C# | 230 lines | 190 code | 34 blank | 6 comment | 22 complexity | 557140c170b2a726378625385c63b896 MD5 | raw file
- using System;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
- using System.Windows.Forms;
- using GitCommands;
- using System.Threading;
- using ResourceManager.Translation;
- namespace GitUI
- {
- public partial class CommitInfo : GitExtensionsControl
- {
- private readonly TranslationString containedInBranches = new TranslationString("Contained in branches:");
- private readonly TranslationString containedInNoBranch = new TranslationString("Contained in no branch");
- private readonly TranslationString containedInTags = new TranslationString("Contained in tags:");
- private readonly TranslationString containedInNoTag = new TranslationString("Contained in no tag");
- private readonly SynchronizationContext _syncContext;
- public CommitInfo()
- {
- _syncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
- InitializeComponent();
- Translate();
- tableLayout.GrowStyle = TableLayoutPanelGrowStyle.FixedSize;
- tableLayout.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
- tableLayout.AutoSize = true;
- RevisionInfo.LinkClicked += RevisionInfoLinkClicked;
- }
- private static void RevisionInfoLinkClicked(object sender, LinkClickedEventArgs e)
- {
- try
- {
- new Process
- {
- EnableRaisingEvents = false,
- StartInfo = { FileName = e.LinkText }
- }.Start();
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- MessageBox.Show(ex.Message);
- }
- }
- private string _revision;
- public void SetRevision(string revision)
- {
- _revision = revision;
- ReloadCommitInfo();
- }
- private string _revisionInfo;
- private string _tagInfo;
- private string _branchInfo;
- private void ReloadCommitInfo()
- {
- showContainedInBranchesToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranchesLocal;
- showContainedInBranchesRemoteToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranchesRemote;
- showContainedInBranchesRemoteIfNoLocalToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranchesRemoteIfNoLocal;
- showContainedInTagsToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInTags;
- ResetTextAndImage();
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_revision))
- return;
- _RevisionHeader.Text = string.Empty;
- _RevisionHeader.Refresh();
- CommitInformation commitInformation = CommitInformation.GetCommitInfo(_revision);
- _RevisionHeader.Text = commitInformation.Header;
- splitContainer1.SplitterDistance = _RevisionHeader.GetPreferredSize(new System.Drawing.Size(0, 0)).Height;
- _revisionInfo = commitInformation.Body;
- updateText();
- LoadAuthorImage();
- if (Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranches)
- ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => loadBranchInfo(_revision));
- if (Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInTags)
- ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => loadTagInfo(_revision));
- }
- private void loadTagInfo(string revision)
- {
- _tagInfo = GetTagsWhichContainsThisCommit(revision);
- _syncContext.Post( s => updateText(), null);
- }
- private void loadBranchInfo(string revision)
- {
- _branchInfo = GetBranchesWhichContainsThisCommit(revision);
- _syncContext.Post(s => updateText(), null);
- }
- private void updateText()
- {
- RevisionInfo.Text = _revisionInfo + _branchInfo + _tagInfo;
- RevisionInfo.Refresh();
- }
- private void ResetTextAndImage()
- {
- _revisionInfo = string.Empty;
- _branchInfo = string.Empty;
- _tagInfo = string.Empty;
- updateText();
- gravatar1.LoadImageForEmail("");
- }
- private void LoadAuthorImage()
- {
- var matches =
- Regex.Matches(
- _RevisionHeader.Text,
- @"([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})");
- if (matches.Count == 0)
- return;
- gravatar1.LoadImageForEmail(matches[0].Value);
- }
- private string GetBranchesWhichContainsThisCommit(string revision)
- {
- const string remotesPrefix= "remotes/";
- // Include local branches if explicitly requested or when needed to decide whether to show remotes
- bool getLocal = Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranchesLocal ||
- Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranchesRemoteIfNoLocal;
- // Include remote branches if requested
- bool getRemote = Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranchesRemote ||
- Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranchesRemoteIfNoLocal;
- var branches = CommitInformation.GetAllBranchesWhichContainGivenCommit(revision, getLocal, getRemote);
- var branchString = "";
- bool allowLocal = Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranchesLocal;
- bool allowRemote = getRemote;
- foreach (var branch in branches)
- {
- string noPrefixBranch = branch;
- bool branchIsLocal;
- if (getLocal && getRemote)
- {
- // "git branch -a" prefixes remote branches with "remotes/"
- // It is possible to create a local branch named "remotes/origin/something"
- // so this check is not 100% reliable.
- // This shouldn't be a big problem if we're only displaying information.
- branchIsLocal = !branch.StartsWith(remotesPrefix);
- if (!branchIsLocal)
- noPrefixBranch = branch.Substring(remotesPrefix.Length);
- }
- else
- {
- branchIsLocal = !getRemote;
- }
- if ((branchIsLocal && allowLocal) || (!branchIsLocal && allowRemote))
- {
- if (branchString != string.Empty)
- branchString += ", ";
- branchString += noPrefixBranch;
- }
- if (branchIsLocal && Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranchesRemoteIfNoLocal)
- allowRemote = false;
- }
- if (branchString != string.Empty)
- return Environment.NewLine + containedInBranches.Text + " " + branchString;
- return Environment.NewLine + containedInNoBranch.Text;
- }
- private string GetTagsWhichContainsThisCommit(string revision)
- {
- var tagString = "";
- foreach (var tag in CommitInformation.GetAllTagsWhichContainGivenCommit(revision))
- {
- if (tagString != string.Empty)
- tagString += ", ";
- tagString += tag;
- }
- if (tagString != string.Empty)
- return Environment.NewLine + containedInTags.Text + " " + tagString;
- return Environment.NewLine + containedInNoTag.Text;
- }
- private void tableLayout_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
- {
- }
- private void showContainedInBranchesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranchesLocal = !Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranchesLocal;
- ReloadCommitInfo();
- }
- private void showContainedInTagsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInTags = !Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInTags;
- ReloadCommitInfo();
- }
- private void copyCommitInfoToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- Clipboard.SetText(string.Concat(_RevisionHeader.Text, Environment.NewLine, RevisionInfo.Text));
- }
- private void showContainedInBranchesRemoteToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranchesRemote = !Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranchesRemote;
- ReloadCommitInfo();
- }
- private void showContainedInBranchesRemoteIfNoLocalToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranchesRemoteIfNoLocal = !Settings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranchesRemoteIfNoLocal;
- ReloadCommitInfo();
- }
- private void addNoteToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- GitCommandHelpers.EditNotes(_revision);
- ReloadCommitInfo();
- }
- }
- }