Scala | 176 lines | 133 code | 43 blank | 0 comment | 1 complexity | 0d1ace803c60bb8219670afbae97144b MD5 | raw file
- package com.cyrusinnovation.inquisition.tags.mongodb
- import org.scalatest.matchers.ShouldMatchers
- import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoConnection
- import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterEach, FunSuite}
- import com.cyrusinnovation.inquisition.questions.Question
- import com.cyrusinnovation.inquisition.questions.mongodb.MongoQuestionRepository
- import org.junit.runner.RunWith
- import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
- import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject
- @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner])
- class MongoTagsRepositoryTest extends FunSuite with ShouldMatchers with BeforeAndAfterEach {
- val con = MongoConnection()
- val TestDbName = "test_inquisition"
- val db = con(TestDbName)
- val questionRepository = new MongoQuestionRepository(db)
- val tagRepository = new MongoTagRepository(db)
- override def beforeEach() {
- db("tags").remove(MongoDBObject())
- db("questions").remove(MongoDBObject())
- }
- def uniqueQuestion(title: String = "How do I use MongoDB?"): Question = {
- Question(id = None, title = title + " " + System.nanoTime(), creatorUsername = "tester", body = "The question body.")
- }
- test("find all unqiue question tags") {
- questionRepository.save(uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = List("java", "spring")));
- questionRepository.save(uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = List("scala", "spring")));
- questionRepository.findQuestionCount() should equal(2)
- val uniqueTags = tagRepository.findUniqueTagNamesOrderedByTagName()
- uniqueTags should equal(List("java", "scala", "spring"))
- }
- test("find most popular tags") {
- val correctQuestion = questionRepository.save(uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = List("java", "spring")));
- questionRepository.save(uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = List("scala", "spring")));
- val tags = tagRepository.findMostPopularTags(1)
- tags should have size (1)
- tags.head should equal(("spring" -> 2))
- }
- test("find most popular tags in the right order") {
- questionRepository.save(uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = List("java", "spring")));
- questionRepository.save(uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = List("scala", "spring")));
- questionRepository.save(uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = List("java", "spring")));
- questionRepository.save(uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = List("java", "spring")));
- val tags = tagRepository.findMostPopularTags(3)
- tags should have size (3)
- tags.head should equal(("spring" -> 4))
- tags.get("java").get should equal(3.0)
- tags.get("scala").get should equal(1.0)
- }
- test("find most popular tags with no tags in the system") {
- val tags = tagRepository.findMostPopularTags(1)
- tags should have size (0)
- }
- test("find questions with given tag") {
- val correctQuestion = questionRepository.save(uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = List("java", "spring")));
- questionRepository.save(uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = List("scala", "spring")));
- questionRepository.findQuestionCount() should equal(2)
- val question = tagRepository.findQuestionsByTag("java")
- question.length should be(1)
- question.head should equal(correctQuestion)
- }
- test("can do simple tag search") {
- questionRepository.save(uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = List("java")));
- questionRepository.save(uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = List("scala")));
- questionRepository.findQuestionCount() should equal(2)
- val results = tagRepository.findQuestionsByTags(List("java", "scala"))
- results.length should be(2)
- }
- test("simple tag search only returns items with matching tags") {
- val answer = questionRepository.save(uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = List("java")));
- questionRepository.save(uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = List("scala")));
- questionRepository.findQuestionCount() should equal(2)
- val results = tagRepository.findQuestionsByTags(List("java"))
- results.length should be(1)
- results.head should equal(answer)
- }
- test("Can find tags matching a given prefix") {
- val question = uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = List("abc", "def", "ghi", "atag"))
- questionRepository.save(question)
- tagRepository.findMostPopularTags(1)
- val tags = tagRepository.findTagsByPrefix("a", 10)
- tags should have length (2)
- tags.head should equal("abc")
- tags.tail.head should equal("atag")
- }
- test("Can find tags matching a given prefix with a limit") {
- val question = uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = List("abc", "def", "ghi", "atag"))
- questionRepository.save(question)
- tagRepository.findMostPopularTags(1)
- val tags = tagRepository.findTagsByPrefix("a", 1)
- tags should have length (1)
- tags.head should equal("abc")
- tags should not contain ("atag")
- }
- test("Can remove a tag from a given question") {
- val tags = List("abc", "def", "ghi")
- val question = uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = "atag" :: tags)
- val savedQuestion = questionRepository.save(question)
- tagRepository.deleteTagFromQuestion(savedQuestion.id.get, "atag")
- val retrievedQuestion = questionRepository.findById(savedQuestion.id.get)
- retrievedQuestion.get.tags should equal(tags)
- }
- test("No exception is thrown if a non existant tag is removed from a question") {
- val tags = List("abc", "def", "ghi")
- val question = uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = tags)
- val savedQuestion = questionRepository.save(question)
- tagRepository.deleteTagFromQuestion(savedQuestion.id.get, "aNonExistant")
- val retrievedQuestion = questionRepository.findById(savedQuestion.id.get)
- retrievedQuestion.get.tags should equal(tags)
- }
- test("Can add a tag to a given question") {
- val question = uniqueQuestion()
- val savedQuestion = questionRepository.save(question)
- tagRepository.addTagToQuestion(savedQuestion.id.get, "atag")
- val retrievedQuestion = questionRepository.findById(savedQuestion.id.get)
- retrievedQuestion.get.tags should contain("atag")
- }
- test("No exception is thrown if an existant tag is added to a question") {
- val tags = List("abc", "def", "ghi")
- val question = uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = tags)
- val savedQuestion = questionRepository.save(question)
- tagRepository.addTagToQuestion(savedQuestion.id.get, "abc")
- val retrievedQuestion = questionRepository.findById(savedQuestion.id.get)
- retrievedQuestion.get.tags should equal(tags)
- }
- test("No duplicate tag is created if an existant tag is added to a question") {
- val tags = List("abc", "def", "ghi")
- val question = uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = tags)
- val savedQuestion = questionRepository.save(question)
- tagRepository.addTagToQuestion(savedQuestion.id.get, "abc")
- val retrievedQuestion = questionRepository.findById(savedQuestion.id.get)
- retrievedQuestion.get.tags.count(x => x == "abc") should be(1)
- }
- }