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  51. <span class="date">04 Nov 2010 | </span>
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  57. <h1 class="post-title"><a href="#">Web excursions: November&nbsp;4</a></h1>
  58. <p>Links of interest for November 4:</p>
  59. <ul>
  60. <li><strong><a href="">Dropbox Uploader · Jaka Jančar</a></strong><br />
  61. Dropbox Uploader is a PHP class which can be used to upload files to Dropbox, an online file synchronization and backup service. </li>
  62. <li><strong><a href="">Aside Revisited - HTML5 Doctor</a></strong><br />
  63. This is an update to a previous article. The spec has changed to allow aside to be used for secondary content, changing its context depending on whether it&rsquo;s contained within an article. </li>
  64. <li><strong><a href="!mandalatea">NameChecklist - Find your name the easy way!</a></strong><br />
  65. Use namechecklist to check if your brandname, username, domain and vanity url are still available on the worldwide web. </li>
  66. <li><strong><a href="">Best Practices of Combining Typefaces - Smashing Magazine</a></strong><br />
  67. &ldquo;Some best practices when combining fonts in a design. When used with diligence and attention, these principles will always yield suitable results.&rdquo; </li>
  68. <li><strong><a href="">Make Dropbox Public Links Download Files Instead of Viewing Them In-Browser</a></strong><br />
  69. A lot of filetypes will automatically open up in their browser. Here&rsquo;s how to get Dropbox to force downloads instead. Spoiler: add <code>?dl=1</code> (public links only) </li>
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  73. <a class="prev" href="/voodoopad-log-navigation-plugins"><span>VoodooPad log navigation plugins</span><br/>&larr; Previous Entry</a>
  74. <a class="next" href="/web-excursions-october-31-november-4"><span>Web excursions: October 31 November 4</span><br/>Next Entry &rarr;</a>
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  79. <li><a href="/oft-bash-function-for-opening-a-specific-filetype">oft: Bash function for opening a specific filetype</a></li>
  80. <li><a href="/otask-cli-for-omnifocus">OTask: CLI for OmniFocus</a></li>
  81. <li><a href="/web-excursions-june-28-2011-june-30-2011">Web excursions: June 28, 2011 - June 30,&nbsp;2011</a></li>
  82. <li><a href="/web-excursions-june-15-2011-june-23-2011">Web excursions: June 15, 2011 - June 23,&nbsp;2011</a></li>
  83. <li><a href="/a-bash-function-for-markdown-bloggers">A Bash function for Markdown bloggers</a></li>
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  98. <p><strong>Brett Terpstra</strong> is the Tech Lead for the blogs of AOL Tech (Engadget, TUAW, Joystiq, Massively&hellip;). In his free time, he performs mad science with code and shares the results with whoever is curious.</p>
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  116. <li><a href="/otask-cli-for-omnifocus/" title="OTask: CLI for OmniFocus">OTask: CLI for OmniFocus</a></li>
  117. <li><a href="/web-excursions-june-28-2011-june-30-2011/" title="Web excursions: June 28, 2011 - June 30, 2011">Web excursions: June 28, 2011 - June 30,&nbsp;2011</a></li>
  118. <li><a href="/web-excursions-june-15-2011-june-23-2011/" title="Web excursions: June 15, 2011 - June 23, 2011">Web excursions: June 15, 2011 - June 23,&nbsp;2011</a></li>
  119. <li><a href="/a-bash-function-for-markdown-bloggers/" title="A Bash function for Markdown bloggers">A Bash function for Markdown bloggers</a></li>
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