JavaScript | 733 lines | 566 code | 154 blank | 13 comment | 2 complexity | b1cef727a0e44c48138eec8330d986a7 MD5 | raw file
- ;(function(Form, Editor) {
- module('Select', {
- setup: function() {
- this.sinon = sinon.sandbox.create();
- },
- teardown: function() {
- this.sinon.restore();
- }
- });
- var same = deepEqual;
- var OptionModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
- toString: function() {
- return this.get('name');
- }
- });
- var OptionCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- model: OptionModel
- });
- var schema = {
- options: ['Sterling', 'Lana', 'Cyril', 'Cheryl', 'Pam']
- };
- var optGroupSchema = {
- options: [
- {
- group: 'Cities',
- options: [ 'Paris', 'Beijing', 'San Francisco']
- },
- {
- group: 'Countries',
- options: [{val: 'fr', label: 'France'}, {val: 'cn', label: 'China'}]
- }
- ]
- };
- test('Default value', function() {
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: schema
- }).render();
- equal(editor.getValue(), 'Sterling');
- });
- test('Custom value', function() {
- var editor = new Editor({
- value: 'Cyril',
- schema: schema
- }).render();
- equal(editor.getValue(), 'Cyril');
- });
- test('Value from model', function() {
- var editor = new Editor({
- model: new Backbone.Model({ name: 'Lana' }),
- key: 'name',
- schema: schema
- }).render();
- equal(editor.getValue(), 'Lana');
- });
- test('Correct type', function() {
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: schema
- }).render();
- equal($(editor.el).get(0).tagName, 'SELECT');
- });
- test('Uses Backbone.$ not global', function() {
- var old$ = window.$,
- exceptionCaught = false;
- window.$ = null;
- try {
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: schema
- }).render();
- } catch(e) {
- exceptionCaught = true;
- }
- window.$ = old$;
- ok(!exceptionCaught, ' using global \'$\' to render');
- });
- test('Option groups', function() {
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: optGroupSchema
- }).render();
- equal(editor.$('optgroup').length, 2);
- equal(editor.$('optgroup').first().attr('label'), 'Cities')
- });
- test('Option groups only contain their "own" options', function() {
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: optGroupSchema
- }).render();
- var group = editor.$('optgroup').first();
- equal($('option', group).length, 3);
- var options = _.map($('option', group), function(el) {
- return $(el).text();
- });
- ok(~options.indexOf('Paris'));
- ok(~options.indexOf('Beijing'));
- ok(~options.indexOf('San Francisco'));
- var group = editor.$('optgroup').last();
- equal($('option', group).length, 2);
- var options = _.map($('option', group), function(el) {
- return $(el).text();
- });
- ok(~options.indexOf('France'));
- ok(~options.indexOf('China'));
- });
- test('Option groups allow to specify option value / label', function() {
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: optGroupSchema
- }).render();
- var group = editor.$('optgroup').last();
- var options = $('option', group);
- equal(options.first().attr('value'), 'fr');
- equal(options.last().attr('value'), 'cn');
- equal(options.first().text(), 'France');
- equal(options.last().text(), 'China');
- });
- test('Option groups with options as string', function() {
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: {
- options: [
- {
- group: 'Cities',
- options: '<option>Paris</option><option>Beijing</option><option>San Francisco</option>'
- },
- {
- group: 'Countries',
- options: '<option value="fr">France</option><option value="cn">China</option>'
- }
- ]
- }
- }).render();
- var group = editor.$('optgroup').first();
- equal(group.attr('label'), 'Cities');
- equal($('option', group).length, 3);
- equal($('option', group).first().text(), 'Paris');
- equal(editor.$('optgroup').length, 2);
- });
- test('Option groups with options as callback', function() {
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: {
- options: function(callback, thisEditor) {
- ok(thisEditor instanceof Editor);
- ok(thisEditor instanceof Form.editors.Base);
- callback(optGroupSchema.options);
- }
- }
- }).render();
- var optgroups = editor.$('optgroup');
- equal(optgroups.length, 2);
- equal($('option', optgroups.first()).first().text(), 'Paris');
- equal($('option', optgroups.last()).first().text(), 'France');
- equal($('option', optgroups.last()).first().attr('value'), 'fr');
- });
- test('Each option group as its own callback', function() {
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: {
- options: [
- {
- group: 'Cities',
- options: function(callback, thisEditor) {
- ok(thisEditor instanceof Editor);
- ok(thisEditor instanceof Form.editors.Base);
- callback(optGroupSchema.options[0].options);
- }
- },
- {
- group: 'Countries',
- options: function(callback, thisEditor) {
- ok(thisEditor instanceof Editor);
- ok(thisEditor instanceof Form.editors.Base);
- callback(optGroupSchema.options[1].options);
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }).render();
- var optgroups = editor.$('optgroup');
- equal(optgroups.length, 2);
- equal($('option', optgroups.first()).first().text(), 'Paris');
- equal($('option', optgroups.last()).first().text(), 'France');
- equal($('option', optgroups.last()).first().attr('value'), 'fr');
- });
- test('Mixed specification for option groups', function() {
- var countries = new OptionCollection([
- { id: 'fr', name: 'France' },
- { id: 'cn', name: 'China' }
- ]);
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: {
- options: [
- { group: 'Countries', options: countries },
- { group: 'Cities', options: ['Paris', 'Beijing', 'Tokyo']},
- { group: 'Food', options: '<option>Bread</option>'},
- { group: 'Cars', options: function(callback, thisEditor) {
- ok(thisEditor instanceof Editor);
- ok(thisEditor instanceof Form.editors.Base);
- callback(['VolksWagen', 'Fiat', 'Opel', 'Tesla']);
- }}
- ]
- }
- }).render();
- var optgroups = editor.$('optgroup');
- equal(optgroups.length, 4);
- // Countries:
- var options = $('option', optgroups.get(0));
- equal(options.length, 2);
- equal(options.first().attr('value'), 'fr');
- equal(options.first().text(), 'France');
- // Cities
- var options = $('option', optgroups.get(1));
- equal(options.length, 3);
- equal(options.first().text(), 'Paris');
- // Food
- var options = $('option', optgroups.get(2));
- equal(options.length, 1);
- equal(options.first().text(), 'Bread');
- // Cars
- var options = $('option', optgroups.get(3));
- equal(options.length, 4);
- equal(options.last().text(), 'Tesla');
- });
- test('Option groups with collections', function() {
- var countries = new OptionCollection([
- { id: 'fr', name: 'France' },
- { id: 'cn', name: 'China' }
- ]);
- var cities = new OptionCollection([
- { id: 'paris', name: 'Paris' },
- { id: 'bj', name: 'Beijing' },
- { id: 'sf', name: 'San Francisco' }
- ]);
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: {
- options: [
- {
- group: 'Countries',
- options: countries
- },
- {
- group: 'Cities',
- options: cities
- }
- ]
- }
- }).render();
- var optgroups = editor.$el.find('optgroup');
- equal(optgroups.length, 2);
- equal($('option', optgroups.first()).first().text(), 'France');
- equal($('option', optgroups.first()).first().attr('value'), 'fr');
- equal($('option', optgroups.last()).last().attr('value'), 'sf');
- equal($('option', optgroups.last()).last().text(), 'San Francisco');
- });
- test('setOptions() - updates the options on a rendered select', function() {
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: schema
- }).render();
- editor.setOptions([1,2,3]);
- var newOptions = editor.$el.find('option');
- equal(newOptions.length, 3);
- equal(newOptions.first().html(), 1);
- equal(newOptions.last().html(), 3);
- });
- test('Options as array of items', function() {
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: {
- options: ['Matilda', 'Larry']
- }
- }).render();
- var newOptions = editor.$el.find('option');
- equal(newOptions.first().html(), 'Matilda');
- equal(newOptions.last().html(), 'Larry');
- });
- test('Options as array of objects', function() {
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: {
- options: [
- { val: 'kid1', label: 'Teo' },
- { val: 'kid2', label: 'Lilah' },
- ]
- }
- }).render();
- var newOptions = editor.$el.find('option');
- equal(newOptions.first().val(), 'kid1');
- equal(newOptions.last().val(), 'kid2');
- equal(newOptions.first().html(), 'Teo');
- equal(newOptions.last().html(), 'Lilah');
- });
- test('Options as any object', function() {
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: {
- options: {y:"Yes",n:"No"}
- }
- }).render();
- var newOptions = editor.$el.find('option');
- equal(newOptions.first().val(), 'y');
- equal(newOptions.last().val(), 'n');
- equal(newOptions.first().html(), 'Yes');
- equal(newOptions.last().html(), 'No');
- });
- test('Options as function that calls back with options', function() {
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: {
- options: function(callback, thisEditor) {
- ok(thisEditor instanceof Editor);
- ok(thisEditor instanceof Form.editors.Base);
- callback(['Melony', 'Frank']);
- }
- }
- }).render();
- var newOptions = editor.$el.find('option');
- equal(newOptions.first().html(), 'Melony');
- equal(newOptions.last().html(), 'Frank');
- });
- test('Options as string of HTML', function() {
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: {
- options: '<option>Howard</option><option>Bree</option>'
- }
- }).render();
- var newOptions = editor.$el.find('option');
- equal(newOptions.first().html(), 'Howard');
- equal(newOptions.last().html(), 'Bree');
- });
- test('Options as a pre-populated collection', function() {
- var options = new OptionCollection([
- { id: 'kid1', name: 'Billy' },
- { id: 'kid2', name: 'Sarah' }
- ]);
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: {
- options: options
- }
- }).render();
- var newOptions = editor.$el.find('option');
- equal(newOptions.first().val(), 'kid1');
- equal(newOptions.last().val(), 'kid2');
- equal(newOptions.first().html(), 'Billy');
- equal(newOptions.last().html(), 'Sarah');
- });
- test('Options as a new collection (needs to be fetched)', function() {
- var options = new OptionCollection();
- this.sinon.stub(options, 'fetch', function(options) {
- this.set([
- { id: 'kid1', name: 'Barbara' },
- { id: 'kid2', name: 'Phil' }
- ]);
- options.success(this);
- });
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: {
- options: options
- }
- }).render();
- var newOptions = editor.$el.find('option');
- equal(newOptions.first().val(), 'kid1');
- equal(newOptions.last().val(), 'kid2');
- equal(newOptions.first().html(), 'Barbara');
- equal(newOptions.last().html(), 'Phil');
- });
- test("setValue() - updates the input value", function() {
- var editor = new Editor({
- value: 'Pam',
- schema: schema
- }).render();
- editor.setValue('Lana');
- equal(editor.getValue(), 'Lana');
- equal($(editor.el).val(), 'Lana');
- });
- module('Select events', {
- setup: function() {
- this.sinon = sinon.sandbox.create();
- this.editor = new Editor({
- value: 'Pam',
- schema: schema
- }).render();
- $('body').append(this.editor.el);
- },
- teardown: function() {
- this.sinon.restore();
- this.editor.remove();
- }
- });
- test("focus() - gives focus to editor and its selectbox", function() {
- var editor = this.editor;
- editor.focus();
- ok(editor.hasFocus);
- ok(editor.$el.is(':focus'));
- });
- test("focus() - triggers the 'focus' event", function() {
- var editor = this.editor;
- var spy = this.sinon.spy();
- editor.on('focus', spy);
- editor.focus();
- ok(spy.called);
- ok(spy.calledWith(editor));
- });
- test("blur() - removes focus from the editor and its selectbox", function() {
- var editor = this.editor;
- editor.focus();
- editor.blur();
- ok(!editor.hasFocus);
- ok(!editor.$el.is(':focus'));
- });
- test("blur() - triggers the 'blur' event", function() {
- var editor = this.editor;
- editor.focus()
- var spy = this.sinon.spy();
- editor.on('blur', spy);
- editor.blur();
- ok(spy.called);
- ok(spy.calledWith(editor));
- });
- test("'change' event - bubbles up from the selectbox", function() {
- var editor = this.editor;
- var spy = this.sinon.spy();
- editor.on('change', spy);
- editor.$el.val('Cyril');
- editor.$el.change();
- ok(spy.calledOnce);
- ok(spy.alwaysCalledWith(editor));
- });
- test("'change' event - is triggered when value of select changes", function() {
- var editor = this.editor;
- var callCount = 0;
- var spy = this.sinon.spy();
- editor.on('change', spy);
- // Pressing a key
- editor.$el.keypress();
- editor.$el.val('a');
- stop();
- setTimeout(function(){
- callCount++;
- editor.$el.keyup();
- // Keeping a key pressed for a longer time
- editor.$el.keypress();
- editor.$el.val('Pam');
- setTimeout(function(){
- callCount++;
- editor.$el.keypress();
- editor.$el.val('Cheryl');
- setTimeout(function(){
- callCount++;
- editor.$el.keyup();
- // Left; Right: Pointlessly moving around
- editor.$el.keyup();
- editor.$el.keyup();
- ok(spy.callCount == callCount);
- ok(spy.alwaysCalledWith(editor));
- start();
- }, 0);
- }, 0);
- }, 0);
- });
- test("'focus' event - bubbles up from the selectbox", function() {
- var editor = this.editor;
- var spy = this.sinon.spy();
- editor.on('focus', spy);
- editor.$el.focus();
- ok(spy.calledOnce);
- ok(spy.alwaysCalledWith(editor));
- });
- test("'blur' event - bubbles up from the selectbox", function() {
- var editor = this.editor;
- editor.$el.focus();
- var spy = this.sinon.spy();
- editor.on('blur', spy);
- editor.$el.blur();
- ok(spy.calledOnce);
- ok(spy.alwaysCalledWith(editor));
- });
- module('Select Text Escaping', {
- setup: function() {
- this.sinon = sinon.sandbox.create();
- this.options = [
- {
- val: '"/><script>throw("XSS Success");</script>',
- label: '"/><script>throw("XSS Success");</script>'
- },
- {
- val: '\"?\'\/><script>throw("XSS Success");</script>',
- label: '\"?\'\/><script>throw("XSS Success");</script>',
- },
- {
- val: '><b>HTML</b><',
- label: '><div class=>HTML</b><',
- }
- ];
- this.editor = new Editor({
- schema: {
- options: this.options
- }
- }).render();
- $('body').append(this.editor.el);
- },
- teardown: function() {
- this.sinon.restore();
- this.editor.remove();
- }
- });
- test('options content gets properly escaped', function() {
- same( this.editor.schema.options, this.options );
- //What an awful string.
- //CAN'T have white-space on the left, or the string will no longer match
- //If this bothers you aesthetically, can switch it to concat syntax
- var escapedHTML = "<option value=\""/><script>throw("XSS Success");\
- </script>\">\"/><script>throw(\"XSS Success\");</script></option><option \
- value=\""?'/><script>throw("XSS Success");</script>\">\"?'/><script>\
- throw(\"XSS Success\");</script></option><option value=\"><b>HTML</b><\">><div \
- class=>HTML</b><</option>";
- same( this.editor.$el.html(), escapedHTML );
- same( this.editor.$('option').val(), this.options[0].val );
- same( this.editor.$('option').first().text(), this.options[0].label );
- same( this.editor.$('option').first().html(), '\"/><script>throw(\"XSS Success\");</script>' );
- same( this.editor.$('option').text(), "\"/><script>throw(\"XSS Success\");</script>\"?'/><script>throw(\"XSS Success\");</script>><div class=>HTML</b><" );
- });
- test('options object content gets properly escaped', function() {
- var options = {
- key1: '><b>HTML</b><',
- key2: '><div class=>HTML</b><'
- };
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: {
- options: options
- }
- }).render();
- same( editor.schema.options, options );
- //What an awful string.
- //CAN'T have white-space on the left, or the string will no longer match
- //If this bothers you aesthetically, can switch it to concat syntax
- var escapedHTML = "<option value=\"key1\">><b>HTML</b><</option>\
- <option value=\"key2\">><div class=>HTML</b><</option>";
- same( editor.$el.html(), escapedHTML );
- same( editor.$('option').val(), _.keys(options)[0] );
- same( editor.$('option').first().text(), options.key1 );
- same( editor.$('option').first().html(), '><b>HTML</b><' );
- same( editor.$('option').text(), '><b>HTML</b><><div class=>HTML</b><' );
- });
- test('option groups content gets properly escaped', function() {
- var options = [{
- group: '"/><script>throw("XSS Success");</script>',
- options: [
- {
- val: '"/><script>throw("XSS Success");</script>',
- label: '"/><script>throw("XSS Success");</script>'
- },
- {
- val: '\"?\'\/><script>throw("XSS Success");</script>',
- label: '\"?\'\/><script>throw("XSS Success");</script>',
- },
- {
- val: '><b>HTML</b><',
- label: '><div class=>HTML</b><',
- }
- ]
- }];
- var editor = new Editor({
- schema: {
- options: options
- }
- }).render();
- same( editor.schema.options, options );
- //What an awful string.
- //CAN'T have white-space on the left, or the string will no longer match
- //If this bothers you aesthetically, can switch it to concat syntax
- var escapedHTML = "<optgroup label=\""/>\<script>throw("XSS \
- Success");</script>\"><option value=\""/>\
- <script>throw("XSS Success");</script>\">\"/><script>throw\
- (\"XSS Success\");</script></option><option value=\""?'/><script>\
- throw("XSS Success");</script>\">\"?'/><script>throw(\"XSS \
- Success\");</script></option><option value=\"><b>HTML</b><\">><\
- div class=>HTML</b><</option></optgroup>";
- same( editor.$el.html(), escapedHTML );
- same( editor.$('option').val(), options[0].options[0].val );
- same( editor.$('option').first().text(), options[0].options[0].label );
- same( editor.$('option').first().html(), '\"/><script>throw(\"XSS Success\");</script>' );
- same( editor.$('option').text(), "\"/><script>throw(\"XSS Success\");</script>\"?'/><script>throw(\"XSS Success\");</script>><div class=>HTML</b><" );
- });
- })(Backbone.Form, Backbone.Form.editors.Select);