PHP | 568 lines | 537 code | 18 blank | 13 comment | 180 complexity | 60690e666980da4ecf2ae1f754276c15 MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //| Content Management System SiMan CMS |
- //| http://www.simancms.org |
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- Module Name: Content
- Module URI: http://simancms.org/modules/content/
- Description: Pages management. Base CMS module
- Version: 1.6.21
- Revision: 2021-10-31
- Author URI: http://simancms.org/
- */
- use SM\SM;
- if (!defined("SIMAN_DEFINED"))
- exit('Hacking attempt!');
- {
- function siman_load_ctgs_content($id_mainctg = -1, $extsql = '')
- {
- $addsql='';
- if (!empty($extsql))
- $addsql = ' WHERE '.$extsql;
- if ($id_mainctg >= 0)
- {
- if (empty($addsql))
- $addsql = " WHERE ";
- else
- $addsql .= " AND ";
- $addsql .= " id_maincategory=".intval($id_mainctg);
- }
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".sm_table_prefix()."categories $addsql";
- $sql .= " ORDER BY id_maincategory, IF(id_category=1, 0, 1), title_category";
- $result = execsql($sql);
- $i = 0;
- $ctg=[];
- while ($row = database_fetch_assoc($result))
- {
- $ctg[$i]['id'] = $row['id_category'];
- $ctg[$i]['title'] = $row['title_category'];
- $ctg[$i]['can_view'] = $row['can_view'];
- $ctg[$i]['main_ctg'] = $row['id_maincategory'];
- $ctg[$i]['sorting_category'] = $row['sorting_category'];
- $ctg[$i]['preview_category'] = $row['preview_category'];
- $ctg[$i]['groups_view'] = $row['groups_view'];
- $ctg[$i]['groups_modify'] = $row['groups_modify'];
- $ctg[$i]['level'] = 1;
- $ctg[$i]['filename'] = sm_fs_url('index.php?m=content&d=viewctg&ctgid='.$row['id_category']);
- $i++;
- }
- for ($i = 0; $i < sm_count($ctg); $i++)
- {
- $pos[$i] = 0;
- }
- for ($i = 0; $i < sm_count($ctg); $i++)
- {
- if ($ctg[$i]['main_ctg'] == 0)
- {
- $maxpos = 0;
- for ($j = 0; $j < sm_count($ctg); $j++)
- {
- if ($maxpos < $pos[$j])
- $maxpos = $pos[$j];
- }
- $pos[$i] = $maxpos + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- $rootpos = 0;
- $childpos = -1;
- for ($j = 0; $j < sm_count($ctg); $j++)
- {
- if ($ctg[$j]['id'] == $ctg[$i]['main_ctg'])
- {
- $rootpos = $pos[$j];
- $ctg[$i]['level'] = $ctg[$j]['level'] + 1;
- $ctg[$j]['is_mainctg'] = 1;
- }
- if ($ctg[$j]['main_ctg'] == $ctg[$i]['main_ctg'] && $j != $i && $childpos < $pos[$j])
- $childpos = $pos[$j];
- }
- $pos[$i] = ($rootpos > $childpos) ? ($rootpos + 1) : ($childpos + 1);
- for ($j = 0; $j < sm_count($ctg); $j++)
- {
- if ($pos[$j] >= $pos[$i] && $j != $i)
- $pos[$j]++;
- }
- }
- }
- $rctg=[];
- for ($i = 0; $i < sm_count($ctg); $i++)
- {
- $rctg[$pos[$i] - 1] = $ctg[$i];
- }
- return $rctg;
- }
- }
- $tmp_load_preview_only = 0;
- $tmp_dont_set_title = 0;
- sm_default_action('view');
- if (sm_action('view'))
- {
- if (!empty($m['bid'])) $m['cid'] = intval($m['bid']);
- $content_id = intval(sm_get_array_value($m, 'cid'));
- if (empty($content_id) && sm_is_main_block())
- {
- $content_id = intval(sm_getvars('cid'));
- if (sm_is_index_page() && empty($content_id))
- $content_id=1;
- }
- if (empty($content_id))
- {
- sm_title($lang['error']);
- $m['text'] = $lang['messages']['nothing_found'];
- $content_error = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- sm_template('content');
- sm_page_viewid('content-view-'.$content_id);
- $sql = "SELECT ".sm_table_prefix()."content.*, ".sm_table_prefix()."categories.* FROM ".sm_table_prefix()."content, ".sm_table_prefix()."categories WHERE ".sm_table_prefix()."content.id_category_c=".sm_table_prefix()."categories.id_category AND id_content=".intval($content_id);
- if (sm_is_main_block())
- $sql .= " AND refuse_direct_show <> 1";
- $sql .= " LIMIT 1";
- }
- if (intval(sm_settings('allow_alike_content')) != 1)
- $tmp_no_alike_content = true;
- }
- if (sm_action('viewlast') || sm_action('viewfirst'))
- {
- sm_page_viewid('content-viewlast');
- sm_template('content');
- $tmp_ctg = intval(sm_getvars('ctg'));
- $sql = "SELECT ".sm_table_prefix()."content.*, ".sm_table_prefix()."categories.* FROM ".sm_table_prefix()."content, ".sm_table_prefix()."categories WHERE ".sm_table_prefix()."content.id_category_c=".sm_table_prefix()."categories.id_category";
- if (!empty($tmp_ctg))
- $sql .= " AND ".sm_table_prefix()."content.id_category_c=".intval($tmp_ctg);
- if (sm_action('viewlast'))
- $sql .= " ORDER BY ".sm_table_prefix()."content.id_content DESC LIMIT 1";
- else
- $sql .= " ORDER BY ".sm_table_prefix()."content.id_content ASC LIMIT 1";
- $m["mode"] = 'view';
- if (sm_settings('allow_alike_content')!=1)
- $tmp_no_alike_content = true;
- }
- if (sm_action('multiview'))
- {
- sm_template('content');
- if (!empty($m["bid"]))
- $ctg_id = intval($m["bid"]);
- else
- $ctg_id = intval(sm_getvars('ctgid'));
- if (!empty($ctg_id))
- {
- sm_page_viewid('content-multiview-'.$ctg_id);
- $m['subcategories'] = siman_load_ctgs_content($ctg_id);
- $m['subcategories_present'] = 1;
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".sm_table_prefix()."categories WHERE id_category=".intval($ctg_id);
- $result = execsql($sql);
- while ($row = database_fetch_object($result))
- {
- $m['category']['id_ctg'] = $row->id_category;
- $m['category']['title_category'] = $row->title_category;
- $m['category']['category_can_view'] = $row->can_view;
- $m['category']['main_ctg'] = $row->id_maincategory;
- $m['category']['preview_ctg'] = $row->preview_category;
- }
- }
- else
- sm_page_viewid('content-multiview');
- $sql = "SELECT ".sm_table_prefix()."content.*, ".sm_table_prefix()."categories.* FROM ".sm_table_prefix()."content, ".sm_table_prefix()."categories WHERE ".sm_table_prefix()."content.id_category_c=".sm_table_prefix()."categories.id_category";
- $sql .= ' AND '.sm_table_prefix().'categories.can_view<='.SM::User()->Level();
- if (!empty($ctg_id))
- $sql .= ' AND '.sm_table_prefix().'content.id_category_c='.intval($ctg_id);
- $sql .= ' ORDER BY '.sm_table_prefix().'content.priority_content DESC"';
- if (sm_settings('content_multiview') == 'off')
- {
- $sql .= ' LIMIT 1';
- }
- else
- {
- if (!empty(sm_getvars('count')))
- {
- if (is_numeric(sm_getvars('count')))
- $sql .= ' LIMIT '.intval(sm_getvars('count'));
- else
- $sql .= ' LIMIT '.intval(sm_settings('content_per_page_multiview'));
- }
- else
- {
- $sql .= ' LIMIT '.intval(sm_settings('content_per_page_multiview'));
- }
- }
- $tmp_dont_set_title = 1;
- $tmp_load_preview_only = 1;
- $tmp_no_alike_content = true;
- $m["mode"] = 'view';
- }
- if (sm_action('rndctgview'))
- {
- sm_page_viewid('content-rndctgview');
- sm_template('content');
- if (!empty($m["bid"]))
- $ctg_id = intval($m["bid"]);
- else
- $ctg_id = intval(sm_getvars('ctgid'));
- $sql = "SELECT ".database_get_fn_name('rand')."() as rndrow,".sm_table_prefix()."content.*, ".sm_table_prefix()."categories.* FROM ".sm_table_prefix()."content, ".sm_table_prefix()."categories WHERE ".sm_table_prefix()."content.id_category_c=".sm_table_prefix()."categories.id_category";
- $sql .= ' AND '.sm_table_prefix().'categories.can_view<='.SM::User()->Level();
- if (!empty($ctg_id))
- $sql .= ' AND '.sm_table_prefix().'content.id_category_c='.intval($ctg_id);
- $sql .= ' ORDER BY rndrow LIMIT 1';
- $m["mode"] = 'view';
- $tmp_no_alike_content = true;
- }
- if (sm_action('view'))
- {
- if (!isset($content_error) || $content_error != 1)
- {
- if (!isset($tmp_no_alike_content))
- $tmp_no_alike_content=false;
- $result = execsql($sql);
- $i = 0;
- while ($row = database_fetch_assoc($result))
- {
- if ($row['type_content'] == 2)
- {
- @header('Content-type: text/plain; charset='.sm_encoding());
- print($row['text_content']);
- exit();
- }
- sm_event('onbeforecontentprocessing', $i);
- if (sm_is_main_block() && $i==0 && !empty($content_id))
- sm_meta_canonical(sm_fs_url('index.php?m=content&d=view&cid='.$content_id));
- if (!isset($content_id))
- $content_id=intval($row['id_content']);
- $m['content'][$i]["title"] = $row['title_content'];
- sm_add_title_modifier($m['content'][$i]["title"]);
- if ($tmp_dont_set_title != 1)
- sm_title($m['content'][$i]["title"]);
- if ($tmp_load_preview_only == 1)
- {
- $m['content'][$i]["text"] = $row['preview_content'];
- if (empty($m['content'][$i]["text"]))
- $m['content'][$i]["text"] = cut_str_by_word($row['text_content'], 300, '...');
- $m['content'][$i]['fullink'] = sm_fs_url('index.php?m=content&d=view&cid='.$row['id_content']);
- }
- else
- $m['content'][$i]["text"] = $row['text_content'];
- sm_add_content_modifier($m['content'][$i]["text"]);
- $m['content'][$i]["id_category"] = $row['id_category_c'];
- if ($special['categories']['getctg'] == 1)
- $special['categories']['id'] = $row['id_category_c'];
- $m['content'][$i]["title_category"] = $row['title_category'];
- if (sm_is_main_block() && $i == 0 && sm_settings('content_use_path') == 1 && $row['no_use_path'] != 1 && !sm_is_index_page())
- {
- $tmppath = sm_get_path_tree(sm_table_prefix()."categories", 'id_category', 'id_maincategory', $row['id_category_c']);
- add_path_home();
- for ($tmpi = 0; $tmpi < sm_count($tmppath); $tmpi++)
- {
- add_path(
- $tmppath[$tmpi]['title_category'],
- 'index.php?m=content&d=viewctg&ctgid='.$tmppath[$tmpi]['id_category']
- );
- }
- }
- if (sm_is_main_block() && $i == 0)
- $m['content'][$i]['attachments'] = sm_get_attachments('content', $row['id_content']);
- if (!$tmp_no_alike_content)
- if ($row['no_alike_content'] == 1)
- $tmp_no_alike_content = true;
- if ($row['can_view'] <= SM::User()->Level())
- $m['content'][$i]["can_view"] = 1;
- else
- {
- if (!empty($userinfo['groups']))
- {
- if (compare_groups($userinfo['groups'], $row['groups_view']))
- $m['content'][$i]["can_view"] = 1;
- else
- $m['content'][$i]["can_view"] = 0;
- }
- else
- $m['content'][$i]["can_view"] = 0;
- if ($m['content'][$i]["can_view"] == 0)
- {
- $m['content'][$i]["title"] = $lang['access_denied'];
- }
- }
- if ($row['type_content'] == 0)
- {
- $m['content'][$i]["text"] = nl2br($m['content'][$i]["text"]);
- }
- if (SM::User()->Level()>=intval(sm_settings('content_editor_level')) && sm_is_main_block())
- {
- $m['content'][$i]["can_edit"] = 1;
- $m['content'][$i]["can_delete"] = 1;
- }
- elseif (!empty($userinfo['groups']))
- {
- if (compare_groups($userinfo['groups'], $row['groups_modify']) && sm_is_main_block())
- {
- $m['content'][$i]["can_edit"] = 1;
- $m['content'][$i]["can_delete"] = 1;
- }
- }
- $m['content'][$i]["cid"] = $content_id;
- if (sm_settings('content_use_image') == 1)
- {
- if (file_exists('files/fullimg/content'.$content_id.'.jpg'))
- {
- if ($tmp_load_preview_only == 1)
- $m['content'][$i]['image'] = 'files/thumb/content'.$content_id.'.jpg';
- else
- $m['content'][$i]['image'] = 'files/fullimg/content'.$content_id.'.jpg';
- }
- elseif (file_exists('files/img/content'.$content_id.'.jpg'))
- {
- $m['content'][$i]['image'] = 'ext/showimage.php?img=content'.$content_id;
- if ($tmp_load_preview_only == 1)
- {
- if (!sm_empty_settings('content_image_preview_width'))
- $m['content'][$i]['image'] .= '&width='.sm_settings('content_image_preview_width');
- if (!sm_empty_settings('content_image_preview_height'))
- $m['content'][$i]['image'] .= '&height='.sm_settings('content_image_preview_height');
- }
- else
- {
- if (!sm_empty_settings('content_image_fulltext_width'))
- $m['content'][$i]['image'] .= '&width='.sm_settings('content_image_fulltext_width');
- if (!sm_empty_settings('content_image_fulltext_height'))
- $m['content'][$i]['image'] .= '&height='.sm_settings('content_image_fulltext_height');
- }
- }
- }
- if (sm_is_main_block())
- {
- if (!empty($special['meta']['keywords']) && !empty($row['keywords_content']))
- {
- $special['meta']['keywords'] = ($row['keywords_content']).', '.$special['meta']['keywords'];
- }
- elseif (!empty($row['keywords_content']))
- {
- $special['meta']['keywords'] = $row['keywords_content'];
- }
- if (!empty($row['description_content']))
- $special['meta']['description'] = $row['description_content'];
- if (isset($m['content'][$i]['can_edit']) && $m['content'][$i]['can_edit']==1)
- $m['content'][$i]['edit_url']='index.php?m=content&d=edit&cid='.$m['content'][$i]["cid"].'&returnto='.urlencode(sm_this_url());
- if (isset($m['content'][$i]['can_delete']) && $m['content'][$i]['can_delete']==1)
- $m['content'][$i]['delete_url']='index.php?m=content&d=delete&cid='.$m['content'][$i]["cid"].'&ctg='.$m['content'][$i]["id_category"].'&returnto='.urlencode(sm_this_url());
- }
- if (!$tmp_no_alike_content && sm_is_main_block() && $m['panel'] == 'center' && $m['content'][$i]["can_view"] != 0 && !sm_is_index_page())
- {
- $tmpsql = "SELECT * FROM ".sm_table_prefix()."content WHERE id_content<>".intval($m['content'][$i]["cid"])." AND id_category_c=".intval($m['content'][$i]['id_category'])." ORDER BY priority_content DESC LIMIT ".intval(sm_settings('alike_content_count'));
- $tmpresult = execsql($tmpsql);
- $j = 0;
- while ($tmprow = database_fetch_assoc($tmpresult))
- {
- $m['content'][$i]['alike_texts'][$j]['id'] = $tmprow['id_content'];
- $m['content'][$i]['alike_texts'][$j]['title'] = $tmprow['title_content'];
- $m['content'][$i]['alike_texts'][$j]['fullink'] = sm_fs_url('index.php?m=content&d=view&cid='.$tmprow['id_content']);
- $m['content'][$i]['alike_texts'][$j]['preview'] = $tmprow['preview_content'];
- if (empty($m['content'][$i]['alike_texts'][$j]['preview']))
- $m['content'][$i]['alike_texts'][$j]['preview'] = cut_str_by_word($tmprow['text_content'], 300, '...');
- sm_add_title_modifier($m['content'][$i]['alike_texts'][$j]['title']);
- sm_add_content_modifier($m['content'][$i]['alike_texts'][$j]['preview']);
- $j++;
- }
- $m['content'][$i]['alike_texts_present'] = $j;
- }
- else
- $m['content'][$i]['alike_texts_present'] = 0;
- $m['content'][$i]['data']=$row;
- $tmp=sm_load_metadata('content', $row['id_content']);
- if (!empty($tmp['main_template']) && sm_is_main_block())
- sm_set_main_template($tmp['main_template']);
- if (!empty($tmp['content_template']) && $i==0)
- sm_template($tmp['content_template']);
- if (!empty($tmp['seo_title']) && sm_is_main_block())
- sm_meta_title($tmp['seo_title']);
- sm_event('oncontentprocessed', $i);
- $i++;
- }
- if ($i == 0)
- sm_template('');
- elseif (sm_is_main_block())
- sm_event('onviewcontent', array($m['content'][0]["cid"]));
- }
- }
- if (sm_action('viewctg'))
- {
- sm_template('content');
- if (empty(sm_getvars('ctgid')) && !empty(sm_getvars('ctg')))
- sm_set_array_value($_getvars, 'ctgid', sm_getvars('ctg'));
- $ctg_id = intval(sm_getvars('ctgid'));
- sm_page_viewid('content-viewctg-'.$ctg_id);
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".sm_table_prefix()."categories WHERE id_category=".intval($ctg_id);
- $result = execsql($sql);
- $i=0;
- while ($row = database_fetch_assoc($result))
- {
- sm_event('onbeforecontentcategoriespathprocessing', $i);
- if (sm_is_main_block() && sm_settings('content_use_path') == 1 && $row['no_use_path'] != 1)
- {
- $tmppath = sm_get_path_tree(sm_table_prefix()."categories", 'id_category', 'id_maincategory', $row['id_maincategory']);
- add_path_home();
- for ($tmpi = 0; $tmpi < sm_count($tmppath); $tmpi++)
- {
- add_path(
- $tmppath[$tmpi]['title_category'],
- sm_fs_url('index.php?m=content&d=viewctg&ctgid='.$tmppath[$tmpi]['id_category'])
- );
- }
- }
- if ($special['categories']['getctg'] == 1)
- $special['categories']['id'] = $row['id_category'];
- sm_title($row['title_category']);
- $m['preview_category'] = $row['preview_category'];
- $m['sorting_category'] = $row['sorting_category'];
- if ($row['can_view'] <= SM::User()->Level())
- $m['category']['can_view'] = 1;
- else
- {
- if (!empty($userinfo['groups']))
- {
- if (compare_groups($userinfo['groups'], $row['groups_view']))
- $m['category']['can_view'] = 1;
- else
- $m['category']['can_view'] = 0;
- }
- else
- $m['category']['can_view'] = 0;
- if ($m['category']['can_view'] == 0)
- sm_title($lang['access_denied']);
- }
- $m['subcategories'] = siman_load_ctgs_content($row['id_category']);
- sm_add_content_modifier($m['preview_category']);
- $i++;
- }
- $sql = "SELECT ".sm_table_prefix()."content.* FROM ".sm_table_prefix()."content WHERE ".sm_table_prefix()."content.id_category_c=".intval($ctg_id);
- if ($m['sorting_category'] == 3)
- $sql .= " ORDER BY priority_content DESC";
- elseif ($m['sorting_category'] == 1)
- $sql .= " ORDER BY title_content DESC";
- elseif ($m['sorting_category'] == 2)
- $sql .= " ORDER BY priority_content ASC";
- else
- $sql .= " ORDER BY title_content ASC";
- //$sql="SELECT * FROM ".sm_table_prefix()."content WHERE id_category_c='$ctg_id'";
- $result = execsql($sql);
- $i = 0;
- while ($row = database_fetch_assoc($result))
- {
- sm_event('onbeforeviewctgcontentprocessing', $i);
- $m['category']['ctg'][$i]['title'] = $row['title_content'];
- $m['category']['ctg'][$i]['id'] = $row['id_content'];
- $m['category']['ctg'][$i]['url'] = sm_fs_url('index.php?m=content&d=view&cid='.$row['id_content']);
- if (sm_settings('content_use_preview') == 1)
- {
- $m['category']['ctg'][$i]['preview'] = $row['preview_content'];
- }
- if (sm_settings('content_use_image') == 1)
- {
- if (file_exists('files/thumb/content'.$m['category']['ctg'][$i]['id'].'.jpg'))
- {
- $m['category']['ctg'][$i]['image'] = 'files/thumb/content'.$m['category']['ctg'][$i]['id'].'.jpg';
- }
- elseif (file_exists('files/img/content'.$m['category']['ctg'][$i]['id'].'.jpg'))
- {
- $m['category']['ctg'][$i]['image'] = 'ext/showimage.php?img=content'.$m['category']['ctg'][$i]['id'];
- if (!sm_empty_settings('content_image_preview_width'))
- $m['category']['ctg'][$i]['image'] .= '&width='.sm_settings('content_image_preview_width');
- if (!sm_empty_settings('content_image_preview_height'))
- $m['category']['ctg'][$i]['image'] .= '&height='.sm_settings('content_image_preview_height');
- }
- }
- sm_add_title_modifier($m['category']['ctg'][$i]['title']);
- sm_add_content_modifier($m['category']['ctg'][$i]['preview']);
- $i++;
- }
- }
- if (sm_action('blockctgview'))
- {
- sm_template('content');
- if (isset($modules[0]['content'][0]["id_category"]))
- $ctg_id = intval($modules[0]['content'][0]["id_category"]);
- else
- $ctg_id = 0;
- if (empty($ctg_id) || $ctg_id == 1)
- sm_set_action('donotshow');
- else
- {
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".sm_table_prefix()."categories WHERE id_category=".intval($ctg_id);
- $result = execsql($sql);
- $i=0;
- while ($row = database_fetch_assoc($result))
- {
- sm_event('onbeforeblockctgviewcontentprocessing', $i);
- sm_title($row['title_category']);
- $m['sorting_category'] = $row['sorting_category'];
- if ($row['can_view'] <= SM::User()->Level())
- $m['category']['can_view'] = 1;
- else
- {
- if (!empty($userinfo['groups']))
- {
- if (compare_groups($userinfo['groups'], $row['groups_view']))
- $m['category']['can_view'] = 1;
- else
- $m['category']['can_view'] = 0;
- }
- else
- $m['category']['can_view'] = 0;
- if ($m['category']['can_view'] == 0)
- sm_set_action('donotshow');
- }
- $i++;
- }
- $sql = "SELECT ".sm_table_prefix()."content.* FROM ".sm_table_prefix()."content WHERE ".sm_table_prefix()."content.id_category_c=".intval($ctg_id);
- if ($m['sorting_category'] == 3)
- $sql .= " ORDER BY priority_content DESC";
- elseif ($m['sorting_category'] == 1)
- $sql .= " ORDER BY title_content DESC";
- elseif ($m['sorting_category'] == 2)
- $sql .= " ORDER BY priority_content ASC";
- else
- $sql .= " ORDER BY title_content ASC";
- $result = execsql($sql);
- $i = 0;
- $m['menu'] = Array();
- while ($row = database_fetch_assoc($result))
- {
- $m['category']['ctg'][$i]['title'] = $row['title_content'];
- $m['category']['ctg'][$i]['id'] = $row['id_content'];
- $m['category']['ctg'][$i]['url'] = sm_fs_url('index.php?m=content&d=view&cid='.$row['id_content']);
- sm_add_menuitem($m['menu'], $row['title_content'], $m['category']['ctg'][$i]['url']);
- sm_add_title_modifier($m['category']['ctg'][$i]['title']);
- $i++;
- }
- if ($i > 0)
- {
- sm_template('menu');
- sm_set_action('view');
- }
- else
- sm_set_action('donotshow');
- }
- }
- if (SM::isLoggedIn())
- include('modules/inc/memberspart/content.php');