C | 614 lines | 435 code | 119 blank | 60 comment | 69 complexity | d94223d14740d7c9189e19b7c57a2301 MD5 | raw file
- #include "xcorf.h"
- #include <Xm/DrawingA.h>
- typedef struct {
- double value; /* LO1 in GHz. */
- double minimum; /* The left extreme value in GHz. */
- double maximum; /* The right extreme value in GHz. */
- double slider_size; /* (2*SBMAX) in GHz. */
- double slider_bucket; /* LO2 in GHz. */
- double aspect_x; /* The scale factor in pixels/GHz. */
- double step; /* The major tick step size in GHz. */
- int numTicks; /* The number of tick marks between each major step. */
- short slider_x; /* The left edge of the slider in pixels. */
- short slider_y; /* The top edge of the slider in pixels. */
- short slider_width; /* The width of the slider in pixels. */
- short slider_height; /* The height of the slider in pixels. */
- short slider_gap; /* The value of LO2 in pixels. */
- short slider_area_x; /* Left edge of the slider area in pixels. */
- short slider_area_y; /* Top edge of the slider area in pixels. */
- short slider_area_width; /* The width of slider area in pixels. */
- short slider_area_height; /* The height of slider area in pixels. */
- Dimension shadowThickness;
- Drawable pixmap;
- GC foreground_GC;
- GC top_shadow_GC;
- GC bottom_shadow_GC;
- Widget widget;
- struct {
- Boolean inMotion; /* Slider motion in progress. */
- Position dx; /* Initial position of slider. */
- Position x; /* Current location. */
- } tmp;
- static SLIDER *slider = (SLIDER *)NULL;
- /***********************************************************************/
- #ifdef __STDC__
- static void calcSliderRect(void)
- #else
- static void calcSliderRect()
- #endif /*__STDC__*/
- {
- int minSliderWidth = 6;
- int minSliderHeight = 1;
- int hitTheWall = 0;
- double range, trueSize, factor, slideSize, bucket, offset;
- trueSize = slider->slider_area_width;
- /* Total number of user units displayed */
- range = slider->maximum - slider->minimum;
- /* A niave notion of pixels per user unit */
- factor = trueSize / range;
- /* A naive notion of the size of the slider in pixels */
- slideSize = slider->slider_size * factor;
- bucket = slider->slider_bucket * factor;
- /* Don't let the slider get too small */
- slider->slider_width = (int)(slideSize + 0.5);
- if (slider->slider_width <= minSliderWidth)
- slider->slider_width = hitTheWall = minSliderWidth;
- slider->slider_height = slider->slider_area_height;
- if (slider->slider_height < minSliderHeight)
- slider->slider_height = minSliderHeight;
- slider->slider_gap = (int)(bucket + 0.5);
- if (slider->slider_gap > (slider->slider_width / 2))
- slider->slider_gap = (slider->slider_width / 2);
- if (hitTheWall > 0) {
- /*
- * The slider has not been allowed to take on its true
- * proportionate size (it would have been too small). This
- * breaks proportionality of the slider and the conversion
- * between pixels and user units.
- *
- * The factor needs to be tweaked in this case.
- */
- trueSize -= hitTheWall; /* actual pixels available */
- range -= slider->slider_size; /* actual range */
- if (range == 0) range = 1;
- factor = trueSize / range;
- }
- /* Many parentheses to explicitly control type conversion. */
- offset = slider->value - (slider->slider_size / 2) - slider->minimum;
- slider->slider_x = ((int)((offset * factor) + 0.5)) + slider->slider_area_x;
- slider->slider_y = slider->slider_area_y;
- /*
- * One final adjustment (of questionable value--preserved
- * for visual backward compatibility).
- */
- if ((slider->slider_x + slider->slider_width) > (slider->slider_area_x
- + slider->slider_area_width)) {
- slider->slider_x = slider->slider_area_x
- + slider->slider_area_width - slider->slider_width;
- }
- slider->aspect_x = factor;
- computeStepSize((Dimension)slider->slider_area_width,
- slider->minimum, slider->maximum, &slider->step, &slider->numTicks);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Draw the slider graphic (shadowed rectangle) into the pixmap.
- */
- /***********************************************************************/
- #ifdef __STDC__
- static void drawSliderPixmap(Widget w)
- #else
- static void drawSliderPixmap(w)
- Widget w;
- #endif /*__STDC__*/
- {
- register int xpos;
- register int slider_width = slider->slider_width;
- register int slider_height = slider->slider_height;
- register Dimension shadowThickness = slider->shadowThickness;
- register Drawable sliderPixmap = slider->pixmap;
- XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(w), sliderPixmap, slider->foreground_GC,
- 0, 0, slider_width, slider_height);
- (void)_XmDrawShadows(XtDisplay(w), sliderPixmap,
- slider->top_shadow_GC, slider->bottom_shadow_GC,
- 0, 0, slider_width, slider_height, shadowThickness,
- /* Draw a line in the middle. */
- xpos = (slider_width / 2) - 1;
- XDrawLine(XtDisplay(w), sliderPixmap, slider->bottom_shadow_GC,
- xpos, ((slider_height / 2) + 1), xpos, (slider_height - 2));
- xpos = slider_width / 2;
- XDrawLine(XtDisplay(w), sliderPixmap, slider->top_shadow_GC,
- xpos, ((slider_height / 2) + 1), xpos, (slider_height - 2));
- /* Now, draw a line on the inside of each bucket. */
- xpos = (slider_width / 2) - slider->slider_gap - 1;
- XDrawLine(XtDisplay(w), sliderPixmap, slider->bottom_shadow_GC,
- xpos, 1, xpos, (slider_height - 2));
- xpos = (slider_width / 2) - slider->slider_gap;
- XDrawLine(XtDisplay(w), sliderPixmap, slider->top_shadow_GC,
- xpos, 1, xpos, (slider_height - 2));
- xpos = (slider_width / 2) + slider->slider_gap - 1;
- XDrawLine(XtDisplay(w), sliderPixmap, slider->bottom_shadow_GC,
- xpos, 1, xpos, (slider_height - 2));
- xpos = (slider_width / 2) + slider->slider_gap;
- XDrawLine(XtDisplay(w), sliderPixmap, slider->top_shadow_GC,
- xpos, 1, xpos, (slider_height - 2));
- return;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- #ifdef __STDC__
- GC getForegroundGC(Widget w, Pixel fg)
- #else
- GC getForegroundGC(w, fg)
- Widget w;
- Pixel fg;
- #endif /*__STDC__*/
- {
- XGCValues values;
- XtGCMask valueMask;
- valueMask = GCForeground | GCGraphicsExposures;
- values.foreground = fg;
- values.graphics_exposures = False;
- return(XtGetGC(w, valueMask, &values));
- }
- /* Get the graphics context used for drawing the top shadow. */
- /***********************************************************************/
- #ifdef __STDC__
- GC getShadowGC(Widget w, Pixel fg, Pixel bg, Pixmap pix)
- #else
- GC getShadowGC(w, fg, bg, pix)
- Widget w;
- Pixel fg;
- Pixel bg;
- Pixmap pix;
- #endif /*__STDC__*/
- {
- XGCValues values;
- XtGCMask valueMask;
- valueMask = GCForeground | GCBackground;
- values.foreground = fg;
- values.background = bg;
- if ((pix != None) && (pix != XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP)) {
- valueMask |= GCFillStyle | GCTile;
- values.fill_style = FillTiled;
- values.tile = pix;
- }
- return(XtGetGC(w, valueMask, &values));
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- #ifdef __STDC__
- static void createSlider(Widget w)
- #else
- static void createSlider(w)
- Widget w;
- #endif /*__STDC__*/
- {
- Arg arg[10];
- Cardinal i;
- Pixel background, foreground, top_shadow_color, bottom_shadow_color;
- Pixmap top_shadow_pixmap, bottom_shadow_pixmap;
- slider = XtNew(SLIDER);
- i = 0;
- XtSetArg(arg[i], XmNbackground, &background); i++;
- XtSetArg(arg[i], XmNforeground, &foreground); i++;
- XtSetArg(arg[i], XmNtopShadowColor, &top_shadow_color); i++;
- XtSetArg(arg[i], XmNbottomShadowColor, &bottom_shadow_color); i++;
- XtSetArg(arg[i], XmNtopShadowPixmap, &top_shadow_pixmap); i++;
- XtSetArg(arg[i], XmNbottomShadowPixmap, &bottom_shadow_pixmap); i++;
- XtGetValues(w, arg, i);
- slider->widget = w;
- slider->foreground_GC = getForegroundGC(w, background);
- slider->top_shadow_GC = getShadowGC(w,
- top_shadow_color, foreground, top_shadow_pixmap);
- slider->bottom_shadow_GC = getShadowGC(w,
- bottom_shadow_color, foreground, bottom_shadow_pixmap);
- slider->pixmap = None;
- slider->slider_size = (SBMAX + SBMAX) / 1000.0; /* (MHz -> GHz). */
- slider->slider_bucket = LO2 / 1000.0; /* (MHz -> GHz). */
- slider->aspect_x = 1.0;
- slider->tmp.inMotion = False;
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Process resizes on the widget by destroying and recreating the
- * slider pixmap. Also draws the correct sized slider onto the pixmap.
- */
- /***********************************************************************/
- #ifdef __STDC__
- void resizeSlider(Widget w)
- #else
- void resizeSlider(w)
- Widget w;
- #endif /*__STDC__*/
- {
- int depth;
- Arg arg[10];
- Cardinal i;
- Dimension ht, st;
- Dimension width, height;
- ht = 2; /* primitive.highlight_thickness */
- i = 0;
- XtSetArg(arg[i], XmNshadowThickness, (XtArgVal)&st); i++;
- XtSetArg(arg[i], XmNwidth, (XtArgVal)&width); i++;
- XtSetArg(arg[i], XmNheight, (XtArgVal)&height); i++;
- XtSetArg(arg[i], XmNdepth, (XtArgVal)&depth); i++;
- XtGetValues(w, arg, i);
- height /= 2;
- slider->shadowThickness = st;
- slider->slider_area_x = ht + st;
- slider->slider_area_width = width - (2 * (ht + st));
- if ((Dimension)(2 * (ht + st)) > height)
- slider->slider_area_y = height / 2;
- else
- slider->slider_area_y = height + ht + st;
- slider->slider_area_height = height - (2 * (ht + st));
- if (slider->slider_area_width <= 0)
- slider->slider_area_width = 1;
- if (slider->slider_area_height <= 0)
- slider->slider_area_height = 1;
- if (slider->pixmap != None)
- XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(w), slider->pixmap);
- slider->pixmap = XCreatePixmap(XtDisplay(w),
- RootWindowOfScreen(XtScreen(w)), slider->slider_area_width,
- slider->slider_area_height, depth);
- resizeSliderRuler(w, (Dimension)slider->slider_area_x,
- (Dimension)slider->slider_area_width, height);
- calcSliderRect();
- drawSliderPixmap(w);
- return;
- }
- /* General redisplay function called on exposure events. */
- /***********************************************************************/
- #ifdef __STDC__
- void redisplaySlider(Widget w)
- #else
- void redisplaySlider(w)
- Widget w;
- #endif /*__STDC__*/
- {
- calcSliderRect();
- if (slider->pixmap != None)
- drawSliderPixmap(w);
- redrawSliderRuler(w, slider->minimum, slider->maximum, slider->step,
- slider->numTicks);
- /* Dump the pixmap that contains the slider graphics. */
- if (slider->pixmap != None)
- XCopyArea(XtDisplay(w), slider->pixmap, XtWindow(w),
- slider->foreground_GC, 0, 0, slider->slider_width,
- slider->slider_height, slider->slider_x, slider->slider_y);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Clear the through area at the current slider position,
- * recompute the slider coordinates and redraw the slider
- * the window by copying from the pixmap graphics.
- */
- /***********************************************************************/
- #ifdef __STDC__
- void redrawSliderWindow(Widget w)
- #else
- void redrawSliderWindow(w)
- Widget w;
- #endif /*__STDC__*/
- {
- if (XtIsRealized(w))
- XClearArea(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),
- (int)slider->slider_area_x, (int)slider->slider_area_y,
- (unsigned int)slider->slider_area_width,
- (unsigned int)slider->slider_area_height, (Bool)FALSE);
- calcSliderRect();
- /* Dump the pixmap that contains the slider graphics. */
- if ((XtIsRealized(w)) && (slider->pixmap != None))
- XCopyArea(XtDisplay(w), slider->pixmap, XtWindow(w),
- slider->foreground_GC, 0, 0, slider->slider_width,
- slider->slider_height, slider->slider_x, slider->slider_y);
- return;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- #ifdef __STDC__
- void setSliderRange(Widget w, double low, double high)
- #else
- void setSliderRange(w, low, high)
- Widget w;
- double low, high;
- #endif /*__STDC__*/
- {
- double offset;
- if (slider == (SLIDER *)NULL) {
- createSlider(w);
- slider->value = (low + high) / 2;
- }
- if ((high - low) < slider->slider_size)
- high = low + slider->slider_size;
- slider->minimum = low; /* Minimum window Frequency (GHz). */
- slider->maximum = high; /* Maximum window Frequency (GHz). */
- /* Truncate and redraw as appropriate. */
- offset = slider->value - (slider->slider_size / 2); /* Left edge. */
- if (offset >= (slider->maximum - slider->slider_size))
- offset = slider->maximum - slider->slider_size;
- if (offset <= slider->minimum)
- offset = slider->minimum;
- offset += (slider->slider_size / 2); /* Reset position to middle. */
- slider->value = offset;
- redisplaySlider(w);
- return;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- #ifdef __STDC__
- void adjustSliderRange(Boolean increase)
- #else
- void adjustSliderRange(increase)
- Boolean increase;
- #endif /*__STDC__*/
- {
- double low, high, offset;
- if (slider == (SLIDER *)NULL)
- return;
- low = slider->minimum;
- high = slider->maximum;
- offset = high - low;
- if (increase == True)
- offset *= 2;
- else
- offset /= 2;
- /* Limit requests that are too small or too large. */
- if (offset < (2 * slider->slider_size))
- offset = 2 * slider->slider_size;
- else if (offset > (Global->freqmax - Global->freqmin))
- offset = (Global->freqmax - Global->freqmin);
- /*
- * Try to center this new range around the slider's current
- * value. Also, truncate with respect to the Global limits,
- * as appropriate.
- */
- slider->minimum = slider->value - (offset / 2);
- if (slider->minimum < Global->freqmin)
- slider->minimum = Global->freqmin;
- slider->maximum = slider->minimum + offset;
- if (slider->maximum > Global->freqmax) {
- slider->maximum = Global->freqmax;
- slider->minimum = slider->maximum - offset;
- if (slider->minimum < Global->freqmin)
- slider->minimum = Global->freqmin;
- }
- redisplaySlider(slider->widget);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * The input value is the slider value in GHz. It represents LO1, or
- * the center of the slider.
- */
- /***********************************************************************/
- #ifdef __STDC__
- void setSliderValue(double value)
- #else
- void setSliderValue(value)
- double value;
- #endif /*__STDC__*/
- {
- double offset, range;
- Boolean adjust;
- if (slider == (SLIDER *)NULL)
- return;
- if (value == slider->value) /* No change needed. */
- return;
- slider->value = value;
- offset = slider->value - (slider->slider_size / 2); /* Left edge. */
- range = slider->maximum - slider->minimum;
- adjust = False;
- if (offset > (slider->maximum - slider->slider_size)) {
- slider->maximum = offset + slider->slider_size;
- slider->minimum = slider->maximum - range;
- adjust = True;
- } else if (offset < slider->minimum) {
- slider->minimum = offset;
- slider->maximum = slider->minimum + range;
- adjust = True;
- }
- if (adjust == True)
- setSliderRange(slider->widget, slider->minimum, slider->maximum);
- else
- redrawSliderWindow(slider->widget);
- setDrawingValue(False, slider->value);
- setDrawingValue(True, slider->value);
- return;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- #ifdef __STDC__
- void sliderStart(Widget w, int xpos)
- #else
- void sliderStart(w, xpos)
- Widget w;
- int xpos;
- #endif /*__STDC__*/
- {
- if ((!XtIsRealized(w)) || (slider == (SLIDER *)NULL))
- return;
- slider->tmp.inMotion = True;
- slider->tmp.dx = (Position)xpos - slider->slider_x;
- slider->tmp.x = slider->slider_x;
- return;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- #ifdef __STDC__
- void sliderStop(Widget w, int xpos)
- #else
- void sliderStop(w, xpos)
- Widget w;
- int xpos;
- #endif /*__STDC__*/
- {
- int maxx;
- double value;
- if ((!XtIsRealized(w)) || (slider == (SLIDER *)NULL))
- return;
- slider->tmp.x = (Position)xpos - slider->tmp.dx;
- if (slider->tmp.x < 0)
- slider->tmp.x = 0;
- maxx = slider->slider_area_x + slider->slider_area_width;
- maxx -= slider->slider_width;
- if (slider->tmp.x > (Position)maxx)
- slider->tmp.x = (Position)maxx;
- value = (slider->tmp.x - slider->slider_area_x) / slider->aspect_x;
- value += slider->minimum;
- if (value < slider->minimum)
- value = slider->minimum;
- else if (value > (slider->maximum - slider->slider_size))
- value = slider->maximum - slider->slider_size;
- value += (slider->slider_size / 2); /* Move to LO1 position. */
- setLO1(value);
- slider->tmp.inMotion = False;
- return;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- #ifdef __STDC__
- void sliderMove(Widget w, int xpos)
- #else
- void sliderMove(w, xpos)
- Widget w;
- int xpos;
- #endif /*__STDC__*/
- {
- int maxx;
- double value;
- if ((!XtIsRealized(w)) || (slider == (SLIDER *)NULL))
- return;
- if (slider->tmp.inMotion != True)
- return;
- slider->tmp.x = (Position)xpos - slider->tmp.dx;
- if (slider->tmp.x < slider->slider_area_x)
- slider->tmp.x = slider->slider_area_x;
- maxx = slider->slider_area_x + slider->slider_area_width;
- maxx -= slider->slider_width;
- if (slider->tmp.x > (Position)maxx)
- slider->tmp.x = (Position)maxx;
- value = (slider->tmp.x - slider->slider_area_x) / slider->aspect_x;
- value += slider->minimum;
- if (value < slider->minimum)
- value = slider->minimum;
- else if (value > (slider->maximum - slider->slider_size))
- value = slider->maximum - slider->slider_size;
- value += (slider->slider_size / 2); /* Move to LO1 position. */
- setLO1(value);
- return;
- }