Python | 400 lines | 273 code | 71 blank | 56 comment | 40 complexity | 2d9a6e8f0ee893895a2f629e73983519 MD5 | raw file
- from scipy.optimize import minimize
- import pandas as pd, random
- import numpy as np, datetime
- import scipy.stats
- FLAG_BAD_RETURN=-99999.0
- ARBITRARY_START=pd.datetime(1900,1,1)
- contract_month_codes = ['F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'M','N', 'Q', 'U', 'V', 'X', 'Z']
- contract_month_dict = dict(zip(contract_month_codes,\
- range(1,len(contract_month_codes)+1)))
- def shift(lst,empty):
- res = lst[:]
- temp = res[0]
- for index in range(len(lst) - 1): res[index] = res[index + 1]
- res[index + 1] = temp
- res[-1] = empty
- return res
- def stitch_prices(dfs, price_col, dates):
- res = []
- datesr = list(reversed(dates))
- dfsr = list(reversed(dfs))
- dfsr_pair = shift(dfsr,pd.DataFrame())
- for i,v in enumerate(datesr):
- tmp1=float(dfsr[i].ix[v,price_col])
- tmp2=float(dfsr_pair[i].ix[v,price_col])
- dfsr_pair[i].loc[:,price_col] = dfsr_pair[i][price_col] + tmp1-tmp2
- dates.insert(0,'1900-01-01')
- dates_end = shift(dates,'2200-01-01')
- for i,v in enumerate(dates):
- tmp = dfs[i][(dfs[i].index > dates[i]) & (dfs[i].index <= dates_end[i])]
- res.append(tmp.Settle)
- return pd.concat(res)
- def which_contract(contract_list, cycle, offset, expday, expmon):
- assert len(contract_list) > 0
- start_date = contract_list[contract_list.keys()[0]].head(1).index[0] # first dt of first contract
- end_date = contract_list[contract_list.keys()[-1]].tail(1).index[0] # last date of last contract
- delta = end_date - start_date
- dates = []
- for i in range(delta.days + 1):
- day = start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=i)
- if day.weekday() < 5: dates.append(day)
- df = pd.DataFrame(index=dates)
- def closest_biz(d): # get closest biz day
- diffs = np.abs((d - df.index).days)
- return df.index[np.argmin(diffs)]
- cycle_d = [contract_month_dict[x] for x in cycle]
- df['effcont'] = np.nan
- for year in np.unique(df.index.year):
- for c in cycle_d:
- v = "%d%02d" % (year,c)
- exp_d = datetime.datetime(year, c, expday)
- if expmon=="prev": exp_d = exp_d - datetime.timedelta(days=30)
- df.loc[closest_biz(exp_d),'effcont'] = v
- df = df.fillna(method='bfill')
- df['effcont'] = df.effcont.shift(-int(offset*2/3 + 3))
- return df.fillna(method='ffill')
- def create_carry(df, offset, contract_list):
- df2 = df.copy()
- df2['effcont'] = df2.effcont.astype(str)
- def offset_contract(con):
- s = pd.to_datetime(con + "15", format='%Y%m%d')
- ss = s + datetime.timedelta(days=30*offset)
- return "%d%02d" % (int(ss.year), int(ss.month))
- df2['carrycont'] = df2.effcont.map(offset_contract)
- df2['effprice'] = df2.apply(lambda x: contract_list.get(x.effcont).s.get(x.name) if x.effcont in contract_list else np.nan,axis=1)
- df2['carryprice'] = df2.apply(lambda x: contract_list.get(x.carrycont).s.get(x.name) if x.carrycont in contract_list else np.nan,axis=1)
- return df2
- def ccy_returns(price, forecast):
- base_capital = DEFAULT_CAPITAL
- ts_capital=pd.Series([DEFAULT_CAPITAL]*len(price), index=price.index)
- ann_risk = ts_capital * DEFAULT_ANN_RISK_TARGET
- daily_returns_volatility = robust_vol_calc(price.diff())
- multiplier = daily_risk_capital * 1.0 * 1.0 / 10.0
- numerator = forecast * multiplier
- positions = numerator.ffill() / daily_returns_volatility.ffill()
- cum_trades = positions.shift(1).ffill()
- price_returns = price.diff()
- instr_ccy_returns = cum_trades.shift(1)*price_returns
- instr_ccy_returns=instr_ccy_returns.cumsum().ffill().reindex(price.index).diff()
- return instr_ccy_returns
- def skew(price, forecast):
- base_capital = DEFAULT_CAPITAL
- pct = 100.0 * ccy_returns(price, forecast) / base_capital
- return scipy.stats.skew(pct[pd.isnull(pct) == False])
- def sharpe(price, forecast):
- instr_ccy_returns = ccy_returns(price, forecast)
- tval,pval = scipy.stats.ttest_1samp(instr_ccy_returns.dropna(), 0)
- mean_return = instr_ccy_returns.mean() * BUSINESS_DAYS_IN_YEAR
- vol = instr_ccy_returns.std() * ROOT_BDAYS_INYEAR
- return mean_return / vol, tval, pval
- def ewma(price, slow, fast):
- fast_ewma = pd.ewma(price, span=slow)
- slow_ewma = pd.ewma(price, span=fast)
- raw_ewmac = fast_ewma - slow_ewma
- vol = robust_vol_calc(price.diff())
- return raw_ewmac / vol
- def bollinger(df,col,lev):
- signals = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index)
- signals['signal'] = np.nan
- middle = pd.rolling_mean(df[col], 40, min_periods=1)
- std = pd.rolling_std(df[col], 40, min_periods=1)
- df['middle'] = middle
- df['top'] = middle+2*std
- df['bottom'] = middle-2*std
- signals['signal'] = np.where(df[col] > middle+2*std, -1, np.nan)
- signals['signal'] = np.where(df[col] < middle-2*std, 1, np.nan)
- signals['signal'] = signals['signal'].fillna(method='ffill')
- df['ret'] = df[col].pct_change() * signals['signal'].shift(1)
- ret = df.ret.dropna() * lev
- return ret
- def crossover(df,col,lev):
- signals = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index)
- signals['signal'] = 0
- short_ma = pd.rolling_mean(df[col], 40, min_periods=1)
- long_ma = pd.rolling_mean(df[col], 100, min_periods=1)
- signals['signal'] = np.where(short_ma > long_ma, 1, 0)
- df['signal'] = signals['signal'].shift(1)
- df['ret'] = df[col].pct_change() * df['signal']
- ret = df.ret.dropna() * lev
- return ret
- def carry(daily_ann_roll, vol, diff_in_years, smooth_days=90):
- ann_stdev = vol * ROOT_BDAYS_INYEAR
- raw_carry = daily_ann_roll / ann_stdev
- smooth_carry = pd.ewma(raw_carry, smooth_days) / diff_in_years
- return smooth_carry.fillna(method='ffill')
- def estimate_forecast_scalar(x, window=250000, min_periods=500):
- target_abs_forecast = 10.
- x=x.abs().iloc[:,0]
- avg_abs_value=x.mean()
- return target_abs_forecast/avg_abs_value
- def vol_equaliser(mean_list, stdev_list):
- if np.all(np.isnan(stdev_list)):
- return (([np.nan]*len(mean_list), [np.nan]*len(stdev_list)))
- avg_stdev=np.nanmean(stdev_list)
- norm_factor=[asset_stdev/avg_stdev for asset_stdev in stdev_list]
- norm_means=[mean_list[i]/norm_factor[i] for (i, notUsed) in enumerate(mean_list)]
- norm_stdev=[stdev_list[i]/norm_factor[i] for (i, notUsed) in enumerate(stdev_list)]
- return (norm_means, norm_stdev)
- def apply_with_min_periods(xcol, my_func=np.nanmean, min_periods=0):
- not_nan=sum([not np.isnan(xelement) for xelement in xcol])
- if not_nan>=min_periods:
- return my_func(xcol)
- else:
- return np.nan
- def vol_estimator(x, using_exponent=True, min_periods=20, ew_lookback=250):
- vol=x.apply(apply_with_min_periods,axis=0,min_periods=min_periods, my_func=np.nanstd)
- stdev_list=list(vol)
- return stdev_list
- def mean_estimator(x, using_exponent=True, min_periods=20, ew_lookback=500):
- means=x.apply(apply_with_min_periods,axis=0,min_periods=min_periods, my_func=np.nanmean)
- mean_list=list(means)
- return mean_list
- def str2Bool(x):
- if type(x) is bool:
- return x
- return x.lower() in ("t", "true")
- def correlation_single_period(data_for_estimate,
- using_exponent=True, min_periods=20, ew_lookback=250,
- floor_at_zero=True):
- ## These may come from config as str
- using_exponent=str2Bool(using_exponent)
- if using_exponent:
- ## If we stack there will be duplicate dates
- ## So we massage the span so it's correct
- ## This assumes the index is at least daily and on same timestamp
- ## This is an artifact of how we prepare the data
- dindex=data_for_estimate.index
- dlenadj=float(len(dindex))/len(set(list(dindex)))
- ## Usual use for IDM, FDM calculation when whole data set is used
- corrmat=pd.ewmcorr(data_for_estimate, span=int(ew_lookback*dlenadj), min_periods=min_periods)
- ## only want the final one
- corrmat=corrmat.values[-1]
- else:
- ## Use normal correlation
- ## Usual use for bootstrapping when only have sub sample
- corrmat=data_for_estimate.corr(min_periods=min_periods)
- corrmat=corrmat.values
- if floor_at_zero:
- corrmat[corrmat<0]=0.0
- return corrmat
- def fix_mus(mean_list):
- def _fixit(x):
- if np.isnan(x):
- else:
- return x
- mean_list=[_fixit(x) for x in mean_list]
- return mean_list
- def fix_sigma(sigma):
- def _fixit(x):
- if np.isnan(x):
- return 0.0
- else:
- return x
- sigma=[[_fixit(x) for x in sigma_row] for sigma_row in sigma]
- sigma=np.array(sigma)
- return sigma
- def addem(weights):
- ## Used for constraints
- return 1.0 - sum(weights)
- def neg_SR(weights, sigma, mus):
- ## Returns minus the Sharpe Ratio (as we're minimising)
- estreturn=(np.matrix(weights)*mus)[0,0]
- std_dev=(variance(weights,sigma)**.5)
- return -estreturn/std_dev
- def variance(weights, sigma):
- ## returns the variance (NOT standard deviation) given weights and sigma
- return (np.matrix(weights)*sigma*np.matrix(weights).transpose())[0,0]
- def un_fix_weights(mean_list, weights):
- def _unfixit(xmean, xweight):
- if xmean==FLAG_BAD_RETURN:
- return np.nan
- else:
- return xweight
- fixed_weights=[_unfixit(xmean, xweight) for (xmean, xweight) in zip(mean_list, weights)]
- return fixed_weights
- def optimise( sigma, mean_list):
- ## will replace nans with big negatives
- mean_list=fix_mus(mean_list)
- ## replaces nans with zeros
- sigma=fix_sigma(sigma)
- mus=np.array(mean_list, ndmin=2).transpose()
- number_assets=sigma.shape[1]
- start_weights=[1.0/number_assets]*number_assets
- ## Constraints - positive weights, adding to 1.0
- bounds=[(0.0,1.0)]*number_assets
- cdict=[{'type':'eq', 'fun':addem}]
- ans=minimize(neg_SR, start_weights, (sigma, mus), method='SLSQP', bounds=bounds, constraints=cdict, tol=0.00001)
- ## anything that had a nan will now have a zero weight
- weights=ans['x']
- ## put back the nans
- weights=un_fix_weights(mean_list, weights)
- return weights
- def sigma_from_corr_and_std(stdev_list, corrmatrix):
- stdev=np.array(stdev_list, ndmin=2).transpose()
- sigma=stdev*corrmatrix*stdev
- return sigma
- def markosolver(period_subset_data):
- mean_list=mean_estimator(period_subset_data)
- corrmatrix=correlation_single_period(period_subset_data)
- stdev_list=vol_estimator(period_subset_data)
- (mean_list, stdev_list)=vol_equaliser(mean_list, stdev_list)
- sigma=sigma_from_corr_and_std(stdev_list, corrmatrix)
- unclean_weights=optimise( sigma, mean_list)
- weights=unclean_weights
- diag=dict(raw=(mean_list, stdev_list), sigma=sigma, mean_list=mean_list,
- unclean=unclean_weights, weights=weights)
- return (weights, diag)
- def bootstrap_portfolio(subset_data, monte_runs=100, bootstrap_length=50):
- all_results=[bs_one_time(subset_data, bootstrap_length) for unused_index in range(monte_runs)]
- ### We can take an average here; only because our weights always add
- ### up to 1. If that isn't true then you will need to some kind
- ### of renormalisation
- weightlist=np.array([x[0] for x in all_results], ndmin=2)
- diaglist=[x[1] for x in all_results]
- theweights_mean=list(np.mean(weightlist, axis=0))
- diag=dict(bootstraps=diaglist)
- return (theweights_mean, diag)
- def bs_one_time(subset_data, bootstrap_length):
- ## choose the data
- bs_idx=[int(random.uniform(0,1)*len(subset_data)) for notUsed in range(bootstrap_length)]
- returns=subset_data.iloc[bs_idx,:]
- (weights, diag)=markosolver(returns)
- return (weights, diag)
- def robust_vol_calc(x, days=35, min_periods=10, vol_abs_min=0.0000000001, vol_floor=True,
- floor_min_quant=0.05, floor_min_periods=100,
- floor_days=500):
- """
- Robust exponential volatility calculation, assuming daily series of prices
- We apply an absolute minimum level of vol (absmin);
- and a volfloor based on lowest vol over recent history
- :param x: data
- :type x: Tx1 pd.Series
- :param days: Number of days in lookback (*default* 35)
- :type days: int
- :param min_periods: The minimum number of observations (*default* 10)
- :type min_periods: int
- :param vol_abs_min: The size of absolute minimum (*default* =0.0000000001) 0.0= not used
- :type absmin: float or None
- :param vol_floor Apply a floor to volatility (*default* True)
- :type vol_floor: bool
- :param floor_min_quant: The quantile to use for volatility floor (eg 0.05 means we use 5% vol) (*default 0.05)
- :type floor_min_quant: float
- :param floor_days: The lookback for calculating volatility floor, in days (*default* 500)
- :type floor_days: int
- :param floor_min_periods: Minimum observations for floor - until reached floor is zero (*default* 100)
- :type floor_min_periods: int
- :returns: pd.DataFrame -- volatility measure
- """
- # Standard deviation will be nan for first 10 non nan values
- vol = pd.ewmstd(x, span=days, min_periods=min_periods)
- vol[vol < vol_abs_min] = vol_abs_min
- if vol_floor:
- # Find the rolling 5% quantile point to set as a minimum
- vol_min = pd.rolling_quantile(
- vol, floor_days, floor_min_quant, floor_min_periods)
- # set this to zero for the first value then propogate forward, ensures
- # we always have a value
- vol_min.set_value(vol_min.index[0], 0.0)
- vol_min = vol_min.ffill()
- # apply the vol floor
- vol_with_min = pd.concat([vol, vol_min], axis=1)
- vol_floored = vol_with_min.max(axis=1, skipna=False)
- else:
- vol_floored = vol
- return vol_floored
- def ewmac(price, Lfast, Lslow):
- price=price.resample("1B", how="last")
- fast_ewma = pd.ewma(price, span=Lfast)
- slow_ewma = pd.ewma(price, span=Lslow)
- raw_ewmac = fast_ewma - slow_ewma
- return raw_ewmac.PRICE / robust_vol_calc(price.diff()).vol