Python | 304 lines | 211 code | 70 blank | 23 comment | 20 complexity | 0efc0a085d508aeb79cd56c7cf45a1f6 MD5 | raw file
- from collections import deque
- import string
- import numpy as np
- import pytest
- import pandas as pd
- import pandas._testing as tm
- from pandas.arrays import SparseArray
- UNARY_UFUNCS = [np.positive, np.floor, np.exp]
- BINARY_UFUNCS = [np.add, np.logaddexp] # dunder op
- SPARSE = [True, False]
- SPARSE_IDS = ["sparse", "dense"]
- SHUFFLE = [True, False]
- @pytest.fixture
- def arrays_for_binary_ufunc():
- """
- A pair of random, length-100 integer-dtype arrays, that are mostly 0.
- """
- a1 = np.random.randint(0, 10, 100, dtype="int64")
- a2 = np.random.randint(0, 10, 100, dtype="int64")
- a1[::3] = 0
- a2[::4] = 0
- return a1, a2
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("ufunc", UNARY_UFUNCS)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("sparse", SPARSE, ids=SPARSE_IDS)
- def test_unary_ufunc(ufunc, sparse):
- # Test that ufunc(pd.Series) == pd.Series(ufunc)
- array = np.random.randint(0, 10, 10, dtype="int64")
- array[::2] = 0
- if sparse:
- array = SparseArray(array, dtype=pd.SparseDtype("int64", 0))
- index = list(string.ascii_letters[:10])
- name = "name"
- series = pd.Series(array, index=index, name=name)
- result = ufunc(series)
- expected = pd.Series(ufunc(array), index=index, name=name)
- tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("ufunc", BINARY_UFUNCS)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("sparse", SPARSE, ids=SPARSE_IDS)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("flip", [True, False], ids=["flipped", "straight"])
- def test_binary_ufunc_with_array(flip, sparse, ufunc, arrays_for_binary_ufunc):
- # Test that ufunc(pd.Series(a), array) == pd.Series(ufunc(a, b))
- a1, a2 = arrays_for_binary_ufunc
- if sparse:
- a1 = SparseArray(a1, dtype=pd.SparseDtype("int64", 0))
- a2 = SparseArray(a2, dtype=pd.SparseDtype("int64", 0))
- name = "name" # op(pd.Series, array) preserves the name.
- series = pd.Series(a1, name=name)
- other = a2
- array_args = (a1, a2)
- series_args = (series, other) # ufunc(series, array)
- if flip:
- array_args = reversed(array_args)
- series_args = reversed(series_args) # ufunc(array, series)
- expected = pd.Series(ufunc(*array_args), name=name)
- result = ufunc(*series_args)
- tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("ufunc", BINARY_UFUNCS)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("sparse", SPARSE, ids=SPARSE_IDS)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("flip", [True, False], ids=["flipped", "straight"])
- def test_binary_ufunc_with_index(flip, sparse, ufunc, arrays_for_binary_ufunc):
- # Test that
- # * func(pd.Series(a), pd.Series(b)) == pd.Series(ufunc(a, b))
- # * ufunc(Index, pd.Series) dispatches to pd.Series (returns a pd.Series)
- a1, a2 = arrays_for_binary_ufunc
- if sparse:
- a1 = SparseArray(a1, dtype=pd.SparseDtype("int64", 0))
- a2 = SparseArray(a2, dtype=pd.SparseDtype("int64", 0))
- name = "name" # op(pd.Series, array) preserves the name.
- series = pd.Series(a1, name=name)
- other = pd.Index(a2, name=name).astype("int64")
- array_args = (a1, a2)
- series_args = (series, other) # ufunc(series, array)
- if flip:
- array_args = reversed(array_args)
- series_args = reversed(series_args) # ufunc(array, series)
- expected = pd.Series(ufunc(*array_args), name=name)
- result = ufunc(*series_args)
- tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("ufunc", BINARY_UFUNCS)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("sparse", SPARSE, ids=SPARSE_IDS)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("shuffle", [True, False], ids=["unaligned", "aligned"])
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("flip", [True, False], ids=["flipped", "straight"])
- def test_binary_ufunc_with_series(
- flip, shuffle, sparse, ufunc, arrays_for_binary_ufunc
- ):
- # Test that
- # * func(pd.Series(a), pd.Series(b)) == pd.Series(ufunc(a, b))
- # with alignment between the indices
- a1, a2 = arrays_for_binary_ufunc
- if sparse:
- a1 = SparseArray(a1, dtype=pd.SparseDtype("int64", 0))
- a2 = SparseArray(a2, dtype=pd.SparseDtype("int64", 0))
- name = "name" # op(pd.Series, array) preserves the name.
- series = pd.Series(a1, name=name)
- other = pd.Series(a2, name=name)
- idx = np.random.permutation(len(a1))
- if shuffle:
- other = other.take(idx)
- if flip:
- index = other.align(series)[0].index
- else:
- index = series.align(other)[0].index
- else:
- index = series.index
- array_args = (a1, a2)
- series_args = (series, other) # ufunc(series, array)
- if flip:
- array_args = tuple(reversed(array_args))
- series_args = tuple(reversed(series_args)) # ufunc(array, series)
- expected = pd.Series(ufunc(*array_args), index=index, name=name)
- result = ufunc(*series_args)
- tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("ufunc", BINARY_UFUNCS)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("sparse", SPARSE, ids=SPARSE_IDS)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("flip", [True, False])
- def test_binary_ufunc_scalar(ufunc, sparse, flip, arrays_for_binary_ufunc):
- # Test that
- # * ufunc(pd.Series, scalar) == pd.Series(ufunc(array, scalar))
- # * ufunc(pd.Series, scalar) == ufunc(scalar, pd.Series)
- array, _ = arrays_for_binary_ufunc
- if sparse:
- array = SparseArray(array)
- other = 2
- series = pd.Series(array, name="name")
- series_args = (series, other)
- array_args = (array, other)
- if flip:
- series_args = tuple(reversed(series_args))
- array_args = tuple(reversed(array_args))
- expected = pd.Series(ufunc(*array_args), name="name")
- result = ufunc(*series_args)
- tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("ufunc", [np.divmod]) # TODO: any others?
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("sparse", SPARSE, ids=SPARSE_IDS)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("shuffle", SHUFFLE)
- @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:divide by zero:RuntimeWarning")
- def test_multiple_output_binary_ufuncs(ufunc, sparse, shuffle, arrays_for_binary_ufunc):
- # Test that
- # the same conditions from binary_ufunc_scalar apply to
- # ufuncs with multiple outputs.
- if sparse and ufunc is np.divmod:
- pytest.skip("sparse divmod not implemented.")
- a1, a2 = arrays_for_binary_ufunc
- # work around https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/26987
- a1[a1 == 0] = 1
- a2[a2 == 0] = 1
- if sparse:
- a1 = SparseArray(a1, dtype=pd.SparseDtype("int64", 0))
- a2 = SparseArray(a2, dtype=pd.SparseDtype("int64", 0))
- s1 = pd.Series(a1)
- s2 = pd.Series(a2)
- if shuffle:
- # ensure we align before applying the ufunc
- s2 = s2.sample(frac=1)
- expected = ufunc(a1, a2)
- assert isinstance(expected, tuple)
- result = ufunc(s1, s2)
- assert isinstance(result, tuple)
- tm.assert_series_equal(result[0], pd.Series(expected[0]))
- tm.assert_series_equal(result[1], pd.Series(expected[1]))
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("sparse", SPARSE, ids=SPARSE_IDS)
- def test_multiple_output_ufunc(sparse, arrays_for_binary_ufunc):
- # Test that the same conditions from unary input apply to multi-output
- # ufuncs
- array, _ = arrays_for_binary_ufunc
- if sparse:
- array = SparseArray(array)
- series = pd.Series(array, name="name")
- result = np.modf(series)
- expected = np.modf(array)
- assert isinstance(result, tuple)
- assert isinstance(expected, tuple)
- tm.assert_series_equal(result[0], pd.Series(expected[0], name="name"))
- tm.assert_series_equal(result[1], pd.Series(expected[1], name="name"))
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("sparse", SPARSE, ids=SPARSE_IDS)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("ufunc", BINARY_UFUNCS)
- def test_binary_ufunc_drops_series_name(ufunc, sparse, arrays_for_binary_ufunc):
- # Drop the names when they differ.
- a1, a2 = arrays_for_binary_ufunc
- s1 = pd.Series(a1, name="a")
- s2 = pd.Series(a2, name="b")
- result = ufunc(s1, s2)
- assert result.name is None
- def test_object_series_ok():
- class Dummy:
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- def __add__(self, other):
- return self.value + other.value
- arr = np.array([Dummy(0), Dummy(1)])
- ser = pd.Series(arr)
- tm.assert_series_equal(np.add(ser, ser), pd.Series(np.add(ser, arr)))
- tm.assert_series_equal(np.add(ser, Dummy(1)), pd.Series(np.add(ser, Dummy(1))))
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "values",
- [
- pd.array([1, 3, 2], dtype="int64"),
- pd.array([1, 10, 0], dtype="Sparse[int]"),
- pd.to_datetime(["2000", "2010", "2001"]),
- pd.to_datetime(["2000", "2010", "2001"]).tz_localize("CET"),
- pd.to_datetime(["2000", "2010", "2001"]).to_period(freq="D"),
- ],
- )
- def test_reduce(values):
- a = pd.Series(values)
- assert np.maximum.reduce(a) == values[1]
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("type_", [list, deque, tuple])
- def test_binary_ufunc_other_types(type_):
- a = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], name="name")
- b = type_([3, 4, 5])
- result = np.add(a, b)
- expected = pd.Series(np.add(a.to_numpy(), b), name="name")
- tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)
- def test_object_dtype_ok():
- class Thing:
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- def __add__(self, other):
- other = getattr(other, "value", other)
- return type(self)(self.value + other)
- def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
- return type(other) is Thing and self.value == other.value
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return f"Thing({self.value})"
- s = pd.Series([Thing(1), Thing(2)])
- result = np.add(s, Thing(1))
- expected = pd.Series([Thing(2), Thing(3)])
- tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)
- def test_outer():
- # https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/27186
- s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3])
- o = np.array([1, 2, 3])
- with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=tm.EMPTY_STRING_PATTERN):
- np.subtract.outer(s, o)