Python | 240 lines | 236 code | 0 blank | 4 comment | 3 complexity | eefb63240fce30fd308e5c95515895ec MD5 | raw file
- #! /usr/bin/env python
- # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- """this app will submit crashes to a socorro collector"""
- import time
- import json
- from os import (
- path,
- listdir
- )
- from configman import Namespace
- from socorrolib.app.fetch_transform_save_app import (
- FetchTransformSaveWithSeparateNewCrashSourceApp,
- main
- )
- from socorro.external.crashstorage_base import (
- CrashStorageBase,
- FileDumpsMapping,
- )
- from socorro.external.fs.filesystem import findFileGenerator
- from socorrolib.lib.util import DotDict
- #==============================================================================
- class SubmitterFileSystemWalkerSource(CrashStorageBase):
- """This is a crashstorage derivative that can walk an arbitrary file
- system path looking for crashes. The new_crashes generator yields
- pathnames rather than crash_ids - so it is not compatible with other
- instances of the CrashStorageSystem."""
- required_config = Namespace()
- required_config.add_option(
- 'search_root',
- doc="a filesystem location to begin a search for raw crash/dump sets",
- short_form='s',
- default=None
- )
- required_config.add_option(
- 'dump_suffix',
- doc="the standard file extension for dumps",
- default='.dump'
- )
- required_config.add_option(
- 'dump_field',
- doc="the default name for the main dump",
- default='upload_file_minidump'
- )
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def __init__(self, config, quit_check_callback=None):
- if isinstance(quit_check_callback, basestring):
- # this class is being used as a 'new_crash_source' and the name
- # of the app has been passed - we can ignore it
- quit_check_callback = None
- super(SubmitterFileSystemWalkerSource, self).__init__(
- config,
- quit_check_callback
- )
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_raw_crash(self, (prefix, path_tuple)):
- """the default implemntation of fetching a raw_crash
- parameters:
- path_tuple - a tuple of paths. the first element is the raw_crash
- pathname"""
- with open(path_tuple[0]) as raw_crash_fp:
- return DotDict(json.load(raw_crash_fp))
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_unredacted_processed(self, (prefix, path_tuple)):
- """the default implemntation of fetching a processed_crash
- parameters:
- path_tuple - a tuple of paths. the first element is the raw_crash
- pathname"""
- with open(path_tuple[0]) as processed_crash_fp:
- return DotDict(json.load(processed_crash_fp))
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_raw_dumps(self, prefix_path_tuple):
- file_dumps_mapping = self.get_raw_dumps_as_files(prefix_path_tuple)
- return file_dumps_mapping.as_memory_dumps_mapping()
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_raw_dumps_as_files(self, prefix_path_tuple):
- """the default implemntation of fetching a dump.
- parameters:
- dump_pathnames - a tuple of paths. the second element and beyond are
- the dump pathnames"""
- prefix, dump_pathnames = prefix_path_tuple
- return FileDumpsMapping(
- zip(
- self._dump_names_from_pathnames(dump_pathnames[1:]),
- dump_pathnames[1:]
- )
- )
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _dump_names_from_pathnames(self, pathnames):
- """Given a list of pathnames of this form:
- (uuid[.name].dump)+
- This function will return a list of just the name part of the path.
- in the case where there is no name, it will use the default dump
- name from configuration.
- example:
- ['6611a662-e70f-4ba5-a397-69a3a2121129.dump',
- '6611a662-e70f-4ba5-a397-69a3a2121129.flash1.dump',
- '6611a662-e70f-4ba5-a397-69a3a2121129.flash2.dump',
- ]
- returns
- ['upload_file_minidump', 'flash1', 'flash2']
- """
- prefix = path.commonprefix([path.basename(x) for x in pathnames])
- prefix_length = len(prefix)
- dump_names = []
- for a_pathname in pathnames:
- base_name = path.basename(a_pathname)
- dump_name = base_name[prefix_length:-len(self.config.dump_suffix)]
- if not dump_name:
- dump_name = self.config.dump_field
- dump_names.append(dump_name)
- return dump_names
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def new_crashes(self):
- # loop over all files under the search_root that have a suffix of
- # ".json"
- for a_path, a_file_name, raw_crash_pathname in findFileGenerator(
- self.config.search_root,
- lambda x: x[2].endswith(".json")
- ):
- prefix = path.splitext(a_file_name)[0]
- crash_pathnames = [raw_crash_pathname]
- for dumpfilename in listdir(a_path):
- if (dumpfilename.startswith(prefix) and
- dumpfilename.endswith(self.config.dump_suffix)):
- crash_pathnames.append(
- path.join(a_path, dumpfilename)
- )
- # yield the pathnames of all the crash parts - normally, this
- # method in a crashstorage class yields just a crash_id. In this
- # case however, we have only pathnames to work with. So we return
- # this (args, kwargs) form instead
- yield (((prefix, crash_pathnames), ), {})
- #==============================================================================
- # this class was relocated to a more appropriate module and given a new name.
- # This import is offered for backwards compatibilty. Note, that there has also
- # been an internal change to the required config, with the source
- # implementation moved into a namespace
- from socorro.external.postgresql.new_crash_source import (
- DBCrashStorageWrapperNewCrashSource as DBSamplingCrashSource
- )
- #==============================================================================
- class SubmitterApp(FetchTransformSaveWithSeparateNewCrashSourceApp):
- app_name = 'submitter_app'
- app_version = '3.1'
- app_description = __doc__
- required_config = Namespace()
- required_config.namespace('submitter')
- required_config.submitter.add_option(
- 'delay',
- doc="pause between submission queuing in milliseconds",
- default='0',
- from_string_converter=lambda x: float(x) / 1000.0
- )
- required_config.submitter.add_option(
- 'dry_run',
- doc="don't actually submit, just print product/version from raw crash",
- short_form='D',
- default=False
- )
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @staticmethod
- def get_application_defaults():
- return {
- "source.crashstorage_class": SubmitterFileSystemWalkerSource,
- "destination.crashstorage_class":
- 'socorro.collector.breakpad_submitter_utilities'
- '.BreakpadPOSTDestination',
- "number_of_submissions": "all",
- }
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _action_between_each_iteration(self):
- if self.config.submitter.delay:
- time.sleep(self.config.submitter.delay)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _action_after_iteration_completes(self):
- self.config.logger.info(
- 'the queuing iterator is exhausted - waiting to quit'
- )
- self.task_manager.wait_for_empty_queue(
- 5,
- "waiting for the queue to drain before quitting"
- )
- time.sleep(self.config.producer_consumer.number_of_threads * 2)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _filter_disallowed_values(self, current_value):
- """in this base class there are no disallowed values coming from the
- iterators. Other users of these iterator may have some standards and
- can detect and reject them here"""
- return current_value is None
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _transform(self, crash_id):
- """this transform function only transfers raw data from the
- source to the destination without changing the data."""
- if self.config.submitter.dry_run:
- print crash_id
- else:
- raw_crash = self.source.get_raw_crash(crash_id)
- dumps = self.source.get_raw_dumps_as_files(crash_id)
- self.destination.save_raw_crash_with_file_dumps(
- raw_crash,
- dumps,
- crash_id
- )
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main(SubmitterApp)