Scala | 298 lines | 212 code | 36 blank | 50 comment | 57 complexity | 71b8148340d6937f3ad6e9aaef87d485 MD5 | raw file
- package acumen.ui.tl
- import java.awt.event.ActionEvent
- import java.io.File
- import scala.Array.canBuildFrom
- import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
- import scala.collection.mutable.Buffer
- import scala.swing.BorderPanel
- import scala.swing.Component
- import scala.swing.ScrollPane
- import acumen.ui.GraphicalMain
- import acumen.ui.Icons
- import javax.swing.AbstractAction
- import javax.swing.JButton
- import javax.swing.JToggleButton
- import javax.swing.JToolBar
- import javax.swing.JTree
- import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent
- import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener
- import javax.swing.event.TreeModelEvent
- import javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener
- import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel
- import javax.swing.tree.TreePath
- import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter
- import java.awt.event.MouseEvent
- import javax.swing.text.Position
- import javax.swing.JComponent
- import scala.swing.event.Key
- import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter
- import java.awt.event.KeyEvent
- import javax.swing.JCheckBox
- /** Wrapper for FileTree, provides navigation and configuration buttons. */
- class FileBrowser(initialPath: File, editor: CodeArea) extends BorderPanel {
- val fileTree = new FileTree(initialPath)
- /* When synchronization is not enabled, double-clicking a model opens it in the editor */
- fileTree.peer.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter {
- override def mousePressed(e: MouseEvent) {
- val clicked = fileTree.peer.getPathForLocation(e.getX, e.getY)
- if (!GraphicalMain.syncEditorWithBrowser && e.getClickCount == 2 &&
- clicked != null && clicked.getLastPathComponent != null) {
- val f = clicked.getLastPathComponent.asInstanceOf[File]
- if (f.isFile) editor.loadFile(f)
- }
- }
- })
- val syncButton = new JCheckBox()
- syncButton.setAction(new AbstractAction("Synchronize with editor") {
- override def actionPerformed(e: ActionEvent) {
- GraphicalMain.syncEditorWithBrowser = !GraphicalMain.syncEditorWithBrowser
- if (GraphicalMain.syncEditorWithBrowser)
- editor.currentFile match {
- case Some(file) => fileTree.focus(file)
- case None => fileTree.refresh
- }
- }
- })
- syncButton.setSelected(GraphicalMain.syncEditorWithBrowser)
- syncButton.setToolTipText("Synchronize editor with file browser")
- val toolbar = new JToolBar()
- toolbar.setFloatable(false)
- syncButton.setFocusable(false)
- syncButton.setBorderPainted(false)
- toolbar.add(syncButton)
- add(Component.wrap(toolbar), BorderPanel.Position.North)
- add(new ScrollPane(fileTree), BorderPanel.Position.Center)
- }
- /**
- * Through a listener defined in CodeArea, this view (the FileTree component)
- * is used to select files for editing in Acumen. Selecting a file (called
- * README or with suffix .acm) will either open it directly or, if there is
- * unsaved work, propmt the user.
- * GraphicalMain.syncEditorWithBrowser can be toggled to disable the
- * synchronization of the editor an the file tree.
- */
- class FileTree(initialPath: File) extends Component with ChangeListener {
- override lazy val peer = init(initialPath)
- private def init(path: File): JTree with SuperMixin = {
- val fileSystemModel = new FileSystemModel(initialPath)
- val tree = new JTree(fileSystemModel) with SuperMixin
- tree setEditable false
- tree setRootVisible false
- /* Override behavior of the and right keyboard arrows.
- * When a top level folder is selected, pressing the left arrow
- * causes the root to be reset to the parent of the current root.
- * If an expanded folder is selected, pressing the right arrow
- * causes the root to be reset to selected node.
- */
- tree addKeyListener new KeyAdapter {
- override def keyPressed(e: KeyEvent) = {
- val leftPressed = e.getKeyCode == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT
- val selectedFile = getSelectedFile
- selectedFile match {
- case Some(f) =>
- if (leftPressed &&
- (f == tree.getModel.getRoot || // Directory is empty (no visible node is selected)
- (!peer.isExpanded(peer.getSelectionPath) && // A top-level node is selected
- f.getParentFile.getCanonicalFile == tree.getModel.getRoot.asInstanceOf[File].getCanonicalFile)))
- goUp
- else if (e.getKeyCode == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT && peer.isExpanded(peer.getSelectionPath))
- goInto
- case None => if (leftPressed) goUp
- }
- }
- }
- tree
- }
- /**
- * Focus the file tree on a path.
- * Current node selection and expansion state will be restored.
- * Unlike reset(), this will not reset the root if the path is
- * a descendant of the root. In this case the tree node
- * corresponding to the node will be expanded instead.
- */
- def focus(path: File) {
- val didExpand = expandDescendant(peer.getModel.getRoot.asInstanceOf[File], path)
- if (!didExpand) reset(path)
- }
- /**
- * If the path is a descendant of some root node, a tree node
- * corresponding to path will be expanded. Returns true if the
- * path is a descendant of the root and false otherwise.
- */
- def expandDescendant(root: File, path: File): Boolean = {
- descendantOf(root, path) match {
- case Some(treePath) => // Path is a descendant of the root
- peer.expandPath(treePath)
- selectPath(treePath)
- true
- case None =>
- false
- }
- }
- /** Selects and scrolls the path into view */
- def selectPath(treePath: TreePath) {
- peer.getSelectionModel.setSelectionPath(treePath)
- peer.scrollPathToVisible(treePath)
- }
- /**
- * Reset the file tree on a path.
- * Current node selection and expansion state will be restored.
- */
- def reset(path: File) {
- // save expanded/selected nodes
- val expanded = ArrayBuffer[TreePath]()
- val expDescendants = peer.getExpandedDescendants(new TreePath(peer.getModel.getRoot))
- if (expDescendants != null)
- while (expDescendants.hasMoreElements) {
- val nextPath = expDescendants.nextElement.asInstanceOf[TreePath]
- if (nextPath.getLastPathComponent != peer.getModel.getRoot)
- expanded += nextPath
- }
- val selected = peer.getSelectionModel.getSelectionPaths
- // focus model on path
- peer.setModel(new FileSystemModel(
- if (path.isDirectory) path
- else path.getParentFile))
- // restore expanded/selected nodes
- for (i <- (peer.getRowCount - 1) to 0 by -1)
- peer collapseRow i
- for (path <- expanded)
- peer expandPath path
- if (selected != null)
- for (s <- selected)
- selectPath(s)
- }
- /**
- * If path is a sub-directory of the current tree's root, returns a TreePath to
- * this sub-directory wrapped in Some, otherwise returns None
- */
- private def descendantOf(someRoot: File, path: File): Option[TreePath] = {
- val r = someRoot.getCanonicalFile.getAbsolutePath
- val p = path.getCanonicalFile.getAbsolutePath
- if (r != p && p.startsWith(r)) {
- val pathElems = p.substring(r.length).split("/").tail //FIXME Make sure this work on Windows
- var treePath: TreePath = null
- for (e <- pathElems) {
- val row = if (treePath == null) 0 else peer.getRowForPath(treePath)
- treePath = peer.getNextMatch(e, row, Position.Bias.Forward)
- peer.expandPath(treePath)
- }
- Some(treePath)
- }
- else None
- }
- /** Reload the contents of the model's folder into the tree view */
- def refresh(): Unit = focus(peer.getModel.getRoot.asInstanceOf[File])
- /** Focus the browser on the parent folder */
- def goUp(): Unit = {
- val oldRoot = peer.getModel.getRoot.asInstanceOf[File]
- val parent = oldRoot.getAbsoluteFile.getParentFile
- if (parent != null) {
- reset(parent)
- expandDescendant(parent, oldRoot)
- }
- }
- /** Focus the browser on the currently selected folder */
- def goInto(): Unit = getSelectedFile.foreach(reset(_))
- /** Returns the file currently selected in the tree */
- def getSelectedFile(): Option[File] = {
- val selectionPath = peer.getSelectionModel.getSelectionPath
- if (selectionPath != null && selectionPath.getPathCount > 0 && selectionPath.getLastPathComponent != null)
- Some(selectionPath.getLastPathComponent.asInstanceOf[TreeFile])
- else None
- }
- /*
- * If the user opened or saved the current file to a new name, check if the
- * path needs to be adjusted.
- */
- override def stateChanged(e: ChangeEvent) {
- val ca = e.getSource.asInstanceOf[CodeArea]
- val f = peer.getModel.getRoot.asInstanceOf[File]
- // Check what was selected through File > Open
- ca.currentFile.foreach { file =>
- if (GraphicalMain.syncEditorWithBrowser) focus(file)
- if (file.isDirectory) peer.clearSelection
- }
- }
- }
- private class TreeFile(parent: File, child: String) extends File(parent, child) {
- /** Show file name (and not the absolute path) in the tree */
- override def toString() = getName
- }
- class FileSystemModel(rootDirectory: File) extends TreeModel {
- private val listeners: Buffer[TreeModelListener] = new ArrayBuffer
- override def getRoot() = rootDirectory
- override def getChild(parent: Object, index: Int): Object = {
- val directory = parent.asInstanceOf[File]
- val children = directory.listFiles.filter(CodeArea.acumenFileFilter.accept(_)).map(_.getName)
- new TreeFile(directory, children(index))
- }
- def getChildCount(parent: Object): Int = {
- val file = parent.asInstanceOf[File]
- if (file.isDirectory) {
- val fileList = file.listFiles.filter(CodeArea.acumenFileFilter.accept(_))
- if (fileList == null) 0
- else fileList.length
- }
- else 0
- }
- def isLeaf(node: Object) = node.asInstanceOf[File].isFile;
- def getIndexOfChild(parent: Object, child: Object): Int = {
- val directory = parent.asInstanceOf[File]
- val file = child.asInstanceOf[File]
- directory.listFiles.filter(CodeArea.acumenFileFilter.accept(_)).indexWhere(_ == file.getName)
- }
- def valueForPathChanged(path: TreePath, value: Object) {
- val oldFile = path.getLastPathComponent.asInstanceOf[File]
- val fileParentPath = oldFile.getParent
- val newFileName = value.asInstanceOf[String]
- val targetFile = new File(fileParentPath, newFileName)
- oldFile.renameTo(targetFile)
- val parent = new File(fileParentPath)
- val changedChildrenIndices = List(getIndexOfChild(parent, targetFile)).toArray
- val changedChildren = List(targetFile.asInstanceOf[Object]).toArray
- fireTreeNodesChanged(path.getParentPath, changedChildrenIndices, changedChildren);
- }
- private def fireTreeNodesChanged(parentPath: TreePath, indices: Array[Int], children: Array[Object]) = {
- val event = new TreeModelEvent(this, parentPath, indices, children)
- for (l <- listeners) l.treeNodesChanged(event)
- }
- def addTreeModelListener(listener: TreeModelListener) { listeners += listener }
- def removeTreeModelListener(listener: TreeModelListener) { listeners -= listener }
- }