Groovy | 447 lines | 405 code | 26 blank | 16 comment | 12 complexity | 03e7b40f1325491402ed090c2afcab3f MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package org.gradle.integtests
- import org.gradle.integtests.fixtures.AbstractIntegrationSpec
- import org.gradle.integtests.fixtures.ScriptExecuter
- import org.gradle.integtests.fixtures.executer.GradleContextualExecuter
- import org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem
- import org.gradle.test.fixtures.file.TestFile
- import org.gradle.util.TextUtil
- import spock.lang.IgnoreIf
- import spock.lang.Unroll
- import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.startsWith
- class ApplicationIntegrationSpec extends AbstractIntegrationSpec{
- def setup() {
- file('settings.gradle') << 'rootProject.name = "application"'
- buildFile << """
- apply plugin: 'application'
- mainClassName = 'org.gradle.test.Main'
- """
- }
- def canUseEnvironmentVariableToPassMultipleOptionsToJvmWhenRunningScript() {
- file('src/main/java/org/gradle/test/Main.java') << '''
- package org.gradle.test;
- class Main {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- if (!"value".equals(System.getProperty("testValue"))) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Expected system property not specified");
- }
- if (!"some value".equals(System.getProperty("testValue2"))) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Expected system property not specified");
- }
- if (!"some value".equals(System.getProperty("testValue3"))) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Expected system property not specified");
- }
- }
- }
- '''
- when:
- run 'installDist'
- def builder = new ScriptExecuter()
- builder.workingDir file('build/install/application/bin')
- builder.executable "application"
- if (OperatingSystem.current().windows) {
- builder.environment('APPLICATION_OPTS', '-DtestValue=value -DtestValue2="some value" -DtestValue3="some value"')
- } else {
- builder.environment('APPLICATION_OPTS', '-DtestValue=value -DtestValue2=\'some value\' -DtestValue3=some\\ value')
- }
- def result = builder.run()
- then:
- result.assertNormalExitValue()
- }
- def canUseDefaultJvmArgsToPassMultipleOptionsToJvmWhenRunningScript() {
- file("build.gradle") << '''
- applicationDefaultJvmArgs = ['-DtestValue=value', '-DtestValue2=some value', '-DtestValue3=some value']
- '''
- file('src/main/java/org/gradle/test/Main.java') << '''
- package org.gradle.test;
- class Main {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- if (!"value".equals(System.getProperty("testValue"))) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Expected system property not specified");
- }
- if (!"some value".equals(System.getProperty("testValue2"))) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Expected system property not specified");
- }
- if (!"some value".equals(System.getProperty("testValue3"))) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Expected system property not specified");
- }
- }
- }
- '''
- when:
- run 'installDist'
- def builder = new ScriptExecuter()
- builder.workingDir file('build/install/application/bin')
- builder.executable "application"
- def result = builder.run()
- then:
- result.assertNormalExitValue()
- }
- def canUseBothDefaultJvmArgsAndEnvironmentVariableToPassOptionsToJvmWhenRunningScript() {
- file("build.gradle") << '''
- applicationDefaultJvmArgs = ['-Dvar1=value1', '-Dvar2=some value2']
- '''
- file('src/main/java/org/gradle/test/Main.java') << '''
- package org.gradle.test;
- class Main {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- if (!"value1".equals(System.getProperty("var1"))) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Expected system property not specified");
- }
- if (!"some value2".equals(System.getProperty("var2"))) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Expected system property not specified");
- }
- if (!"value3".equals(System.getProperty("var3"))) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Expected system property not specified");
- }
- }
- }
- '''
- when:
- run 'installDist'
- def builder = new ScriptExecuter()
- builder.workingDir file('build/install/application/bin')
- builder.executable "application"
- builder.environment('APPLICATION_OPTS', '-Dvar3=value3')
- def result = builder.run()
- then:
- result.assertNormalExitValue()
- }
- def canUseDefaultJvmArgsToPassMultipleOptionsWithShellMetacharactersToJvmWhenRunningScript() {
- //even in single-quoted multi-line strings, backslashes must still be quoted
- file("build.gradle") << '''
- applicationDefaultJvmArgs = ['-DtestValue=value',
- /-DtestValue2=s\\o"me val'ue/ + '$PATH',
- /-DtestValue3=so\\"me value%PATH%/,
- ]
- '''
- file('src/main/java/org/gradle/test/Main.java') << '''
- package org.gradle.test;
- class Main {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- if (!"value".equals(System.getProperty("testValue"))) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Expected system property not specified (testValue)");
- }
- if (!"s\\\\o\\"me val'ue$PATH".equals(System.getProperty("testValue2"))) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Expected system property not specified (testValue2)");
- }
- if (!"so\\\\\\"me value%PATH%".equals(System.getProperty("testValue3"))) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Expected system property not specified (testValue3)");
- }
- }
- }
- '''
- when:
- run 'installDist'
- def builder = new ScriptExecuter()
- builder.workingDir file('build/install/application/bin')
- builder.executable "application"
- def result = builder.run()
- then:
- result.assertNormalExitValue()
- }
- def canUseDefaultJvmArgsInRunTask() {
- file("build.gradle") << '''
- applicationDefaultJvmArgs = ['-Dvar1=value1', '-Dvar2=value2']
- '''
- file('src/main/java/org/gradle/test/Main.java') << '''
- package org.gradle.test;
- class Main {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- if (!"value1".equals(System.getProperty("var1"))) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Expected system property not specified (var1)");
- }
- if (!"value2".equals(System.getProperty("var2"))) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Expected system property not specified (var2)");
- }
- }
- }
- '''
- expect:
- run 'run'
- }
- def "can customize application name"() {
- file('build.gradle') << '''
- applicationName = 'mega-app'
- '''
- file('src/main/java/org/gradle/test/Main.java') << '''
- package org.gradle.test;
- class Main {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- }
- }
- '''
- when:
- run 'installDist', 'distZip', 'distTar'
- then:
- def installDir = file('build/install/mega-app')
- installDir.assertIsDir()
- checkApplicationImage('mega-app', installDir)
- def distZipFile = file('build/distributions/mega-app.zip')
- distZipFile.assertIsFile()
- def distZipDir = file('build/unzip')
- distZipFile.usingNativeTools().unzipTo(distZipDir)
- checkApplicationImage('mega-app', distZipDir.file('mega-app'))
- def distTarFile = file('build/distributions/mega-app.tar')
- distTarFile.assertIsFile()
- def distTarDir = file('build/untar')
- distTarFile.usingNativeTools().untarTo(distTarDir)
- checkApplicationImage('mega-app', distTarDir.file('mega-app'))
- }
- def "check distribution contents when all defaults used"() {
- file('src/main/java/org/gradle/test/Main.java') << '''
- package org.gradle.test;
- class Main {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- }
- }
- '''
- when:
- run 'installDist', 'distZip', 'distTar'
- then:
- def installDir = file('build/install/application')
- installDir.assertIsDir()
- checkApplicationImage('application', installDir)
- def distZipFile = file('build/distributions/application.zip')
- distZipFile.assertIsFile()
- def distZipDir = file('build/unzip')
- distZipFile.usingNativeTools().unzipTo(distZipDir)
- checkApplicationImage('application', distZipDir.file('application'))
- def distTarFile = file('build/distributions/application.tar')
- distTarFile.assertIsFile()
- def distTarDir = file('build/untar')
- distTarFile.usingNativeTools().untarTo(distTarDir)
- checkApplicationImage('application', distTarDir.file('application'))
- }
- @Unroll
- def "#installTask complains if install directory exists and doesn't look like previous install"() {
- setup:
- if(deprecatedTask){
- executer.withDeprecationChecksDisabled()
- }
- file('build.gradle') << """
- ${installTask}.destinationDir = buildDir
- """
- when:
- runAndFail installTask
- then:
- result.assertThatCause(startsWith("The specified installation directory '${file('build')}' is neither empty nor does it contain an installation"))
- where:
- installTask | deprecatedTask
- "installApp" | true
- "installDist" | false
- }
- def "startScripts respect OS dependent line separators"() {
- file('build.gradle') << '''
- installDist.destinationDir = buildDir
- '''
- when:
- run 'startScripts'
- then:
- File generatedWindowsStartScript = file("build/scripts/application.bat")
- generatedWindowsStartScript.exists()
- assertLineSeparators(generatedWindowsStartScript, TextUtil.windowsLineSeparator, 90);
- File generatedLinuxStartScript = file("build/scripts/application")
- generatedLinuxStartScript.exists()
- assertLineSeparators(generatedLinuxStartScript, TextUtil.unixLineSeparator, 164);
- assertLineSeparators(generatedLinuxStartScript, TextUtil.windowsLineSeparator, 1)
- file("build/scripts/application").exists()
- }
- def "application packages are built when running the assemble task"() {
- file('src/main/java/org/gradle/test/Main.java') << '''
- package org.gradle.test;
- class Main {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- }
- }
- '''
- when:
- run 'assemble'
- then:
- def distributionsDir = file('build/distributions')
- distributionsDir.assertIsDir()
- def distZipFile = file('build/distributions/application.zip')
- distZipFile.assertIsFile()
- def distZipDir = file('build/unzip')
- distZipFile.usingNativeTools().unzipTo(distZipDir)
- checkApplicationImage('application', distZipDir.file('application'))
- def distTarFile = file('build/distributions/application.tar')
- distTarFile.assertIsFile()
- def distTarDir = file('build/untar')
- distTarFile.usingNativeTools().untarTo(distTarDir)
- checkApplicationImage('application', distTarDir.file('application'))
- }
- def "conventional resources are including in dist"() {
- when:
- file("src/dist/dir").with {
- file("r1.txt") << "r1"
- file("r2.txt") << "r2"
- }
- then:
- succeeds "installDist"
- and:
- def distBase = file("build/install/application")
- distBase.file("dir").directory
- distBase.file("dir/r1.txt").text == "r1"
- distBase.file("dir/r2.txt").text == "r2"
- }
- def "configure the distribution spec to source from a different dir"() {
- when:
- file("src/somewhere-else/dir").with {
- file("r1.txt") << "r1"
- file("r2.txt") << "r2"
- }
- and:
- buildFile << """
- applicationDistribution.from("src/somewhere-else") {
- include "**/r2.*"
- }
- """
- then:
- succeeds "installDist"
- and:
- def distBase = file("build/install/application")
- distBase.file("dir").directory
- !distBase.file("dir/r1.txt").exists()
- distBase.file("dir/r2.txt").text == "r2"
- }
- @IgnoreIf({GradleContextualExecuter.parallel})
- def "distribution file producing tasks are run automatically"() {
- when:
- buildFile << """
- task createDocs {
- def docs = file("\$buildDir/docs")
- outputs.dir docs
- doLast {
- assert docs.mkdirs()
- new File(docs, "readme.txt") << "Read me!!!"
- }
- }
- applicationDistribution.from(createDocs) {
- into "docs"
- rename 'readme(.*)', 'READ-ME\$1'
- }
- """
- then:
- succeeds "installDist"
- and:
- ":createDocs" in nonSkippedTasks
- and:
- def distBase = file("build/install/application")
- distBase.file("docs").directory
- !distBase.file("docs/readme.txt").exists()
- distBase.file("docs/READ-ME.txt").text == "Read me!!!"
- }
- private void checkApplicationImage(String applicationName, TestFile installDir) {
- installDir.file("bin/${applicationName}").assertIsFile()
- installDir.file("bin/${applicationName}.bat").assertIsFile()
- installDir.file("lib/application.jar").assertIsFile()
- def builder = new ScriptExecuter()
- builder.workingDir installDir.file('bin')
- builder.executable applicationName
- builder.standardOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
- builder.errorOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
- def result = builder.run()
- result.assertNormalExitValue()
- }
- def assertLineSeparators(TestFile testFile, String lineSeparator, expectedLineCount) {
- assert testFile.text.split(lineSeparator).length == expectedLineCount
- true
- }
- }