Python | 134 lines | 106 code | 1 blank | 27 comment | 0 complexity | 1702a4d77fa83691d28ac54f18c19791 MD5 | raw file
- from pandas.core.api import Series, DataFrame, Panel, MultiIndex
- from pandas.stats.ols import OLS, MovingOLS
- from pandas.stats.plm import PanelOLS, MovingPanelOLS, NonPooledPanelOLS
- import pandas.stats.common as common
- def ols(**kwargs):
- """Returns the appropriate OLS object depending on whether you need
- simple or panel OLS, and a full-sample or rolling/expanding OLS.
- Will be a normal linear regression or a (pooled) panel regression depending
- on the type of the inputs:
- y : Series, x : DataFrame -> OLS
- y : Series, x : dict of DataFrame -> OLS
- y : DataFrame, x : DataFrame -> PanelOLS
- y : DataFrame, x : dict of DataFrame/Panel -> PanelOLS
- y : Series with MultiIndex, x : Panel/DataFrame + MultiIndex -> PanelOLS
- Parameters
- ----------
- y: Series or DataFrame
- See above for types
- x: Series, DataFrame, dict of Series, dict of DataFrame, Panel
- weights : Series or ndarray
- The weights are presumed to be (proportional to) the inverse of the
- variance of the observations. That is, if the variables are to be
- transformed by 1/sqrt(W) you must supply weights = 1/W
- intercept: bool
- True if you want an intercept. Defaults to True.
- nw_lags: None or int
- Number of Newey-West lags. Defaults to None.
- nw_overlap: bool
- Whether there are overlaps in the NW lags. Defaults to False.
- window_type: {'full sample', 'rolling', 'expanding'}
- 'full sample' by default
- window: int
- size of window (for rolling/expanding OLS). If window passed and no
- explicit window_type, 'rolling" will be used as the window_type
- Panel OLS options:
- pool: bool
- Whether to run pooled panel regression. Defaults to true.
- entity_effects: bool
- Whether to account for entity fixed effects. Defaults to false.
- time_effects: bool
- Whether to account for time fixed effects. Defaults to false.
- x_effects: list
- List of x's to account for fixed effects. Defaults to none.
- dropped_dummies: dict
- Key is the name of the variable for the fixed effect.
- Value is the value of that variable for which we drop the dummy.
- For entity fixed effects, key equals 'entity'.
- By default, the first dummy is dropped if no dummy is specified.
- cluster: {'time', 'entity'}
- cluster variances
- Examples
- --------
- # Run simple OLS.
- result = ols(y=y, x=x)
- # Run rolling simple OLS with window of size 10.
- result = ols(y=y, x=x, window_type='rolling', window=10)
- print result.beta
- result = ols(y=y, x=x, nw_lags=1)
- # Set up LHS and RHS for data across all items
- y = A
- x = {'B' : B, 'C' : C}
- # Run panel OLS.
- result = ols(y=y, x=x)
- # Run expanding panel OLS with window 10 and entity clustering.
- result = ols(y=y, x=x, cluster='entity', window_type='expanding', window=10)
- Returns
- -------
- The appropriate OLS object, which allows you to obtain betas and various
- statistics, such as std err, t-stat, etc.
- """
- pool = kwargs.get('pool')
- if 'pool' in kwargs:
- del kwargs['pool']
- window_type = kwargs.get('window_type')
- window = kwargs.get('window')
- if window_type is None:
- if window is None:
- window_type = 'full_sample'
- else:
- window_type = 'rolling'
- else:
- window_type = common._get_window_type(window_type)
- if window_type != 'full_sample':
- kwargs['window_type'] = common._get_window_type(window_type)
- y = kwargs.get('y')
- x = kwargs.get('x')
- panel = False
- if isinstance(y, DataFrame) or (isinstance(y, Series) and
- isinstance(y.index, MultiIndex)):
- panel = True
- if isinstance(x, Panel):
- panel = True
- if window_type == 'full_sample':
- for rolling_field in ('window_type', 'window', 'min_periods'):
- if rolling_field in kwargs:
- del kwargs[rolling_field]
- if panel:
- if pool == False:
- klass = NonPooledPanelOLS
- else:
- klass = PanelOLS
- else:
- klass = OLS
- else:
- if panel:
- if pool == False:
- klass = NonPooledPanelOLS
- else:
- klass = MovingPanelOLS
- else:
- klass = MovingOLS
- return klass(**kwargs)