https://github.com/albsen/riak_redis_backend · Erlang · 113 lines · 49 code · 19 blank · 45 comment · 0 complexity · cafb5488e7205d33dcc2c2adf4f1c18b MD5 · raw file
- %% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
- %% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- %% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
- %% a copy of the License at
- %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- %% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- %% specific language governing permissions and limitations
- %% under the License.
- %% @doc riak_redis_backend is a Riak storage backend using redis_drv.
- -module(riak_redis_backend).
- -author('Eric Cestari <eric@ohmforce.com').
- -export([start/1,start/2,stop/1,get/2,put/3,list/1,list_bucket/2,delete/2]).
- -define(RSEND(V), redis_send(fun()-> V end)).
- % @type state() = term().
- -record(state, {pid, partition}).
- % @spec start(Partition :: integer()) ->
- % {ok, state()} | {{error, Reason :: term()}, state()}
- start(Partition)->
- {ok, Pid} = redis_drv:start_link(),
- P=list_to_binary(atom_to_list(node()) ++ integer_to_list(Partition)),
- {ok, #state{pid=Pid, partition = P}}.
- start(Partition, _Config)->
- {ok, Pid} = redis_drv:start_link(),
- P=list_to_binary(atom_to_list(node()) ++ integer_to_list(Partition)),
- {ok, #state{pid=Pid, partition = P}}.
- % @spec stop(state()) -> ok | {error, Reason :: term()}
- stop(_State)->
- ok.
- % get(state(), Key :: binary()) ->
- % {ok, Val :: binary()} | {error, Reason :: term()}
- get(#state{partition=P, pid=Pid}, BK)->
- case redis_drv:get(Pid, k2l(P,BK)) of
- nil -> {error, notfound};
- Val ->
- case catch binary_to_term(Val) of
- {'EXIT', _}->
- throw({badterm, BK, Val});
- V ->
- {ok, V}
- end
- end.
- % put(state(), Key :: binary(), Val :: binary()) ->
- % ok | {error, Reason :: term()}
- put(#state{partition=P, pid=Pid}, {Bucket, Key}=BK, Value)->
- %Fun = fun(_C)->
- % erldis:set_pipelining(Pid,true),
- redis_drv:sadd(Pid, <<"buckets:",P/binary>>,Bucket),
- redis_drv:set(Pid, k2l(P,BK), term_to_binary(Value)),
- redis_drv:sadd(Pid, <<P/binary,Bucket/binary>>, Key),
- redis_drv:sadd(Pid, <<"world:",P/binary>>, term_to_binary(BK)),
- % erldis:get_all_results(Pid),
- % erldis:set_pipelining(Pid,false),
- ok.
- %end,
- %case erldis:exec(Pid, Fun) of
- % [_,_, _, _] ->
- % ok;
- % _ ->
- % {error, unable_to_put}
- %end.
- % delete(state(), Key :: binary()) ->
- % ok | {error, Reason :: term()}
- delete(#state {partition=P, pid=Pid}, {Bucket, Key}=BK) ->
- %Fun = fun(_C)->
- % redis_drv:set_pipelining(Pid,true),
- redis_drv:srem(Pid, <<"buckets:",P/binary>>,Bucket),
- redis_drv:del(Pid, k2l(P,BK)),
- redis_drv:srem(Pid, <<P/binary,Bucket/binary>>, Key),
- redis_drv:srem(Pid, <<"world:",P/binary>>, term_to_binary(BK)),
- % redis_drv:get_all_results(Pid),
- % redis_drv:set_pipelining(Pid,false),
- ok.
- %end,
- %case erldis:exec(Pid, Fun) of
- % [_,_, _, _] ->
- % ok;
- % _ ->
- % {error, unable_to_delete}
- %end.
- % list(state()) -> [Key :: binary()]
- list(#state {partition=P, pid=Pid}) ->
- lists:map(fun binary_to_term/1,
- redis_drv:smembers(Pid, <<"world:",P/binary>>)).
- list_bucket(#state{partition=P, pid=Pid}, '_')->
- redis_drv:smembers(Pid, <<"buckets:",P/binary>>);
- list_bucket(#state{partition=P, pid=Pid}, {filter, Bucket, Fun})->
- lists:filter(Fun, redis_drv:smembers(Pid, <<P/binary,Bucket/binary>>));
- list_bucket(#state{partition=P, pid=Pid}, Bucket) ->
- redis_drv:smembers(Pid, <<P/binary,Bucket/binary>>).
- k2l(P,{B, V})->
- <<P/binary,B/binary,V/binary>>.