Python | 171 lines | 139 code | 12 blank | 20 comment | 37 complexity | c3b79e35d035494ad773c285b65e61b5 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- import sys, os, re, glob, cStringIO
- def usage():
- print >> sys.stderr, """usage: mdoc.py set group file [files...]
- Add the tag "\\ingroup group" to all the doxygen comment with a \\class
- tag in it.
- usage: mdoc.py check group file [files...]
- Check that the tag "\\ingroup group" is in all the doxygen comment with a \\class
- tag in it. If the tag is not there, a warning is displayed with the file name, the
- line number and the class name. The return value is 0 when all the doxygen comments
- have the tag, and 1 when at least one doxygen comment don't have it.
- usage: mdoc.py massive-set [ITK-source]
- Add the tag "\\ingroup module" to all the headers in ITK, where 'module' is the
- module name of the header.
- usage: mdoc.py massive-check [ITK-source]
- Check that all the headers in ITK have their module name in their \\ingroup tag.
- As for 'check', a warning is displayed if the tag is missing and 1 is returned.
- """
- def setGroup( fname, group ):
- # print >> sys.stderr, "Processing", fname
- f = open( fname, "r" )
- out = cStringIO.StringIO()
- # load everything in memory
- fcontent = f.read()
- f.close()
- # now parse all the doxygen fields
- last = 0
- for m in re.finditer(r"/\*\*(.*?)\*/", fcontent, re.DOTALL):
- # write what is before the doxygen field to the output
- out.write(fcontent[last:m.start(1)])
- last = m.end(1)
- dcontent = m.group(1)
- # we don't care about doxygen fields not about a class
- if r"\class" in dcontent and dcontent != " \class classname ":
- # do we have a line with the expected content?
- if re.search(r"\ingroup .*"+group+"( |$)", dcontent, re.MULTILINE):
- # yes - just keep the content unchanged
- out.write(dcontent)
- else:
- # add the expected group
- if "\n" in dcontent:
- # this is a multiline content. Find the indent
- indent = re.search("( *)(\*|$)", dcontent).group(1)
- lastLine = dcontent.splitlines()[-1]
- if re.match(r'^ *$', lastLine):
- out.write(dcontent+"* \\ingroup "+group+"\n"+indent)
- else:
- out.write(dcontent.rstrip()+"\n"+indent+"* \\ingroup "+group+"\n"+indent)
- else:
- out.write(dcontent+" \\ingroup "+group+" ")
- else:
- out.write(dcontent)
- out.write(fcontent[last:])
- # we can save the content to the original file
- f = open( fname, "w" )
- f.write( out.getvalue() )
- f.close()
- def checkGroup( fname, group ):
- # print >> sys.stderr, "Checking", fname
- f = open( fname, "r" )
- # load everything in memory
- fcontent = f.read()
- f.close()
- # now parse all the doxygen fields
- ret = 0
- for m in re.finditer(r"/\*\*(.*?)\*/", fcontent, re.DOTALL):
- dcontent = m.group(1)
- # we don't care about doxygen fields not about a class
- if r"\class" in dcontent and dcontent != " \class classname ":
- # do we have a line with the expected content?
- if not re.search(r"\ingroup .*"+group+"( |$)", dcontent, re.MULTILINE):
- # get class name and the line for debug output
- cname = re.search(r"\class +([^ ]*)", dcontent).group(1).strip()
- line = len(fcontent[:m.start(1)].splitlines())
- print >> sys.stderr, r'%s:%s: error: "\ingroup %s" not set in class %s.' % (fname, line, group, cname)
- ret = 1
- return ret
- def main():
- # first arg is the command
- command = sys.argv[1]
- if command == "set":
- if len(sys.argv) < 4:
- usage()
- return 1
- # second arg is the module name, and the rest are the files to process
- module = sys.argv[2]
- files = sys.argv[3:]
- for fname in files:
- setGroup(fname, module)
- return 0
- elif command == "massive-set":
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- usage()
- return 1
- if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
- d = sys.argv[2]
- else:
- d = sys.path[0]+"/../.."
- cmm = os.path.abspath(d+"/*/*/*/itk-module.cmake")
- for fname in glob.glob(cmm):
- f = file(fname, "r")
- mcontent = f.read()
- f.close()
- module = re.search(r"itk_module\(([^ )]+)", mcontent).group(1)
- dname = os.path.dirname(fname)
- for fname2 in glob.glob(dname+"/include/*.h"):
- setGroup(fname2, module)
- return 0
- elif command == "check":
- if len(sys.argv) < 4:
- usage()
- return 1
- # second arg is the module name, and the rest are the files to process
- module = sys.argv[2]
- files = sys.argv[3:]
- ret = 0
- count = 0
- for fname in files:
- if os.path.isdir(fname):
- for fname2 in glob.glob(fname+"/*.h"):
- count += 1
- ret = max( ret, checkGroup(fname2, module) )
- else:
- count += 1
- ret = max( ret, checkGroup(fname, module) )
- print >> sys.stderr, count, "headers checked."
- return ret
- elif command == "massive-check":
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- usage()
- return 1
- if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
- d = sys.argv[2]
- else:
- d = sys.path[0]+"/../.."
- cmm = os.path.abspath(d+"/*/*/*/itk-module.cmake")
- ret = 0
- count = 0
- for fname in glob.glob(cmm):
- f = file(fname, "r")
- mcontent = f.read()
- f.close()
- module = re.search(r"itk_module\(([^ )]+)", mcontent).group(1)
- dname = os.path.dirname(fname)
- for fname2 in glob.glob(dname+"/include/*.h"):
- count += 1
- ret = max( ret, checkGroup(fname2, module) )
- print >> sys.stderr, count, "headers checked."
- return ret
- else:
- print >> sys.stderr, "Unknown command", command
- usage()
- return 1
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- ret = main()
- sys.exit(ret)