Java | 430 lines | 367 code | 45 blank | 18 comment | 21 complexity | 440cca5102327e833a41f0e907e7f7cf MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package org.apache.cassandra.service.paxos;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Random;
- import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
- import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
- import java.util.function.BiFunction;
- import java.util.function.Consumer;
- import java.util.function.DoubleSupplier;
- import java.util.function.LongBinaryOperator;
- import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
- import org.junit.Assert;
- import org.junit.Test;
- import org.slf4j.Logger;
- import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
- import net.nicoulaj.compilecommand.annotations.Inline;
- import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
- import static org.apache.cassandra.service.paxos.ContentionStrategy.*;
- import static org.apache.cassandra.service.paxos.ContentionStrategy.WaitRandomizerFactory.*;
- import static org.apache.cassandra.service.paxos.ContentionStrategyTest.WaitRandomizerType.*;
- public class ContentionStrategyTest
- {
- private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContentionStrategyTest.class);
- static
- {
- DatabaseDescriptor.daemonInitialization();
- }
- private static final long MAX = maxQueryTimeoutMicros()/2;
- private static final WaitParseValidator DEFAULT_WAIT_RANDOMIZER_VALIDATOR = new WaitParseValidator(defaultWaitRandomizer(), QEXP, 1.5);
- private static final BoundParseValidator DEFAULT_MIN_VALIDATOR = new BoundParseValidator(defaultMinWait(), true, assertBound(0, MAX, 0, selectors.maxReadWrite(0f).getClass(), 0.50, 0, modifiers.multiply(0f).getClass(), 0.66));
- private static final BoundParseValidator DEFAULT_MAX_VALIDATOR = new BoundParseValidator(defaultMaxWait(), false, assertBound(10000, 100000, 100000, selectors.maxReadWrite(0f).getClass(), 0.95, 0, modifiers.multiplyByAttemptsExp(0f).getClass(), 1.8));
- private static final BoundParseValidator DEFAULT_MIN_DELTA_VALIDATOR = new BoundParseValidator(defaultMinDelta(), true, assertBound(5000, MAX, 5000, selectors.maxReadWrite(0f).getClass(), 0.50, 0, modifiers.multiply(0f).getClass(), 0.5));
- private static List<BoundParseValidator> VALIDATE = ImmutableList.of(
- new BoundParseValidator("p95(rw)", false, assertBound(0, MAX, MAX, selectors.maxReadWrite(0f).getClass(), 0.95, 0, modifiers.identity().getClass(), 1)),
- new BoundParseValidator("5ms<=p50(rw)*0.66", false, assertBound(5000, MAX, MAX, selectors.maxReadWrite(0f).getClass(), 0.50, 0, modifiers.multiply(0).getClass(), 0.66)),
- new BoundParseValidator("5us <= p50(r)*1.66*attempts", true, assertBound(5, MAX, 5, selectors.read(0f).getClass(), 0.50, 0, modifiers.multiplyByAttempts(0f).getClass(), 1.66)),
- new BoundParseValidator("0<=p50(w)*0.66^attempts", true, assertBound(0, MAX, 0, selectors.write(0f).getClass(), 0.50, 0, modifiers.multiplyByAttemptsExp(0f).getClass(), 0.66)),
- new BoundParseValidator("125us", true, assertBound(125, 125, 125, selectors.constant(0).getClass(), 0.0f, 125, modifiers.identity().getClass(), 1)),
- new BoundParseValidator("5us <= p95(r)*1.8^attempts <= 100us", true, assertBound(5, 100, 5, selectors.read(0f).getClass(), 0.95, 0, modifiers.multiplyByAttemptsExp(0f).getClass(), 1.8)),
- );
- private static List<WaitParseValidator> VALIDATE_RANDOMIZER = ImmutableList.of(
- new WaitParseValidator("quantizedexponential(0.5)", QEXP, 0.5),
- new WaitParseValidator("exponential(2.5)", EXP, 2.5),
- new WaitParseValidator("exp(10)", EXP, 10),
- new WaitParseValidator("uniform", UNIFORM, 0),
- );
- static class BoundParseValidator
- {
- final String spec;
- final boolean isMin;
- final Consumer<Bound> validator;
- BoundParseValidator(String spec, boolean isMin, Consumer<Bound> validator)
- {
- this.spec = spec;
- this.isMin = isMin;
- this.validator = validator;
- }
- void validate(Bound bound)
- {
- validator.accept(bound);
- }
- }
- enum WaitRandomizerType
- {
- UNIFORM(Uniform.class, (p, f) -> f.uniform()),
- EXP(Exponential.class, (p, f) -> f.exponential(p)),
- QEXP(QuantizedExponential.class, (p, f) -> f.quantizedExponential(p));
- final Class<? extends WaitRandomizer> clazz;
- final BiFunction<Double, WaitRandomizerFactory, WaitRandomizer> getter;
- WaitRandomizerType(Class<? extends WaitRandomizer> clazz, BiFunction<Double, WaitRandomizerFactory, WaitRandomizer> getter)
- {
- this.clazz = clazz;
- this.getter = getter;
- }
- }
- static class WaitParseValidator
- {
- final String spec;
- final WaitRandomizerType type;
- final double power;
- WaitParseValidator(String spec, WaitRandomizerType type, double power)
- {
- this.spec = spec;
- this.type = type;
- this.power = power;
- }
- void validate(WaitRandomizer randomizer)
- {
- Assert.assertSame(type.clazz, randomizer.getClass());
- if (AbstractExponential.class.isAssignableFrom(type.clazz))
- Assert.assertEquals(power, ((AbstractExponential) randomizer).power, 0.00001);
- }
- }
- private static class WaitRandomizerOutputValidator
- {
- static void validate(WaitRandomizerType type, long seed, int trials, int samplesPerTrial)
- {
- Random random = new Random(seed);
- WaitRandomizer randomizer = type.getter.apply(2d, new WaitRandomizerFactory()
- {
- @Override public LongBinaryOperator uniformLongSupplier() { return (min, max) -> min + random.nextInt((int) (max - min)); }
- @Override public DoubleSupplier uniformDoubleSupplier() { return random::nextDouble; }
- });
- for (int i = 0 ; i < trials ; ++i)
- {
- int min = random.nextInt(1 << 20);
- int max = min + 1024 + random.nextInt(1 << 20);
- double minMean = minMean(type, min, max);
- double maxMean = maxMean(type, min, max);
- double sampleMean = sampleMean(samplesPerTrial, min, max, randomizer);
- Assert.assertTrue(minMean <= sampleMean);
- Assert.assertTrue(maxMean >= sampleMean);
- }
- }
- private static double minMean(WaitRandomizerType type, int min, int max)
- {
- switch (type)
- {
- case UNIFORM: return min + (max - min) * (4d/10);
- case EXP: case QEXP: return min + (max - min) * (6d/10);
- default: throw new IllegalStateException();
- }
- }
- private static double maxMean(WaitRandomizerType type, int min, int max)
- {
- switch (type)
- {
- case UNIFORM: return min + (max - min) * (6d/10);
- case EXP: case QEXP: return min + (max - min) * (8d/10);
- default: throw new IllegalStateException();
- }
- }
- private static double sampleMean(int samples, int min, int max, WaitRandomizer randomizer)
- {
- double sum = 0;
- int attempts = 1;
- for (int i = 0 ; i < samples ; ++i)
- {
- long wait = randomizer.wait(min, max, attempts = (attempts & 15) + 1);
- Assert.assertTrue(wait >= min);
- Assert.assertTrue(wait <= max);
- sum += wait;
- }
- double mean = sum / samples;
- Assert.assertTrue(mean >= min);
- Assert.assertTrue(mean <= max);
- return mean;
- }
- }
- private static Consumer<Bound> assertBound(
- long min, long max, long onFailure,
- Class<? extends LatencySelector> selectorClass,
- double selectorPercentile,
- long selectorConst,
- Class<? extends LatencyModifier> modifierClass,
- double modifierVal
- )
- {
- return bound -> {
- Assert.assertEquals(min, bound.min);
- Assert.assertEquals(max, bound.max);
- Assert.assertEquals(onFailure, bound.onFailure);
- Assert.assertSame(selectorClass, bound.selector.getClass());
- if (selectorClass == selectors.constant(0).getClass())
- {
- LatencySupplier fail = v -> { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); };
- Assert.assertEquals(selectorConst, bound.selector.select(fail, fail));
- }
- else
- {
- AtomicReference<Double> percentile = new AtomicReference<>();
- LatencySupplier set = v -> { percentile.set(v); return 0; };
- bound.selector.select(set, set);
- Assert.assertNotNull(percentile.get());
- Assert.assertEquals(selectorPercentile, percentile.get(), 0.00001);
- }
- Assert.assertSame(modifierClass, bound.modifier.getClass());
- Assert.assertEquals(1000000L * modifierVal, bound.modifier.modify(1000000, 1), 0.00001);
- };
- }
- private static void assertParseFailure(String spec)
- {
- try
- {
- Bound bound = parseBound(spec, false);
- Assert.fail("expected parse failure, but got " + bound);
- }
- catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
- {
- // expected
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void strategyParseTest()
- {
- for (BoundParseValidator min : VALIDATE.stream().filter(v -> v.isMin).toArray(BoundParseValidator[]::new))
- {
- for (BoundParseValidator max : VALIDATE.stream().filter(v -> !v.isMin).toArray(BoundParseValidator[]::new))
- {
- for (BoundParseValidator minDelta : VALIDATE.stream().filter(v -> v.isMin).toArray(BoundParseValidator[]::new))
- {
- for (WaitParseValidator random : VALIDATE_RANDOMIZER)
- {
- {
- ParsedStrategy parsed = parseStrategy("min=" + min.spec + ",max=" + max.spec + ",delta=" + minDelta.spec + ",random=" + random.spec);
- Assert.assertEquals(parsed.min, min.spec);
- min.validate(parsed.strategy.min);
- Assert.assertEquals(parsed.max, max.spec);
- max.validate(parsed.strategy.max);
- Assert.assertEquals(parsed.minDelta, minDelta.spec);
- minDelta.validate(parsed.strategy.minDelta);
- Assert.assertEquals(parsed.waitRandomizer, random.spec);
- random.validate(parsed.strategy.waitRandomizer);
- }
- ParsedStrategy parsed = parseStrategy("random=" + random.spec);
- Assert.assertEquals(parsed.min, DEFAULT_MIN_VALIDATOR.spec);
- DEFAULT_MIN_VALIDATOR.validate(parsed.strategy.min);
- Assert.assertEquals(parsed.max, DEFAULT_MAX_VALIDATOR.spec);
- DEFAULT_MAX_VALIDATOR.validate(parsed.strategy.max);
- Assert.assertEquals(parsed.minDelta, DEFAULT_MIN_DELTA_VALIDATOR.spec);
- DEFAULT_MIN_DELTA_VALIDATOR.validate(parsed.strategy.minDelta);
- Assert.assertEquals(parsed.waitRandomizer, random.spec);
- random.validate(parsed.strategy.waitRandomizer);
- }
- ParsedStrategy parsed = parseStrategy("delta=" + minDelta.spec);
- Assert.assertEquals(parsed.min, DEFAULT_MIN_VALIDATOR.spec);
- DEFAULT_MIN_VALIDATOR.validate(parsed.strategy.min);
- Assert.assertEquals(parsed.max, DEFAULT_MAX_VALIDATOR.spec);
- DEFAULT_MAX_VALIDATOR.validate(parsed.strategy.max);
- Assert.assertEquals(parsed.minDelta, minDelta.spec);
- minDelta.validate(parsed.strategy.minDelta);
- }
- ParsedStrategy parsed = parseStrategy("max=" + max.spec);
- Assert.assertEquals(parsed.min, DEFAULT_MIN_VALIDATOR.spec);
- DEFAULT_MIN_VALIDATOR.validate(parsed.strategy.min);
- Assert.assertEquals(parsed.max, max.spec);
- max.validate(parsed.strategy.max);
- Assert.assertEquals(parsed.minDelta, DEFAULT_MIN_DELTA_VALIDATOR.spec);
- DEFAULT_MIN_DELTA_VALIDATOR.validate(parsed.strategy.minDelta);
- }
- ParsedStrategy parsed = parseStrategy("min=" + min.spec);
- Assert.assertEquals(parsed.min, min.spec);
- min.validate(parsed.strategy.min);
- Assert.assertEquals(parsed.max, DEFAULT_MAX_VALIDATOR.spec);
- DEFAULT_MAX_VALIDATOR.validate(parsed.strategy.max);
- Assert.assertEquals(parsed.minDelta, DEFAULT_MIN_DELTA_VALIDATOR.spec);
- DEFAULT_MIN_DELTA_VALIDATOR.validate(parsed.strategy.minDelta);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testParseRoundTrip()
- {
- LatencySelectorFactory selectorFactory = new LatencySelectorFactory()
- {
- LatencySelectorFactory delegate = ContentionStrategy.selectors;
- public LatencySelector constant(long latency) { return selector(delegate.constant(latency), String.format("%dms", latency)); }
- public LatencySelector read(double percentile) { return selector(delegate.read(percentile), String.format("p%d(r)", (int) (percentile * 100))); }
- public LatencySelector write(double percentile) { return selector(delegate.write(percentile), String.format("p%d(w)", (int) (percentile * 100))); }
- public LatencySelector maxReadWrite(double percentile) { return selector(delegate.maxReadWrite(percentile), String.format("p%d(rw)", (int) percentile * 100)); }
- private LatencySelector selector(LatencySelector selector, String str) {
- return new LatencySelector()
- {
- public long select(LatencySupplier read, LatencySupplier write)
- {
- return selector.select(read, write);
- }
- public String toString()
- {
- return str;
- }
- };
- }
- };
- LatencyModifierFactory modifierFactory = new LatencyModifierFactory()
- {
- LatencyModifierFactory delegate = ContentionStrategy.modifiers;
- public LatencyModifier identity() { return modifier(delegate.identity(), ""); }
- public LatencyModifier multiply(double constant) { return modifier(delegate.multiply(constant), String.format(" * %.2f", constant)); }
- public LatencyModifier multiplyByAttempts(double multiply) { return modifier(delegate.multiplyByAttempts(multiply), String.format(" * %.2f * attempts", multiply)); }
- public LatencyModifier multiplyByAttemptsExp(double base) { return modifier(delegate.multiplyByAttemptsExp(base), String.format(" * %.2f ^ attempts", base)); }
- private LatencyModifier modifier(LatencyModifier modifier, String str) {
- return new LatencyModifier()
- {
- @Inline
- public long modify(long latency, int attempts)
- {
- return modifier.modify(latency, attempts);
- }
- public String toString()
- {
- return str;
- }
- };
- }
- };
- LatencyModifier[] latencyModifiers = new LatencyModifier[]{
- modifierFactory.multiply(0.5),
- modifierFactory.multiplyByAttempts(0.5),
- modifierFactory.multiplyByAttemptsExp(0.5)
- };
- LatencySelector[] latencySelectors = new LatencySelector[]{
- selectorFactory.read(0.5),
- selectorFactory.write(0.5),
- selectorFactory.maxReadWrite(0.99)
- };
- for (boolean min : new boolean[] { true, false})
- {
- String left = min ? "10ms <= " : "";
- for (boolean max : new boolean[] { true, false})
- {
- String right = max ? " <= 10ms" : "";
- for (LatencySelector selector : latencySelectors)
- {
- for (LatencyModifier modifier : latencyModifiers)
- {
- String mid = String.format("%s%s", selector, modifier);
- String input = left + mid + right;
- Bound bound = parseBound(input, false, selectorFactory, modifierFactory);
- Assert.assertTrue(String.format("Bound: %d" , bound.min), !min || bound.min == 10000);
- Assert.assertTrue(String.format("Bound: %d" , bound.max), !max || bound.max == 10000);
- Assert.assertEquals(selector.toString(), bound.selector.toString());
- Assert.assertEquals(modifier.toString(), bound.modifier.toString());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void boundParseTest()
- {
- VALIDATE.forEach(v -> v.validate(parseBound(v.spec, v.isMin)));
- }
- @Test
- public void waitRandomizerParseTest()
- {
- VALIDATE_RANDOMIZER.forEach(v -> v.validate(parseWaitRandomizer(v.spec)));
- }
- @Test
- public void waitRandomizerSampleTest()
- {
- waitRandomizerSampleTest(2);
- }
- private void waitRandomizerSampleTest(int count)
- {
- while (count-- > 0)
- {
- long seed = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong();
- logger.info("Seed {}", seed);
- for (WaitRandomizerType type : WaitRandomizerType.values())
- {
- WaitRandomizerOutputValidator.validate(type, seed, 100, 1000000);
- }
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void boundParseFailureTest()
- {
- assertParseFailure("10ms <= p95(r) <= 5ms");
- assertParseFailure("10 <= p95(r)");
- assertParseFailure("10 <= 20 <= 30");
- assertParseFailure("p95(r) < 5");
- assertParseFailure("p95(x)");
- assertParseFailure("p95()");
- assertParseFailure("p95");
- assertParseFailure("p50(rw)+0.66");
- }
- }