Python | 63 lines | 39 code | 12 blank | 12 comment | 2 complexity | d878619cbebbbc63cd231785cf5e1d7a MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # main.py TmEngine entry point.
- # Author: Dimitris Syrivelis
- # ITI CERTH for Pursuit project. This source is under BlackAdder license
- import select
- import socket
- import time
- import signal
- import struct
- import TMIgraph
- import BlackAdderTMCore
- import TMPacket
- import BlackAdderConnection
- from array import *
- import sys
- import os
- import math
- import string
- import traceback
- import getopt
- import BitVector
- from config import Config
- from impacket import ImpactPacket
- global tigraph
- def signal_handler(signal, frame):
- '''This is the signal handler for Ctrl-C, it does not work as expected...'''
- print 'Graceful Exit due to Ctrl-C!'
- bcon.disconnect()
- tigraph.kill()
- sys.exit(0)
- #Welcome Message
- print "====BlackAdder Topology Manager Version 0.1===="
- #Execution begins here. Firstly register a handler for Ctrl-C
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
- #TmIgraph module gets configuration maps, uses igraph library to handle packet requests and produces response packets to the outgoing Queue
- tigraph = TMIgraph.TMIgraphModule(sys.argv[1])
- # Open the connection to BlackAdder
- bcon = BlackAdderConnection.Connection(tigraph.mode)
- tigraph.setCon(bcon)
- #Subscribe to the hardcoded TM scope
- tmscopeid = array('B',[0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xfe])
- tmprefixid = array('B', [])
- bcon.publishAction(bcon.SUBSCRIBE_SCOPE, tmscopeid.tostring(), tmprefixid.tostring(), bcon.SUBSCRIBE_LOCALLY)
- tigraph.start()
- #ingress main loop. receives packets from BlackAdder Netlink interface and adds them to a processor queue. Currently only TMigraph is available
- while 1:
- pckt=bcon.recv()
- if(pckt[0] == bcon.PUBLISHED_DATA):
- data = pckt[3]
- tigraph.IngressPut(data)