Python | 236 lines | 226 code | 1 blank | 9 comment | 0 complexity | 1bb6f3c670631e5f2a5a5c59680c5b8c MD5 | raw file
- """utility functions used by Askbot test cases
- """
- from django.test import TestCase
- from functools import wraps
- from askbot import models
- def create_user(
- username = None,
- email = None,
- notification_schedule = None,
- date_joined = None,
- status = 'a',
- reputation = 1
- ):
- """Creates a user and sets default update subscription
- settings
- ``notification_schedule`` is a dictionary with keys
- the same as in keys in
- :attr:`~askbot.models.EmailFeedSetting.FEED_TYPES`:
- * 'q_ask' - questions that user asks
- * 'q_all' - enture forum, tag filtered
- * 'q_ans' - questions that user answers
- * 'q_sel' - questions that user decides to follow
- * 'm_and_c' - comments and mentions of user anywhere
- and values as keys in
- :attr:`~askbot.models.EmailFeedSetting.FEED_TYPES`:
- * 'i' - instantly
- * 'd' - daily
- * 'w' - weekly
- * 'n' - never
- """
- user = models.User.objects.create_user(username, email)
- user.reputation = reputation
- if date_joined is not None:
- user.date_joined = date_joined
- user.save()
- user.set_status(status)
- if notification_schedule == None:
- notification_schedule = models.EmailFeedSetting.NO_EMAIL_SCHEDULE
- #a hack, we need to delete these, that will be created automatically
- #because just below we will be replacing them with the new values
- user.notification_subscriptions.all().delete()
- for feed_type, frequency in notification_schedule.items():
- feed = models.EmailFeedSetting(
- feed_type = feed_type,
- frequency = frequency,
- subscriber = user
- )
- feed.save()
- return user
- class AskbotTestCase(TestCase):
- """adds some askbot-specific methods
- to django TestCase class
- """
- def create_user(
- self,
- username = 'user',
- email = None,
- notification_schedule = None,
- date_joined = None,
- status = 'a'
- ):
- """creates user with username, etc and
- makes the result accessible as
- self.<username>
- newly created user object is also returned
- """
- assert(username is not None)
- assert(not hasattr(self, username))
- if email is None:
- email = username + '@example.com'
- user_object = create_user(
- username = username,
- email = email,
- notification_schedule = notification_schedule,
- date_joined = date_joined,
- status = status
- )
- setattr(self, username, user_object)
- return user_object
- def assertRaisesRegexp(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """a shim for python < 2.7"""
- try:
- #run assertRaisesRegex, if available
- super(AskbotTestCase, self).assertRaisesRegexp(*args, **kwargs)
- except AttributeError:
- #in this case lose testing for the error text
- #second argument is the regex that is supposed
- #to match the error text
- args_list = list(args)#conv tuple to list
- args_list.pop(1)#so we can remove an item
- self.assertRaises(*args_list, **kwargs)
- def post_question(
- self,
- user = None,
- title = 'test question title',
- body_text = 'test question body text',
- tags = 'test',
- wiki = False,
- is_anonymous = False,
- follow = False,
- timestamp = None
- ):
- """posts and returns question on behalf
- of user. If user is not given, it will be self.user
- ``tags`` is a string with tagnames
- if follow is True, question is followed by the poster
- """
- if user is None:
- user = self.user
- question = user.post_question(
- title = title,
- body_text = body_text,
- tags = tags,
- wiki = wiki,
- is_anonymous = is_anonymous,
- timestamp = timestamp
- )
- if follow:
- user.follow_question(question)
- return question
- def reload_object(self, obj):
- """reloads model object from the database
- """
- return obj.__class__.objects.get(id = obj.id)
- def post_answer(
- self,
- user = None,
- question = None,
- body_text = 'test answer text',
- follow = False,
- wiki = False,
- timestamp = None
- ):
- if user is None:
- user = self.user
- return user.post_answer(
- question = question,
- body_text = body_text,
- follow = follow,
- wiki = wiki,
- timestamp = timestamp
- )
- def post_comment(
- self,
- user = None,
- parent_post = None,
- body_text = 'test comment text',
- timestamp = None
- ):
- """posts and returns a comment to parent post, uses
- now timestamp if not given, dummy body_text
- author is required
- """
- if user is None:
- user = self.user
- comment = user.post_comment(
- parent_post = parent_post,
- body_text = body_text,
- timestamp = timestamp,
- )
- return comment
- """
- Some test decorators, taken from Django-1.3
- """
- class SkipTest(Exception):
- """
- Raise this exception in a test to skip it.
- Usually you can use TestResult.skip() or one of the skipping decorators
- instead of raising this directly.
- """
- def _id(obj):
- return obj
- def skip(reason):
- """
- Unconditionally skip a test.
- """
- def decorator(test_item):
- if not (isinstance(test_item, type) and issubclass(test_item, TestCase)):
- @wraps(test_item)
- def skip_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- raise SkipTest(reason)
- test_item = skip_wrapper
- test_item.__unittest_skip__ = True
- test_item.__unittest_skip_why__ = reason
- return test_item
- return decorator
- def skipIf(condition, reason):
- """
- Skip a test if the condition is true.
- """
- if condition:
- return skip(reason)
- return _id