Python | 160 lines | 126 code | 29 blank | 5 comment | 31 complexity | baa22ab1c5086627deae635e5c3e1f7d MD5 | raw file
- from app.config.cplog import CPLog
- from app.lib.provider.yarr.base import torrentBase
- from app.lib.qualities import Qualities
- from dateutil.parser import parse
- from imdb.parser.http.bsouplxml._bsoup import SoupStrainer, BeautifulSoup
- from urllib import quote_plus
- from urllib2 import URLError
- import os
- import re
- import time
- import urllib2
- log = CPLog(__name__)
- class tpb(torrentBase):
- """Api for the Pirate Bay"""
- name = 'The Pirate Bay'
- downloadUrl = 'http://torrents.thepiratebay.org/%s/%s.torrent'
- nfoUrl = 'https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/%s'
- detailUrl = 'https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/%s'
- apiUrl = 'https://thepiratebay.org/search/%s/0/7/%d'
- catIds = {
- 207: ['720p', '1080p'],
- 200: ['cam', 'ts', 'dvdrip', 'tc', 'r5', 'scr', 'brrip'],
- 202: ['dvdr']
- }
- catBackupId = 200
- ignoreString = {
- '720p': ' -brrip -bdrip',
- '1080p': ' -brrip -bdrip'
- }
- def __init__(self, config):
- log.info('Using TPB.org provider')
- self.config = config
- def conf(self, option):
- return self.config.get('Torrents', option)
- def enabled(self):
- return self.conf('enabled') and (not self.conf('sendto') == 'Blackhole' or (self.conf('blackhole') and os.path.isdir(self.conf('blackhole'))))
- def find(self, movie, quality, type):
- results = []
- if not self.enabled() or not self.isAvailable(self.apiUrl):
- return results
- url = self.apiUrl % (quote_plus(self.toSearchString(movie.name + ' ' + quality) + self.makeIgnoreString(type)), self.getCatId(type))
- log.info('Searching: %s' % url)
- try:
- data = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout = self.timeout).read()
- except (IOError, URLError):
- log.error('Failed to open %s.' % url)
- return results
- try:
- tables = SoupStrainer('table')
- html = BeautifulSoup(data, parseOnlyThese = tables)
- resultTable = html.find('table', attrs = {'id':'searchResult'})
- for result in resultTable.findAll('tr'):
- details = result.find('a', attrs = {'class':'detLink'})
- if details:
- href = re.search('/(?P<id>\d+)/', details['href'])
- id = href.group('id')
- name = self.toSaveString(details.contents[0])
- desc = result.find('font', attrs = {'class':'detDesc'}).contents[0].split(',')
- date = ''
- size = 0
- for item in desc:
- # Weird date stuff
- if 'uploaded' in item.lower():
- date = item.replace('Uploaded', '')
- date = date.replace('Today', '')
- # Do something with yesterday
- yesterdayMinus = 0
- if 'Y-day' in date:
- date = date.replace('Y-day', '')
- yesterdayMinus = 86400
- datestring = date.replace(' ', ' ').strip()
- date = int(time.mktime(parse(datestring).timetuple())) - yesterdayMinus
- # size
- elif 'size' in item.lower():
- size = item.replace('Size', '')
- seedleech = []
- for td in result.findAll('td'):
- try:
- seedleech.append(int(td.contents[0]))
- except ValueError:
- pass
- seeders = 0
- leechers = 0
- if len(seedleech) == 2 and seedleech[0] > 0 and seedleech[1] > 0:
- seeders = seedleech[0]
- leechers = seedleech[1]
- # to item
- new = self.feedItem()
- new.id = id
- new.type = 'torrent'
- new.name = name
- new.date = date
- new.size = self.parseSize(size)
- new.seeders = seeders
- new.leechers = leechers
- new.url = self.downloadLink(id, name)
- new.score = self.calcScore(new, movie) + self.uploader(result) + (seeders / 10)
- if seeders > 0 and (new.date + (int(self.conf('wait')) * 60 * 60) < time.time()) and Qualities.types.get(type).get('minSize') <= new.size:
- new.detailUrl = self.detailLink(id)
- new.content = self.getInfo(new.detailUrl)
- if self.isCorrectMovie(new, movie, type):
- results.append(new)
- log.info('Found: %s' % new.name)
- return results
- except AttributeError:
- log.debug('No search results found.')
- return []
- def makeIgnoreString(self, type):
- ignore = self.ignoreString.get(type)
- return ignore if ignore else ''
- def uploader(self, html):
- score = 0
- if html.find('img', attr = {'alt':'VIP'}):
- score += 3
- if html.find('img', attr = {'alt':'Trusted'}):
- score += 1
- return score
- def getInfo(self, url):
- log.debug('Getting info: %s' % url)
- try:
- data = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout = self.timeout).read()
- pass
- except IOError:
- log.error('Failed to open %s.' % url)
- return ''
- div = SoupStrainer('div')
- html = BeautifulSoup(data, parseOnlyThese = div)
- html = html.find('div', attrs = {'class':'nfo'})
- return str(html).decode("utf-8", "replace")
- def downloadLink(self, id, name):
- return self.downloadUrl % (id, quote_plus(name))