Python | 381 lines | 308 code | 35 blank | 38 comment | 18 complexity | e5e6fea66c87a27c8d52d834f3276140 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- #coding=utf-8
- #? py
- '''
- add_shot.py
- ####################################
- add_shot PySide interface controller. Makes use of the Designer generated _ui file.
- :copyright: 2013 by eyeon Software Inc., eyeon Software Inc., see AUTHORS for more details
- :license: Some rights reserved, see LICENSE for more details
- '''
- import glob
- import os
- import re
- import sys
- from PySide.QtCore import *
- from PySide.QtGui import *
- import epp.helper.osplus as osplus
- import epp.helper.xml.settings as settings
- from epp.ui.add_shot_ui import Ui_dlgAddShot
- from epp.__INFO__ import DEBUG, __VERSION__
- from epp.model.format import Format
- import epp.bin.epp_addshot as control
- from epp.gen.controller import gen_controller
- from epp.helper.xml.dir_query import DirQuery
- import epp.helper.log as log
- class AddShotDialog(Ui_dlgAddShot, QDialog):
- """
- This class represents
- """
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- doc = "The PROJECTNAME property."
- def fget(self):
- return self._PROJECTNAME
- def fset(self, value):
- if isinstance(value, basestring):
- self.lblProject.setText(value)
- self._PROJECTNAME = value
- return locals()
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- """ Constructor.
- """
- super(AddShotDialog, self).__init__()
- self.setupUi(self)
- self.STATUS = self._setup()
- try:
- if DEBUG:
- self._setup_debug()
- except NameError:
- pass
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _setup_debug(self):
- """
- """
- pass
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _setup(self):
- """
- Setup the widgets
- """
- epp_root = osplus.get_env("EPP_ROOT")
- if not os.path.isdir(epp_root):
- log.error("Could not find EPP ROOT directory.\n{0}".format(epp_root), True)
- return False
- self.settings = settings.XMLSettings(os.path.join(epp_root, "config.xml") )
- self.PROJECTROOT = self.settings.get("paths", "projectdir")
- if not self.PROJECTROOT.endswith(os.path.sep):
- self.PROJECTROOT = self.PROJECTROOT + os.path.sep
- if self.PROJECTROOT is None:
- log.error("No Project Directory configured in config.xml.", True)
- return False
- self._setup_header(epp_root)
- self._setup_name_widget(epp_root)
- self._setup_status()
- # Require Generation
- if not self._setup_generation():
- msg = "Could not establish connection with Generation. Make sure it is running."
- log.error(msg, True)
- return False
- # Need edit rights for this one!
- if not self._gen.allow_changes(True):
- return False
- if not self._setup_project():
- msg = "Project directory from Generation Project invalid: {0}".format(self.PROJECTDIR)
- log.error(msg, True)
- return False
- if not self._setup_shot():
- msg = "Project directory from Generation Project invald: {0}".format(self.PROJECTDIR)
- log.error(msg, True)
- return False
- # We can't work without structs
- if not self._setup_structs(epp_root):
- msg = "Could not find directory structure files in templates.\n{0}".format(os.path.join(epp_root, "templates", "shot_dirs"))
- log.error(msg, True)
- return False
- return True
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _setup_project(self):
- """docstring for set_project"""
- proj = self._gen.app.ActiveProject
- self.PROJECTNAME = proj.Name
- self.PROJECTDIR = ""
- self.GENFILEPATH = proj.Filename
- # BUG? X:dir\dir instead of X:\dir\dir
- pa_frontslash = re.compile(r"(\w:)([^\\].*)$")
- self.GENFILEPATH = pa_frontslash.subn(r'\1\\\2', self.GENFILEPATH)[0]
- if self.GENFILEPATH is None:
- return False
- # Find the projectname in the filename
- index = self.GENFILEPATH.lower().find(self.PROJECTNAME.lower().split("_")[0])
- if index < 0:
- return False
- index += len(self.PROJECTNAME)
- self.PROJECTDIR = self.GENFILEPATH[:index].rstrip(os.path.sep)
- if not self.PROJECTDIR.lower().startswith(self.PROJECTROOT.lower()):
- return False
- # proj:SaveAs does not set the proj.Filename
- if not os.path.isdir(self.PROJECTDIR): #or not self.GENFILEPATH.lower().startswith(self.PROJECTDIR.lower()):
- return False
- return True
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _setup_shot(self):
- """Setup the shot directory."""
- project_template = os.path.join(self.PROJECTDIR, "project_template.xml")
- project_vars = os.path.join(self.PROJECTDIR, "project_vars.xml")
- if not os.path.isfile(project_template):
- return False
- # Optional
- if not os.path.isfile(project_vars):
- project_vars = None
- else:
- # The project name right now does not include \\ so query it!
- projectvars = settings.XMLSettings(project_vars)
- self.PROJECTNAME = projectvars.get("creationvars", "projectname")
- dq = DirQuery(project_template, project_vars)
- try:
- self.SHOTDIR = dq.get_path("shots", self.PROJECTROOT)
- except:
- self.SHOTDIR = None
- return False
- if not self.SHOTDIR.lower().startswith(self.PROJECTDIR.lower()):
- return False
- return True
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _setup_generation(self):
- """docstring for _setup_generation"""
- self._gen = gen_controller()
- return self._gen.status()
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _setup_header(self, epp_root):
- """docstring for _setup_header"""
- header_filepath = os.path.join(epp_root, "templates", "images", "header.png")
- if os.path.isfile(header_filepath):
- """
- pix = QPixmap()
- pix.load(header_filepath)
- self.lblHeader.setPixmap(pix)
- """
- self.lblHeader.setStyleSheet("QLabel {{ background-image: url({0});}}".format(header_filepath.replace("\\", "/")))
- self.lblHeader.setMinimumHeight(96)
- self.setMaximumWidth(540)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _setup_status(self):
- """docstring for """
- self.lblStatus.setText("")
- fx = QGraphicsOpacityEffect(self.lblStatus)
- self.lblStatus.setGraphicsEffect(fx)
- self._status_fade = QPropertyAnimation(fx, "opacity");
- self._status_fade.setDuration(250)
- self._status_fade.setStartValue(0.0)
- self._status_fade.setEndValue(1.0)
- self._last_valid_name = True
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _validate_name(self, text):
- """docstring for _validate_name"""
- valid_name = len(text) > 0
- text = self.plugName.text()
- if not valid_name:
- self.lblStatus.setText("<font color='#ffaa00'>Invalid Shot Name</font>")
- self._status_fade.setDirection(QAbstractAnimation.Forward)
- else:
- self._status_fade.setDirection(QAbstractAnimation.Backward)
- shot_dir = os.path.join(self.SHOTDIR, text)
- if os.path.isdir(shot_dir):
- self.lblStatus.setText("<html><head><style type=text/css>a {{ color: white; }}\n a:link {{color:white; text-decoration:none; }}\n a:hover {{ color:#ffcc00; text-decoration:underline; }}</style></head><body><font color='#ffaa00'>Shot Directory already exists:</font> <a href='file:///{0}'>{0}</a></body></html>".format(shot_dir, shot_dir.replace("\\", "/")))
- valid_name = False
- self._status_fade.setDirection(QAbstractAnimation.Forward)
- else:
- self._status_fade.setDirection(QAbstractAnimation.Backward)
- if self._last_valid_name != valid_name:
- self._status_fade.start()
- self._last_valid_name = valid_name
- self.butAdd.setEnabled(valid_name)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _setup_name_widget(self, epp_root):
- """docstring for _setup_name_widget"""
- #namewidget = self.settings.get("project", "namewidget", "QLineEdit", create=True)
- validation = self.settings.get("shotname", "validation", r"[a-zA-Z0-9_ \\]+", create=True)
- replace_whitespaces = self.settings.get("shotname", "replacewhitespace", "True", create=True).lower() in ["true", "on", "yes", "1"]
- mask = self.settings.get("shotname", "mask", "", create=True)
- try:
- maxlength = int(self.settings.get("shotname", "maxlength", "0", create=True))
- except ValueError:
- maxlength = 0
- # TODO Load Plugin
- self.plugName = None
- if False: #namewidget == "QLineEdit":
- pass
- else: #namewidget == "QLineEditValid": # Default
- self.plugName = QLineEdit(self)
- # Sanity helper: Return converted str instead of unicode to make gen happy
- # Normally should have inherited from QLineEdit but for this cheat I use this
- # instead.
- self.plugName.text = osplus.unitostr_decorator(self.plugName.text)
- # Mask overrides others
- if len(mask.strip()) > 0:
- self.plugName.setInputMask(mask)
- # Get the best monospaced thing you can get
- font = QFont("Monospace");
- font.setStyleHint(QFont.TypeWriter)
- self.plugName.setFont(font)
- else:
- if maxlength > 0:
- self.plugName.setMaxLength(maxlength)
- if len(validation.strip()) > 0:
- rx = QRegExp(validation)
- self.plugName.setValidator(QRegExpValidator(rx, self))
- if replace_whitespaces:
- # Replace whitespace with _
- self.plugName.textEdited.connect(self._replace_whitespaces)
- if self.plugName is not None:
- self.plugName.setToolTip(self._lblName.toolTip())
- self.plugName.setWhatsThis(self._lblName.whatsThis())
- self.butAdd.setEnabled(False)
- self.plugName.textChanged.connect(self._validate_name)
- self.gridLayout1.addWidget(self.plugName, 3, 1)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _replace_whitespaces(self, text):
- """docstring for _replace_whitespaces"""
- cur = self.plugName.cursorPosition()
- self.plugName.setText(text.replace(" ", "_"))
- self.plugName.setCursorPosition(cur)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _setup_structs(self, epp_root):
- """Setup controls for Directory Strucutre"""
- xml_shot_dir_pat = os.path.join(epp_root, "templates", "shot_dirs", "*.xml")
- xml_shot_dirs = glob.glob(xml_shot_dir_pat)
- if len(xml_shot_dirs) < 1:
- # No shot Dirs defined
- return False
- for template in sorted(xml_shot_dirs):
- template_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(template))[0]
- self.cmbDirStructure.addItem(template_name)
- return True
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def accept(self):
- """
- Check the connection.
- """
- if not self._gen.status(True):
- log.error("Could not establish connection with Generation. Make sure it is running.", True)
- return
- # Need edit rights for this one!
- if not self._gen.allow_changes(True):
- return
- ret, msg = control.add_shot(self.PROJECTNAME, self.plugName.text(), self.cmbDirStructure.currentText()+".xml", self._gen, self.cmbInsertPosition.currentIndex())
- if not ret:
- log.error(msg, True)
- return
- # Keep the dialog.
- if not self.chkAnother.isChecked():
- super(AddShotDialog, self).accept()
- else:
- shot_dir = os.path.join(self.SHOTDIR, self.plugName.text())
- self.plugName.setText("")
- self.lblStatus.setText("<html><head><style type=text/css>a {{ color: white; }}\n a:link {{color:white; text-decoration:none; }}\n a:hover {{ color:#ffcc00; text-decoration:underline; }}</style></head><body><font color='#00ee00'>Shot successfully created:</font> <a href='file:///{0}'>{0}</a></body></html>".format(shot_dir, shot_dir.replace("\\", "/")))
- self._status_fade.setDirection(QAbstractAnimation.Forward)
- self._status_fade.start()
- self.plugName.setFocus()
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def main():
- """docstring for main"""
- app = QApplication([])
- app.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create("plastique") )
- palette = QPalette(QColor(62, 62, 62), QColor(62, 62, 62))
- palette.setColor(palette.Highlight, QColor(255*0.6, 198*0.6, 0))
- app.setPalette(palette)
- apd = AddShotDialog()
- if apd.STATUS:
- if DEBUG:
- apd.setWindowTitle(apd.windowTitle() + " v" + __VERSION__)
- apd.show()
- sys.exit(app.exec_())
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()