Python | 317 lines | 251 code | 9 blank | 57 comment | 7 complexity | 97e7bfdcaf9d75b51d22252cb723656f MD5 | raw file
- """
- This module provies GOES XRS `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeries` source.
- """
- from pathlib import Path
- from collections import OrderedDict
- import h5netcdf
- import matplotlib.dates as mdates
- import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
- import numpy as np
- import packaging.version
- from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
- from pandas import DataFrame
- import astropy.units as u
- from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
- import sunpy.io
- from sunpy import log
- from sunpy.extern import parse
- from sunpy.io.file_tools import UnrecognizedFileTypeError
- from sunpy.time import is_time_in_given_format, parse_time
- from sunpy.timeseries.timeseriesbase import GenericTimeSeries
- from sunpy.util.metadata import MetaDict
- from sunpy.visualization import peek_show
- __all__ = ['XRSTimeSeries']
- class XRSTimeSeries(GenericTimeSeries):
- """
- GOES XRS Time Series.
- Each GOES satellite there are two X-ray Sensors (XRS) which provide solar X ray fluxes
- for the wavelength bands of 0.5 to 4 Å (short channel) sand 1 to 8 Å (long channel).
- Most recent data is usually available one or two days late.
- Data is available starting on 1981/01/01.
- Examples
- --------
- >>> import sunpy.timeseries
- >>> import sunpy.data.sample # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
- >>> goes = sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeries(sunpy.data.sample.GOES_XRS_TIMESERIES) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
- >>> goes.peek() # doctest: +SKIP
- References
- ----------
- * `GOES Mission Homepage <https://www.goes.noaa.gov>`_
- * `GOES XRS Homepage <https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/goes-x-ray-flux>`_
- * `GOES XRS Guide <https://ngdc.noaa.gov/stp/satellite/goes/doc/GOES_XRS_readme.pdf>`_
- * `NASCOM Data Archive <https://umbra.nascom.nasa.gov/goes/fits/>`_
- Notes
- -----
- * https://umbra.nascom.nasa.gov/goes/fits/goes_fits_files_notes.txt
- """
- # Class attributes used to specify the source class of the TimeSeries
- # and a URL to the mission website.
- _source = 'xrs'
- _url = "https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/goes-x-ray-flux"
- _netcdf_read_kw = {}
- h5netcdf_version = packaging.version.parse(h5netcdf.__version__)
- if h5netcdf_version == packaging.version.parse("0.9"):
- _netcdf_read_kw['decode_strings'] = True
- if h5netcdf_version >= packaging.version.parse("0.10"):
- _netcdf_read_kw['decode_vlen_strings'] = True
- def plot(self, axes=None, columns=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Plots the GOES XRS light curve.
- Parameters
- ----------
- axes : `matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional
- The axes on which to plot the TimeSeries. Defaults to current axes.
- columns : list[str], optional
- If provided, only plot the specified columns.
- **kwargs : `dict`
- Additional plot keyword arguments that are handed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`
- functions.
- Returns
- -------
- `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
- The plot axes.
- """
- if not axes:
- axes = plt.gca()
- if columns is None:
- columns = ["xrsa", "xrsb"]
- self._validate_data_for_plotting()
- plot_settings = {"xrsa": ["blue", r"0.5--4.0 $\AA$"], "xrsb": ["red", r"1.0--8.0 $\AA$"]}
- data = self.to_dataframe()
- for channel in columns:
- axes.plot_date(
- data.index, data[channel], "-", label=plot_settings[channel][1], color=plot_settings[channel][0], lw=2, **kwargs
- )
- axes.set_yscale("log")
- axes.set_ylim(1e-9, 1e-2)
- axes.set_ylabel("Watts m$^{-2}$")
- locator = mdates.AutoDateLocator()
- formatter = mdates.ConciseDateFormatter(locator)
- axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator)
- axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter)
- ax2 = axes.twinx()
- ax2.set_yscale("log")
- ax2.set_ylim(1e-9, 1e-2)
- labels = ["A", "B", "C", "M", "X"]
- centers = np.logspace(-7.5, -3.5, len(labels))
- ax2.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mticker.FixedLocator(centers))
- ax2.set_yticklabels(labels, minor=True)
- ax2.set_yticklabels([])
- axes.yaxis.grid(True, "major")
- axes.xaxis.grid(False, "major")
- axes.legend()
- return axes
- @property
- def observatory(self):
- """
- Retrieves the goes satellite number by parsing the meta dictionary.
- """
- # Various pattern matches for the meta fields.
- pattern_inst = ("GOES 1-{SatelliteNumber:02d} {}")
- pattern_new = ("sci_gxrs-l2-irrad_g{SatelliteNumber:02d}_d{year:4d}{month:2d}{day:2d}_{}.nc")
- pattern_old = ("go{SatelliteNumber:02d}{}{month:2d}{day:2d}.fits")
- pattern_r = ("sci_xrsf-l2-flx1s_g{SatelliteNumber:02d}_d{year:4d}{month:2d}{day:2d}_{}.nc")
- pattern_telescop = ("GOES {SatelliteNumber:02d}")
- # The ordering of where we get the metadata from is important.
- # We alway want to check ID first as that will most likely have the correct information.
- # The other fields are fallback and sometimes have data in them that is "useless".
- id = (
- self.meta.metas[0].get("id", "").strip()
- or self.meta.metas[0].get("TELESCOP", "").strip()
- or self.meta.metas[0].get("Instrument", "").strip()
- )
- if isinstance(id, bytes):
- # Needed for old versions of h5netcdf
- id = id.decode('ascii')
- if id is None:
- log.debug("Unable to get a satellite number from 'Instrument', 'TELESCOP' or 'id' ")
- return None
- for pattern in [pattern_inst, pattern_new, pattern_old, pattern_r, pattern_telescop]:
- parsed = parse(pattern, id)
- if parsed is not None:
- return f"GOES-{parsed['SatelliteNumber']}"
- log.debug('Satellite Number not found in metadata')
- return None
- @peek_show
- def peek(self, columns=None, title="GOES X-ray flux", **kwargs):
- """
- Displays the GOES XRS light curve by calling `~sunpy.timeseries.sources.goes.XRSTimeSeries.plot`.
- .. plot::
- import sunpy.timeseries
- import sunpy.data.sample
- ts_goes = sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeries(sunpy.data.sample.GOES_XRS_TIMESERIES, source='XRS')
- ts_goes.peek()
- Parameters
- ----------
- columns : list[str], optional
- If provided, only plot the specified columns.
- title : `str`, optional
- The title of the plot. Defaults to "GOES X-ray flux".
- **kwargs : `dict`
- Additional plot keyword arguments that are handed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`
- functions.
- """
- fig, ax = plt.subplots()
- axes = self.plot(columns=columns, axes=ax, **kwargs)
- axes.set_title(title)
- fig.autofmt_xdate()
- return fig
- @classmethod
- def _parse_file(cls, filepath):
- """
- Parses a GOES/XRS FITS file.
- Parameters
- ----------
- filepath : `str`
- The path to the file you want to parse.
- """
- if sunpy.io.detect_filetype(filepath) == "hdf5":
- return cls._parse_netcdf(filepath)
- try:
- hdus = sunpy.io.read_file(filepath)
- except UnrecognizedFileTypeError:
- raise ValueError(
- f"{Path(filepath).name} is not supported. Only fits and netCDF (nc) can be read.")
- else:
- return cls._parse_hdus(hdus)
- @classmethod
- def _parse_hdus(cls, hdulist):
- """
- Parses a GOES/XRS FITS `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList` from a FITS file.
- Parameters
- ----------
- hdulist : `astropy.io.fits.HDUList`
- A HDU list.
- """
- header = MetaDict(OrderedDict(hdulist[0].header))
- if len(hdulist) == 4:
- if is_time_in_given_format(hdulist[0].header['DATE-OBS'], '%d/%m/%Y'):
- start_time = Time.strptime(hdulist[0].header['DATE-OBS'], '%d/%m/%Y')
- elif is_time_in_given_format(hdulist[0].header['DATE-OBS'], '%d/%m/%y'):
- start_time = Time.strptime(hdulist[0].header['DATE-OBS'], '%d/%m/%y')
- else:
- raise ValueError("Date not recognized")
- xrsb = hdulist[2].data['FLUX'][0][:, 0]
- xrsa = hdulist[2].data['FLUX'][0][:, 1]
- seconds_from_start = hdulist[2].data['TIME'][0]
- elif 1 <= len(hdulist) <= 3:
- start_time = parse_time(header['TIMEZERO'], format='utime')
- seconds_from_start = hdulist[0].data[0]
- xrsb = hdulist[0].data[1]
- xrsa = hdulist[0].data[2]
- else:
- raise ValueError("Don't know how to parse this file")
- times = start_time + TimeDelta(seconds_from_start*u.second)
- times.precision = 9
- # remove bad values as defined in header comments
- xrsb[xrsb == -99999] = np.nan
- xrsa[xrsa == -99999] = np.nan
- # fix byte ordering
- newxrsa = xrsa.byteswap().newbyteorder()
- newxrsb = xrsb.byteswap().newbyteorder()
- data = DataFrame({'xrsa': newxrsa, 'xrsb': newxrsb},
- index=times.isot.astype('datetime64'))
- data.sort_index(inplace=True)
- # Add the units
- units = OrderedDict([('xrsa', u.W/u.m**2),
- ('xrsb', u.W/u.m**2)])
- return data, header, units
- @staticmethod
- def _parse_netcdf(filepath):
- """
- Parses the netCDF GOES files to return the data, header and associated units.
- Parameters
- ----------
- filepath : `~str`
- The path of the file to parse
- """
- with h5netcdf.File(filepath, mode="r", **XRSTimeSeries._netcdf_read_kw) as d:
- header = MetaDict(OrderedDict(d.attrs))
- if "a_flux" in d.variables:
- xrsa = np.array(d["a_flux"])
- xrsb = np.array(d["b_flux"])
- start_time_str = d["time"].attrs["units"]
- if not isinstance(start_time_str, str):
- # For h5netcdf<0.14
- start_time_str = start_time_str.astype(str)
- start_time_str = start_time_str.lstrip("seconds since").rstrip("UTC")
- # Perform the time addition in UTime format to ignore leap seconds
- times = Time(parse_time(start_time_str).utime + d["time"], format="utime")
- elif "xrsa_flux" in d.variables:
- xrsa = np.array(d["xrsa_flux"])
- xrsb = np.array(d["xrsb_flux"])
- start_time_str = d["time"].attrs["units"]
- if not isinstance(start_time_str, str):
- # For h5netcdf<0.14
- start_time_str = start_time_str.astype(str)
- start_time_str = start_time_str.lstrip("seconds since")
- # Perform the time addition in UTime format to ignore leap seconds
- times = Time(parse_time(start_time_str).utime + d["time"], format="utime")
- else:
- raise ValueError(f"The file {filepath} doesn't seem to be a GOES netcdf file.")
- data = DataFrame({"xrsa": xrsa, "xrsb": xrsb}, index=times.datetime)
- data = data.replace(-9999, np.nan)
- units = OrderedDict([("xrsa", u.W/u.m**2),
- ("xrsb", u.W/u.m**2)])
- return data, header, units
- @classmethod
- def is_datasource_for(cls, **kwargs):
- """
- Determines if header corresponds to a GOES lightcurve
- `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeries`.
- """
- if "source" in kwargs.keys():
- return kwargs["source"].lower().startswith(cls._source)
- if "meta" in kwargs.keys():
- return kwargs["meta"].get("TELESCOP", "").startswith("GOES")
- if "filepath" in kwargs.keys():
- try:
- if sunpy.io.detect_filetype(kwargs["filepath"]) == "hdf5":
- with h5netcdf.File(kwargs["filepath"], mode="r", **cls._netcdf_read_kw) as f:
- summary = f.attrs["summary"]
- if not isinstance(summary, str):
- # h5netcdf<0.14
- summary = summary.astype(str)
- return "XRS" in summary
- except Exception as e:
- log.debug(f'Reading {kwargs["filepath"]} failed with the following exception:\n{e}')
- return False