Python | 327 lines | 262 code | 59 blank | 6 comment | 50 complexity | adf953e9ad42e1cd486572b6b07784d3 MD5 | raw file
- import unittest
- from itertools import izip
- from copy import copy, deepcopy
- import numpy
- import theano
- import theano.tensor as T
- from theano.compile import DeepCopyOp
- from theano.tensor.tests.test_basic import safe_make_node
- from theano.tests.unittest_tools import SkipTest
- from numpy.testing.noseclasses import KnownFailureTest
- import theano.sandbox.gpuarray
- import theano.sandbox.cuda as cuda_ndarray
- if cuda_ndarray.cuda_available and not theano.sandbox.gpuarray.pygpu_activated:
- if not cuda_ndarray.use.device_number:
- #We should not enable all the use like the flag device=gpu,
- #as many tests don't work in that setup.
- cuda_ndarray.use('gpu',
- default_to_move_computation_to_gpu=False,
- move_shared_float32_to_gpu=False,
- enable_cuda=False)
- theano.sandbox.gpuarray.init_dev('cuda')
- if not theano.sandbox.gpuarray.pygpu_activated:
- raise SkipTest("pygpu disabled")
- from theano.sandbox.gpuarray.type import (GpuArrayType,
- gpuarray_shared_constructor)
- from theano.sandbox.gpuarray.basic_ops import (host_from_gpu, gpu_from_host,
- gpu_alloc, gpu_from_cuda,
- cuda_from_gpu)
- from theano.tests import unittest_tools as utt
- utt.seed_rng()
- rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed=utt.fetch_seed())
- from pygpu import gpuarray
- if theano.config.mode == 'FAST_COMPILE':
- mode_with_gpu = theano.compile.mode.get_mode('FAST_RUN').including('gpuarray')
- mode_without_gpu = theano.compile.mode.get_mode('FAST_RUN').excluding('gpuarray'\
- )
- else:
- mode_with_gpu = theano.compile.mode.get_default_mode().including('gpuarray')
- mode_without_gpu = theano.compile.mode.get_default_mode().excluding('gpuarray')
- def may_fail(msg, EClass):
- """Mark a test that requires very specific conditions to work to
- mask a specific exception class."""
- def test_decorator(f):
- def wrapper():
- try:
- f()
- except Exception, e:
- if isinstance(e, EClass):
- raise KnownFailureTest(msg, e)
- raise
- wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__
- return wrapper
- return test_decorator
- def inplace_func(inputs, outputs, mode=None, allow_input_downcast=False,
- on_unused_input='raise', name=None):
- if mode is None:
- mode = mode_with_gpu
- return theano.function(inputs, outputs, mode=mode,
- allow_input_downcast=allow_input_downcast,
- accept_inplace=True,
- on_unused_input=on_unused_input, name=name)
- def fake_shared(value, name=None, strict=False, allow_downcast=None, **kwargs):
- from theano.tensor.sharedvar import tensor_constructor, scalar_constructor
- for c in (gpuarray_shared_constructor, tensor_constructor,
- scalar_constructor):
- try:
- return c(value, name=name, strict=strict,
- allow_downcast=allow_downcast, **kwargs)
- except TypeError:
- continue
- def rand_gpuarray(*shape, **kwargs):
- r = rng.rand(*shape) * 2 - 1
- dtype = kwargs.pop('dtype', theano.config.floatX)
- if len(kwargs) != 0:
- raise TypeError('Unexpected argument %s', kwargs.keys()[0])
- return gpuarray.array(r, dtype=dtype)
- def makeTester(name, op, expected, good=None, bad_build=None, checks=None,
- bad_runtime=None, mode=None, skip=False, eps=1e-10):
- if good is None:
- good = {}
- if bad_build is None:
- bad_build = {}
- if bad_runtime is None:
- bad_runtime = {}
- if checks is None:
- checks = {}
- _op = op
- _expected = expected
- _good = good
- _bad_build = bad_build
- _bad_runtime = bad_runtime
- _skip = skip
- _checks = checks
- class Checker(unittest.TestCase):
- op = staticmethod(_op)
- expected = staticmethod(_expected)
- good = _good
- bad_build = _bad_build
- bad_runtime = _bad_runtime
- skip = _skip
- checks = _checks
- def setUp(self):
- eval(self.__class__.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__)
- def test_good(self):
- if skip:
- raise SkipTest(skip)
- for testname, inputs in good.items():
- inputs = [copy(input) for input in inputs]
- inputrs = [fake_shared(input) for input in inputs]
- try:
- node = safe_make_node(self.op, *inputrs)
- except Exception, exc:
- err_msg = ("Test %s::%s: Error occured while making "
- "a node with inputs %s") % (self.op, testname,
- inputs)
- exc.args += (err_msg,)
- raise
- try:
- f = inplace_func([], node.outputs, mode=mode,
- name='test_good')
- except Exception, exc:
- err_msg = ("Test %s::%s: Error occured while trying to "
- "make a Function") % (self.op, testname)
- exc.args += (err_msg,)
- raise
- if isinstance(self.expected, dict) and \
- testname in self.expected:
- expecteds = self.expected[testname]
- else:
- expecteds = self.expected(*inputs)
- if not isinstance(expecteds, (list, tuple)):
- expecteds = (expecteds,)
- try:
- variables = f()
- except Exception, exc:
- err_msg = ("Test %s::%s: Error occured while calling "
- "the Function on the inputs %s") % (self.op,
- testname,
- inputs)
- exc.args += (err_msg,)
- raise
- for i, (variable, expected) in \
- enumerate(izip(variables, expecteds)):
- if variable.dtype != expected.dtype or \
- variable.shape != expected.shape or \
- not GpuArrayType.values_eq_approx(variable,
- expected):
- self.fail(("Test %s::%s: Output %s gave the wrong "
- "value. With inputs %s, expected %s "
- "(dtype %s), got %s (dtype %s).") % (
- self.op, testname, i, inputs, expected,
- expected.dtype, variable, variable.dtype))
- for description, check in self.checks.items():
- if not check(inputs, variables):
- self.fail(("Test %s::%s: Failed check: %s "
- "(inputs were %s, ouputs were %s)") %
- (self.op, testname, description,
- inputs, variables))
- def test_bad_build(self):
- if skip:
- raise SkipTest(skip)
- for testname, inputs in self.bad_build.items():
- inputs = [copy(input) for input in inputs]
- inputrs = [fake_shared(input) for input in inputs]
- self.assertRaises(Exception, safe_make_node, self.op, *inputrs)
- def test_bad_runtime(self):
- if skip:
- raise SkipTest(skip)
- for testname, inputs in self.bad_runtime.items():
- inputrs = [fake_shared(input) for input in inputs]
- try:
- node = safe_make_node(self.op, *inputrs)
- except Exception, exc:
- err_msg = ("Test %s::%s: Error occured while trying to "
- "make a node with inputs %s") % (self.op,
- testname,
- inputs)
- exc.args += (err_msg,)
- raise
- try:
- f = inplace_func([], node.outputs, mode=mode,
- name="test_bad_runtime")
- except Exception, exc:
- err_msg = ("Test %s::%s: Error occured while trying to "
- "make a Function") % (self.op, testname)
- exc.args += (err_msg,)
- raise
- self.assertRaises(Exception, f, [])
- Checker.__name__ = name
- return Checker
- def test_transfer_cpu_gpu():
- a = T.fmatrix('a')
- g = GpuArrayType(dtype='float32', broadcastable=(False, False))('g')
- av = numpy.asarray(rng.rand(5, 4), dtype='float32')
- gv = gpuarray.array(av)
- f = theano.function([a], gpu_from_host(a))
- fv = f(av)
- assert GpuArrayType.values_eq(fv, gv)
- f = theano.function([g], host_from_gpu(g))
- fv = f(gv)
- assert numpy.all(fv == av)
- def test_transfer_strided():
- # This is just to ensure that it works in theano
- # compyte has a much more comprehensive suit of tests to ensure correctness
- a = T.fmatrix('a')
- g = GpuArrayType(dtype='float32', broadcastable=(False, False))('g')
- av = numpy.asarray(rng.rand(5, 8), dtype='float32')
- gv = gpuarray.array(av)
- av = av[:,::2]
- gv = gv[:,::2]
- f = theano.function([a], gpu_from_host(a))
- fv = f(av)
- assert GpuArrayType.values_eq(fv, gv)
- f = theano.function([g], host_from_gpu(g))
- fv = f(gv)
- assert numpy.all(fv == av)
- @may_fail("Op fails if both contexts are not the same and it's rare "
- "that the tests will be run this way", ValueError)
- def test_transfer_cuda_gpu():
- import theano.sandbox.cuda as cuda_ndarray
- if cuda_ndarray.cuda_available == False:
- raise SkipTest("Can't test interaction with cuda if cuda not present")
- g = GpuArrayType(dtype='float32', broadcastable=(False, False))('g')
- c = cuda_ndarray.CudaNdarrayType((False, False))('c')
- av = theano._asarray(rng.rand(5, 4), dtype='float32')
- gv = gpuarray.array(av)
- cv = cuda_ndarray.CudaNdarray(av)
- gvs = gv[:,::-2]
- cvs = cv[:,::-2]
- f = theano.function([c], gpu_from_cuda(c))
- fv = f(cv)
- assert GpuArrayType.values_eq_approx(fv, gv)
- fvs = f(cvs)
- assert GpuArrayType.values_eq_approx(fvs, gvs)
- f = theano.function([g], cuda_from_gpu(g))
- fv = f(gv)
- assert cuda_ndarray.CudaNdarrayType.values_eq_approx(fv, cv)
- fvs = f(gvs)
- assert cuda_ndarray.CudaNdarrayType.values_eq_approx(fvs, cvs)
- def gpu_alloc_expected(x, *shp):
- g = gpuarray.empty(shp, dtype=x.dtype)
- g[:] = x
- return g
- GpuAllocTester = makeTester(
- name="GpuAllocTester",
- op=gpu_alloc,
- expected=gpu_alloc_expected,
- good=dict(
- correct01=(rand_gpuarray(), numpy.int32(7)),
- correct01_bcast=(rand_gpuarray(1), numpy.int32(7)),
- correct02=(rand_gpuarray(), numpy.int32(4), numpy.int32(7)),
- correct12=(rand_gpuarray(7), numpy.int32(4), numpy.int32(7)),
- correct13=(rand_gpuarray(7), numpy.int32(2), numpy.int32(4),
- numpy.int32(7)),
- correct23=(rand_gpuarray(4, 7), numpy.int32(2), numpy.int32(4),
- numpy.int32(7))
- ),
- bad_runtime=dict(
- bad_shape12=(rand_gpuarray(7), numpy.int32(7), numpy.int32(5)),
- )
- )
- def test_deep_copy():
- a = rand_gpuarray(20, dtype='float32')
- g = GpuArrayType(dtype='float32', broadcastable=(False,))('g')
- f = theano.function([g], g)
- assert isinstance(f.maker.fgraph.toposort()[0].op, DeepCopyOp)
- res = f(a)
- assert GpuArrayType.values_eq(res, a)