Python | 318 lines | 284 code | 9 blank | 25 comment | 9 complexity | da214d7adb6519fb7b25189b62730e68 MD5 | raw file
- """
- Resource management methods.
- """
- import sys
- import os
- import re
- import zipfile
- import tarfile
- import io
- __all__ = ["open_zipfile", "open_tarfile", "open_url", "Resources"]
- # Python 3.x workarounds for the changed urllib modules.
- if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
- import urllib.parse as urlparse
- import urllib.request as urllib2
- else:
- import urlparse
- import urllib2
- def open_zipfile(archive, filename, directory=None):
- """Opens and reads a certain file from a ZIP archive.
- Opens and reads a certain file from a ZIP archive. The result is
- returned as StringIO stream. filename can be a relative or absolute
- path within the ZIP archive. The optional directory argument can be
- used to supply a relative directory path, under which filename will
- be searched.
- If the filename could not be found, a KeyError will be raised.
- Raises a TypeError, if archive is not a valid ZIP archive.
- """
- data = None
- opened = False
- if not isinstance(archive, zipfile.ZipFile):
- if not zipfile.is_zipfile(archive):
- raise TypeError("passed file does not seem to be a ZIP archive")
- else:
- archive = zipfile.ZipFile(archive, 'r')
- opened = True
- apath = filename
- if directory:
- apath = "%s/%s" % (directory, filename)
- try:
- dmpdata = archive.open(apath)
- data = io.BytesIO(dmpdata.read())
- finally:
- if opened:
- archive.close()
- return data
- def open_tarfile(archive, filename, directory=None, ftype=None):
- """Opens and reads a certain file from a TAR archive.
- Opens and reads a certain file from a TAR archive. The result is
- returned as StringIO stream. filename can be a relative or absolute
- path within the TAR archive. The optional directory argument can be
- used to supply a relative directory path, under which filename will
- be searched.
- ftype is used to supply additional compression information, in case
- the system cannot determine the compression type itself, and can be
- either 'gz' for gzip compression or 'bz2' for bzip2 compression.
- Note:
- If ftype is supplied, the compression mode will be enforced for
- opening and reading.
- If the filename could not be found or an error occured on reading it,
- None will be returned.
- Raises a TypeError, if archive is not a valid TAR archive or if type
- is not a valid value of ('gz', 'bz2').
- """
- data = None
- opened = False
- mode = 'r'
- if ftype:
- if ftype not in ('gz', 'bz2'):
- raise TypeError("invalid TAR compression type")
- mode = "r:%s" % ftype
- if not isinstance(archive, tarfile.TarFile):
- if not tarfile.is_tarfile(archive):
- raise TypeError("passed file does not seem to be a TAR archive")
- else:
- archive = tarfile.open(archive, mode)
- opened = True
- apath = filename
- if directory:
- apath = "%s/%s" % (directory, filename)
- try:
- dmpdata = archive.extractfile(apath)
- data = io.BytesIO(dmpdata.read())
- finally:
- if opened:
- archive.close()
- return data
- def open_url(filename, basepath=None):
- """Opens and reads a certain file from a web or remote location.
- Opens and reads a certain file from a web or remote location. This
- function utilizes the urllib2 module, which means that it is
- restricted to the types of remote locations supported by urllib2.
- basepath can be used to supply an additional location prefix.
- """
- url = filename
- if basepath:
- url = urlparse.urljoin(basepath, filename)
- return urllib2.urlopen(url)
- class Resources(object):
- """The Resources class manages a set of file resources and eases
- accessing them by using relative paths, scanning archives
- automatically and so on.
- """
- def __init__(self, path=None, subdir=None, excludepattern=None):
- """Creates a new resource container instance.
- If path is provided, the resource container will scan the path
- and add all found files to itself by invoking
- scan(path, subdir, excludepattern).
- """
- self.files = {}
- if path:
- self.scan(path, subdir, excludepattern)
- def _scanzip(self, filename):
- """Scans the passed ZIP archive and indexes all the files
- contained by it.
- """
- if not zipfile.is_zipfile(filename):
- raise TypeError("file '%s' is not a valid ZIP archive" % filename)
- archname = os.path.abspath(filename)
- zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'r')
- for path in zipf.namelist():
- fname = os.path.split(path)[1]
- if fname:
- self.files[fname] = (archname, 'zip', path)
- zipf.close()
- def _scantar(self, filename, ftype=None):
- """Scans the passed TAR archive and indexes all the files
- contained by it.
- """
- if not tarfile.is_tarfile(filename):
- raise TypeError("file '%s' is not a valid TAR archive" % filename)
- mode = 'r'
- if ftype:
- if ftype not in ('gz', 'bz2'):
- raise TypeError("invalid TAR compression type")
- mode = "r:%s" % ftype
- archname = os.path.abspath(filename)
- archtype = 'tar'
- if ftype:
- archtype = 'tar%s' % ftype
- tar = tarfile.open(filename, mode)
- for path in tar.getnames():
- fname = os.path.split(path)[1]
- self.files[fname] = (archname, archtype, path)
- tar.close()
- def add(self, filename):
- """Adds a file to the Resources container.
- Depending on the file type (determined by the file suffix or name),
- the file will be automatically scanned (if it is an archive) or
- checked for availability (if it is a stream/network resource).
- """
- if not os.path.exists(filename):
- raise ValueError("invalid file path")
- if zipfile.is_zipfile(filename):
- self.add_archive(filename)
- elif tarfile.is_tarfile(filename):
- self.add_archive(filename, 'tar')
- else:
- self.add_file(filename)
- def add_file(self, filename):
- """Adds a file to the Resources container.
- This will only add the passed file and do not scan an archive or
- check a stream for availability.
- """
- if not os.path.exists(filename):
- raise ValueError("invalid file path")
- abspath = os.path.abspath(filename)
- fname = os.path.split(abspath)[1]
- if not fname:
- raise ValueError("invalid file path")
- self.files[fname] = (None, None, abspath)
- def add_archive(self, filename, typehint='zip'):
- """Adds an archive file to the Resources container.
- This will scan the passed archive and add its contents to the
- list of available resources.
- """
- if not os.path.exists(filename):
- raise ValueError("invalid file path")
- if typehint == 'zip':
- self._scanzip(filename)
- elif typehint == 'tar':
- self._scantar(filename)
- elif typehint == 'tarbz2':
- self._scantar(filename, 'bz2')
- elif typehint == 'targz':
- self._scantar(filename, 'gz')
- else:
- raise ValueError("unsupported archive type")
- def get(self, filename):
- """Gets a specific file from the Resources.
- Raises a KeyError, if filename could not be found.
- """
- archive, ftype, pathname = self.files[filename]
- if archive:
- if ftype == 'zip':
- return open_zipfile(archive, pathname)
- elif ftype == 'tar':
- return open_tarfile(archive, pathname)
- elif ftype == 'tarbz2':
- return open_tarfile(archive, pathname, ftype='bz2')
- elif ftype == 'targz':
- return open_tarfile(archive, pathname, ftype='gz')
- else:
- raise ValueError("unsupported archive type")
- dmpdata = open(pathname, 'rb')
- data = io.BytesIO(dmpdata.read())
- dmpdata.close()
- return data
- def get_filelike(self, filename):
- """Like get(), but tries to return the original file handle, if
- possible.
- If the passed filename is only available within an archive, a
- StringIO instance will be returned.
- Raises a KeyError, if filename could not be found.
- """
- archive, ftype, pathname = self.files[filename]
- if archive:
- if ftype == 'zip':
- return open_zipfile(archive, pathname)
- elif ftype == 'tar':
- return open_tarfile(archive, pathname)
- elif ftype == 'tarbz2':
- return open_tarfile(archive, pathname, ftype='bz2')
- elif ftype == 'targz':
- return open_tarfile(archive, pathname, ftype='gz')
- else:
- raise ValueError("unsupported archive type")
- return open(pathname, 'rb')
- def get_path(self, filename):
- """Gets the path of the passed filename.
- If filename is only available within an archive, a string in
- the form 'filename@archivename' will be returned.
- Raises a KeyError, if filename could not be found.
- """
- archive, ftype, pathname = self.files[filename]
- if archive:
- return '%s@%s' % (pathname, archive)
- return pathname
- def scan(self, path, subdir=None, excludepattern=None):
- """Scans a path and adds all found files to the Resources
- container.
- Scans a path and adds all found files to the Resources
- container. If a file is a supported (ZIP or TAR) archive, its
- contents will be indexed and added automatically.
- The method will consider the directory part (os.path.dirname) of
- the provided path as path to scan, if the path is not a
- directory. If subdir is provided, it will be appended to the
- path and used as starting point for adding files to the
- Resources container.
- excludepattern can be a regular expression to skip directories, which
- match the pattern.
- """
- match = None
- if excludepattern:
- match = re.compile(excludepattern).match
- join = os.path.join
- add = self.add
- abspath = os.path.abspath(path)
- if not os.path.exists(abspath):
- raise ValueError("invalid path '%s'" % path)
- if not os.path.isdir(abspath):
- abspath = os.path.dirname(abspath)
- if subdir is not None:
- abspath = os.path.join(abspath, subdir)
- if not os.path.exists(abspath):
- raise ValueError("invalid path '%s'" % path)
- for (pdir, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(abspath):
- if match and match(pdir) is not None:
- continue
- for fname in filenames:
- add(join(pdir, fname))