Python | 393 lines | 181 code | 38 blank | 174 comment | 15 complexity | 7b89459c79945f67b16a69dcc5209e6a MD5 | raw file
- """Resource representing the commits in a multi-commit review request."""
- from urllib.parse import urlencode
- from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
- from django.http import HttpResponse
- from djblets.util.decorators import augment_method_from
- from djblets.util.http import get_http_requested_mimetype, set_last_modified
- from djblets.webapi.decorators import webapi_request_fields
- from djblets.webapi.errors import (DOES_NOT_EXIST, NOT_LOGGED_IN,
- from djblets.webapi.fields import (DateTimeFieldType, DictFieldType,
- IntFieldType, StringFieldType)
- from reviewboard.diffviewer.features import dvcs_feature
- from reviewboard.diffviewer.models import DiffCommit, DiffSet
- from reviewboard.diffviewer.validators import COMMIT_ID_LENGTH
- from reviewboard.webapi.base import ImportExtraDataError, WebAPIResource
- from reviewboard.webapi.decorators import (webapi_check_local_site,
- webapi_check_login_required,
- webapi_login_required,
- webapi_response_errors)
- from reviewboard.webapi.resources import resources
- class DiffCommitResource(WebAPIResource):
- """Provides information on a collection of commits in a review request.
- Each diff commit resource contains individual per-file diffs as child
- resources, as well as metadata to reproduce the actual commits in a
- version control system.
- """
- added_in = '4.0'
- model = DiffCommit
- name = 'commit'
- model_parent_key = 'diffset'
- model_object_key = 'commit_id'
- uri_object_key = 'commit_id'
- uri_object_key_regex = r'[A-Za-z0-9]{1,%s}' % COMMIT_ID_LENGTH
- allowed_methods = ('GET', 'PUT')
- required_features = [dvcs_feature]
- allowed_mimetypes = WebAPIResource.allowed_mimetypes + [
- {'item': 'text/x-patch'},
- ]
- fields = {
- 'id': {
- 'type': IntFieldType,
- 'description': 'The numeric ID of the commit resource.',
- },
- 'author_name': {
- 'type': StringFieldType,
- 'description': 'The name of the author of this commit.',
- },
- 'author_date': {
- 'type': DateTimeFieldType,
- 'description': 'The date and time this commit was authored in ISO '
- '8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS+ZZZZ).',
- },
- 'author_email': {
- 'type': StringFieldType,
- 'description': 'The e-mail address of the author of this commit.',
- },
- 'commit_id': {
- 'type': StringFieldType,
- 'description': 'The ID of this commit.',
- },
- 'committer_name': {
- 'type': StringFieldType,
- 'description': 'The name of the the committer of this commit, if '
- 'applicable.',
- },
- 'committer_date': {
- 'type': StringFieldType,
- 'description': 'The date and time this commit was committed in '
- 'ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS+ZZZZ).',
- },
- 'committer_email': {
- 'type': StringFieldType,
- 'description': 'The e-mail address of the committer of this '
- 'commit.',
- },
- 'commit_message': {
- 'type': StringFieldType,
- 'description': 'The commit message.',
- },
- 'extra_data': {
- 'type': DictFieldType,
- 'description': 'Extra data as part of the commit. This can be set '
- 'by the API or extensions.',
- },
- 'filename': {
- 'type': StringFieldType,
- 'description': 'The name of the corresponding diff.',
- },
- 'parent_id': {
- 'type': StringFieldType,
- 'description': 'The ID of the parent commit.',
- },
- }
- def get_queryset(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- """Return the queryset for the available commits.
- Args:
- request (django.http.HttpRequest):
- The HTTP request from the client.
- *args (tuple):
- Additional positional arguments.
- **kwargs (dict):
- Additional keyword arguments.
- Returns:
- django.db.models.query.QuerySet:
- The queryset of all available commits.
- """
- try:
- diffset = resources.diff.get_object(request, *args, **kwargs)
- except DiffSet.DoesNotExist:
- return self.model.objects.none()
- return self.model.objects.filter(diffset=diffset)
- def has_access_permissions(self, request, commit, *args, **kwargs):
- """Return whether or not the user has access permissions to the commit.
- A user has access permissions for a commit if they have permission to
- access the parent review request.
- Args:
- request (django.http.HttpRequest):
- The current HTTP request.
- commit (reviewboard.diffviewer.models.diffcommit.DiffCommit):
- The object to check access permissions for.
- *args (tuple):
- Additional positional arguments.
- **kwargs (dict):
- Additional keyword arguments.
- Returns:
- bool:
- Whether or not the user has permission to access the commit.
- """
- review_request = resources.review_request.get_object(request, *args,
- **kwargs)
- return review_request.is_accessible_by(request.user)
- def has_list_access_permissions(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- """Return whether the user has access permissions to the list resource.
- A user has list access permissions if they have premission to access
- the parent review request.
- Args:
- request (django.http.HttpRequest):
- The current HTTP request.
- commit (reviewboard.diffviewer.models.diffcommit.DiffCommit):
- The object to check access permissions for.
- *args (tuple):
- Additional positional arguments.
- **kwargs (dict):
- Additional keyword arguments.
- Returns:
- bool:
- Whether or not the user has permission to access the list resource.
- """
- review_request = resources.review_request.get_object(request, *args,
- **kwargs)
- return review_request.is_accessible_by(request.user)
- def has_modify_permissions(self, request, obj, *args, **kwargs):
- """Return whether the user has access permissions to modify the object.
- A user has modify permissions for a commit if they have permission to
- modify the parent review request.
- Args:
- request (django.http.HttpRequest):
- The current HTTP request.
- commit (reviewboard.diffviewer.models.diffcommit.DiffCommit):
- The object to check access permissions for.
- *args (tuple):
- Additional positional arguments.
- **kwargs (dict):
- Additional keyword arguments.
- Returns:
- bool:
- Whether or not the user has permission to modify the object.
- """
- review_request = resources.review_request.get_object(request, *args,
- **kwargs)
- return review_request.is_mutable_by(request.user)
- @webapi_check_login_required
- @webapi_check_local_site
- @webapi_response_errors(DOES_NOT_EXIST)
- @augment_method_from(WebAPIResource)
- def get_list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- """Return the list of commits."""
- @webapi_check_login_required
- @webapi_check_local_site
- @webapi_response_errors(DOES_NOT_EXIST)
- def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- """Return information about a commit.
- If the :mimetype:`text/x-patch` mimetype is requested, the contents of
- the patch will be returned.
- Otherwise, metadata about the commit (such as author name, author date,
- etc.) will be returned.
- """
- mimetype = get_http_requested_mimetype(
- request,
- [mimetype['item'] for mimetype in self.allowed_mimetypes])
- if mimetype != 'text/x-patch':
- return super(DiffCommitResource, self).get(request, *args,
- **kwargs)
- try:
- review_request = resources.review_request.get_object(
- request, *args, **kwargs)
- commit = self.get_object(request, *args, **kwargs)
- except ObjectDoesNotExist:
- if not self.has_access_permissions(request, commit, *args, **kwargs):
- return self.get_no_access_error(request)
- tool = review_request.repository.get_scmtool()
- data = tool.get_parser(b'').raw_diff(commit)
- rsp = HttpResponse(data, content_type=mimetype)
- rsp['Content-Disposition'] = ('inline; filename=%s.patch'
- % commit.commit_id)
- set_last_modified(rsp, commit.last_modified)
- return rsp
- @webapi_login_required
- @webapi_check_local_site
- @webapi_request_fields(allow_unknown=True)
- def update(self, request, extra_fields=None, *args, **kwargs):
- """Update a commit.
- This is used solely for modifying the extra data on a commit. The
- contents of a commit cannot be modified.
- Extra data can be stored for later lookup. See
- :ref:`webapi2.0-extra-data` for more information.
- """
- try:
- commit = self.get_object(request, *args, **kwargs)
- except DiffCommit.DoesNotExist:
- if not self.has_modify_permissions(request, commit, *args, **kwargs):
- return self.get_no_access_error(request)
- if extra_fields:
- try:
- self.import_extra_data(commit, commit.extra_data, extra_fields)
- except ImportExtraDataError as e:
- return e.error_payload
- commit.save(update_fields=['extra_data'])
- return 200, {
- self.item_result_key: commit,
- }
- def _get_files_link(self, commit, request, diff_resource,
- filediff_resource, files_key, *args, **kwargs):
- """Return the link for the files.
- As an alternative to having a per-commit files resources (and draft
- resource equivalent), this method generates link to the
- :py:class:`~reviewboard.webapi.resources.filediff.FileDiffResource`
- (or :py:class:`~reviewboard.webapi.resources.draft_filediff.
- DraftFileDiffResource` for commits on a review request draft) filtered
- specifically for this commit.
- Args:
- commit (reviewboard.diffviewer.models.diffcommit.DiffCommit):
- The commit to retrieve the link for.
- request (django.http.HttpRequest):
- The current HTTP request.
- diff_resource (reviewboard.webapi.resources.diff.DiffResource):
- Either the diff resource (if this is the diff commit resource)
- or the draft diff resource (if this is the draft diff commit
- resource).
- filediff_resource (reviewboard.webapi.resources.filediff.
- FileDiffResource):
- Either the filedif resource (if this is the diff commit
- resource) or the draft filediff resource (if this is the draft
- diff commit resource).
- files_key (unicode):
- The key that maps to the files link in the ``links`` field of
- the ``diff_resource``.
- *args (tuple):
- Additional positional argument.
- **kwargs (dict):
- Additional keyword arguments.
- Returns:
- dict:
- The link information for the file resource that contains only the
- :py:class:`FileDiffs
- <reviewboard.diffviewer.models.filediff.FileDiff>` of the
- requested commit.
- """
- files_link = diff_resource.get_links(
- [filediff_resource],
- commit.diffset,
- request,
- *args,
- **kwargs)[files_key]
- files_link['href'] = '%s?%s' % (
- files_link['href'],
- urlencode({'commit-id': commit.commit_id}),
- )
- return files_link
- def get_related_links(self, obj=None, request=None, *args, **kwargs):
- """Return the related links for the resource.
- If this is for an item resource, this will return links for all the
- associated
- :py:class:`~reviewboard.diffviewer.models.filediff.FileDiffs`.
- Args:
- obj (reviewboard.diffviewer.models.diffcommit.DiffCommit,
- optional):
- The DiffCommit to get links for.
- request (django.http.HttpRequest):
- The HTTP request from the client.
- *args (tuple):
- Additional positional arguments.
- **kwargs (dict):
- Additional keyword arguments.
- Returns:
- dict:
- The related links.
- """
- links = {}
- if obj is not None and request:
- links['files'] = self._get_files_link(
- commit=obj,
- request=request,
- diff_resource=resources.diff,
- filediff_resource=resources.filediff,
- files_key='files',
- *args,
- **kwargs)
- return links
- diffcommit_resource = DiffCommitResource()