https://github.com/rsd/artica-1.5 · Pascal · 420 lines · 338 code · 64 blank · 18 comment · 40 complexity · 983089b3bdc0d03ea413bfb3cb908975 MD5 · raw file
- unit filter;
- //{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- interface
- uses
- Classes, SysUtils,variants, Process,IniFiles,oldlinux,md5,RegExpr in 'RegExpr.pas',logs,smtpsend,ldap,mimemess, mimepart,strutils,synautil,dnssend,synamisc;
- type
- TStringDynArray = array of string;
- type
- TTMailInfo = record
- client_address:string;
- client_name:string;
- reverse_client_name:string;
- sender:string;
- recipient:string;
- size:string;
- ldap_uid:string;
- ldap_ou:string;
- senderdomain:string;
- Filter_result:string;
- mx_record:string;
- md:string;
- end;
- type
- Tfilter=class
- private
- function Explode(const Separator, S: string; Limit: Integer = 0):TStringDynArray;
- function COMMANDLINE_PARAMETERS(FoundWhatPattern:string):boolean;
- function get_ARTICA_PHP_PATH():string;
- function BlackList(Email:TTMailInfo):TTMailInfo;
- function ArticaFilterQueuePath():string;
- function MYSQL_ACTION_QUERY(sql:string):boolean;
- procedure SendSqlQuery(email:TTmailInfo);
- function DNSMX(Email:TTMailInfo):TTMailInfo;
- infos:TTMailInfo;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- MESSAGE_IDA:string;
- function ParseLines(receive:string):string;
- function MD5FromString(values:string):string;
- end;
- implementation
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //##############################################################################
- constructor Tfilter.Create;
- begin
- forcedirectories('/etc/artica-postfix');
- end;
- //##############################################################################
- destructor Tfilter.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- //##############################################################################
- function Tfilter.ParseLines(receive:string):string;
- const
- CR = #$0d;
- LF = #$0a;
- //CRLF = CR + LF;
- CRLF = #$0D + #$0A;
- var
- RegExpr:TRegExpr;
- response:string;
- LOGS:Tlogs;
- Table:TStringDynArray;
- S:TStringList;
- i:integer;
- LOGS:=Tlogs.create;
- RegExpr:=TRegExpr.Create;
- RegExpr.Expression:='(.+?)=(.+)';
- Table:=Explode(#10,receive);
- for i:=0 to length(Table)-1 do begin
- if RegExpr.Exec(Table[i]) then begin
- if LowerCase(RegExpr.Match[1])='client_address' then infos.client_address:=RegExpr.Match[2];
- if LowerCase(RegExpr.Match[1])='client_name' then infos.client_name:=RegExpr.Match[2];
- if LowerCase(RegExpr.Match[1])='recipient' then infos.recipient:=RegExpr.Match[2];
- if LowerCase(RegExpr.Match[1])='sender' then infos.sender:=RegExpr.Match[2];
- if LowerCase(RegExpr.Match[1])='size' then infos.size:=RegExpr.Match[2];
- end;
- end;
- RegExpr.free;
- infos.md:=MD5FromString(receive);
- infos.Filter_result:='send';
- infos:=BlackList(infos);
- if infos.Filter_result='send' then infos:=DNSMX(infos);
- logs.logs('artica-policy:: ' + infos.md+' :: From <' + infos.sender + '> To <'+infos.recipient + '> (' + infos.client_address + ' [' + infos.client_name + '])=' + infos.Filter_result);
- s:=TStringList.Create;
- if infos.Filter_result='blacklist' then begin
- SendSqlQuery(infos);
- s.Add('action=REJECT 571 Delivery not authorized, message refused');
- s.Add('');
- s.Add('');
- result:=s.Text;
- s.free;
- LOGS.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- if infos.Filter_result='DNS' then begin
- SendSqlQuery(infos);
- s.Add('action=REJECT 571 Delivery not authorized, message refused');
- s.Add('');
- s.Add('');
- result:=s.Text;
- s.free;
- LOGS.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- s.Add('action=DUNNO');
- s.Add('');
- s.Add('');
- result:=s.Text;
- s.free;
- LOGS.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- //##############################################################################
- function Tfilter.DNSMX(Email:TTMailInfo):TTMailInfo;
- var
- l:TstringList;
- LOGS:Tlogs;
- s:string;
- RegExpr:TRegExpr;
- I:Integer;
- ldap:Tldap;
- parameters:string;
- begin
- ldap:=Tldap.Create;
- if ldap.IsLocalDomain(Email.senderdomain) then begin
- ldap.Free;
- exit(Email);
- end;
- if length(Email.senderdomain)=0 then begin
- RegExpr:=TRegExpr.Create;
- RegExpr.Expression:='(.+?)@(.+)';
- if RegExpr.Exec(Email.sender) then begin
- Email.senderdomain:=RegExpr.Match[2];
- end;
- RegExpr.Free;
- end;
- if length(trim(email.ldap_ou))=0 then email.ldap_ou:=ldap.OU_From_eMail(Email.recipient);
- if length(trim(email.ldap_ou))=0 then begin
- ldap.Free;
- exit(Email);
- end;
- parameters:=Ldap.ArticaDenyNoMXRecordsOu(email.ldap_ou);
- ldap.free;
- if parameters='pass' then exit(email);
- LOGS:=Tlogs.create;
- l := TStringList.create;
- try
- s := GetDNS;
- LOGS.LOGS('artica-policy:: DNSMX:: servers="' +s + '"');
- l.commatext := s;
- if l.count > 0 then
- begin
- s := l[0];
- LOGS.LOGS('artica-policy:: DNSMX:: request for="' +s + '" =>' + Email.senderdomain);
- GetMailServers(s, Email.senderdomain, l);
- end;
- finally
- end;
- if l.count>0 then begin
- for i:=0 to l.Count -1 do begin
- LOGS.LOGS('artica-policy:: DNSMX::(' + InttoStr(i) + ') "' +l.Strings[i] + '"');
- end;
- end else begin
- LOGS.LOGS('artica-policy:: No mx for ' + Email.senderdomain);
- Email.Filter_result:='DNS';
- end;
- l.free;
- result:=Email;
- end;
- //##############################################################################
- function Tfilter.BlackList(Email:TTMailInfo):TTMailInfo;
- var
- LDAP:Tldap;
- trouve:boolean;
- i:integer;
- ou,uid:string;
- RegExpr:TRegExpr;
- Sender_domain:string;
- LOGS:TLogs;
- begin
- LDAP:=TLdap.Create();
- LOGS:=TLOGS.Create;
- Email.ldap_uid:=ldap.EmailFromAliase(Email.recipient);
- if length(trim(email.ldap_ou))=0 then begin
- ou:=ldap.OU_From_eMail(Email.recipient);
- email.ldap_ou:=ou;
- end else begin
- ou:=Email.ldap_ou;
- end;
- RegExpr:=TRegExpr.Create;
- RegExpr.Expression:='(.+?)@(.+)';
- if RegExpr.Exec(Email.sender) then begin
- Sender_domain:=RegExpr.Match[2];
- Email.senderdomain:=Sender_domain;
- end;
- RegExpr.Free;
- if length(ou)>0 then begin
- if ldap.IsOuDomainBlackListed(ou,Email.senderdomain) then begin
- LOGS.Logs('artica-send::Global BlackList::' +ou + ' as black listed '+Sender_domain);
- LDAP.Free;
- email.Filter_result:='blacklist';
- exit(email);
- end;
- RegExpr.Free;
- end;
- if LDAP.IsBlackListed(Email.sender,Email.recipient) then begin
- LOGS.Logs('artica-send:: BlackList::' +email.recipient + ' as black listed '+Email.sender);
- LDAP.Free;
- email.Filter_result:='blacklist';
- exit(email);
- end;
- if LDAP.IsBlackListed(Email.sender,Email.recipient) then begin
- LOGS.Logs('artica-send:: BlackList::' + email.recipient+ ' as black listed '+Email.sender);
- LDAP.Free;
- email.Filter_result:='blacklist';
- exit(email);
- end;
- LDAP.Free;
- exit(email);
- end;
- //#########################################################################################
- procedure Tfilter.SendSqlQuery(email:TTmailInfo);
- var sql,Subject:string;
- begin
- Subject:='No Subject';
- sql:='INSERT INTO messages (MessageID,mail_from,mailfrom_domain,mail_to,subject,zDate,received_date,SpamRate,message_path,filter_action,ou,MailSize,SpamInfos,quarantine) ';
- sql:=sql + 'VALUES("'+ email.md+'","' + email.sender+'","' + email.senderdomain+'","' + email.recipient +'","'+Subject+'",';
- sql:=sql + 'DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),''%Y-%m-%d %H:%I:%S''),DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),''%Y-%m-%d %H:%I:%S''),"0","'+email.md+'","' +email.Filter_result+'","' +email.ldap_ou+'","' + email.size + '","NONE","0")';
- end;
- //#########################################################################################
- function Tfilter.Explode(const Separator, S: string; Limit: Integer = 0):TStringDynArray;
- var
- SepLen : Integer;
- F, P : PChar;
- ALen, Index : Integer;
- begin
- SetLength(Result, 0);
- if (S = '') or (Limit < 0) then
- Exit;
- if Separator = '' then
- begin
- SetLength(Result, 1);
- Result[0] := S;
- Exit;
- end;
- SepLen := Length(Separator);
- ALen := Limit;
- SetLength(Result, ALen);
- Index := 0;
- P := PChar(S);
- while P^ <> #0 do
- begin
- F := P;
- P := StrPos(P, PChar(Separator));
- if (P = nil) or ((Limit > 0) and (Index = Limit - 1)) then
- P := StrEnd(F);
- if Index >= ALen then
- begin
- Inc(ALen, 5); // mehrere auf einmal um schneller arbeiten zu können
- SetLength(Result, ALen);
- end;
- SetString(Result[Index], F, P - F);
- Inc(Index);
- if P^ <> #0 then
- Inc(P, SepLen);
- end;
- if Index < ALen then
- SetLength(Result, Index); // wirkliche Länge festlegen
- end;
- //####################################################################################
- function Tfilter.MD5FromString(values:string):string;
- var StACrypt,StCrypt:String;
- Digest:TMD5Digest;
- begin
- Digest:=MD5String(values);
- exit(MD5Print(Digest));
- end;
- //####################################################################################
- function Tfilter.COMMANDLINE_PARAMETERS(FoundWhatPattern:string):boolean;
- var
- i:integer;
- s:string;
- RegExpr:TRegExpr;
- begin
- result:=false;
- if ParamCount>0 then begin
- for i:=0 to ParamCount do begin
- s:=s + ' ' +ParamStr(i);
- end;
- end;
- RegExpr:=TRegExpr.Create;
- RegExpr.Expression:=FoundWhatPattern;
- if RegExpr.Exec(s) then begin
- RegExpr.Free;
- result:=True;
- end;
- end;
- //####################################################################################
- function Tfilter.get_ARTICA_PHP_PATH():string;
- var path:string;
- begin
- if not DirectoryExists('/usr/share/artica-postfix') then begin
- path:=ParamStr(0);
- path:=ExtractFilePath(path);
- path:=AnsiReplaceText(path,'/bin/','');
- exit(path);
- end else begin
- exit('/usr/share/artica-postfix');
- end;
- end;
- //##############################################################################
- function Tfilter.MYSQL_ACTION_QUERY(sql:string):boolean;
- var root,commandline,password,cmd_result,pass:string;
- i:integer;
- D:boolean;
- RegExpr:TRegExpr;
- found:boolean;
- logs:Tlogs;
- MyRes:TstringList;
- QueuePath:string;
- FileTemp:string;
- database:string;
- begin
- database:='artica_filter';
- FileTemp:=MD5FromString(sql+database)+'.sql';
- QueuePath:=ArticaFilterQueuePath() +'/sql_queue';
- ForceDirectories(QueuePath);
- MyRes:=TstringList.Create;
- MyRes.Add('<database>'+database + '</database>');
- MyRes.Add('<sqlquery>'+ sql + '</sqlquery>');
- MyRes.SaveToFile(QueuePath + '/'+FileTemp );
- myRes.Free;
- end;
- //##############################################################################
- function Tfilter.ArticaFilterQueuePath():string;
- var ini:TIniFile;
- begin
- ini:=TIniFile.Create('/etc/artica-postfix/artica-filter.conf');
- result:=ini.ReadString('INFOS','QueuePath','');
- if length(trim(result))=0 then result:='/usr/share/artica-filter';
- end;
- //##############################################################################
- end.