PHP | 363 lines | 320 code | 34 blank | 9 comment | 45 complexity | 33e1a1f465147b8dc324b9f7f3ec51cc MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- class Admin_DiscographyController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
- public function init() {
- $this->view->headLink()->appendStylesheet('/modules/admin/styles/formsDiscog.css');
- }
- public function indexAction() {
- $this->view->headLink()->appendStylesheet('/modules/admin/styles/discog.css');
- $this->view->headScript()->appendFile('/modules/admin/scripts/discogDelete.js');
- $discography = new Application_Model_DiscographyMapper();
- $this->view->entries = $discography->fetchAll();
- }
- public function deleteAction() {
- $request = $this->getRequest();
- $this->view->id = $this->_getParam('id');
- if($request->isXmlHttpRequest()){
- $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout();
- }
- $discogMapper = new Application_Model_DiscographyMapper();
- $discog = new Application_Model_Discography();
- $discogMapper->find($request->getParam('id'), $discog);
- $this->view->title = stripslashes($discog->title);
- if($request->isPost()) {
- $discogMapper->delete($request->getParam('id'));
- $tracksMapper = new Application_Model_TracksMapper();
- $tracks = $tracksMapper->FetchByAlbum($request->getParam('id'));
- foreach($tracks as $track){
- $tracksMapper->delete($track->id);
- }
- // Open the album data folder and remove all the files
- $dir = new DirectoryIterator(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../html/releases/' . $discog->dir . '/');
- foreach($dir as $fileinfo) {
- if(!$fileinfo->isDot()) {
- unlink($fileinfo->getPathname());
- }
- }
- // Remove the album data folder
- rmdir(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../html/releases/' . $discog->dir . '/');
- $this->xml();
- header("location: /admin/discography/");
- }
- }
- public function addAction() {
- $this->view->headScript()->appendFile('/modules/admin/scripts/discogTracks.js');
- $request = $this->getRequest();
- $form = new Admin_Form_DiscographyForm();
- $form->setAction('/admin/discography/add/');
- $today = date('Y-m-d');
- $data['release_date'] = $today;
- $form->populate($data);
- $this->view->form = $form;
- if($request->isPost()) {
- $params = $request->getParams();
- //header("location: /admin/discography/add/");
- //echo '<pre>' . htmlentities(print_r($GLOBALS['_FILES'], true)) . '</pre>';
- $newFolder = str_replace(" ", "-", strtolower($params['title']));
- $release = $newFolder = preg_replace('/[^\w-]+/', "", $newFolder);
- $newFolder = APPLICATION_PATH . '/../html/releases/' . $newFolder . '/';
- if(isset($_FILES['album_cover']['name'])) {
- $albumCover = str_replace(" ", "-", strtolower($_FILES['album_cover']['name']));
- $albumCover = preg_replace('/[^\w-.]+/', "", $albumCover);
- $params['album_cover'] = $albumCover;
- } else {
- $params['album_cover'] = '';
- }
- if(isset($_FILES['album_interior']['name'])) {
- $albumInterior = str_replace(" ", "-", strtolower($_FILES['album_interior']['name']));
- $albumInterior = preg_replace('/[^\w-.]+/', "", $albumInterior);
- $params['album_interior'] = $albumInterior;
- } else {
- $params['album_interior'] = '';
- }
- if(isset($_FILES['album_back_cover']['name'])) {
- $backCover = str_replace(" ", "-", strtolower($_FILES['album_back_cover']['name']));
- $backCover = preg_replace('/[^\w-.]+/', "", $backCover);
- $params['album_back_cover'] = $backCover;
- } else {
- $params['album_back_cover'] = '';
- }
- $params['dir'] = $release;
- $dir = new DirectoryIterator(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../html/releases/tmp/');
- foreach($dir as $fileinfo) {
- if(pathinfo($fileinfo->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'zip') {
- $adjustedZip = str_replace(" ", "-", strtolower($fileinfo->getFilename()));
- $adjustedZip = preg_replace('/[^\w-.]+/', "", $adjustedZip);
- $params['zipfile'] = $adjustedZip;
- }
- }
- $discogMapper = new Application_Model_DiscographyMapper();
- $discog = new Application_Model_Discography($params);
- $discogID = $discogMapper->save($discog);
- $tracksMapper = new Application_Model_TracksMapper();
- if(isset($params['track'])) {
- $numTracks = count($params['track']);
- } else {
- $numTracks = 0;
- }
- $i = 0;
- $xmlData = "<playlist>\n";
- while($i < $numTracks) {
- $data['disco_id'] = $discogID;
- $data['track_num'] = $i + 1;
- $data['title'] = $params['track'][$i];
- $data['artist'] = $params['artist'][$i];
- $replacedName = str_replace(" ", "-", strtolower($params['filename'][$i]));
- $replacedName = preg_replace('/[^\w-.]+/', "", $replacedName);
- $data['mp3'] = $replacedName;
- $track = new Application_Model_Tracks($data);
- $tracksMapper->save($track);
- $xmlData .= "\t<item>\n";
- $xmlData .= "\t\t<url>/releases/" . $release . "/" . $replacedName . "</url>\n";
- $xmlData .= "\t\t<title>" . stripslashes($params["track"][$i]) . "</title>\n";
- $xmlData .= "\t\t<artist>" . stripslashes($params["artist"][$i]) . "</artist>\n";
- $xmlData .= "\t\t<album>" . stripslashes($params["title"]) . "</album>\n";
- $xmlData .= "\t</item>\n";
- $i++;
- }
- $xmlData .= '</playlist>';
- mkdir($newFolder);
- foreach($dir as $fileinfo) {
- if(!$fileinfo->isDot()) {
- $filenameMod = str_replace(" ", "-", strtolower($fileinfo->getFilename()));
- $filenameMod = preg_replace('/[^\w-.]+/', "", $filenameMod);
- rename($fileinfo->getPathname(), $newFolder . $filenameMod);
- }
- }
- $my_file = 'playlist.xml';
- $handle = fopen($newFolder . $my_file, 'w') or die('Cannot open file: ' . $my_file);
- fwrite($handle, $xmlData);
- fclose($handle);
- $this->xml();
- header("location: /admin/discography/");
- }
- }
- public function xml() {
- // Move this out to a Helper something or other
- $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout();
- $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true);
- $xmlData = "<albums>\n";
- $entries = new Application_Model_DiscographyMapper();
- $tracksMapper = new Application_Model_TracksMapper();
- $tracksEntry = new Application_Model_Tracks();
- $discography = $entries->fetchAll();
- foreach($discography as $album) {
- if($album->playable == "1") {
- $xmlData .= "\t<item>\n";
- $albumID = $album->id;
- $tracks = $tracksMapper->find($albumID, $tracksEntry);
- $count = count($tracks);
- $xmlData .= "\t\t<url>/releases/" . $album->dir . "/playlist.xml</url>\n";
- $xmlData .= "\t\t<title>" . stripslashes($album->title) . "</title>\n";
- $xmlData .= "\t\t<artist></artist>\n";
- $xmlData .= "\t\t<date>" . date("F d, Y", strtotime($album->release_date)) . "</date>\n";
- $xmlData .= "\t\t<trackInfo>" . $count . " tracks</trackInfo>\n";
- $xmlData .= "\t\t<extraInfo>" . stripslashes($album->shortdesc) . "</extraInfo>\n";
- $xmlData .= "\t\t<imageUrl>/releases/" . $album->dir . "/" . $album->album_cover . "</imageUrl>\n";
- if($album->downloadable == '1') {
- $xmlData .= "\t\t<downloadUrl>/releases/" . $album->dir . "/" . $album->zipfile . "</downloadUrl>\n";
- } else {
- $xmlData .= "\t\t<downloadUrl></downloadUrl>\n";
- }
- $xmlData .= "\t</item>\n";
- }
- }
- $xmlData .= '</albums>';
- // write out file
- $handle = fopen(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../html/xml/releases.xml', 'w') or die('Cannot open file.');
- fwrite($handle, $xmlData);
- fclose($handle);
- }
- public function editAction() {
- $this->view->headScript()->appendFile('/modules/admin/scripts/discogTracks.js');
- $this->view->headScript()->appendFile('/modules/admin/scripts/discogImages.js');
- $request = $this->getRequest();
- $this->view->id = $this->_getParam('id');
- $form = new Admin_Form_DiscographyForm();
- $form->setAction('/admin/discography/edit/');
- $mapper = new Application_Model_DiscographyMapper();
- $entry = new Application_Model_Discography();
- $mapper->find($request->getParam('id'), $entry);
- $this->view->title = stripslashes($entry->title);
- $form->addElement('hidden', 'id', array('value' => $request->getParam('id')));
- $form->addElement('hidden', 'album_cover_image', array('value' => $entry->album_cover));
- $form->addElement('hidden', 'album_interior_image', array('value' => $entry->album_interior));
- $form->addElement('hidden', 'album_back_cover_image', array('value' => $entry->album_back_cover));
- $data['release_date'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($entry->release_date));
- $data['shortdesc'] = stripslashes($entry->shortdesc);
- $data['title'] = stripslashes($entry->title);
- $data['description'] = stripslashes($entry->description);
- $data['shorttitle'] = stripslashes($entry->shorttitle);
- $data['downloadable'] = $entry->downloadable;
- $data['playable'] = $entry->playable;
- $data['album_cover'] = $entry->album_cover;
- $data['album_interior'] = $entry->album_interior;
- $data['album_back_cover'] = $entry->album_back_cover;
- $data['section'] = $entry->section;
- $data['dir'] = $entry->dir;
- $form->populate($data);
- $this->view->form = $form;
- if($request->isPost()) {
- $params = $request->getParams();
- // echo '<pre>' . htmlentities(print_r($params, true)) . '</pre>';
- if($_FILES['album_cover']['name'] != '') {
- $params['album_cover'] = $_FILES['album_cover']['name'];
- } else {
- $params['album_cover'] = $params['album_cover_image'];
- }
- if($_FILES['album_interior']['name'] != '') {
- $params['album_interior'] = $_FILES['album_interior']['name'];
- } else {
- $params['album_interior'] = $params['album_interior_image'];
- }
- if($_FILES['album_back_cover']['name'] != '') {
- $params['album_back_cover'] = $_FILES['album_back_cover']['name'];
- } else {
- $params['album_back_cover'] = $params['album_back_cover_image'];
- }
- $discog = new Application_Model_Discography($params);
- $mapper->save($discog);
- $tracksMapper = new Application_Model_TracksMapper();
- $tracks = $tracksMapper->FetchByAlbum($request->getParam('id'));
- foreach($tracks as $track){
- $tracksMapper->delete($track->id);
- }
- $numTracks = count($params['track']);
- $i = 0;
- $xmlData = "<playlist>\n";
- while($i < $numTracks) {
- $data['disco_id'] = $request->getParam('id');
- $data['track_num'] = $i + 1;
- $data['title'] = $params['track'][$i];
- $data['artist'] = $params['artist'][$i];
- $data['mp3'] = $params['filename'][$i];
- $track = new Application_Model_Tracks($data);
- $tracksMapper->save($track);
- $xmlData .= "\t<item>\n";
- if($params["filename"][$i] != '') {
- $xmlData .= "\t\t<url>/releases/" . $entry->dir . "/" . $params["filename"][$i] . "</url>\n";
- } else {
- $xmlData .= "\t\t<url></url>\n";
- }
- $xmlData .= "\t\t<title>" . stripslashes($params["track"][$i]) . "</title>\n";
- $xmlData .= "\t\t<artist>" . stripslashes($params["artist"][$i]) . "</artist>\n";
- $xmlData .= "\t\t<album>" . stripslashes($params["title"]) . "</album>\n";
- $xmlData .= "\t</item>\n";
- $i++;
- }
- $xmlData .= "</playlist>";
- $my_file = 'playlist.xml';
- $handle = fopen(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../html/releases/' . $entry->dir . '/' . $my_file, 'w') or die('Cannot open file: '.$my_file);
- fwrite($handle, $xmlData);
- fclose($handle);
- $this->xml();
- $dir = new DirectoryIterator(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../html/releases/tmp/');
- foreach($dir as $fileinfo) {
- if(!$fileinfo->isDot()) {
- rename($fileinfo->getPathname(), APPLICATION_PATH . '/../html/releases/' . $entry->dir . "/" . $fileinfo->getFilename());
- }
- }
- header("location: /admin/discography/");
- }
- }
- public function unzipAction() {
- $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout();
- $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true);
- $request = $this->getRequest();
- $response = '';
- $fn = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILENAME']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILENAME'] : false);
- if($fn) {
- // AJAX call
- file_put_contents(
- APPLICATION_PATH . '/../html/releases/tmp/' . $fn,
- file_get_contents('php://input')
- );
- }
- $tags = new GetID3_getid3();
- $zip = new ZipArchive();
- $format = $tags->analyze(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../html/releases/tmp/' . $fn);
- if($format['fileformat'] == 'mp3') {
- echo ':' . $fn; // Returns for a single file, the colon denotes single file with the filename following
- exit();
- }
- if($zip->open(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../html/releases/tmp/' . $fn)) {
- $title = '';
- for($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) {
- if(substr($zip->getNameIndex($i), 0, 1) != '_') { // substr filters out __MACOSX folder which is auto-created
- $path_parts = pathinfo($zip->getNameIndex($i));
- $zip->extractTo(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../html/releases/tmp/', $zip->getNameIndex($i));
- rename(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../html/releases/tmp/' . $zip->getNameIndex($i), APPLICATION_PATH . '/../html/releases/tmp/' . $path_parts['basename']);
- if(is_dir(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../html/releases/tmp/' . $path_parts['basename'])) {
- $title = $path_parts['basename'];
- }
- $metadata = $tags->analyze(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../html/releases/tmp/' . $path_parts['basename']);
- if(isset($metadata['audio'])) {
- $response .= '<tr><td><input type="text" name="track[]" class="trackInput" value="' . $metadata['tags']['id3v2']['title']['0'] . '" /></td><td><input type="text" name="artist[]" class="artistInput" value="' . $metadata['tags']['id3v2']['artist']['0'] . '" /></td><td>' . $metadata['filename'] . '<input type="hidden" name="filename[]" value="' . $metadata['filename'] . '" /></td><td><a href="delete_track"><img src="/images/icons/delete.png" width="18" height="18" border="0" /></a></td></tr>';
- }
- }
- }
- rmdir(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../html/releases/tmp/' . $title);
- } else {
- $response = '<tr><td>Error reading archive!</td><td>k</td><td>d</td></tr>';
- }
- echo $response;
- }
- public function uploadAction() {
- $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout();
- $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true);
- $fn = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILENAME']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILENAME'] : false);
- if($fn) {
- file_put_contents(
- APPLICATION_PATH . '/../html/releases/tmp/' . $fn,
- file_get_contents('php://input')
- );
- echo $fn;
- exit();
- }
- }
- public function tracksAction() {
- $data = '';
- $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout();
- $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true);
- $tracksMapper = new Application_Model_TracksMapper();
- $tracks = $tracksMapper->FetchByAlbum($this->_getParam('id'));
- foreach($tracks as $track){
- $data .= '<tr id="track' . $track->track_num . '"><td><input type="text" name="track[]" class="trackInput" value="' . stripslashes($track->title) . '" /></td><td><input type="text" name="artist[]" class="artistInput" value="' . stripslashes($track->artist) . '" /></td><td>' . $track->mp3 . '<input type="hidden" name="filename[]" value="' . $track->mp3 . '" /></td><td><button>Upload MP3</button> <a href="delete_track"><img src="/images/icons/delete.png" width="18" height="18" border="0" /></a></td></tr>';
- }
- //echo '<pre>' . htmlentities(print_r($data, true)) . '</pre>';
- echo $data;
- }
- }