Python | 450 lines | 437 code | 7 blank | 6 comment | 2 complexity | dfbc72fa3a82a326cc2a03a8c8ea0d1c MD5 | raw file
- """
- Provides rolling statistical moments and related descriptive
- statistics implemented in Cython
- """
- from __future__ import division
- from functools import wraps
- from numpy import NaN
- import numpy as np
- from pandas.core.api import DataFrame, Series, notnull
- import pandas._tseries as _tseries
- from pandas.util.decorators import Substitution, Appender
- __all__ = ['rolling_count', 'rolling_max', 'rolling_min',
- 'rolling_sum', 'rolling_mean', 'rolling_std', 'rolling_cov',
- 'rolling_corr', 'rolling_var', 'rolling_skew', 'rolling_kurt',
- 'rolling_quantile', 'rolling_median', 'rolling_apply',
- 'rolling_corr_pairwise',
- 'ewma', 'ewmvar', 'ewmstd', 'ewmvol', 'ewmcorr', 'ewmcov']
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Docs
- _doc_template = """
- %s
- Parameters
- ----------
- %s
- window : Number of observations used for calculating statistic
- min_periods : int
- Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value
- time_rule : {None, 'WEEKDAY', 'EOM', 'W@MON', ...}, default=None
- Name of time rule to conform to before computing statistic
- Returns
- -------
- %s
- """
- _ewm_doc = r"""%s
- Parameters
- ----------
- %s
- com : float. optional
- Center of mass: \alpha = com / (1 + com),
- span : float, optional
- Specify decay in terms of span, \alpha = 2 / (span + 1)
- min_periods : int, default 0
- Number of observations in sample to require (only affects
- beginning)
- time_rule : {None, 'WEEKDAY', 'EOM', 'W@MON', ...}, default None
- Name of time rule to conform to before computing statistic
- %s
- Notes
- -----
- Either center of mass or span must be specified
- EWMA is sometimes specified using a "span" parameter s, we have have that the
- decay parameter \alpha is related to the span as :math:`\alpha = 1 - 2 / (s + 1)
- = c / (1 + c)`
- where c is the center of mass. Given a span, the associated center of mass is
- :math:`c = (s - 1) / 2`
- So a "20-day EWMA" would have center 9.5.
- Returns
- -------
- y : type of input argument
- """
- _type_of_input = "y : type of input argument"
- _flex_retval = """y : type depends on inputs
- DataFrame / DataFrame -> DataFrame (matches on columns)
- DataFrame / Series -> Computes result for each column
- Series / Series -> Series"""
- _unary_arg = "arg : Series, DataFrame"
- _binary_arg_flex = """arg1 : Series, DataFrame, or ndarray
- arg2 : Series, DataFrame, or ndarray"""
- _binary_arg = """arg1 : Series, DataFrame, or ndarray
- arg2 : Series, DataFrame, or ndarray"""
- _bias_doc = r"""bias : boolean, default False
- Use a standard estimation bias correction
- """
- def rolling_count(arg, window, time_rule=None):
- """
- Rolling count of number of non-NaN observations inside provided window.
- Parameters
- ----------
- arg : DataFrame or numpy ndarray-like
- window : Number of observations used for calculating statistic
- Returns
- -------
- rolling_count : type of caller
- """
- arg = _conv_timerule(arg, time_rule)
- window = min(window, len(arg))
- return_hook, values = _process_data_structure(arg, kill_inf=False)
- converted = np.isfinite(values).astype(float)
- result = rolling_sum(converted, window, min_periods=1,
- time_rule=time_rule)
- # putmask here?
- result[np.isnan(result)] = 0
- return return_hook(result)
- @Substitution("Unbiased moving covariance", _binary_arg_flex, _flex_retval)
- @Appender(_doc_template)
- def rolling_cov(arg1, arg2, window, min_periods=None, time_rule=None):
- def _get_cov(X, Y):
- mean = lambda x: rolling_mean(x, window, min_periods, time_rule)
- count = rolling_count(X + Y, window, time_rule)
- bias_adj = count / (count - 1)
- return (mean(X * Y) - mean(X) * mean(Y)) * bias_adj
- return _flex_binary_moment(arg1, arg2, _get_cov)
- @Substitution("Moving sample correlation", _binary_arg_flex, _flex_retval)
- @Appender(_doc_template)
- def rolling_corr(arg1, arg2, window, min_periods=None, time_rule=None):
- def _get_corr(a, b):
- num = rolling_cov(a, b, window, min_periods, time_rule)
- den = (rolling_std(a, window, min_periods, time_rule) *
- rolling_std(b, window, min_periods, time_rule))
- return num / den
- return _flex_binary_moment(arg1, arg2, _get_corr)
- def _flex_binary_moment(arg1, arg2, f):
- if isinstance(arg1, np.ndarray) and isinstance(arg2, np.ndarray):
- X, Y = _prep_binary(arg1, arg2)
- return f(X, Y)
- elif isinstance(arg1, DataFrame):
- results = {}
- if isinstance(arg2, DataFrame):
- X, Y = arg1.align(arg2, join='outer')
- X = X + 0 * Y
- Y = Y + 0 * X
- res_columns = arg1.columns.union(arg2.columns)
- for col in res_columns:
- if col in X and col in Y:
- results[col] = f(X[col], Y[col])
- else:
- res_columns = arg1.columns
- X, Y = arg1.align(arg2, axis=0, join='outer')
- results = {}
- for col in res_columns:
- results[col] = f(X[col], Y)
- return DataFrame(results, index=X.index, columns=res_columns)
- else:
- return _flex_binary_moment(arg2, arg1, f)
- def rolling_corr_pairwise(df, window, min_periods=None):
- """
- Computes pairwise rolling correlation matrices as Panel whose items are
- dates
- Parameters
- ----------
- df : DataFrame
- window : int
- min_periods : int, default None
- Returns
- -------
- correls : Panel
- """
- from pandas import Panel
- from collections import defaultdict
- all_results = defaultdict(dict)
- for i, k1 in enumerate(df.columns):
- for k2 in df.columns[i:]:
- corr = rolling_corr(df[k1], df[k2], window,
- min_periods=min_periods)
- all_results[k1][k2] = corr
- all_results[k2][k1] = corr
- return Panel.from_dict(all_results).swapaxes('items', 'major')
- def _rolling_moment(arg, window, func, minp, axis=0, time_rule=None):
- """
- Rolling statistical measure using supplied function. Designed to be
- used with passed-in Cython array-based functions.
- Parameters
- ----------
- arg : DataFrame or numpy ndarray-like
- window : Number of observations used for calculating statistic
- func : Cython function to compute rolling statistic on raw series
- minp : int
- Minimum number of observations required to have a value
- axis : int, default 0
- time_rule : string or DateOffset
- Time rule to conform to before computing result
- Returns
- -------
- y : type of input
- """
- arg = _conv_timerule(arg, time_rule)
- calc = lambda x: func(x, window, minp=minp)
- return_hook, values = _process_data_structure(arg)
- # actually calculate the moment. Faster way to do this?
- result = np.apply_along_axis(calc, axis, values)
- return return_hook(result)
- def _process_data_structure(arg, kill_inf=True):
- if isinstance(arg, DataFrame):
- return_hook = lambda v: type(arg)(v, index=arg.index,
- columns=arg.columns)
- values = arg.values
- elif isinstance(arg, Series):
- values = arg.values
- return_hook = lambda v: Series(v, arg.index)
- else:
- return_hook = lambda v: v
- values = arg
- if not issubclass(values.dtype.type, float):
- values = values.astype(float)
- if kill_inf:
- values = values.copy()
- values[np.isinf(values)] = np.NaN
- return return_hook, values
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Exponential moving moments
- def _get_center_of_mass(com, span):
- if span is not None:
- if com is not None:
- raise Exception("com and span are mutually exclusive")
- # convert span to center of mass
- com = (span - 1) / 2.
- elif com is None:
- raise Exception("Must pass either com or span")
- return float(com)
- @Substitution("Exponentially-weighted moving average", _unary_arg, "")
- @Appender(_ewm_doc)
- def ewma(arg, com=None, span=None, min_periods=0, time_rule=None):
- com = _get_center_of_mass(com, span)
- arg = _conv_timerule(arg, time_rule)
- def _ewma(v):
- result = _tseries.ewma(v, com)
- first_index = _first_valid_index(v)
- result[first_index : first_index + min_periods] = NaN
- return result
- return_hook, values = _process_data_structure(arg)
- output = np.apply_along_axis(_ewma, 0, values)
- return return_hook(output)
- def _first_valid_index(arr):
- # argmax scans from left
- return notnull(arr).argmax()
- @Substitution("Exponentially-weighted moving variance", _unary_arg, _bias_doc)
- @Appender(_ewm_doc)
- def ewmvar(arg, com=None, span=None, min_periods=0, bias=False,
- time_rule=None):
- com = _get_center_of_mass(com, span)
- arg = _conv_timerule(arg, time_rule)
- moment2nd = ewma(arg * arg, com=com, min_periods=min_periods)
- moment1st = ewma(arg, com=com, min_periods=min_periods)
- result = moment2nd - moment1st ** 2
- if not bias:
- result *= (1.0 + 2.0 * com) / (2.0 * com)
- return result
- @Substitution("Exponentially-weighted moving std", _unary_arg, _bias_doc)
- @Appender(_ewm_doc)
- def ewmstd(arg, com=None, span=None, min_periods=0, bias=False,
- time_rule=None):
- result = ewmvar(arg, com=com, span=span, time_rule=time_rule,
- min_periods=min_periods, bias=bias)
- return np.sqrt(result)
- ewmvol = ewmstd
- @Substitution("Exponentially-weighted moving covariance", _binary_arg, "")
- @Appender(_ewm_doc)
- def ewmcov(arg1, arg2, com=None, span=None, min_periods=0, bias=False,
- time_rule=None):
- X, Y = _prep_binary(arg1, arg2)
- X = _conv_timerule(X, time_rule)
- Y = _conv_timerule(Y, time_rule)
- mean = lambda x: ewma(x, com=com, span=span, min_periods=min_periods)
- result = (mean(X*Y) - mean(X) * mean(Y))
- com = _get_center_of_mass(com, span)
- if not bias:
- result *= (1.0 + 2.0 * com) / (2.0 * com)
- return result
- @Substitution("Exponentially-weighted moving " "correlation", _binary_arg, "")
- @Appender(_ewm_doc)
- def ewmcorr(arg1, arg2, com=None, span=None, min_periods=0,
- time_rule=None):
- X, Y = _prep_binary(arg1, arg2)
- X = _conv_timerule(X, time_rule)
- Y = _conv_timerule(Y, time_rule)
- mean = lambda x: ewma(x, com=com, span=span, min_periods=min_periods)
- var = lambda x: ewmvar(x, com=com, span=span, min_periods=min_periods,
- bias=True)
- return (mean(X*Y) - mean(X)*mean(Y)) / np.sqrt(var(X) * var(Y))
- def _prep_binary(arg1, arg2):
- if not isinstance(arg2, type(arg1)):
- raise Exception('Input arrays must be of the same type!')
- # mask out values, this also makes a common index...
- X = arg1 + 0 * arg2
- Y = arg2 + 0 * arg1
- return X, Y
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Python interface to Cython functions
- def _conv_timerule(arg, time_rule):
- types = (DataFrame, Series)
- if time_rule is not None and isinstance(arg, types):
- # Conform to whatever frequency needed.
- arg = arg.asfreq(time_rule)
- return arg
- def _require_min_periods(p):
- def _check_func(minp, window):
- if minp is None:
- return window
- else:
- return max(p, minp)
- return _check_func
- def _use_window(minp, window):
- if minp is None:
- return window
- else:
- return minp
- def _rolling_func(func, desc, check_minp=_use_window):
- @Substitution(desc, _unary_arg, _type_of_input)
- @Appender(_doc_template)
- @wraps(func)
- def f(arg, window, min_periods=None, time_rule=None):
- def call_cython(arg, window, minp):
- minp = check_minp(minp, window)
- return func(arg, window, minp)
- return _rolling_moment(arg, window, call_cython, min_periods,
- time_rule=time_rule)
- return f
- rolling_max = _rolling_func(_tseries.roll_max, 'Moving maximum')
- rolling_min = _rolling_func(_tseries.roll_min, 'Moving minimum')
- rolling_sum = _rolling_func(_tseries.roll_sum, 'Moving sum')
- rolling_mean = _rolling_func(_tseries.roll_mean, 'Moving mean')
- rolling_median = _rolling_func(_tseries.roll_median_cython, 'Moving median')
- _ts_std = lambda *a, **kw: np.sqrt(_tseries.roll_var(*a, **kw))
- rolling_std = _rolling_func(_ts_std, 'Unbiased moving standard deviation',
- check_minp=_require_min_periods(2))
- rolling_var = _rolling_func(_tseries.roll_var, 'Unbiased moving variance',
- check_minp=_require_min_periods(2))
- rolling_skew = _rolling_func(_tseries.roll_skew, 'Unbiased moving skewness',
- check_minp=_require_min_periods(3))
- rolling_kurt = _rolling_func(_tseries.roll_kurt, 'Unbiased moving kurtosis',
- check_minp=_require_min_periods(4))
- def rolling_quantile(arg, window, quantile, min_periods=None, time_rule=None):
- """Moving quantile
- Parameters
- ----------
- arg : Series, DataFrame
- window : Number of observations used for calculating statistic
- quantile : 0 <= quantile <= 1
- min_periods : int
- Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value
- time_rule : {None, 'WEEKDAY', 'EOM', 'W@MON', ...}, default=None
- Name of time rule to conform to before computing statistic
- Returns
- -------
- y : type of input argument
- """
- def call_cython(arg, window, minp):
- minp = _use_window(minp, window)
- return _tseries.roll_quantile(arg, window, minp, quantile)
- return _rolling_moment(arg, window, call_cython, min_periods,
- time_rule=time_rule)
- def rolling_apply(arg, window, func, min_periods=None, time_rule=None):
- """Generic moving function application
- Parameters
- ----------
- arg : Series, DataFrame
- window : Number of observations used for calculating statistic
- func : function
- Must produce a single value from an ndarray input
- min_periods : int
- Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value
- time_rule : {None, 'WEEKDAY', 'EOM', 'W@MON', ...}, default=None
- Name of time rule to conform to before computing statistic
- Returns
- -------
- y : type of input argument
- """
- def call_cython(arg, window, minp):
- minp = _use_window(minp, window)
- return _tseries.roll_generic(arg, window, minp, func)
- return _rolling_moment(arg, window, call_cython, min_periods,
- time_rule=time_rule)