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- .. _manifold:
- .. currentmodule:: sklearn.manifold
- =================
- Manifold learning
- =================
- .. rst-class:: quote
- | Look for the bare necessities
- | The simple bare necessities
- | Forget about your worries and your strife
- | I mean the bare necessities
- | Old Mother Nature's recipes
- | That bring the bare necessities of life
- |
- | -- Baloo's song [The Jungle Book]
- .. figure:: ../auto_examples/manifold/images/plot_compare_methods_1.png
- :target: ../auto_examples/manifold/plot_compare_methods.html
- :align: center
- :scale: 60
- Manifold learning is an approach to nonlinear dimensionality reduction.
- Algorithms for this task are based on the idea that the dimensionality of
- many data sets is only artificially high.
- Introduction
- ============
- High-dimensional datasets can be very difficult to visualize. While data
- in two or three dimensions can be plotted to show the inherent
- structure of the data, equivalent high-dimensional plots are much less
- intuitive. To aid visualization of the structure of a dataset, the
- dimension must be reduced in some way.
- The simplest way to accomplish this dimensionality reduction is by taking
- a random projection of the data. Though this allows some degree of
- visualization of the data structure, the randomness of the choice leaves much
- to be desired. In a random projection, it is likely that the more
- interesting structure within the data will be lost.
- .. |digits_img| image:: ../auto_examples/manifold/images/plot_lle_digits_1.png
- :target: ../auto_examples/manifold/plot_lle_digits.html
- :scale: 50
- .. |projected_img| image:: ../auto_examples/manifold/images/plot_lle_digits_2.png
- :target: ../auto_examples/manifold/plot_lle_digits.html
- :scale: 50
- .. centered:: |digits_img| |projected_img|
- To address this concern, a number of supervised and unsupervised linear
- dimensionality reduction frameworks have been designed, such as Principal
- Component Analysis (PCA), Independent Component Analysis, Linear
- Discriminant Analysis, and others. These algorithms define specific
- rubrics to choose an "interesting" linear projection of the data.
- These methods can be powerful, but often miss important nonlinear
- structure in the data.
- .. |PCA_img| image:: ../auto_examples/manifold/images/plot_lle_digits_3.png
- :target: ../auto_examples/manifold/plot_lle_digits.html
- :scale: 50
- .. |LDA_img| image:: ../auto_examples/manifold/images/plot_lle_digits_4.png
- :target: ../auto_examples/manifold/plot_lle_digits.html
- :scale: 50
- .. centered:: |PCA_img| |LDA_img|
- Manifold Learning can be thought of as an attempt to generalize linear
- frameworks like PCA to be sensitive to nonlinear structure in data. Though
- supervised variants exist, the typical manifold learning problem is
- unsupervised: it learns the high-dimensional structure of the data
- from the data itself, without the use of predetermined classifications.
- .. topic:: Examples:
- * See :ref:`example_manifold_plot_lle_digits.py` for an example of
- dimensionality reduction on handwritten digits.
- * See :ref:`example_manifold_plot_compare_methods.py` for an example of
- dimensionality reduction on a toy "S-curve" dataset.
- The manifold learning implementations available in sklearn are
- summarized below
- Isomap
- ======
- One of the earliest approaches to manifold learning is the Isomap
- algorithm, short for Isometric Mapping. Isomap can be viewed as an
- extension of Multi-dimensional Scaling (MDS) or Kernel PCA.
- Isomap seeks a lower-dimensional embedding which maintains geodesic
- distances between all points. Isomap can be performed with the object
- :class:`Isomap`.
- .. figure:: ../auto_examples/manifold/images/plot_lle_digits_5.png
- :target: ../auto_examples/manifold/plot_lle_digits.html
- :align: center
- :scale: 50
- Complexity
- ----------
- The Isomap algorithm comprises three stages:
- 1. **Nearest neighbor search.** Isomap uses
- :class:`sklearn.neighbors.BallTree` for efficient neighbor search.
- The cost is approximately :math:`O[D \log(k) N \log(N)]`, for :math:`k`
- nearest neighbors of :math:`N` points in :math:`D` dimensions.
- 2. **Shortest-path graph search.** The most efficient known algorithms
- for this are *Dijkstra's Algorithm*, which is approximately
- :math:`O[N^2(k + \log(N))]`, or the *Floyd-Warshall algorithm*, which
- is :math:`O[N^3]`. The algorithm can be selected by the user with
- the ``path_method`` keyword of ``Isomap``. If unspecified, the code
- attempts to choose the best algorithm for the input data.
- 3. **Partial eigenvalue decomposition.** The embedding is encoded in the
- eigenvectors corresponding to the :math:`d` largest eigenvalues of the
- :math:`N \times N` isomap kernel. For a dense solver, the cost is
- approximately :math:`O[d N^2]`. This cost can often be improved using
- the ``ARPACK`` solver. The eigensolver can be specified by the user
- with the ``path_method`` keyword of ``Isomap``. If unspecified, the
- code attempts to choose the best algorithm for the input data.
- The overall complexity of Isomap is
- :math:`O[D \log(k) N \log(N)] + O[N^2(k + \log(N))] + O[d N^2]`.
- * :math:`N` : number of training data points
- * :math:`D` : input dimension
- * :math:`k` : number of nearest neighbors
- * :math:`d` : output dimension
- .. topic:: References:
- * `"A global geometric framework for nonlinear dimensionality reduction"
- <http://www.sciencemag.org/content/290/5500/2319.full>`_
- Tenenbaum, J.B.; De Silva, V.; & Langford, J.C. Science 290 (5500)
- Locally Linear Embedding
- ========================
- Locally linear embedding (LLE) seeks a lower-dimensional projection of the data
- which preserves distances within local neighborhoods. It can be thought
- of as a series of local Principal Component Analyses which are globally
- compared to find the best nonlinear embedding.
- Locally linear embedding can be performed with function
- :func:`locally_linear_embedding` or its object-oriented counterpart
- :class:`LocallyLinearEmbedding`.
- .. figure:: ../auto_examples/manifold/images/plot_lle_digits_6.png
- :target: ../auto_examples/manifold/plot_lle_digits.html
- :align: center
- :scale: 50
- Complexity
- ----------
- The standard LLE algorithm comprises three stages:
- 1. **Nearest Neighbors Search**. See discussion under Isomap above.
- 2. **Weight Matrix Construction**. :math:`O[D N k^3]`.
- The construction of the LLE weight matrix involves the solution of a
- :math:`k \times k` linear equation for each of the :math:`N` local
- neighborhoods
- 3. **Partial Eigenvalue Decomposition**. See discussion under Isomap above.
- The overall complexity of standard LLE is
- :math:`O[D \log(k) N \log(N)] + O[D N k^3] + O[d N^2]`.
- * :math:`N` : number of training data points
- * :math:`D` : input dimension
- * :math:`k` : number of nearest neighbors
- * :math:`d` : output dimension
- .. topic:: References:
- * `"Nonlinear dimensionality reduction by locally linear embedding"
- <http://www.sciencemag.org/content/290/5500/2323.full>`_
- Roweis, S. & Saul, L. Science 290:2323 (2000)
- Modified Locally Linear Embedding
- =================================
- One well-known issue with LLE is the regularization problem. When the number
- of neighbors is greater than the number of input dimensions, the matrix
- defining each local neighborhood is rank-deficient. To address this, standard
- LLE applies an arbitrary regularization parameter :math:`r`, which is chosen
- relative to the trace of the local weight matrix. Though it can be shown
- formally that as :math:`r \to 0`, the solution coverges to the desired
- embedding, there is no guarantee that the optimal solution will be found
- for :math:`r > 0`. This problem manifests itself in embeddings which distort
- the underlying geometry of the manifold.
- One method to address the regularization problem is to use multiple weight
- vectors in each neighborhood. This is the essence of *modified locally
- linear embedding* (MLLE). MLLE can be performed with function
- :func:`locally_linear_embedding` or its object-oriented counterpart
- :class:`LocallyLinearEmbedding`, with the keyword ``method = 'modified'``.
- It requires ``n_neighbors > out_dim``.
- .. figure:: ../auto_examples/manifold/images/plot_lle_digits_7.png
- :target: ../auto_examples/manifold/plot_lle_digits.html
- :align: center
- :scale: 50
- Complexity
- ----------
- The MLLE algorithm comprises three stages:
- 1. **Nearest Neighbors Search**. Same as standard LLE
- 2. **Weight Matrix Construction**. Approximately
- :math:`O[D N k^3] + O[N (k-D) k^2]`. The first term is exactly equivalent
- to that of standard LLE. The second term has to do with constructing the
- weight matrix from multiple weights. In practice, the added cost of
- constructing the MLLE weight matrix is relatively small compared to the
- cost of steps 1 and 3.
- 3. **Partial Eigenvalue Decomposition**. Same as standard LLE
- The overall complexity of MLLE is
- :math:`O[D \log(k) N \log(N)] + O[D N k^3] + O[N (k-D) k^2] + O[d N^2]`.
- * :math:`N` : number of training data points
- * :math:`D` : input dimension
- * :math:`k` : number of nearest neighbors
- * :math:`d` : output dimension
- .. topic:: References:
- * `"MLLE: Modified Locally Linear Embedding Using Multiple Weights"
- <http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=>`_
- Zhang, Z. & Wang, J.
- Hessian Eigenmapping
- ====================
- Hessian Eigenmapping (also known as Hessian-based LLE: HLLE) is another method
- of solving the regularization problem of LLE. It revolves around a
- hessian-based quadratic form at each neighborhood which is used to recover
- the locally linear structure. Though other implementations note its poor
- scaling with data size, ``sklearn`` implements some algorithmic
- improvements which make its cost comparable to that of other LLE variants
- for small output dimension. HLLE can be performed with function
- :func:`locally_linear_embedding` or its object-oriented counterpart
- :class:`LocallyLinearEmbedding`, with the keyword ``method = 'hessian'``.
- It requires ``n_neighbors > out_dim * (out_dim + 3) / 2``.
- .. figure:: ../auto_examples/manifold/images/plot_lle_digits_8.png
- :target: ../auto_examples/manifold/plot_lle_digits.html
- :align: center
- :scale: 50
- Complexity
- ----------
- The HLLE algorithm comprises three stages:
- 1. **Nearest Neighbors Search**. Same as standard LLE
- 2. **Weight Matrix Construction**. Approximately
- :math:`O[D N k^3] + O[N d^6]`. The first term reflects a similar
- cost to that of standard LLE. The second term comes from a QR
- decomposition of the local hessian estimator.
- 3. **Partial Eigenvalue Decomposition**. Same as standard LLE
- The overall complexity of standard HLLE is
- :math:`O[D \log(k) N \log(N)] + O[D N k^3] + O[N d^6] + O[d N^2]`.
- * :math:`N` : number of training data points
- * :math:`D` : input dimension
- * :math:`k` : number of nearest neighbors
- * :math:`d` : output dimension
- .. topic:: References:
- * `"Hessian Eigenmaps: Locally linear embedding techniques for
- high-dimensional data" <http://www.pnas.org/content/100/10/5591>`_
- Donoho, D. & Grimes, C. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 100:5591 (2003)
- Local Tangent Space Alignment
- =============================
- Though not technically a variant of LLE, Local tangent space alignment (LTSA)
- is algorithmically similar enough to LLE that it can be put in this category.
- Rather than focusing on preserving neighborhood distances as in LLE, LTSA
- seeks to characterize the local geometry at each neighborhood via its
- tangent space, and performs a global optimization to align these local
- tangent spaces to learn the embedding. LTSA can be performed with function
- :func:`locally_linear_embedding` or its object-oriented counterpart
- :class:`LocallyLinearEmbedding`, with the keyword ``method = 'ltsa'``.
- .. figure:: ../auto_examples/manifold/images/plot_lle_digits_9.png
- :target: ../auto_examples/manifold/plot_lle_digits.html
- :align: center
- :scale: 50
- Complexity
- ----------
- The LTSA algorithm comprises three stages:
- 1. **Nearest Neighbors Search**. Same as standard LLE
- 2. **Weight Matrix Construction**. Approximately
- :math:`O[D N k^3] + O[k^2 d]`. The first term reflects a similar
- cost to that of standard LLE.
- 3. **Partial Eigenvalue Decomposition**. Same as standard LLE
- The overall complexity of standard LTSA is
- :math:`O[D \log(k) N \log(N)] + O[D N k^3] + O[k^2 d] + O[d N^2]`.
- * :math:`N` : number of training data points
- * :math:`D` : input dimension
- * :math:`k` : number of nearest neighbors
- * :math:`d` : output dimension
- .. topic:: References:
- * `"Principal manifolds and nonlinear dimensionality reduction via
- tangent space alignment"
- <http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=>`_
- Zhang, Z. & Zha, H. Journal of Shanghai Univ. 8:406 (2004)
- Tips on practical use
- =====================
- * Make sure the same scale is used over all features. Because manifold
- learning methods are based on a nearest-neighbor search, the algorithm
- may perform poorly otherwise. See :ref:`Scaler <preprocessing_scaler>`
- for convenient ways of scaling heterogeneous data.
- * The reconstruction error computed by each routine can be used to choose
- the optimal output dimension. For a :math:`d`-dimensional manifold embedded
- in a :math:`D`-dimensional parameter space, the reconstruction error will
- decrease as ``out_dim`` is increased until ``out_dim == d``.
- * Note that noisy data can "short-circuit" the manifold, in essence acting
- as a bridge between parts of the manifold that would otherwise be
- well-separated. Manifold learning on noisy and/or incomplete data is
- an active area of research.