Python | 333 lines | 223 code | 62 blank | 48 comment | 41 complexity | 77ba68ae021fbdec58b56017b00652d1 MD5 | raw file
- import os
- import sys
- sys.path.append(sys.path[0]+'/..') # Set the path so we can find procgame. We are assuming (stupidly?) that the first member is our directory.
- #from procgame import fakepinproc
- import pinproc
- import win32com
- import pythoncom
- import win32com.server.util
- from win32com.server.util import wrap, unwrap
- import thread
- import yaml
- from procgame import *
- class ISettings:
- _public_methods_ = []
- _public_attrs_ = [ 'Value']
- def Value(self, item, item2):
- return True
- def SetValue(self, item, item2):
- return True
- class IGames:
- _public_methods_ = []
- _public_attrs_ = [ 'Settings']
- def Settings(self):
- settings = ISettings()
- Settings = wrap( settings )
- return Settings
- def SetSettings(self):
- settings = ISettings()
- Settings = wrap( settings )
- return Settings
- IID_IController = pythoncom.MakeIID('{CE9ECC7C-960F-407E-B27B-62E39AB1E30F}')
- class Controller:
- """Main Visual Pinball COM interface class."""
- _public_methods_ = [ 'Run',
- 'Stop',
- 'PrintGlobal']
- _reg_progid_ = "VPinMAME.Controller"
- _reg_clsid_ = "{F389C8B7-144F-4C63-A2E3-246D168F9D39}"
- _public_attrs_ = [ 'Version',
- 'GameName',
- 'Games',
- 'SplashInfoLine',
- 'ShowTitle',
- 'ShowFrame',
- 'ShowDMDOnly',
- 'HandleMechanics',
- 'HandleKeyboard',
- 'DIP',
- 'Switch',
- 'Mech',
- 'Pause',
- 'ChangedSolenoids',
- 'ChangedGIStrings',
- 'ChangedLamps',
- 'GetMech']
- _readonly_attrs_ = [ 'Version',
- 'ChangedSolenoids',
- 'ChangedLamps',
- 'ChangedGIStrings',
- 'GetMech']
- Version = "22222222"
- ShowTitle = None
- ShowFrame = False
- ShowDMDOnly = False
- HandleKeyboard = False
- DIP = False
- GameName = "Game name"
- switch = [True]*128
- lastSwitch = None
- Pause = None
- game = None
- last_lamp_states = []
- last_coil_states = []
- last_gi_states = []
- HandleMechanics = True
- # Need to overload this method to tell that we support IID_IServerWithEvents
- def _query_interface_(self, iid):
- """ Return this main interface if the IController class is queried. """
- if iid == IID_IController:
- return win32com.server.util.wrap(self)
- def PrintGlobal(self):
- """ Unused by pyprocgame. """
- return True
- def Run(self):
- """ Figure out which game to play based on the contents of the
- vp_game_map_file. """
- vp_game_map_file = config.value_for_key_path(keypath='vp_game_map_file', default='/.')
- vp_game_map = yaml.load(open(vp_game_map_file, 'r'))
- game_class = vp_game_map[self.GameName]['kls']
- game_path = vp_game_map[self.GameName]['path']
- yamlpath = vp_game_map[self.GameName]['yaml']
- rundir = vp_game_map['rundir']
- os.chdir(rundir)
- #game_config = yaml.load(open(yamlpath, 'r'))
- #machine_type = game_config['PRGame']['machineType']
- #self.game = None
- klass = util.get_class(game_class,game_path)
- #self.game = klass(machine_type)
- self.game = klass()
- self.game.log("GameName: " + str(self.GameName))
- self.game.log("SplashInfoLine: " + str(self.SplashInfoLine))
- self.game.yamlpath = yamlpath
- self.last_lamp_states = self.getLampStates()
- self.last_coil_states = self.getCoilStates()
- self.game.setup()
- # Initialize switches. Call SetSwitch so it can invert
- # normally closed switches as appropriate.
- for i in range(0,120):
- self.SetSwitch(i, False)
- thread.start_new_thread(self.game.run_loop,())
- return True
- def Stop(self):
- """ Currently unused. """
- #TODO: Figure out a way to kill the run_loop thread.
- return True
- def Games(self, rom_name):
- """ Return the IGames interface, by wrapping the object. """
- games = IGames()
- wrapped_games = wrap (games)
- return wrapped_games
- def SetGames(self, rom_name):
- """ Return the IGames interface, by wrapping the object. """
- games = IGames()
- wrapped_games = wrap (games)
- return wrapped_games
- def Switch(self, number):
- """ Return the current value of the requested switch. """
- if number != None: self.lastSwitch = number
- return self.switch[self.lastSwitch]
- def SetSwitch(self, number, value):
- """ Set the value of the requested switch. """
- # All of the 'None' logic is error handling for unexpected
- # cases when None is passed in as a parameter. This seems to
- # only happen with the original VP scripts when the switch data
- # is corrupted by making COM calls into this object. This
- # appears to be a pywin32 bug.
- if value == None: return self.Switch(number)
- if number == None: return self.Switch(number)
- if number != None: self.lastSwitch = number
- self.switch[self.lastSwitch] = value
- if self.lastSwitch < 10:
- prNumber = self.VPSwitchDedToPRSwitch(self.lastSwitch)
- elif self.lastSwitch < 110:
- prNumber = self.VPSwitchMatrixToPRSwitch(self.lastSwitch)
- elif self.lastSwitch < 120:
- prNumber = self.VPSwitchFlipperToPRSwitch(self.lastSwitch)
- else: prNumber = 0
- if not self.game.switches.has_key(prNumber): return False
- if self.game.switches[prNumber].type == 'NC':
- self.AddSwitchEvent(prNumber, not value)
- else: self.AddSwitchEvent(prNumber, value)
- return True
- def AddSwitchEvent(self, prNumber, value):
- """ Add the incoming VP switch event into the p-roc emulator. """
- # VP doesn't have a concept of bouncing switches; so send
- # both nondebounced and debounced for each event to ensure
- # switch rules for either event type will be processed.
- if value:
- self.game.proc.add_switch_event(prNumber, pinproc.EventTypeSwitchClosedNondebounced)
- self.game.proc.add_switch_event(prNumber, pinproc.EventTypeSwitchClosedDebounced)
- else:
- self.game.proc.add_switch_event(prNumber, pinproc.EventTypeSwitchOpenNondebounced)
- self.game.proc.add_switch_event(prNumber, pinproc.EventTypeSwitchOpenDebounced)
- def VPSwitchMatrixToPRSwitch(self, number):
- """ Helper method to find the P-ROC number of a matrix switch. """
- vpNumber = ((number / 10)*8) + ((number%10) - 1)
- vpIndex = vpNumber / 8
- vpOffset = vpNumber % 8 + 1
- if vpIndex < 10:
- switch = 'S' + str(vpIndex) + str(vpOffset)
- return pinproc.decode(self.game.machine_type,switch)
- else: return number
- def VPSwitchFlipperToPRSwitch(self, number):
- """ Helper method to find the P-ROC number of a flipper switch. """
- vpNumber = number - 110
- switch = 'SF' + str(vpNumber)
- return pinproc.decode(self.game.machine_type, switch)
- def VPSwitchDedToPRSwitch(self, number):
- """ Helper method to find the P-ROC number of a direct switch. """
- vpNumber = number
- switch = 'SD' + str(vpNumber)
- return pinproc.decode(self.game.machine_type, switch)
- def Mech(self, number):
- """ Currently unused. Game specific mechanism handling will
- be called through this method. """
- return True
- def SetMech(self, number):
- """ Currently unused. Game specific mechanism handling will
- be called through this method. """
- return True
- def GetMech(self, number):
- """ Currently unused. Game specific mechanism handling will
- be called through this method. """
- return 0
- def ChangedSolenoids(self):
- """ Return a list of changed coils. """
- coils = self.getCoilStates()
- changedCoils = []
- already=False
- if len(self.last_coil_states) > 0:
- for i in range(0,len(coils)):
- if coils[i] != self.last_coil_states[i]:
- if not already:
- changedCoils += [(0,True)]
- already = True
- changedCoils += [(i,coils[i])]
- self.last_coil_states = coils
- return changedCoils
- def ChangedLamps(self):
- """ Return a list of changed lamps. """
- lamps = self.getLampStates()
- changedLamps = []
- if len(self.last_lamp_states) > 0:
- for i in range(0,len(lamps)):
- if lamps[i] != self.last_lamp_states[i]:
- changedLamps += [(i,lamps[i])]
- self.last_lamp_states = lamps
- return changedLamps
- def ChangedGIStrings(self):
- """ Return a list of changed GI strings. """
- gi = self.getGIStates()
- changedGI = []
- if len(self.last_gi_states) > 0:
- for i in range(0,len(gi)):
- if gi[i] != self.last_gi_states[i]:
- changedGI += [(i,gi[i])]
- self.last_gi_states = gi
- return changedGI
- def getGIStates(self):
- """ Gets the current state of the GI strings. """
- vpgi = [False]*5
- for i in range(0,5):
- numStr = 'G0' + str(i+1)
- prNumber = pinproc.decode(self.game.machine_type, numStr)
- vpgi[i] = self.game.proc.drivers[prNumber].curr_state
- return vpgi
- def getLampStates(self):
- """ Gets the current state of the lamps. """
- vplamps = [False]*90
- for i in range(0,64):
- vpNum = (((i/8)+1)*10) + (i%8) + 1
- vplamps[vpNum] = self.game.proc.drivers[i+80].curr_state
- return vplamps
- def getCoilStates(self):
- """ Gets the current state of the coils. """
- pycoils = self.game.proc.drivers
- vpcoils = [False]*64
- for i in range(0,len(vpcoils)):
- if i<=28: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[i+39].curr_state
- elif i<33: vpcoils[i] = False # Unused?
- # Use the machine's Hold coils for the VP flippers
- # since they stay on until the button is released
- elif i == 34: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[pinproc.decode(self.game.machine_type, "FURH")].curr_state
- elif i == 36: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[pinproc.decode(self.game.machine_type, "FULH")].curr_state
- elif i<44:
- if self.game.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypeWPC95:
- vpcoils[i] = pycoils[i+31].curr_state
- else: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[i+107].curr_state
- elif i == 46: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[pinproc.decode(self.game.machine_type, "FLRH")].curr_state
- elif i == 48: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[pinproc.decode(self.game.machine_type, "FLLH")].curr_state
- else: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[i+108].curr_state
- return vpcoils
- def Register(pyclass=Controller, p_game=None):
- """ Registration code for the Visual Pinball COM interface for pyprocgame."""
- pythoncom.CoInitialize()
- from win32com.server.register import UseCommandLine
- UseCommandLine(pyclass)
- # Run the registration code by default. Using the commandline param
- # "--unregister" will unregister this COM object.
- if __name__=='__main__':
- Register(Controller)