C# | 139 lines | 104 code | 22 blank | 13 comment | 10 complexity | 05056648bbaa60a65ce1f4a14b3d7738 MD5 | raw file
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- namespace GitCommands.Settings
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// Settings that can be distributed with repository
- /// they can be overriden for a particular repository
- /// </summary>
- public class RepoDistSettings : SettingsContainer<RepoDistSettings, GitExtSettingsCache>
- {
- public GitModule Module { get; private set; }
- public RepoDistSettings(RepoDistSettings aLowerPriority, GitExtSettingsCache aSettingsCache)
- : base(aLowerPriority, aSettingsCache)
- {
- BuildServer = new BuildServer(this);
- }
- #region CreateXXX
- public static RepoDistSettings CreateEffective(GitModule aModule)
- {
- return CreateLocal(aModule, CreateDistributed(aModule, CreateGlobal()));
- }
- private static RepoDistSettings CreateLocal(GitModule aModule, RepoDistSettings aLowerPriority, bool allowCache = true)
- {
- //if (aModule.IsBareRepository()
- return new RepoDistSettings(aLowerPriority,
- GitExtSettingsCache.Create(Path.Combine(aModule.GetGitDirectory(), AppSettings.SettingsFileName), allowCache));
- }
- public static RepoDistSettings CreateLocal(GitModule aModule, bool allowCache = true)
- {
- return CreateLocal(aModule, null, allowCache);
- }
- private static RepoDistSettings CreateDistributed(GitModule aModule, RepoDistSettings aLowerPriority, bool allowCache = true)
- {
- return new RepoDistSettings(aLowerPriority,
- GitExtSettingsCache.Create(Path.Combine(aModule.WorkingDir, AppSettings.SettingsFileName), allowCache));
- }
- public static RepoDistSettings CreateDistributed(GitModule aModule, bool allowCache = true)
- {
- return CreateDistributed(aModule, null, allowCache);
- }
- public static RepoDistSettings CreateGlobal(bool allowCache = true)
- {
- return new RepoDistSettings(null, GitExtSettingsCache.Create(AppSettings.SettingsFilePath, allowCache));
- }
- #endregion
- public override void SetValue<T>(string name, T value, Func<T, string> encode)
- {
- bool isEffectiveLevel = LowerPriority != null && LowerPriority.LowerPriority != null;
- bool isDetachedOrGlobal = LowerPriority == null;
- if (isDetachedOrGlobal || //there is no lower level
- SettingsCache.HasValue(name))//or the setting is assigned on this level
- {
- SettingsCache.SetValue(name, value, encode);
- }
- else if (isEffectiveLevel)
- {
- //Settings stored at the Distributed level always have to be set directly
- //so I do not pass the control to the LowerPriority(Distributed)
- //in order to not overwrite the setting
- if (LowerPriority.SettingsCache.HasValue(name))
- {
- //if the setting is set at the Distributed level, do not overwrite it
- //instead of that, set the setting at the Local level to make it effective
- //but only if the effective value is different from the new value
- if (LowerPriority.SettingsCache.HasADifferentValue(name, value, encode))
- {
- SettingsCache.SetValue(name, value, encode);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //if the setting isn't set at the Distributed level, do not set it there
- //instead of that, set the setting at the Global level (it becomes effective then)
- LowerPriority.LowerPriority.SetValue(name, value, encode);
- }
- }
- else//the settings is not assigned on this level, recurse to the lower level
- {
- LowerPriority.SetValue(name, value, encode);
- }
- }
- public readonly BuildServer BuildServer;
- public bool NoFastForwardMerge
- {
- get { return this.GetBool("NoFastForwardMerge", false); }
- set { this.SetBool("NoFastForwardMerge", value); }
- }
- public string Dictionary
- {
- get { return this.GetString("dictionary", "en-US"); }
- set { this.SetString("dictionary", value); }
- }
- }
- public class BuildServer : SettingsPath
- {
- public readonly StringSetting Type;
- public readonly BoolNullableSetting EnableIntegration;
- public readonly BoolNullableSetting ShowBuildSummaryInGrid;
- public BuildServer(RepoDistSettings container)
- : base(container, "BuildServer")
- {
- Type = new StringSetting("Type", this, null);
- EnableIntegration = new BoolNullableSetting("EnableIntegration", this, false);
- ShowBuildSummaryInGrid = new BoolNullableSetting("ShowBuildSummaryInGrid", this, true);
- }
- public SettingsPath TypeSettings
- {
- get
- {
- return new SettingsPath(this, Type.Value);
- }
- }
- }
- }