String,
- xml: Map[String, String], // schemaPrefix -> raw XML string
- schemaVersions: Map[String, String], // schemaPrefix -> schemaVersion
- index: Int,
- invalidTargetSchemas: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
- systemFields: Map[String, List[String]] = Map.empty) {
- def getSystemFieldValues(field: SystemField): Seq[String] = {
- systemFields.get(field.tag).getOrElse(new BasicDBList).asInstanceOf[BasicDBList].asScala.map(_.toString).toSeq
- }
- }
- object MetadataCache {
- def getMongoCollectionName(orgId: String) = "%s_MetadataCache".format(orgId)
- def get(orgId: String, col: String, itemType: ItemType): core.MetadataCache = get(orgId, col, itemType.itemType)
- def get(orgId: String, col: String, itemType: String): core.MetadataCache = {
- val configuration = OrganizationConfigurationHandler.getByOrgId(orgId)
- val mongoConnection = mongoConnections.getResource(configuration)
- // manu, 20.02.2012 - I'm fully aware that this may eventually lead to lost cached records
- // but a better fix involving batch inserts will eventually come later
- // manu, 16.03.2014 - commenting out the WriteConcern FsyncSafe as it leads to extremely slow writes (of the order of 100 ms / record)
- // mongoConnection.setWriteConcern(WriteConcern.FsyncSafe)
- val mongoCollection: MongoCollection = mongoConnection(getMongoCollectionName(configuration.orgId))
- // manu, 16.03.2014 - commenting out the WriteConcern FsyncSafe as it leads to extremely slow writes (of the order of 100 ms / record)
- // mongoCollection.setWriteConcern(WriteConcern.JournalSafe)
- mongoCollection.ensureIndex(MongoDBObject("collection" -> 1, "itemType" -> 1, "itemId" -> 1))
- mongoCollection.ensureIndex(MongoDBObject("collection" -> 1, "itemType" -> 1))
- mongoCollection.ensureIndex(MongoDBObject("collection" -> 1, "itemType" -> 1, "index" -> 1))
- new MongoMetadataCache(orgId, col, itemType, mongoCollection)
- }
- def getItemTypes(orgId: String, col: String): Seq[ItemType] = {
- val configuration = OrganizationConfigurationHandler.getByOrgId(orgId)
- val mongoConnection = mongoConnections.getResource(configuration)
- val mongoCollection: MongoCollection = mongoConnection(getMongoCollectionName(configuration.orgId))
- val types: Seq[Any] = mongoCollection.distinct("itemType", MongoDBObject("collection" -> col))
- types.map(t => ItemType(t.toString))
- }
- }
- class MongoMetadataCache(orgId: String, col: String, itemType: String, mongoCollection: MongoCollection) extends SalatDAO[MetadataItem, ObjectId](mongoCollection) with core.MetadataCache {
- def underlying: MongoMetadataCache = this
- def saveOrUpdate(item: MetadataItem) {
- val mappings = item.xml.foldLeft(MongoDBObject()) { (r, c) => r + (c._1 -> c._2) }
- val schemaVersions = item.schemaVersions.foldLeft(MongoDBObject()) { (r, c) => r + (c._1 -> c._2) }
- update(
- q = MongoDBObject("collection" -> item.collection, "itemType" -> item.itemType, "itemId" -> item.itemId),
- o = $set(
- "modified" -> new Date(),
- "collection" -> item.collection,
- "itemType" -> item.itemType,
- "itemId" -> item.itemId,
- "index" -> item.index,
- "systemFields" -> item.systemFields.asDBObject,
- "xml" -> mappings,
- "schemaVersions" -> schemaVersions
- ),
- upsert = true
- )
- }
- def iterate(index: Int = 0, limit: Option[Int], from: Option[Date] = None, until: Option[Date] = None, metadataPrefix: Option[String] = None): Iterator[MetadataItem] = {
- // the use of index here is totally wrong when using metadataPrefix
- val query = MongoDBObject("collection" -> col, "itemType" -> itemType) ++ ("index" $gt index)
- val fromQuery = from.map { f => ("modified" $gte f) }
- val untilQuery = until.map { u => ("modified" $lte u) }
- val metadataPrefixQuery = metadataPrefix.map { prefix => (s"xml.$prefix" $exists true) }
- val q = Seq(fromQuery, untilQuery, metadataPrefixQuery).foldLeft(query) { (c, r) =>
- if (r.isDefined) c ++ r.get else c
- }
- val cursor = find(q).sort(MongoDBObject("index" -> 1))
- if (limit.isDefined) {
- cursor.limit(limit.get)
- } else {
- cursor
- }
- }
- def list(index: Int = 0, limit: Option[Int], from: Option[Date] = None, until: Option[Date] = None): List[MetadataItem] = iterate(index, limit, from, until).toList
- def listByMetadataPrefix(index: Int = 0, limit: Option[Int], from: Option[Date] = None, until: Option[Date] = None, metadataPrefix: Option[String] = None): List[MetadataItem] = iterate(index, limit, from, until, metadataPrefix).toList
- def count(): Long = count(MongoDBObject("collection" -> col, "itemType" -> itemType))
- def findOne(itemId: String): Option[MetadataItem] = findOne(MongoDBObject("collection" -> col, "itemType" -> itemType, "itemId" -> itemId))
- def findMany(itemIds: Seq[String]): Seq[MetadataItem] = find(MongoDBObject("collection" -> col, "itemType" -> itemType) ++ ("itemId" $in itemIds)).toSeq
- def remove(itemId: String) { remove(MongoDBObject("collection" -> col, "itemId" -> itemId)) }
- def removeAll() { remove(MongoDBObject("collection" -> col, "itemType" -> itemType)) }
- }