JavaScript | 186 lines | 151 code | 29 blank | 6 comment | 0 complexity | ca1e0381a7a2288bb3eb363271d01f45 MD5 | raw file
- // go.routing (models)
- // ===================
- // Models for routing screen.
- // We use the state machine models as a base to make use of any
- // custom/overriden functionality the models provide over Backbone.Model,
- // seeing as the models for routing are of a state machine nature.
- (function(exports) {
- var stateMachine = go.components.stateMachine,
- EndpointModel = stateMachine.EndpointModel,
- ConnectionModel = stateMachine.ConnectionModel,
- StateModel = stateMachine.StateModel,
- StateMachineModel = stateMachine.StateMachineModel;
- var RoutingEndpointModel = EndpointModel.extend({});
- var RoutingEntryModel = ConnectionModel.extend({
- relations: [{
- type: Backbone.HasOne,
- key: 'source',
- includeInJSON: ['uuid'],
- relatedModel: RoutingEndpointModel
- }, {
- type: Backbone.HasOne,
- key: 'target',
- includeInJSON: ['uuid'],
- relatedModel: RoutingEndpointModel
- }]
- });
- var RoutingStateCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- type: null,
- bindings: {
- 'add': function(model) {
- model.set('ordinal', this.localOrdinals.indexOf(model.id));
- }
- },
- initialize: function(models, options) {
- this.routingId = options.routingId;
- this.localOrdinals = go.local.get(this._localOrdinalsKey(), []);
- go.utils.bindEvents(this.bindings, this);
- },
- persistOrdinals: function() {
- go.local.set(this._localOrdinalsKey(), this._getOrdinals());
- },
- _getOrdinals: function() {
- return _.pluck(this.sortBy('ordinal'), 'id');
- },
- _localOrdinalsKey: function() {
- return localOrdinalsKey(this.routingId, this.type);
- }
- });
- var ChannelCollection = RoutingStateCollection.extend({
- type: 'channels'
- });
- var RouterCollection = RoutingStateCollection.extend({
- type: 'routers'
- });
- var ConversationCollection = RoutingStateCollection.extend({
- type: 'conversations'
- });
- var RoutingStateModel = StateModel.extend({
- defaults: {ordinal: -1}
- });
- var ChannelModel = RoutingStateModel.extend({
- relations: [{
- type: Backbone.HasMany,
- key: 'endpoints',
- relatedModel: RoutingEndpointModel
- }],
- viewURL: function(){
- return '/channels/' + encodeURIComponent(this.get('tag').join(':')) + '/';
- }
- });
- var RouterModel = RoutingStateModel.extend({
- relations: [{
- type: Backbone.HasMany,
- key: 'conversation_endpoints',
- relatedModel: RoutingEndpointModel
- }, {
- type: Backbone.HasMany,
- key: 'channel_endpoints',
- relatedModel: RoutingEndpointModel
- }],
- viewURL: function(){
- return '/routers/' + encodeURI(this.id) + '/edit/';
- }
- });
- var ConversationModel = RoutingStateModel.extend({
- relations: [{
- type: Backbone.HasMany,
- key: 'endpoints',
- relatedModel: RoutingEndpointModel
- }],
- viewURL: function(){
- return '/conversations/' + encodeURI(this.id) + '/edit/';
- }
- });
- var RoutingModel = StateMachineModel.extend({
- methods: {
- read: {
- method: 'routing_table',
- params: ['campaign_id']
- },
- update: {
- method: 'update_routing_table',
- params: function() {
- return [this.get('campaign_id'), this];
- }
- }
- },
- idAttribute: 'campaign_id',
- relations: [{
- type: Backbone.HasMany,
- key: 'channels',
- relatedModel: ChannelModel,
- collectionType: ChannelCollection,
- collectionOptions: stateCollectionOptions
- }, {
- type: Backbone.HasMany,
- key: 'routers',
- relatedModel: RouterModel,
- collectionType: RouterCollection,
- collectionOptions: stateCollectionOptions
- }, {
- type: Backbone.HasMany,
- key: 'conversations',
- relatedModel: ConversationModel,
- collectionType: ConversationCollection,
- collectionOptions: stateCollectionOptions
- }, {
- type: Backbone.HasMany,
- key: 'routing_entries',
- parse: true,
- relatedModel: RoutingEntryModel
- }],
- persistOrdinals: function() {
- this.get('channels').persistOrdinals();
- this.get('routers').persistOrdinals();
- this.get('conversations').persistOrdinals();
- this.trigger('persist:ordinals');
- }
- });
- function stateCollectionOptions(routing) {
- return {routingId: routing.id};
- }
- function localOrdinalsKey(id, type) {
- return [id, type, 'ordinals'].join(':');
- }
- _.extend(exports, {
- RoutingModel: RoutingModel,
- RoutingStateCollection: RoutingStateCollection,
- RoutingStateModel: RoutingStateModel,
- ChannelModel: ChannelModel,
- RouterModel: RouterModel,
- ConversationModel: ConversationModel,
- RoutingEntryModel: RoutingEntryModel,
- RoutingEndpointModel: RoutingEndpointModel,
- localOrdinalsKey: localOrdinalsKey
- });
- })(go.routing.models = {});