Python | 339 lines | 117 code | 68 blank | 154 comment | 14 complexity | 258a2597eec0999dfb73effe20b681ff MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Hive Colony Framework
- # Copyright (c) 2008-2020 Hive Solutions Lda.
- #
- # This file is part of Hive Colony Framework.
- #
- # Hive Colony Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the Apache License as published by the Apache
- # Foundation, either version 2.0 of the License, or (at your option) any
- # later version.
- #
- # Hive Colony Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # Apache License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the Apache License along with
- # Hive Colony Framework. If not, see <http://www.apache.org/licenses/>.
- __author__ = "João Magalhães <joamag@hive.pt>"
- """ The author(s) of the module """
- __version__ = "1.0.0"
- """ The version of the module """
- __revision__ = "$LastChangedRevision$"
- """ The revision number of the module """
- __date__ = "$LastChangedDate$"
- """ The last change date of the module """
- __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2008-2020 Hive Solutions Lda."
- """ The copyright for the module """
- __license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0"
- """ The license for the module """
- import os
- import colony
- ENGINE_NAME = "fs"
- """ The engine name """
- BUFFER_SIZE = 4096
- """ The size of the buffer for writing, this values
- is relevant for the performance of that operation as
- a small value would imply many operations and a large
- value may require a large amount of memory"""
- class FileFS(colony.System):
- """
- The File FS class.
- """
- def get_engine_name(self):
- """
- Retrieves the name of the engine.
- :rtype: String
- :return: The name of the engine.
- """
- return ENGINE_NAME
- def get_internal_version(self):
- """
- Retrieves the internal database manager oriented
- version of the engine.
- :rtype: String
- :return: internal database manager oriented
- version of the engine.
- """
- return None
- def create_connection(self, connection_parameters):
- # retrieves the plugin manager
- plugin_manager = self.plugin.manager
- # retrieves the connection parameters
- context_name = connection_parameters.get("context_name", "default")
- base_path = connection_parameters.get("base_path", "%configuration:" + self.plugin.id + "%")
- # creates the (full) base path by appending the context name and
- # resolves it (for configuration directories) using the plugin manager
- base_path = os.path.join(base_path, context_name)
- base_path = plugin_manager.resolve_file_path(base_path, True, True)
- # creates the required (base_path) directories for the
- # file system persistence
- if not os.path.isdir(base_path): os.makedirs(base_path)
- # creates the (FS) connection with the given
- # context name and base path
- fs_connection = FsConnection(context_name, base_path)
- # returns the created (FS) connection
- return fs_connection
- def close_connection(self, connection):
- pass
- def get(self, connection, file_name):
- # retrieves the base file connection and
- # then uses it to retrieve the base path
- file_connection = connection.file_connection
- base_path = file_connection.base_path
- # strips the extra path separator values
- # (avoids problems working with the file system)
- file_name = file_name.lstrip("/")
- # creates the target file path from the base path
- # and then opens the target file for reading using it
- target_file_path = os.path.join(base_path, file_name)
- target_file_path = os.path.normpath(target_file_path)
- target_file = open(target_file_path, "rb")
- # returns the opened target file
- return target_file
- def delete(self, connection, file_name):
- # retrieves the base file connection and
- # then uses it to retrieve the base path
- file_connection = connection.file_connection
- base_path = file_connection.base_path
- # strips the extra path separator values
- # (avoids problems working with the file system)
- file_name = file_name.lstrip("/")
- # creates the target file path from the base path
- # and removes it from the file system
- target_file_path = os.path.join(base_path, file_name)
- target_file_path = os.path.normpath(target_file_path)
- os.remove(target_file_path)
- def put(self, connection, file_path, file_name):
- # retrieves the base file connection and
- # then uses it to retrieve the base path
- file_connection = connection.file_connection
- base_path = file_connection.base_path
- # strips the extra path separator values
- # (avoids problems working with the file system)
- file_name = file_name.lstrip("/")
- # retrieves the (base) file name and constructs
- # the complete target file path based on it
- target_file_path = os.path.join(base_path, file_name)
- target_file_path = os.path.normpath(target_file_path)
- # retrieves the target directory path and creates
- # if if it does not already exists
- target_directory_path = os.path.dirname(target_file_path)
- if not os.path.isdir(target_directory_path): os.makedirs(target_directory_path)
- # opens both the source and target files
- # for binary reading and writing
- source_file = open(file_path, "rb")
- target_file = open(target_file_path, "wb")
- try:
- # iterates continuously for file copying
- # (copies a chunk for each iteration)
- while True:
- # retrieves a chunk from the source file
- source_chunk = source_file.read(BUFFER_SIZE)
- # in case no source chunk could be read
- if not source_chunk:
- # breaks the loop (no more
- # data to be copied)
- break
- # writes the source chunk to the target
- # file (copy)
- target_file.write(source_chunk)
- finally:
- # closes the source and target files
- # (safe closing)
- source_file.close()
- target_file.close()
- def put_file(self, connection, file, file_name):
- # retrieves the base file connection and
- # then uses it to retrieve the base path
- file_connection = connection.file_connection
- base_path = file_connection.base_path
- # strips the extra path separator values
- # (avoids problems working with the file system)
- file_name = file_name.lstrip("/")
- # retrieves the (base) file name and constructs
- # the complete target file path based on it
- target_file_path = os.path.join(base_path, file_name)
- target_file_path = os.path.normpath(target_file_path)
- # retrieves the target directory path and creates
- # if if it does not already exists
- target_directory_path = os.path.dirname(target_file_path)
- if not os.path.isdir(target_directory_path): os.makedirs(target_directory_path)
- # opens target file for writing
- target_file = open(target_file_path, "wb")
- try:
- # iterates continuously for file copying
- # (copies a chunk for each iteration)
- while True:
- # retrieves a chunk from the (source) file
- source_chunk = file.read(BUFFER_SIZE)
- # in case no source chunk could be read
- if not source_chunk:
- # breaks the loop (no more
- # data to be copied)
- break
- # writes the source chunk to the target
- # file (copy)
- target_file.write(source_chunk)
- finally:
- # closes target file (safe closing)
- target_file.close()
- def put_data(self, connection, data, file_name):
- # retrieves the base file connection and
- # then uses it to retrieve the base path
- file_connection = connection.file_connection
- base_path = file_connection.base_path
- # strips the extra path separator values
- # (avoids problems working with the file system)
- file_name = file_name.lstrip("/")
- # retrieves the (base) file name and constructs
- # the complete target file path based on it
- target_file_path = os.path.join(base_path, file_name)
- target_file_path = os.path.normpath(target_file_path)
- # retrieves the target directory path and creates
- # if if it does not already exists
- target_directory_path = os.path.dirname(target_file_path)
- if not os.path.isdir(target_directory_path): os.makedirs(target_directory_path)
- # opens target file for writing
- target_file = open(target_file_path, "wb")
- try:
- # writes the data to the target
- # file (copy)
- target_file.write(data)
- finally:
- # closes target file (safe closing)
- target_file.close()
- def list(self, connection, directory_name):
- # retrieves the base file connection and
- # then uses it to retrieve the base path
- file_connection = connection.file_connection
- base_path = file_connection.base_path
- # strips the extra path separator values
- # (avoids problems working with the file system)
- directory_name = directory_name.lstrip("/")
- # creates the full directory name from the base
- # path and the directory name
- full_directory_name = os.path.join(base_path, directory_name)
- # list the directory entries from the directory
- file_name_list = os.listdir(full_directory_name)
- # returns the file name list
- return file_name_list
- def size(self, connection, file_name):
- # retrieves the base file connection and
- # then uses it to retrieve the base path
- file_connection = connection.file_connection
- base_path = file_connection.base_path
- # strips the extra path separator values
- # (avoids problems working with the file system)
- file_name = file_name.lstrip("/")
- # creates the target file path from the base path
- # and uses it to retrieve the size of the file (in bytes)
- target_file_path = os.path.join(base_path, file_name)
- target_file_path = os.path.normpath(target_file_path)
- return os.path.getsize(target_file_path)
- def mtime(self, connection, file_name):
- # retrieves the base file connection and
- # then uses it to retrieve the base path
- file_connection = connection.file_connection
- base_path = file_connection.base_path
- # strips the extra path separator values
- # (avoids problems working with the file system)
- file_name = file_name.lstrip("/")
- # creates the target file path from the base path
- # and uses it to retrieve the modification timestamp
- target_file_path = os.path.join(base_path, file_name)
- target_file_path = os.path.normpath(target_file_path)
- return os.path.getmtime(target_file_path)
- class FsConnection(object):
- """
- The connection that holds the information, regarding
- the connection to the file system (FS) engine.
- """
- context_name = None
- """ The name of the persistence context """
- base_path = None
- """ The base path used for the persistence
- for the files in the file system """
- def __init__(self, context_name, base_path):
- """
- Constructor of the class.
- :type context_name: String
- :param context_name: The name of the persistence context.
- :type base_path: String
- :param base_path: The base path for persistence.
- """
- self.context_name = context_name
- self.base_path = base_path