PHP | 311 lines | 294 code | 4 blank | 13 comment | 9 complexity | 6a2f45dcfe2ccdebed24e02b993ccaa2 MD5 | raw file
- <?
- /**
- * Interface to database
- *
- */
- class DataBase{
- var $link;
- var $type;
- var $host;
- var $user;
- var $pass;
- var $database;
- var $result;
- var $last_sql;
- /**
- * Connect to server
- *
- * @param string host
- * @param string user_name
- * @param string password
- * @param string database_type
- */
- function connect($_host, $_user, $_pass, $_type = 'mysql'){
- $this->type = $_type;
- $this->host = $_host;
- $this->user = $_user;
- switch ($this->type){
- case 'mysql':
- $this->link = mysql_pconnect($_host, $_user, $_pass);
- if(!$this->link) {
- //log unsuccesfull connection
- if(sc_onWebasystServer()){
- $fpath = WBS_DIR.'/kernel/error_db_connect.log';
- $data = array();
- $data[] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
- $data[] = sprintf("%s@%s",$_user,$_pass);
- $data[] = db_getConnectData('DB_KEY');
- $data[] = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
- $data[] = "SC";
- if($fp = fopen($fpath,'a')){
- fwrite($fp,sprintf("%s\n",implode(";",$data)));
- fclose($fp);
- }
- }
- die("Error connect to mysql");
- }
- $ServerVersion = $this->getServerVersion();
- if(preg_match('/^5\./',$ServerVersion))$this->query('SET SESSION sql_mode=0');
- if(preg_match('/^5\.|^4\.[1-9]\./',$ServerVersion))$this->query('SET NAMES '.MYSQL_CHARSET);
- $this->query (sprintf("set character_set_client='%s'",MYSQL_CHARSET));
- $this->query (sprintf("set character_set_results='%s'",MYSQL_CHARSET));
- $this->query (sprintf("set collation_connection='%s_general_ci'",MYSQL_CHARSET));
- break;
- }
- }
- function selectDB($_dbName){
- $this->database = $_dbName;
- $url = str_replace('//','/',WBS_INSTALL_PATH.'/login/');
- switch ($this->type){
- case 'mysql':
- if(!mysql_select_db($this->database, $this->link)) {
- if(isset($_GET['debug']))
- {
- print htmlentities(mysql_error())."<br>";
- }
- $this->printMessage($url,"Couldn't select database");
- }
- break;
- }
- if(!$this->TableExists(DIVISIONS_TBL)){
- $this->printMessage($url);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Enter description here...
- *
- * @param string $_sql
- * @return DBResource
- */
- function query ($_sql){
- /*
- @features My
- */
- if(isset($_GET['debug'])&&$_GET['debug']=='time'){
- $this->last_sql = $_sql;
- $res = db_query($_sql);
- $this->result = $res["resource"];
- return new DBResource($this->result, $this->type, $this->link, $this->last_sql);
- ClassManager::includeClass('timer');
- static $cnt=0;
- $cnt++;
- $T = new Timer();
- $T->timerStart();
- }
- /*
- @features
- */
- $this->last_sql = $_sql;
- switch ($this->type){
- case 'mysql':
- mysql_select_db($this->database,$this->link);
- $this->result = mysql_query($this->last_sql, $this->link);
- if(!$this->result){
- pear_handler();
- pear_handler(PEAR::raiseError("Error executing query: ".$this->last_sql.'<br />'.mysql_error($this->link)));
- die("Error executing query: ".$this->last_sql.'<br />'.mysql_error($this->link));
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- @features My
- */
- if(isset($_GET['debug'])&&$_GET['debug']=='time'){
- print '<br /><span onclick="document.getElementById(\'sqldebug__'.$cnt.'\').style.display=document.getElementById(\'sqldebug__'.$cnt.'\').style.display!=\'block\'?\'block\':\'none\'">=</span>'.sprintf('%03d',$cnt).' - <strong>'.$T->timerStop().'</strong> - '.xHtmlSpecialChars($this->last_sql);
- ob_start();
- print_r(debug_backtrace());
- $_t=preg_replace('/(\[function\]\s+\=\>\s+)([^\n]+)/msi','$1<span style=color:red;>$2</span>','<pre>'.xHtmlSpecialChars(ob_get_contents()).'</pre>');
- ob_end_clean();
- ?>
- <div id="sqldebug__<?=$cnt;?>" style="display:none;">
- <?php
- echo $_t;
- ?>
- </div>
- <?php
- }
- /*
- @features
- */
- return new DBResource($this->result, $this->type, $this->link, $this->last_sql);
- }
- /**
- * place holder sintax based function
- * @return DBResource
- */
- function ph_query(){
- $args = func_get_args();
- $tmpl = array_shift($args);
- $error = '';
- $sql = sql_placeholder_ex($tmpl, $args, $error);
- if ($sql === false) $sql = PLACEHOLDER_ERROR_PREFIX.$error;
- return $this->query($sql);
- }
- function ph_fetch(){
- $args = func_get_args();
- $tmpl = array_shift($args);
- $error = '';
- $sql = sql_placeholder_ex($tmpl, $args, $error);
- if ($sql === false) $sql = PLACEHOLDER_ERROR_PREFIX.$error;
- return $sql;
- }
- /**
- * Enter description here...
- *
- * @return unknown
- */
- function fetch_row (){
- switch ($this->type){
- case 'mysql':
- return mysql_fetch_row($this->result);
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Enter description here...
- *
- * @return unknown
- */
- function fetch_assoc (){
- switch ($this->type){
- case 'mysql':
- return mysql_fetch_assoc($this->result);
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Enter description here...
- *
- * @return unknown
- */
- function num_rows (){
- switch ($this->type){
- case 'mysql':
- return mysql_num_rows($this->result);
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Enter description here...
- *
- * @return unknown
- */
- function insert_id (){
- return mysql_insert_id($this->link);
- }
- function getInsertedID(){
- return $this->insert_id();
- }
- function createTableFromXMLObject(&$xmlTable){
- $xmlFields = $xmlTable->xPath('/table/field');
- $sql = 'CREATE TABLE `'.$xmlTable->getAttribute('name').'` (';
- $TC = count($xmlFields);
- for ($j=0;$j<$TC;$j++){
- $sql .= ($j?',':'').'`'.$xmlFields[$j]->getAttribute('name').'` '.$xmlFields[$j]->getAttribute('type').
- (!is_null($xmlFields[$j]->getAttribute('length'))?'('.$xmlFields[$j]->getAttribute('length').')':'').
- (!is_null($xmlFields[$j]->getAttribute('attribute'))?' '.$xmlFields[$j]->getAttribute('attribute'):'').
- (!is_null($xmlFields[$j]->getAttribute('null'))?' '.$xmlFields[$j]->getAttribute('null'):' not null').
- (!is_null($xmlFields[$j]->getAttribute('extra'))?' '.$xmlFields[$j]->getAttribute('extra'):'');
- }
- $xmlIndexes = $xmlTable->xPath('/table/index');
- $TC = count($xmlIndexes);
- for ($j=0;$j<$TC;$j++){
- $sql .= ','.$xmlIndexes[$j]->getAttribute('type').' `'.$xmlIndexes[$j]->getAttribute('name').'`('.$xmlIndexes[$j]->getAttribute('fields').')';
- }
- $sql .= ')';
- $this->query($sql);
- }
- function getAllTables(){
- $Result = $this->query('show tables');
- $Tables = array();
- while($_Row = $Result->fetchRow())$Tables[] = strtolower($_Row[0]);
- return $Tables;
- }
- function TableExists($_s_TableName){
- return $this->isTableCreated($_s_TableName);
- }
- function isTableCreated($_TableName){
- /* @var $Result DBResource */
- $Result = $this->query('SHOW TABLES LIKE "'.xEscapeSQLstring($_TableName).'"');
- if($Result->getNumRows())return true;
- else false;
- }
- function dropTable($_s_TableName){
- $this->query('DROP TABLE '.xEscapeSQLstring($_s_TableName));
- }
- function getServerVersion(){
- $result = $this->query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "VERSION"');
- $data = $result->fetchRow();
- if(isset($data[1])){
- return $data[1];
- }else return 0;
- }
- function affectedRows(){
- switch ($this->type){
- case 'mysql':
- return mysql_affected_rows($this->link);
- break;
- }
- }
- function printMessage($url,$msg = '')
- {
- if(sc_onWebasystServer()){
- header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
- die($msg);
- }
- print '<html><head><title>Error</title>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8;"></head><body>';
- if($msg) print "<p>{$msg}</p>";
- print '<br><b>Your online store is not yet installed.</b><br><br> To activate your installation simply <a href="'.$url.'">login to your WebAsyst account</a> — this will complete your storefront setup (if you have WebAsyst Shoping Cart application installed).';
- print '</body></html>';
- die;
- }
- function freeResult()
- {
- return mysql_free_result($this->link);
- }
- }
- ?>