Python | 108 lines | 81 code | 10 blank | 17 comment | 17 complexity | dc9df36e9383d9ee9a7eb36514ebcbfe MD5 | raw file
- """Converts Illumina SampleSheet CSV files to the run_info.yaml input file.
- This allows running the analysis pipeline without Galaxy, using CSV input
- files from Illumina SampleSheet or Genesifter.
- """
- import os
- import sys
- import csv
- import itertools
- import difflib
- import glob
- import yaml
- from bcbio.solexa.flowcell import (get_flowcell_info)
- from bcbio import utils
- def _organize_lanes(info_iter, barcode_ids):
- """Organize flat lane information into nested YAML structure.
- """
- all_lanes = []
- for (fcid, lane, sampleref), info in itertools.groupby(info_iter, lambda x: (x[0], x[1], x[1])):
- info = list(info)
- cur_lane = dict(flowcell_id=fcid, lane=lane, genome_build=info[0][3], analysis="Standard")
- if not _has_barcode(info):
- cur_lane["description"] = info[0][1]
- else: # barcoded sample
- cur_lane["description"] = "Barcoded lane %s" % lane
- multiplex = []
- for (_, _, sample_id, _, bc_seq) in info:
- bc_type, bc_id = barcode_ids[bc_seq]
- multiplex.append(dict(barcode_type=bc_type,
- barcode_id=bc_id,
- sequence=bc_seq,
- name=sample_id))
- cur_lane["multiplex"] = multiplex
- all_lanes.append(cur_lane)
- return all_lanes
- def _has_barcode(sample):
- if sample[0][4]:
- return True
- def _generate_barcode_ids(info_iter):
- """Create unique barcode IDs assigned to sequences
- """
- bc_type = "SampleSheet"
- barcodes = list(set([x[-1] for x in info_iter]))
- barcodes.sort()
- barcode_ids = {}
- for i, bc in enumerate(barcodes):
- barcode_ids[bc] = (bc_type, i+1)
- return barcode_ids
- def _read_input_csv(in_file):
- """Parse useful details from SampleSheet CSV file.
- """
- with open(in_file, "rU") as in_handle:
- reader = csv.reader(in_handle)
- reader.next() # header
- for line in reader:
- if line: # empty lines
- (fc_id, lane, sample_id, genome, barcode) = line[:5]
- yield fc_id, lane, sample_id, genome, barcode
- def _get_flowcell_id(in_file, require_single=True):
- """Retrieve the unique flowcell id represented in the SampleSheet.
- """
- fc_ids = set([x[0] for x in _read_input_csv(in_file)])
- if require_single and len(fc_ids) > 1:
- raise ValueError("There are several FCIDs in the same samplesheet file: %s" % in_file)
- else:
- return fc_ids
- def csv2yaml(in_file, out_file=None):
- """Convert a CSV SampleSheet to YAML run_info format.
- """
- if out_file is None:
- out_file = "%s.yaml" % os.path.splitext(in_file)[0]
- barcode_ids = _generate_barcode_ids(_read_input_csv(in_file))
- lanes = _organize_lanes(_read_input_csv(in_file), barcode_ids)
- with open(out_file, "w") as out_handle:
- out_handle.write(yaml.dump(lanes, default_flow_style=False))
- return out_file
- def run_has_samplesheet(fc_dir, config, require_single=True):
- """Checks if there's a suitable SampleSheet.csv present for the run
- """
- fc_name, _ = get_flowcell_info(fc_dir)
- sheet_dirs = config.get("samplesheet_directories", [])
- fcid_sheet = {}
- for ss_dir in (s for s in sheet_dirs if os.path.exists(s)):
- with utils.chdir(ss_dir):
- for ss in glob.glob("*.csv"):
- fc_ids = _get_flowcell_id(ss, require_single)
- for fcid in fc_ids:
- if fcid:
- fcid_sheet[fcid] = os.path.join(ss_dir, ss)
- # difflib handles human errors while entering data on the SampleSheet.
- # Only one best candidate is returned (if any). 0.85 cutoff allows for
- # maximum of 2 mismatches in fcid
- potential_fcids = difflib.get_close_matches(fc_name, fcid_sheet.keys(), 1, 0.85)
- if len(potential_fcids) > 0 and fcid_sheet.has_key(potential_fcids[0]):
- return fcid_sheet[potential_fcids[0]]
- else:
- return None