C++ | 337 lines | 291 code | 26 blank | 20 comment | 47 complexity | 8645c5361d0fb729676f7b6f71a4ec3f MD5 | raw file
- /*##############################################################################
- Copyright (C) 2011 HPCC Systems.
- All rights reserved. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
- License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- ############################################################################## */
- #pragma warning (disable : 4786)
- #include <build-config.h>
- #include "daftcfg.hpp"
- #include "dfuerror.hpp"
- #include "dfuplus.hpp"
- #if defined( __linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
- #include "termios.h"
- #endif
- void printVersion()
- {
- printf("DFU Version: %d %s\n", DAFT_VERSION, BUILD_TAG);
- }
- void handleSyntax()
- {
- StringBuffer out;
- out.append("Usage:\n");
- out.append(" dfuplus action=[spray|replicate|despray|copy|dkc|remove|rename|list|\n");
- out.append(" addsuper|removesuper|listsuper|copysuper|dafilesrv|\n");
- out.append(" savexml|add|status|abort|resubmit|monitor] {<options>}\n");
- out.append(" general options:\n");
- out.append(" server=<esp-server-url> \n");
- out.append(" username=<user-name>\n");
- out.append(" password=<password>\n");
- out.append(" overwrite=0|1\n");
- out.append(" replicate=1|0\n");
- out.append(" replicateoffset=N -- node relative offset to find replicate (default 1)\n");
- out.append(" partlist=<part-list> -- for one or more parts \n");
- out.append(" @filename -- read options from filename \n");
- out.append(" nowait=0|1 -- return immediately without waiting for completion.\n");
- out.append(" connect=<nn> -- restrict to nn connections at a time.\n");
- out.append(" transferbuffersize=<n> -- use buffer of size n bytes when transferring data.\n");
- out.append(" throttle=<nnn> -- restrict the entire transfer speed to nnn Mbits/second\n");
- out.append(" norecover=0|1 -- don't create or restore from recovery information\n");
- out.append(" nosplit=0|1 -- optional, don't split a file part to multiple target parts\n");
- out.append(" compress=0|1 -- optional, compress target\n");
- out.append(" encrypt=<password> -- optional, encrypt target\n");
- out.append(" decrypt=<password> -- optional, decrypt source\n");
- out.append(" push=0|1 -- optional override pull/push default\n");
- out.append(" jobname=<jobname> -- specify the jobname for spray, despray, dkc, copy, rename and replicate.\n");
- out.append(" spray options:\n");
- out.append(" srcip=<source-machine-ip>\n");
- out.append(" srcfile=<source-file-path>\n");
- out.append(" srcxml=<xml-file> -- replaces srcip and srcfile\n");
- out.append(" dstname=<destination-logical-name>\n");
- out.append(" dstcluster=<cluster-name>\n");
- out.append(" format=fixed|csv|xml|variable|recfmv|recfmvb\n");
- out.append(" prefix=filename{:length},filesize{:[B|L][1-8]}\n");
- out.append(" options for fixed:\n");
- out.append(" recordsize=<record-size>\n");
- out.append(" options for csv:\n");
- out.append(" encoding=ascii|utf8|utf8n|utf16|utf16le|utf16be|utf32|utf32le|utf32be -- optional, default is ascii\n");
- out.append(" maxrecordsize=<max-record-size> -- optional, default is 8192\n");
- out.append(" separator=<separator> -- optional, default is \\,\n");
- out.append(" terminator=<terminator> -- optional, default is \\r,\\r\\n\n");
- out.append(" quote=<quote> -- optional, default is '\n");
- out.append(" options for xml:\n");
- out.append(" rowtag=rowTag -- required\n");
- out.append(" encoding=utf8|utf8n|utf16|utf16le|utf16be|utf32|utf32le|utf32be -- optional, default is utf8\n");
- out.append(" maxrecordsize=<max-record-size> -- optional, default is 8192\n");
- out.append(" replicate options:\n");
- out.append(" srcname=<source-logical-name>\n");
- out.append(" cluster=<cluster-name> -- replicates to (additional) cluster\n");
- out.append(" repeatlast=0|1 -- repeats last part on every node (requires cluster)\n");
- out.append(" onlyrepeated=0|1 -- ignores parts not repeated (e.g. by repeatlast)\n");
- out.append(" despray options:\n");
- out.append(" srcname=<source-logical-name>\n");
- out.append(" dstip=<destination-machine-ip>\n");
- out.append(" dstfile=<destination-file-path>\n");
- out.append(" dstxml=<xml-file> -- replaces dstip and dstfile\n");
- out.append(" splitprefix=... use prefix (same format as /prefix) to split file up\n");
- out.append(" wrap=0|1 -- desprays as multiple files\n");
- out.append(" multicopy=0|1 -- each destination part gets whole file\n");
- out.append(" copy options:\n");
- out.append(" srcname=<source-logical-name>\n");
- out.append(" dstname=<destination-logical-name>\n");
- out.append(" dstcluster=<cluster-name>\n");
- out.append(" dstclusterroxie=No|Yes <destination cluster is a roxie cluster> -- optional\n");
- out.append(" srcdali=<foreign-dali-ip> -- optional\n");
- out.append(" srcusername=<username-for-accessing-srcdali> -- optional\n");
- out.append(" srcpassword=<password-for-accessing-srcdali> -- optional\n");
- out.append(" wrap=0|1 -- copies from a larger to smaller cluster without spliting parts\n");
- out.append(" diffkeysrc=<old-key-name> -- use keydiff/keypatch (src old name)\n");
- out.append(" diffkeydst=<old-key-name> -- use keydiff/keypatch (dst old name)\n");
- out.append(" multicopy=0|1 -- each destination part gets whole file\n");
- out.append(" dkc options:\n");
- out.append(" srcname=<source-logical-name>\n");
- out.append(" dstip=<destination-machine-ip>\n");
- out.append(" dstfile=<destination-file-path>\n");
- out.append(" remove options:\n");
- out.append(" name=<logical-name>\n");
- out.append(" names=<multiple-logical-names-separated-by-comma>\n");
- out.append(" namelist=<logical-name-list-in-file>\n");
- out.append(" nodelete=0|1 -- optional\n");
- out.append(" rename options:\n");
- out.append(" srcname=<source-logical-name>\n");
- out.append(" dstname=<destination-logical-name>\n");
- out.append(" list options:\n");
- out.append(" name=<logical-name-mask>\n");
- out.append(" saveto=<path and file name to save the result>\n");
- out.append(" (more to be defined)\n");
- out.append(" addsuper options:\n");
- out.append(" superfile=<logical-name>\n");
- out.append(" subfiles=<logical-name>{,<logical-name>} -- no spaces between logical-names.\n");
- out.append(" before=<logical-name> -- optional\n");
- out.append(" removesuper options:\n");
- out.append(" superfile=<logical-name>\n");
- out.append(" subfiles=<logical-name>{,<logical-name> -- optional. Can be *, which means all subfiles\n");
- out.append(" delete=1|0 -- optional. Whether or not actually remove the files.\n");
- out.append(" copysuper options:\n");
- out.append(" srcname=<source-super-name>\n");
- out.append(" dstname=<destination-super-name>\n");
- out.append(" dstcluster=<cluster-name>\n");
- out.append(" srcdali=<foreign-dali-ip>\n");
- out.append(" srcusername=<username-for-accessing-srcdali> -- optional\n");
- out.append(" srcpassword=<password-for-accessing-srcdali> -- optional\n");
- out.append(" listsuper options:\n");
- out.append(" superfile=<logical-name>\n");
- out.append(" savexml options:\n");
- out.append(" srcname=<source-logical-name>\n");
- out.append(" dstxml=<xml-file>\n");
- out.append(" add options:\n");
- out.append(" srcxml=<xml-file>\n");
- out.append(" dstname=<destination-logical-name>\n");
- out.append(" -- To add remote files from another dali directly, use these options instead of srcxml:\n");
- out.append(" srcname=<source-logical-name>\n");
- out.append(" srcdali=<source-dali-ip>\n");
- out.append(" srcusername=<user-name-for-source-dali>\n");
- out.append(" srcpassword=<password-for-source-dali>\n");
- out.append(" status options:\n");
- out.append(" wuid=<dfu-workunit-id>\n");
- out.append(" abort options:\n");
- out.append(" wuid=<dfu-workunit-id>\n");
- out.append(" resubmit options:\n");
- out.append(" wuid=<dfu-workunit-id>\n");
- out.append(" monitor options: \n");
- out.append(" event=<eventn-name> \n");
- out.append(" lfn=<logical-name> -- either specify lfn or ip/file\n");
- out.append(" ip=<ip-for-file>\n");
- out.append(" file=<filename>\n");
- out.append(" sub=0|1\n");
- out.append(" shotlimit=<number>\n");
- out.append(" dafilesrv options: \n");
- out.append(" idletimeout=<idle-timeout-secs> -- how long idle before stops \n");
- printf("%s",out.str());
- }
- bool build_globals(int argc, const char *argv[], IProperties * globals)
- {
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < argc; i++)
- {
- if(argv[i] != NULL && argv[i][0] == '@' && argv[i][1] != '\0')
- {
- globals->loadFile(argv[i]+1);
- }
- }
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
- {
- if (strchr(argv[i],'='))
- {
- globals->loadProp(argv[i]);
- }
- }
- StringBuffer tmp;
- if(globals->hasProp("encrypt")) {
- encrypt(tmp.clear(),globals->queryProp("encrypt") ); // basic encryption at this stage
- globals->setProp("encrypt",tmp.str());
- }
- if(globals->hasProp("decrypt")) {
- encrypt(tmp.clear(),globals->queryProp("decrypt") ); // basic encryption at this stage
- globals->setProp("decrypt",tmp.str());
- }
- return true;
- }
- void promptFor(const char *prompt, const char *prop, bool hide, IProperties * globals)
- {
- StringBuffer result;
- fprintf(stdout, "%s", prompt);
- fflush(stdout);
- if (hide)
- {
- #ifdef _WIN32
- DWORD dwInputMode;
- GetConsoleMode(hStdIn, &dwInputMode);
- SetConsoleMode(hStdIn, dwInputMode & ~ENABLE_LINE_INPUT & ~ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT);
- loop
- {
- /* read a character from the console input */
- char ch;
- DWORD dwRead;
- if (!ReadFile(hStdIn, &ch, sizeof(ch), &dwRead, NULL))
- break;
- if (ch == '\n' || ch=='\r' || !ch)
- break;
- result.append(ch);
- }
- SetConsoleMode(hStdIn, dwInputMode);
- #else
- int fn = fileno(stdin);
- #ifdef __linux__
- struct termio t;
- /* If ioctl fails, we're probably not connected to a terminal. */
- if(!ioctl(fn, TCGETA, &t))
- {
- t.c_lflag &= ~ECHO;
- ioctl(fn, TCSETA, &t);
- }
- #endif
- loop
- {
- char ch = fgetc(stdin);
- if (ch == '\n' || ch=='\r' || !ch)
- break;
- result.append(ch);
- }
- #ifdef __linux__
- if(!ioctl(fn, TCGETA, &t))
- {
- t.c_lflag |= ECHO;
- ioctl(fn, TCSETA, &t);
- }
- #endif
- #endif
- printf("\n");
- }
- else
- {
- char buf[100];
- if (fgets(buf, 100, stdin))
- result.append(buf);
- if (result.length() && result.charAt(result.length()-1)=='\n')
- result.remove(result.length()-1, 1);
- }
- globals->setProp(prop, result);
- }
- int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
- {
- InitModuleObjects();
- if ((argc >= 2) && ((stricmp(argv[1], "/version") == 0) || (stricmp(argv[1], "-version") == 0)))
- {
- printVersion();
- return 0;
- }
- Owned<IFile> inifile = createIFile("dfuplus.ini");
- if(argc < 2 && !(inifile->exists() && inifile->size() > 0))
- {
- handleSyntax();
- return 0;
- }
- if ((argc >= 2) && ((argv[1][0]=='/' || argv[1][0]=='-') && (argv[1][1]=='?' || argv[1][1]=='h')))
- {
- handleSyntax();
- return 0;
- }
- //queryLogMsgManager()->changeMonitorFilterOwn(queryStderrLogMsgHandler(), getPassNoneLogMsgFilter());
- Owned<IProperties> globals = createProperties("dfuplus.ini", true);
- if(!build_globals(argc, argv, globals))
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Invalid command syntax.\n");
- releaseAtoms();
- return DFUERR_InvalidCommandSyntax;
- }
- const char* action = globals->queryProp("action");
- if(!action || !*action)
- {
- handleSyntax();
- fprintf(stderr, "\nERROR: please specify one action");
- releaseAtoms();
- return DFUERR_TooFewArguments;
- }
- const char* server = globals->queryProp("server");
- if (!server || !*server) {
- if (stricmp(action,"dafilesrv")==0)
- globals->setProp("server",""); // dummy
- else {
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Esp server url not specified.\n");
- releaseAtoms();
- return DFUERR_TooFewArguments;
- }
- }
- try
- {
- Owned<CDfuPlusHelper> helper = new CDfuPlusHelper(LINK(globals.get()));
- helper->doit();
- }
- catch(IException* e)
- {
- StringBuffer errmsg;
- e->errorMessage(errmsg);
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", errmsg.str());
- }
- releaseAtoms();
- return 0;
- }