Python | 282 lines | 252 code | 11 blank | 19 comment | 29 complexity | 5269a4ea3fa127d93a5bf2bcb57c5716 MD5 | raw file
- """
- Sync Media to S3
- ================
- Django command that scans all files in your settings.MEDIA_ROOT folder and
- uploads them to S3 with the same directory structure.
- This command can optionally do the following but it is off by default:
- * gzip compress any CSS and Javascript files it finds and adds the appropriate
- 'Content-Encoding' header.
- * set a far future 'Expires' header for optimal caching.
- Note: This script requires the Python boto library and valid Amazon Web
- Services API keys.
- Required settings.py variables:
- Command options are:
- -p PREFIX, --prefix=PREFIX
- The prefix to prepend to the path on S3.
- --gzip Enables gzipping CSS and Javascript files.
- --expires Enables setting a far future expires header.
- --force Skip the file mtime check to force upload of all
- files.
- --filter-list Override default directory and file exclusion
- filters. (enter as comma seperated line)
- --renamegzip Enables renaming of gzipped files by appending '.gz.
- to the original file name. This way your original assets
- will not be replaced by the gzipped ones if you don't want
- them to be.
- * Use fnmatch (or regex) to allow more complex FILTER_LIST rules.
- """
- import datetime
- import email
- import mimetypes
- import optparse
- import os
- import sys
- import time
- from django.conf import settings
- from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError
- # Make sure boto is available
- try:
- import boto
- import boto.exception
- except ImportError:
- raise ImportError, "The boto Python library is not installed."
- class Command(BaseCommand):
- # Extra variables to avoid passing these around
- FILTER_LIST = ['.DS_Store', '.svn', '.hg', '.git', 'Thumbs.db']
- 'text/css',
- 'application/javascript',
- 'application/x-javascript',
- 'text/javascript'
- )
- upload_count = 0
- skip_count = 0
- option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
- optparse.make_option('-p', '--prefix',
- dest='prefix',
- default=getattr(settings, 'SYNC_MEDIA_S3_PREFIX', ''),
- help="The prefix to prepend to the path on S3."),
- optparse.make_option('-d', '--dir',
- dest='dir', default=settings.MEDIA_ROOT,
- help="The root directory to use instead of your MEDIA_ROOT"),
- optparse.make_option('--gzip',
- action='store_true', dest='gzip', default=False,
- help="Enables gzipping CSS and Javascript files."),
- optparse.make_option('--renamegzip',
- action='store_true', dest='renamegzip', default=False,
- help="Enables renaming of gzipped assets to have '.gz' appended to the filename."),
- optparse.make_option('--expires',
- action='store_true', dest='expires', default=False,
- help="Enables setting a far future expires header."),
- optparse.make_option('--force',
- action='store_true', dest='force', default=False,
- help="Skip the file mtime check to force upload of all files."),
- optparse.make_option('--filter-list', dest='filter_list',
- action='store', default='',
- help="Override default directory and file exclusion filters. (enter as comma seperated line)"),
- )
- help = 'Syncs the complete MEDIA_ROOT structure and files to S3 into the given bucket name.'
- args = 'bucket_name'
- can_import_settings = True
- def handle(self, *args, **options):
- # Check for AWS keys in settings
- if not hasattr(settings, 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') or \
- not hasattr(settings, 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'):
- raise CommandError('Missing AWS keys from settings file. Please' +
- else:
- if not hasattr(settings, 'AWS_BUCKET_NAME'):
- raise CommandError('Missing bucket name from settings file. Please' +
- ' add the AWS_BUCKET_NAME to your settings file.')
- else:
- if not settings.AWS_BUCKET_NAME:
- raise CommandError('AWS_BUCKET_NAME cannot be empty.')
- if not hasattr(settings, 'MEDIA_ROOT'):
- raise CommandError('MEDIA_ROOT must be set in your settings.')
- else:
- if not settings.MEDIA_ROOT:
- raise CommandError('MEDIA_ROOT must be set in your settings.')
- self.verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity'))
- self.prefix = options.get('prefix')
- self.do_gzip = options.get('gzip')
- self.rename_gzip = options.get('renamegzip')
- self.do_expires = options.get('expires')
- self.do_force = options.get('force')
- self.DIRECTORY = options.get('dir')
- self.FILTER_LIST = getattr(settings, 'FILTER_LIST', self.FILTER_LIST)
- filter_list = options.get('filter_list')
- if filter_list:
- # command line option overrides default filter_list and
- # settings.filter_list
- self.FILTER_LIST = filter_list.split(',')
- # Now call the syncing method to walk the MEDIA_ROOT directory and
- # upload all files found.
- self.sync_s3()
- print
- print "%d files uploaded." % (self.upload_count)
- print "%d files skipped." % (self.skip_count)
- def sync_s3(self):
- """
- Walks the media directory and syncs files to S3
- """
- bucket, key = self.open_s3()
- os.path.walk(self.DIRECTORY, self.upload_s3,
- (bucket, key, self.AWS_BUCKET_NAME, self.DIRECTORY))
- def compress_string(self, s):
- """Gzip a given string."""
- import gzip
- try:
- from cStringIO import StringIO
- except ImportError:
- from StringIO import StringIO
- zbuf = StringIO()
- zfile = gzip.GzipFile(mode='wb', compresslevel=6, fileobj=zbuf)
- zfile.write(s)
- zfile.close()
- return zbuf.getvalue()
- def open_s3(self):
- """
- Opens connection to S3 returning bucket and key
- """
- conn = boto.connect_s3(self.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, self.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)
- try:
- bucket = conn.get_bucket(self.AWS_BUCKET_NAME)
- except boto.exception.S3ResponseError:
- bucket = conn.create_bucket(self.AWS_BUCKET_NAME)
- return bucket, boto.s3.key.Key(bucket)
- def upload_s3(self, arg, dirname, names):
- """
- This is the callback to os.path.walk and where much of the work happens
- """
- bucket, key, bucket_name, root_dir = arg
- # Skip directories we don't want to sync
- if os.path.basename(dirname) in self.FILTER_LIST:
- # prevent walk from processing subfiles/subdirs below the ignored one
- del names[:]
- return
- # Later we assume the MEDIA_ROOT ends with a trailing slash
- if not root_dir.endswith(os.path.sep):
- root_dir = root_dir + os.path.sep
- for file in names:
- headers = {}
- if file in self.FILTER_LIST:
- continue # Skip files we don't want to sync
- filename = os.path.join(dirname, file)
- if os.path.isdir(filename):
- continue # Don't try to upload directories
- file_key = filename[len(root_dir):]
- if self.prefix:
- file_key = '%s/%s' % (self.prefix, file_key)
- # Check if file on S3 is older than local file, if so, upload
- if not self.do_force:
- s3_key = bucket.get_key(file_key)
- if s3_key:
- s3_datetime = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(
- s3_key.last_modified, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z')[0:6])
- local_datetime = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
- os.stat(filename).st_mtime)
- if local_datetime < s3_datetime:
- self.skip_count += 1
- if self.verbosity > 1:
- print "File %s hasn't been modified since last " \
- "being uploaded" % (file_key)
- continue
- # File is newer, let's process and upload
- if self.verbosity > 0:
- print "Uploading %s..." % (file_key)
- content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0]
- if content_type:
- headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
- file_obj = open(filename, 'rb')
- file_size = os.fstat(file_obj.fileno()).st_size
- filedata = file_obj.read()
- if self.do_gzip:
- # Gzipping only if file is large enough (>1K is recommended)
- # and only if file is a common text type (not a binary file)
- if file_size > 1024 and content_type in self.GZIP_CONTENT_TYPES:
- filedata = self.compress_string(filedata)
- if self.rename_gzip:
- #If rename_gzip is True, then rename the file by appending '.gz' to original filename
- file_key = '%s.gz' % (file_key)
- headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip'
- if self.verbosity > 1:
- print "\tgzipped: %dk to %dk" % \
- (file_size / 1024, len(filedata) / 1024)
- if self.do_expires:
- # HTTP/1.0
- headers['Expires'] = '%s GMT' % (email.Utils.formatdate(
- time.mktime((datetime.datetime.now() +
- datetime.timedelta(days=365 * 2)).timetuple())))
- # HTTP/1.1
- headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age %d' % (3600 * 24 * 365 * 2)
- if self.verbosity > 1:
- print "\texpires: %s" % (headers['Expires'])
- print "\tcache-control: %s" % (headers['Cache-Control'])
- try:
- key.name = file_key
- key.set_contents_from_string(filedata, headers, replace=True)
- key.set_acl('public-read')
- except boto.exception.S3CreateError, e:
- print "Failed: %s" % e
- except Exception, e:
- print e
- raise
- else:
- self.upload_count += 1
- file_obj.close()
- # Backwards compatibility for Django r9110
- if not [opt for opt in Command.option_list if opt.dest == 'verbosity']:
- Command.option_list += (
- optparse.make_option('-v', '--verbosity',
- dest='verbosity', default=1, action='count',
- help="Verbose mode. Multiple -v options increase the verbosity."),
- )