https://github.com/fhix/erlide · Erlang · 205 lines · 161 code · 29 blank · 15 comment · 2 complexity · 1c750f3daea8964a3688f72ee9188711 MD5 · raw file
- %% Author: jakob
- %% Created: 25 okt 2007
- -module(erlide_util).
- %% -define(DEBUG, 1).
- %%
- %% Include files
- %%
- -include("erlide.hrl").
- -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl").
- %%
- %% Exported Functions
- %%
- -export([check_and_renew_cached/5, check_and_renew_cached/6, check_cached/3, renew_cached/4, read_cache_date_and_version/1, read_cache/1]).
- -export([pack/1, unpack/1, join/2]).
- -export([reverse2/1]).
- -export([get_between_strs/3, get_all_between_strs/3, get_from_str/2, get_upto_str/2 ,split_lines/1]).
- -export([get_auto_imported/1, add_auto_imported/1]).
- %%
- %% API Functions
- %%
- -define(SEP, ";").
- unpack(F) ->
- string:tokens(F, ?SEP).
- pack(L) ->
- join(L, ?SEP).
- check_cached(SourceFileName, CacheFileName, Version) ->
- ?D({SourceFileName, CacheFileName}),
- SourceModDate = case file:read_file_info(SourceFileName) of
- {ok, Info} ->
- Info#file_info.mtime;
- {error, enoent} ->
- {{1900, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}}
- end,
- ?D(SourceModDate),
- SV = read_cache_date_and_version(CacheFileName),
- ?D(SV),
- case same_date_and_version(SV, {SourceModDate, Version}) of
- true ->
- {cache, read_cache(CacheFileName)};
- _ ->
- {no_cache, SourceModDate}
- end.
- same_date_and_version({{Date, {H, M, S1}}, V}, {{Date, {H, M, S2}}, V}) ->
- S1 div 2 =:= S2 div 2;
- same_date_and_version(_, _) ->
- false.
- reverse2(L) when is_list(L) ->
- lists:reverse([lists:reverse(A) || A <- L]).
- renew_cached(SourceFileName, CacheFileName, Version, Term) ->
- SourceModDate = case file:read_file_info(SourceFileName) of
- {ok, Info} ->
- Info#file_info.mtime;
- {error, enoent} ->
- {{1900, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}}
- end,
- ?D(SourceFileName),
- renew_cache(SourceModDate, Version, CacheFileName, Term).
- check_and_renew_cached(SourceFileName, CacheFileName, Version,
- RenewFun, UseCache) ->
- check_and_renew_cached(SourceFileName, CacheFileName, Version,
- RenewFun, fun(D) -> D end, UseCache).
- check_and_renew_cached(SourceFileName, _CacheFileName, _Version,
- RenewFun, _CachedFun, false) ->
- Term = RenewFun(SourceFileName),
- {dont_use_cache, Term};
- check_and_renew_cached(SourceFileName, CacheFileName,
- Version, RenewFun, CachedFun,
- true) ->
- ?D(check_and_renew_cached),
- case check_cached(SourceFileName, CacheFileName, Version) of
- {cache, Cached} ->
- ?D({from_cache, CacheFileName}),
- R = {cached, CachedFun(Cached)},
- ?D(got_cached),
- R;
- {no_cache, SourceModDate} ->
- ?D(SourceModDate),
- Term = RenewFun(SourceFileName),
- ?D({renewing, CacheFileName, UpdateCache}),
- renew_cache(SourceModDate, Version, CacheFileName, Term),
- {renewed, Term}
- end.
- get_from_str(Text, Start) ->
- case string:str(Text, Start) of
- 0 ->
- Text;
- N ->
- string:substr(Text, N + length(Start))
- end.
- get_between_strs(Text, Start, End) ->
- get_upto_str(get_from_str(Text, Start), End).
- get_all_between_strs(Text, Start, End) ->
- {One, Next} = split_at(get_from_str(Text, Start), End),
- case Next of
- "" ->
- [One];
- _ ->
- [One | get_all_between_strs(Next, Start, End)]
- end.
- get_upto_str(Text, End) ->
- case string:rstr(Text, End) of
- 0 ->
- Text;
- N ->
- string:substr(Text, 1, N-1)
- end.
- split_at(Text, End) ->
- case string:str(Text, End) of
- 0 ->
- {Text, ""};
- N ->
- {string:substr(Text, 1, N-1), string:substr(Text, N+length(End))}
- end.
- split_lines(<<B/binary>>) ->
- split_lines(binary_to_list(B));
- split_lines(L) when is_list(L) ->
- split_lines(L, [], []).
- split_lines([], [], Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
- split_lines([], LineAcc, Acc) ->
- split_lines([], [], [lists:reverse(LineAcc) | Acc]);
- split_lines([$\n, $\r | Rest], LineAcc, Acc) ->
- split_lines(Rest, [], [lists:reverse(LineAcc) | Acc]);
- split_lines([$\n | Rest], LineAcc, Acc) ->
- split_lines(Rest, [], [lists:reverse(LineAcc) | Acc]);
- split_lines([$\r | Rest], LineAcc, Acc) ->
- split_lines(Rest, [], [lists:reverse(LineAcc) | Acc]);
- split_lines([C | Rest], LineAcc, Acc) ->
- split_lines(Rest, [C | LineAcc], Acc).
- join([], Sep) when is_list(Sep) ->
- [];
- join([H|T], Sep) ->
- H ++ lists:append([Sep ++ X || X <- T]).
- add_auto_imported(Imports) ->
- [{erlang, get_auto_imported("")} | Imports].
- get_auto_imported(Prefix) when is_list(Prefix) ->
- case catch erlang:module_info(exports) of
- Val when is_list(Val) ->
- lists:filter(fun({N, A}) ->
- lists:prefix(Prefix, atom_to_list(N)) andalso
- erl_internal:bif(N, A)
- end, Val);
- _Error ->
- ?D(_Error),
- error
- end.
- %%
- %% Local Functions
- %%
- renew_cache(SourceFileModDate, Version, CacheFileName, Term) ->
- ?D(SourceFileModDate),
- BinDate = date_to_bin(SourceFileModDate),
- B = term_to_binary(Term, [compressed]),
- _Delete = file:delete(CacheFileName),
- _Write = file:write_file(CacheFileName, <<BinDate/binary, Version:16/integer-big, B/binary>>),
- ?D(_Write),
- ?D(CacheFileName).
- bin_to_date(<<Y:15/integer-big, Mo:4, D:5, H:5, M:6, S:5>>) ->
- {{Y, Mo, D}, {H, M, S*2}}.
- date_to_bin({{Y, Mo, D}, {H, M, S}}) ->
- <<Y:15/integer-big, Mo:4, D:5, H:5, M:6, (S div 2):5>>.
- read_cache_date_and_version(CacheFileName) ->
- case file:open(CacheFileName, [read, binary]) of
- {ok, F} ->
- {ok, BinDateAndVersion} = file:read(F, 7),
- file:close(F),
- <<BinDate:5/binary, Version:16/integer-big>> = BinDateAndVersion,
- {bin_to_date(BinDate), Version};
- _ ->
- {{{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}}, 0}
- end.
- read_cache(CacheFileName) ->
- {ok, B} = file:read_file(CacheFileName),
- ?D(CacheFileName),
- <<_:5/binary, _:16/integer-big, BinTerm/binary>> = B,
- binary_to_term(BinTerm).